// $Id: external_comm.c,v 2003/09/10 00:56:17 scipio Exp $ /* tab:4 * "Copyright (c) 2000-2003 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, the following * two paragraphs and the author appear in all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS." * * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Intel Corporation * All rights reserved. * * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached INTEL-LICENSE * file. If you do not find these files, copies can be found by writing to * Intel Research Berkeley, 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 1300, Berkeley, CA, * 94704. Attention: Intel License Inquiry. */ #if defined(__CYGWIN__) // CSS 24 Jun 2003: I can't find Cygwin's 64-bit byte-swap; this works. #define htonll(x) bswap_64(x) #define ntohll(x) bswap_64(x) #define swap_type(type,a,b) { type t=(a); (a)=(b); (b)=t; } int64_t bswap_64( int64_t n ) { int8_t* p = (int8_t*)&n; swap_type( int8_t, p[0], p[7] ); swap_type( int8_t, p[1], p[6] ); swap_type( int8_t, p[2], p[5] ); swap_type( int8_t, p[3], p[4] ); return n; } #else//if defined(__CYGWIN__) #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN # define htonll(x) (x) # define ntohll(x) (x) #else # if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN # define htonll(x) __bswap_64(x) # define ntohll(x) __bswap_64(x) # endif #endif #endif//if defined(__CYGWIN__) #define localAddr INADDR_LOOPBACK #define EC_DEBUG(_x) int commandServerSocket = -1; int eventServerSocket = -1; int commandClients[MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS]; norace int eventClients[MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS]; pthread_t clientAcceptThread; pthread_t commandReadThread; pthread_mutex_t commandClientsLock; pthread_cond_t commandClientsCond; pthread_mutex_t eventClientsLock; pthread_cond_t eventClientsCond; /* UART/radio Messages injected by commands */ TOS_Msg external_comm_msgs_[TOSNODES]; TOS_MsgPtr external_comm_buffers_[TOSNODES]; norace static int GUI_enabled; int createServerSocket(short port); void *clientAcceptThreadFunc(void *arg); void *commandReadThreadFunc(void *arg); /*************************************************************************** * Initialization ***************************************************************************/ void initializeSockets() { int i; dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Initializing sockets\n"); pthread_mutex_init(&(tos_state.pause_lock), NULL); pthread_cond_init(&(tos_state.pause_cond), NULL); pthread_cond_init(&(tos_state.pause_ack_cond), NULL); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; i++) { commandClients[i] = -1; eventClients[i] = -1; } commandServerSocket = createServerSocket(COMMAND_PORT); eventServerSocket = createServerSocket(EVENT_PORT); pthread_mutex_init(&eventClientsLock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&commandClientsLock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&commandClientsCond, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&eventClientsCond, NULL); pthread_create(&clientAcceptThread, NULL, clientAcceptThreadFunc, NULL); pthread_create(&commandReadThread, NULL, commandReadThreadFunc, NULL); socketsInitialized = 1; } /*************************************************************************** * Socket management ***************************************************************************/ int acceptConnection(int servfd) { struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; int clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); int clifd; EC_DEBUG(dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Waiting for connection on socket %d\n", servfd)); clifd = accept(servfd, (struct sockaddr*)&cli_addr, &clilen); if (clifd < 0) { EC_DEBUG(dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Could not accept socket: %s\n", strerror(errno))); // MDW: Maybe want to return -1 and keep going exit(-1); } EC_DEBUG(dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Accepted client socket: fd %d\n", clifd)); return clifd; } int createServerSocket(short port) { struct sockaddr_in sock; int sfd; int rval = -1; long enable = 1; memset(&sock, 0, sizeof(sock)); sock.sin_family = AF_INET; sock.sin_port = htons(port); sock.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(localAddr); sfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sfd < 0) { dbg_clear(DBG_SIM|DBG_ERROR, "SIM: Could not create server socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } setsockopt(sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&enable, sizeof(int)); while(rval < 0) { rval = bind(sfd, (struct sockaddr*)&sock, sizeof(sock)); if (rval < 0) { dbg_clear(DBG_SIM|DBG_ERROR, "SIM: Could not bind server socket to port %d: %s\n", port, strerror(errno)); dbg_clear(DBG_SIM|DBG_ERROR, "SIM: Perhaps another copy of TOSSIM is already running?\n"); dbg_clear(DBG_SIM|DBG_ERROR, "SIM: Will retry in 10 seconds.\n"); sleep(10); } } if (listen(sfd, 1) < 0) { dbg_clear(DBG_SIM|DBG_ERROR, "SIM: Could not listen on server socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Created server socket listening on port %d.\n", port); return sfd; } /* XXX MDW REMOVE THESE ?? */ /* XXX MDW: Rewrite these to send debug messages */ //int notifyTaskPosted(char* task) { // return 0; //} /* XXX MDW: Rewrite these to send debug messages */ //int notifyEventSignaled(char* event) { // return 0; //} /* XXX MDW: Rewrite these to send debug messages */ //int notifyCommandCalled(char* command) { // return 0; //} /*************************************************************************** * Utilities ***************************************************************************/ void waitForGuiConnection() { int numclients = 0; int n; dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Waiting for connection from GUI...\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&eventClientsLock); while (numclients == 0) { for (n = 0; n < MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; n++) { if (eventClients[n] != -1) { dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Got client connection fd %d\n", eventClients[n]); numclients++; } } if (numclients == 0) { pthread_cond_wait(&eventClientsCond, &eventClientsLock); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventClientsLock); } int printOtherTime(char* buf, int len, long long int ftime) { int hours; int minutes; int seconds; int secondBillionths; secondBillionths = (int)(ftime % (long long) 4000000); seconds = (int)(ftime / (long long) 4000000); minutes = seconds / 60; hours = minutes / 60; secondBillionths *= (long long) 25; seconds %= 60; minutes %= 60; return snprintf(buf, len, "%i:%i:%i.%08i", hours, minutes, seconds, secondBillionths); } int printTime(char* buf, int len) { return printOtherTime(buf, len, tos_state.tos_time); } void addClient(int *clientSockets, int clifd) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if (clientSockets[i] == -1) { clientSockets[i] = clifd; return; } } // client state is full - drop connection close(clifd); } /*************************************************************************** * Client accept thread ***************************************************************************/ void *clientAcceptThreadFunc(void *arg) { int clifd; fd_set acceptset; int highest = (commandServerSocket>eventServerSocket)?commandServerSocket:eventServerSocket; dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: clientAcceptThread running.\n"); while (1) { FD_ZERO(&acceptset); FD_SET(commandServerSocket, &acceptset); FD_SET(eventServerSocket, &acceptset); EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: clientAcceptThread: calling select\n")); if (select(highest+1, &acceptset, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) { EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: clientAcceptThreadFunc: error in select(): %s\n", strerror(errno))); } EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: clientAcceptThread: select returned\n")); /* Command socket */ if (FD_ISSET(commandServerSocket, &acceptset)) { EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: clientAcceptThread: Checking for command connection\n")); clifd = acceptConnection(commandServerSocket); EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: clientAcceptThread: Got command connection %d\n", clifd)); pthread_mutex_lock(&commandClientsLock); addClient(commandClients, clifd); pthread_cond_broadcast(&commandClientsCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&commandClientsLock); } /* Event socket */ if (FD_ISSET(eventServerSocket, &acceptset)) { EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: clientAcceptThread: Checking for event connection\n")); clifd = acceptConnection(eventServerSocket); EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: clientAcceptThread: Got event connection %d\n", clifd)); pthread_mutex_lock(&eventClientsLock); addClient(eventClients, clifd); pthread_cond_broadcast(&eventClientsCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventClientsLock); } } return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * Reading and processing incoming commands ***************************************************************************/ /* Event type for incoming commands */ typedef struct { GuiMsg* msg; char* payLoad; } incoming_command_data_t; // Commands invoke the following functions. // XXX These should be in a header file. void nido_start_mote(uint16_t moteID); void nido_stop_mote(uint16_t moteID); TOS_MsgPtr NIDO_received_radio(TOS_MsgPtr packet); TOS_MsgPtr NIDO_received_uart(TOS_MsgPtr packet); void set_link_prob_value(uint16_t moteID1, uint16_t moteID2, double prob); void event_command_cleanup(event_t* event) { incoming_command_data_t* cmdData = (incoming_command_data_t*)event->data; free(cmdData->msg); free(cmdData->payLoad); event_total_cleanup(event); } void event_command_in_handle(event_t* event, struct TOS_state* state); void event_command_in_create(event_t* event, GuiMsg* msg, char* payLoad) { incoming_command_data_t* data = (incoming_command_data_t*)malloc(sizeof(incoming_command_data_t)); data->msg = msg; data->payLoad = payLoad; event->mote = (int)(msg->moteID & 0xffff); if (event->mote < TOSNODES && event->mote > 0) { // no events for motes that don't exist event->force = 1; // XXX MDW: Not all commands should be 'force' } event->pause = 1; event->data = data; event->time = msg->time; event->handle = event_command_in_handle; event->cleanup = event_command_cleanup; } // Actually process a command. Most command types are turned into // events on the event queue, but others are processed instantaneously. void processCommand(GuiMsg *msg, char *payLoad) { switch (msg->msgType) { case AM_SETLINKPROBCOMMAND: { SetLinkProbCommand *linkmsg = (SetLinkProbCommand*)payLoad; double prob = ((double)linkmsg->scaledProb)/10000; set_link_prob_value(msg->moteID, linkmsg->moteReceiver, prob); break; } case AM_SETADCPORTVALUECOMMAND: { SetADCPortValueCommand *adcmsg = (SetADCPortValueCommand*)payLoad; set_adc_value(msg->moteID, adcmsg->port, adcmsg->value); break; } default: { // For all other commands, place on the event queue. // See event_command_in_handle for these event_t* event = (event_t*)malloc(sizeof(event_t)); event_command_in_create(event, msg, payLoad); dbg(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Enqueuing command event 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)event); TOS_queue_insert_event(event); } } } // Process commands that are posted to the event queue void event_command_in_handle(event_t* event, struct TOS_state* state) { incoming_command_data_t* cmdData = (incoming_command_data_t*)event->data; GuiMsg* msg = cmdData->msg; dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Handling incoming command type %d for mote %d\n", msg->msgType, msg->moteID); switch (msg->msgType) { case AM_TURNONMOTECOMMAND: dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Turning on mote %d\n", msg->moteID); nido_start_mote(msg->moteID); break; case AM_TURNOFFMOTECOMMAND: dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Turning off mote %d\n", msg->moteID); nido_stop_mote(msg->moteID); break; case AM_RADIOMSGSENDCOMMAND: { RadioMsgSendCommand *rmsg = (RadioMsgSendCommand*)cmdData->payLoad; TOS_MsgPtr buffer; dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Enqueueing radio message for mote %d (payloadlen %d)\n", msg->moteID, msg->payLoadLen); if (external_comm_buffers_[msg->moteID] == NULL) external_comm_buffers_[msg->moteID] = &external_comm_msgs_[msg->moteID]; buffer = external_comm_buffers_[msg->moteID]; memcpy(buffer, &(rmsg->message), msg->payLoadLen); buffer->group = TOS_AM_GROUP; external_comm_buffers_[msg->moteID] = NIDO_received_radio(buffer); } break; case AM_UARTMSGSENDCOMMAND: { UARTMsgSendCommand *umsg = (UARTMsgSendCommand*)cmdData->payLoad; TOS_MsgPtr buffer; int len = (msg->payLoadLen > sizeof(TOS_Msg))? sizeof(TOS_Msg):msg->payLoadLen; dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Enqueueing UART message for mote %d (payloadlen %d)\n", msg->moteID, msg->payLoadLen); if (external_comm_buffers_[msg->moteID] == NULL) external_comm_buffers_[msg->moteID] = &external_comm_msgs_[msg->moteID]; buffer = external_comm_buffers_[msg->moteID]; memcpy(buffer, &(umsg->message), len); buffer->group = TOS_AM_GROUP; external_comm_buffers_[msg->moteID] = NIDO_received_uart(buffer); } break; default: dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Unrecognizable command type received from TinyViz %i\n", msg->msgType); break; } event_cleanup(event); } // Read in a command from the given client socket and process it. // Returns 0 if successful, -1 if the client connection was closed int readTossimCommand(int clifd) { GuiMsg* msg; unsigned char *header; char* payLoad = NULL; int curlen = 0; int rval; unsigned char ack; dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Reading command from client fd %d\n", clifd); header = (unsigned char *)malloc(GUI_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH); msg = (GuiMsg*)malloc(sizeof(GuiMsg)); // read in header of GuiMsg curlen = 0; while (curlen < GUI_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH) { dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Reading in GuiMsg header of size %d with length %d\n", GUI_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH, curlen); rval = read(clifd, header + curlen, GUI_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH - curlen); if (rval <= 0) { dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Closing client socket %d.\n", clifd); free(msg); close(clifd); goto done; } else { curlen += rval; } } // fill in values into allocated GuiMsg msg->msgType = ntohs(*(unsigned short *)&header[0]); msg->moteID = ntohs(*(unsigned short *)&header[2]); msg->time = ntohll(*(long long *)&header[4]); msg->payLoadLen = ntohs(*(unsigned short *)&header[12]); dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Command type %d mote %d time 0x%lx payloadlen %d\n", msg->msgType, msg->moteID, msg->time, msg->payLoadLen); if (msg->time < tos_state.tos_time) { msg->time = tos_state.tos_time; } // read in payload if (msg->payLoadLen > 0) { payLoad = (char*)malloc(msg->payLoadLen); curlen = 0; while (curlen < msg->payLoadLen) { dbg(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Reading in GuiMsg payload of size %d with length %d\n", msg->payLoadLen, curlen); rval = read(clifd, payLoad + curlen, msg->payLoadLen - curlen); if (rval <= 0) { dbg(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Closing client socket %d.\n", clifd); free(msg); free(payLoad); goto done; } else { curlen += rval; dbg(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Read from command port, total: %d, need %d\n", curlen, msg->payLoadLen - curlen); } } } processCommand(msg, payLoad); do { rval = write(clifd, &ack, 1); if (rval < 0) { dbg(DBG_SIM, "SIM: Closing client socket %d.\n", clifd); goto done; } } while (rval != 1); done: return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * Command read thread ***************************************************************************/ void *commandReadThreadFunc(void *arg) { int i, found = 0; fd_set readset, exceptset; int highest; int numclients; struct timeval tv; dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: commandReadThread running.\n"); while (1) { // Wait for clients pthread_mutex_lock(&commandClientsLock); found = 0; while (!found) { FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_ZERO(&exceptset); highest = -1; numclients = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if (commandClients[i] != -1) { if (commandClients[i] > highest) highest = commandClients[i]; EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: commandReadThread: Adding fd %d to select set\n", commandClients[i])); FD_SET(commandClients[i], &readset); FD_SET(commandClients[i], &exceptset); found = 1; numclients++; } } if (!found) { EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: commandReadThread: Waiting for clients\n")); pthread_cond_wait(&commandClientsCond, &commandClientsLock); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&commandClientsLock); EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: commandReadThread: Doing select, %d clients, highest %d\n", numclients, highest)); // Need timeout so that we pick up new clients tv.tv_sec = 5; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(highest+1, &readset, NULL, &exceptset, &tv) < 0) { dbg_clear(DBG_SIM, "SIM: commandReadThreadFunc: error in select(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); } EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: commandReadThread: Returned from select\n")); pthread_mutex_lock(&commandClientsLock); // Read from clients and check for errors for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; i++) { EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "SIM: commandClients[i] %d except %d read %d\n", commandClients[i], ((commandClients[i] != -1)? FD_ISSET(commandClients[i], &exceptset) : -1), ((commandClients[i] != -1)? FD_ISSET(commandClients[i], &readset) : -1))); if (commandClients[i] != -1 && FD_ISSET(commandClients[i], &readset)) { if (readTossimCommand(commandClients[i]) < 0) { close(commandClients[i]); commandClients[i] = -1; } } if (commandClients[i] != -1 && FD_ISSET(commandClients[i], &exceptset)) { // Assume we need to close this one close(commandClients[i]); commandClients[i] = -1; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&commandClientsLock); } return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * Writing events ***************************************************************************/ // Write an event to the given client socket and wait for an ACK. // Returns 0 if successful, -1 if the client connection was closed int writeTossimEvent(void *data, int datalen, int clifd) { unsigned char ack; int i, j; /* Debugging only */ /* fprintf(stderr,"WRITING: "); * for (i = 0; i < datalen; i++) { * fprintf(stderr,"%2x ", ((unsigned char *)data)[i]); * } * fprintf(stderr,"\n"); */ EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr,"writeTossimEvent: fd %d datalen %d (0x%2x)\n", clifd, datalen, datalen)); j = 0; i = send(clifd, data, datalen, 0); if (i >= 0) j = read(clifd, &ack, 1); if ((i < 0) || (j < 0)) { EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "writeTossimEvent: Socket closed: %s\n", strerror(errno))); close(clifd); return -1; // XXX MDW: If -gui, should really wait for a new connection? // That's painful if we have multiple clients... } return 0; } /* Send a TOSSIM event to all clients connected to the event port. * Note that this requires waiting for an ACK from each client in turn. */ void sendTossimEvent(uint16_t moteID, uint16_t type, long long ftime, void *data) { unsigned char *msg; int n; int payload_size, total_size; int numclients = 0; int clients[MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS]; if (!socketsInitialized) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&eventClientsLock); while (numclients == 0) { for (n = 0; n < MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; n++) { clients[n] = -1; if (eventClients[n] != -1) { clients[n] = eventClients[n]; numclients++; } } // If no clients and '-gui', wait for a connection if (numclients == 0 && GUI_enabled) { EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "sendTossimEvent waiting for connection\n")); pthread_cond_wait(&eventClientsCond, &eventClientsLock); EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "sendTossimEvent woke up\n")); } else if (numclients == 0) { // No clients, but don't wait around for them pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventClientsLock); return; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventClientsLock); EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "sendTossimEvent: msgType %d (0x%02x) moteID %d (0x%02x)\n", type, type, moteID, moteID)); // Determine payload size switch (type) { case AM_DEBUGMSGEVENT: payload_size = sizeof(DebugMsgEvent); break; case AM_RADIOMSGSENTEVENT: payload_size = sizeof(RadioMsgSentEvent); break; case AM_UARTMSGSENTEVENT: payload_size = sizeof(RadioMsgSentEvent); break; case AM_ADCDATAREADYEVENT: payload_size = sizeof(ADCDataReadyEvent); break; case AM_TOSSIMINITEVENT: payload_size = sizeof(TossimInitEvent); break; default: EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "sendTossimEvent for invalid type: %d", type)); return; } total_size = GUI_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH + payload_size; msg = (unsigned char *)malloc(total_size); *(unsigned short *)(&msg[0]) = htons(type); *(unsigned short *)(&msg[2]) = htons(moteID); *(long long *)(&msg[4]) = htonll(ftime); *(unsigned short *)(&msg[12]) = htons(payload_size); memcpy(((unsigned char *)msg)+GUI_MSG_HEADER_LENGTH, data, payload_size); EC_DEBUG(fprintf(stderr, "sendTossimEvent: msgType %d (0x%02x) moteID %d (0x%02x) payload size %d total size %d\n", type, type, moteID, moteID, payload_size, total_size)); for (n = 0; n < MAX_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; n++) { if (clients[n] != -1) { if (writeTossimEvent(msg, total_size, clients[n]) < 0) { // Socket closed pthread_mutex_lock(&eventClientsLock); eventClients[n] = -1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventClientsLock); } } } free(msg); }