Linux Virtual Server

Install LVS

1. Upgrade kernel to 2.4.21

1.1. Put kernel source code in /usr/src/linux directory

1.2. Backup Existing Kernel Configurations and Reuse a Specific Existing Kernel Configuration

1.3 Apply IP-VS patches

1.4. Kernel Compilation

1.5. Add new compiled kernel to the list managed by GRUB loader

1.6. Make the ipvs module

1.7. LVS-NAT configuration

Set up round robin scheduling

1.8. Configure LVS-DR.

A dlvsnat cluster was set up on dilbert with as IP address and use two real servers: rsnat3 and rsnat4.
You can login as root and use our normal password. When you finish your experiment, run the /root/lvs/ to reset the cluster back to round robin.

I also set up dilhose for your hw3 exercise. You can run lvs using (, rsnat5 and rsnat6 real server there.

The lvsnat cluster was set up as a reference director. You can only login as cs526.

When you finishes the exercises, email me or chat with me to set up demo.