CS526 F2002 Homeworks

Homework #1. Set up web page, due 9/9/2002

Homework#2: Configure a web cluster using Apache ReverseProxy due 9/18/2002

Homework#3: Configure a Linux Secure Content Switch, part1 due 10/21/2002; part2 due 10/28/2002

Homework #4. Configure Intel 7110 SSL Accelerator and 7280 Content Switch due 11/13/2002

Homework #5. Customize JSP Tag and XML/DTD due 12/7/2002

Homework #2. Configure a web cluster using Apache ReverseProxy.

Goal: Assignment Date: 9/9/2002
Due Day: 9/18/2002
Exercise 1. Configure apache to run as a web server
Exercise 2. Setup Cache Server
Exercise 3. Setup ReverseProxy Server/Cluster.
Exercise 4. CDN related Questions