COMPONENT=XnpRfmToLeds SENSORBOARD=basicsb #CFLAGS= -v include ../Makerules # Special installation with bootloader for In-Network Programming # This requires modification to apps/Makerules for new target 'inp' which # loads bootloader or typing the command line manually. # # Loading application SREC: this can be done with 'make install' or # 'make reinstall' # # @echo " installing $(PLATFORM) binary" # @#$(SET_ID) $(MAIN_SREC) $(MAIN_SREC).out `echo $@ |sed 's:reinstall.::g'` # $(SET_ID) $(MAIN_SREC) $(MAIN_SREC).out `echo $@ |perl -pe 's/^reinstall.//; $$_=hex if /^0x/i;'` # uisp -dprog=dapa -dpart=ATmega128 --wr_fuse_e=ff --erase # sleep 1 # uisp -dprog=dapa -dpart=ATmega128 --wr_fuse_e=ff --upload if=$(MAIN_SREC).out # sleep 1 # uisp -dprog=dapa -dpart=ATmega128 --wr_fuse_e=ff --verify if=$(MAIN_SREC).out # sleep 1 # # Load Bootloader over top: this can be done with 'make inp' # # uisp -dprog=dapa --upload if=inpispm2d.srec # mica2dot # uisp -dprog=dapa --wr_fuse_e=ff --upload if=inpispm2.srec # mica2