To install the TinyOS CVS tree from sourceforge, assuming you have already installed the TinyOS 1.1 distribution, do the following: - Remove your tinyos tree from the installation (if you've made changes, save these somewhere first!): rpm -e tinyos - Check tinyos out from the sourceforge CVS repository: cvs login cvs -z3 co tinyos-1.x - If you use bash, copy the tinyos-1.x/tools/scripts/ to /etc/profile.d/, and edit it to contain the correct value for TOSROOT (this assumes your setup runs the scripts in /etc/profile.d, if not, place the contents of in your shell startup scripts) If you use tcsh, edit your startup scripts to do the same things as does for bash. From here on, work in new shells to get your new environment - If the tinyos-1.x tree has new tools, you can compile and install them by doing: cd $TOSROOT make make install # (as root on Linux) - Compile the java code: cd $TOSROOT/tinyos-1.x/tools/java make