Hit selects submenus --->. │ │ Highlighted letters are hotkeys. Pressing includes, excludes, │ │ modularizes features. Press to exit, for Help. │ │ Legend: [*] built-in [ ] excluded module < > module capable From the top menu, hit downarrow to select Networking Support ---> submenu. Hit enter after the Networking Support menu was selected. From the Network Support menu, hit downarrow to select networking option submmeu. Hit enter there. From the Networking options menu, hit downarrow about 16 times to select the "IP: Virtual Server Configuration submenu". From the IP: Virtual Server Configuration submenu, select 1. round robin 2. weighted round robin 3. least connection 4. weighted least connection Exit the IP: Virtual Server Configuration menu, by hiting the Esc key. From the Networking option menu, select the Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains) submenu. It is the two submenu down from the IP: Virtual Servr Configuration submenu. Select IP: Netfilter Configuration submenu. Hit enter. Select all options here. There are quite a few options there, related to the firewall filtering features on different header field. Our exercise uses NAT and Masquerade. Conclude the menu seletion by hitting Esc keys until it says "Do you wish to save your new kernel configuration?" Hit enter or Y to confirm the choice.