Nadine Sundquist Homework 4

Part 1:

The following shows the two initial Blink exercises:

The following three figures show the TinyOS functioning.

The following images show two different sensors and their signal strengths:

Part II:

For Part II, I partnered up with Andrea Brunner. We ran through all of the simulations without any modifications first, and we were successful in getting all of the exercises to work. After we had done all the exercises without modifications, we went into the Ex2 (Sounder) application, and we changed some of the constants to see if we could get a more responsive device. We found, that by upping the constant that used to be 100, we were able to make the sounder more responsive to light. We even got it to the point where the sounder would permanently beep because no degree of darkness was necessary. I felt like a kid again! Due to time constraints from other projects, I was not able to modify that much of the code, but I thought it was still a very good learning experience by just going through and reading the code.

I really enjoyed Part II of this assignment, and I think it is a great way for a software engineer to have the opportunity to apply software knowledge to a hands-on and more hardware-based exercise. Having a bit of a change from just the everyday coding was a lot of fun!