Readme for Mike Lawson's and Steve Wise's CS 526 Fall 2003 Semster Project. This project depends upon the Windows Management Interface Tools (WMITools) as provided free from Microsoft. Go to and search for WMITools. This project used version 6.0.26 This project also depends upon the Java Webservices Developer Pack 1.3, which can be downloed from Sun Microsystems at the following URL: Download and follow the directions included for installation. This project also uses mechanisms as found in the Java API for XML Messaging which located at the following URL: Download, install and integrate with the JWSDP as indicated in the included documentation. This project used the following product versions as a baseline: WMITools 6.0.26 JDK 1.4.1 JWSDP 1.3 JAXM 1.1 Windows XP Professional These products must be installed on each computer to be managed. In the case of this project, the Central Controller and Managed Node are one and the same. Unjar the project files via: jar -xvf project_src.jar You need to edit the file: src/centralcontroller/ and add a valid host in your system. The format of the file is extremely simple. You'll have to copy and modify the Lawsonm01.jsp page to match your configuration. (Note, in a real implementation, this would be generated dynamically). Compile the project by issuing the following command in the src/ directory of the project source directory: {jwsdp_home}\apache-ant\bin\ant where {jwsdp_home} is the directory where you installed the web services developer pack. Deploy the application by issuing the following command in the src/ directory of the project source directory: {jwsdp_home}\apache-ant\bin\ant deploy This will copy the web archive to Tomcat's web applications directory and deploy the required VBS script and other supporting file to the appropriate locations in the Tomcat structure. Start Tomcat via: {jwsdp_home}\bin\startup.bat Use your browser and surf to http://localhost:8080 and follow the links.