CS526 S2005 Homeworks

Homework#1: Configure Apache as web server, cache server, ReverseProxy, and use httperf to measure web server performance due 2/1/2005

Homework #1. Configure Apache as web server, cache server, ReverseProxy and use httperf to measure web server performance


Assignment Date: 1/25/2005
Due Day: 2/1/2005

Part 1. Create a personal web page with your email, recent photo (close-up similar to passport photo, so that we can recognize your face) and your research interests in advanced Internet and web systems. Put your recent photo in ~<login>/public_html/images/<login>.[jpg|gif|png]. Email me the url of the web page by 1/29/2005.

Part 2. Exercise 1. Configure apache to run as a web server

Unfortunately, the cache module was removed from the apache 1.3 in apache 2.0. I just recompiled apache 1.3.28. To simplify the task, instead of using the tempate file in ~cs526/public_html/apache we will use ~cs526/public_html/apache1.3

Exercise 2. Setup Cache Server
Exercise 3. Setup ReverseProxy Server/Cluster.

Exercise 4. Evaluate Web Server Performance using httperf.

Exercise 4b: Evaluate Web Server Performance using WebBench (optional)

Create a homework web page hw1.html with the above answers (provides links to the log files in your homework web sites and Excel spread sheet file). Check those links make sure they are ok.
