To install TinyOS (mostly) from source code (e.g., if you can't use the provided RPMs), do the following: A) REMOVE ALL TRACES OF PREVIOUS TOOLS (they will only cause problems), i.e. remove: - cygwin (on Windows) (but don't destroy your own files!!!) - avr-gcc, avr-binutils, avr-libc (possibly the WinAVR package, possible some rpms) - previous versions of nesC - previous versions of uisp - previous tinyos installs (again, don't desttou your work ;-)) B) Follow the installation directions for Windows and Linux below. On Windows (Win 2k and XP): - download and install Sun's 1.4 JDK, from - download our cygwin package from unzip this, and run the install.bat script - download Sun's javax.comm package from and install it as follows (instructions for a cygwin shell), assuming you install JDK in c:\Program Files\jdk: unzip cd commapi cp win32com.dll "c:\Program Files\jdk\jre\bin" chmod 755 "c:\Program Files\jdk\jre\bin\win32com.dll" cp comm.jar "c:\Program Files\jdk\jre\lib\ext" cp "c:\Program Files\jdk\jre\lib" - download graphviz from and install it by executing it - proceed to the common source part On Linux: - download and install IBMs 1.4 JDK and javax.comm rpms, currently at ( is a good starting point to find this) select the IBM SDK for 32-bit xSeries (Intel compatible) you will have to register download the IBMJava2-SDK and IBMJava2-JAVACOMM rpms, and install them - You should probably also change the permissions on /dev/ttyS to 666 for all serial ports that you will use, and on /dev/parport0 if you're programming via the parallel port. This will allow you to access these devices, and hence run uisp and SerialForwarder, as a normal user. - proceed to the common source part Common Installation (Linux and Windows) - Compile and install tools: Download the contents of the directory. Extract all the tarballs there. You should have versions of avarice, binutils, gcc, insight (aka gdb) and avr-libc. You need to ensure that you have libbfd.a and libiberty.a. If you can't find them (normally in /usr/lib), find the package that contains them and install it (on debian, it's binutils-dev, on Redhat it's binutils which you will have if you're attempting to compile anything...). For each of these tools, except avarice and avr-libc, cd into the directory and execute the .conf file from the download directory, then do make make install # (On Linux, do this as root) For avr-libc, you should execute the avr-libc*.conf script, then cd build make make install # (On Linux, do this as root) Before compiling avarice, you should remove the following files (they may cause problems with avarice, and probably other stuff too...): /usr/local/lib/libiberty.a /usr/local/lib/libmmalloc.a Once this is done, compile and install avarice like you did the other tools. - Compile and install nesC, and the TinyOS tools: Download nesC and TinyOS from directory. Extract the tinyos tarball where you wish tinyos to live, extract the nesC tarball inside the newly extracted tinyos-1.x directory. Alternately, you can fetch the tinyos-1.x tree from CVS on sourceforge (see install-cvs.txt for details). Compile nesC with: cd ./configure make make install # (On Linux, do this as root) Then, change back to the tinyos-1.x directory, and install the tinyos tools: make make install # (On Linux, do this as root) If you use bash, copy the tinyos-1.x/tools/scripts/ to /etc/profile.d/, and edit to contain the correct value for TOSROOT (this assumes your setup runs the scripts in /etc/profile.d, if not, place the contents of in your shell startup scripts) If you use tcsh, edit your startup scripts to do the same things as does for bash. - Finally, compile the java tools: first, create a new shell (to get the correct environment), then change to the tinyos-1.x directory, and do: cd tools/java make