Fix the fc3c. 1. Start the 2. scp -r @sanluis:public_html/hw4/lvs . 3. shutdown -h now 4. Run to create three copy-on-write (cow) file system for three virtual machines. 5. Create three terminal windows. cd sis. run,, on each window. 6. Login to each virtual machine. cd directory with the name of the machine. 7. run This will set the hostname, configure the interface with IP, set default gateway, set /etc/hosts file, set default web page, and start the httpd. Note that when starts the vi of our virtual machine, it warns that "skip 6 old sessions". We can clean it up by remove the old session files in /var/tmp To change the display mode from html to nornal (plain text) mode. in vi(elvis) type :no (for normal) I guest. In /usr/share/elvis-2.2_0/elvis.arf we can set display mode for files with .html to be normal instead of html (line 28).