/* Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as * applicable. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "apr_general.h" #if APR_HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #if APR_HAVE_STDIO_H #include #endif #if APR_HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include "cache_pqueue.h" #define left(i) (2*(i)) #define right(i) ((2*(i))+1) #define parent(i) ((i)/2) /* * Priority queue structure */ struct cache_pqueue_t { apr_ssize_t size; apr_ssize_t avail; apr_ssize_t step; cache_pqueue_get_priority pri; cache_pqueue_getpos get; cache_pqueue_setpos set; void **d; }; cache_pqueue_t *cache_pq_init(apr_ssize_t n, cache_pqueue_get_priority pri, cache_pqueue_getpos get, cache_pqueue_setpos set) { cache_pqueue_t *q; if (!(q = malloc(sizeof(cache_pqueue_t)))) { return NULL; } /* Need to allocate n+1 elements since element 0 isn't used. */ if (!(q->d = malloc(sizeof(void*) * (n+1)))) { free(q); return NULL; } q->avail = q->step = (n+1); /* see comment above about n+1 */ q->pri = pri; q->size = 1; q->get = get; q->set = set; return q; } /* * cleanup */ void cache_pq_free(cache_pqueue_t *q) { free(q->d); free(q); } /* * pqsize: size of the queue. */ apr_ssize_t cache_pq_size(cache_pqueue_t *q) { /* queue element 0 exists but doesn't count since it isn't used. */ return (q->size - 1); } static void cache_pq_bubble_up(cache_pqueue_t *q, apr_ssize_t i) { apr_ssize_t parent_node; void *moving_node = q->d[i]; long moving_pri = q->pri(moving_node); for (parent_node = parent(i); ((i > 1) && (q->pri(q->d[parent_node]) < moving_pri)); i = parent_node, parent_node = parent(i)) { q->d[i] = q->d[parent_node]; q->set(q->d[i], i); } q->d[i] = moving_node; q->set(moving_node, i); } static apr_ssize_t maxchild(cache_pqueue_t *q, apr_ssize_t i) { apr_ssize_t child_node = left(i); if (child_node >= q->size) return 0; if ((child_node+1 < q->size) && (q->pri(q->d[child_node+1]) > q->pri(q->d[child_node]))) { child_node++; /* use right child instead of left */ } return child_node; } static void cache_pq_percolate_down(cache_pqueue_t *q, apr_ssize_t i) { apr_ssize_t child_node; void *moving_node = q->d[i]; long moving_pri = q->pri(moving_node); while ((child_node = maxchild(q, i)) && (moving_pri < q->pri(q->d[child_node]))) { q->d[i] = q->d[child_node]; q->set(q->d[i], i); i = child_node; } q->d[i] = moving_node; q->set(moving_node, i); } apr_status_t cache_pq_insert(cache_pqueue_t *q, void *d) { void *tmp; apr_ssize_t i; apr_ssize_t newsize; if (!q) return APR_EGENERAL; /* allocate more memory if necessary */ if (q->size >= q->avail) { newsize = q->size + q->step; if (!(tmp = realloc(q->d, sizeof(void*) * newsize))) { return APR_EGENERAL; }; q->d = tmp; q->avail = newsize; } /* insert item */ i = q->size++; q->d[i] = d; cache_pq_bubble_up(q, i); return APR_SUCCESS; } /* * move a existing entry to a new priority */ void cache_pq_change_priority(cache_pqueue_t *q, long old_priority, long new_priority, void *d) { apr_ssize_t posn; posn = q->get(d); if (new_priority > old_priority) cache_pq_bubble_up(q, posn); else cache_pq_percolate_down(q, posn); } apr_status_t cache_pq_remove(cache_pqueue_t *q, void *d) { apr_ssize_t posn = q->get(d); q->d[posn] = q->d[--q->size]; if (q->pri(q->d[posn]) > q->pri(d)) cache_pq_bubble_up(q, posn); else cache_pq_percolate_down(q, posn); return APR_SUCCESS; } void *cache_pq_pop(cache_pqueue_t *q) { void *head; if (!q || q->size == 1) return NULL; head = q->d[1]; q->d[1] = q->d[--q->size]; cache_pq_percolate_down(q, 1); return head; } void *cache_pq_peek(cache_pqueue_t *q) { void *d; if (!q || q->size == 1) return NULL; d = q->d[1]; return d; } static void cache_pq_set_null( void*d, apr_ssize_t val) { /* do nothing */ } /* * this is a debug function.. so it's EASY not fast */ void cache_pq_dump(cache_pqueue_t *q, FILE*out, cache_pqueue_print_entry print) { int i; fprintf(stdout,"posn\tleft\tright\tparent\tmaxchild\t...\n"); for (i = 1; i < q->size ;i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%" APR_SSIZE_T_FMT "\t", i, left(i), right(i), parent(i), maxchild(q, i)); print(out, q->d[i]); } } /* * this is a debug function.. so it's EASY not fast */ void cache_pq_print(cache_pqueue_t *q, FILE*out, cache_pqueue_print_entry print) { cache_pqueue_t *dup; dup = cache_pq_init(q->size, q->pri, q->get, cache_pq_set_null); dup->size = q->size; dup->avail = q->avail; dup->step = q->step; memcpy(dup->d, q->d, q->size*sizeof(void*)); while (cache_pq_size(dup) > 1) { void *e = NULL; e = cache_pq_pop(dup); if (e) print(out, e); else break; } cache_pq_free(dup); } static int cache_pq_subtree_is_valid(cache_pqueue_t *q, int pos) { if (left(pos) < q->size) { /* has a left child */ if (q->pri(q->d[pos]) < q->pri(q->d[left(pos)])) return 0; if (!cache_pq_subtree_is_valid(q, left(pos))) return 0; } if (right(pos) < q->size) { /* has a right child */ if (q->pri(q->d[pos]) < q->pri(q->d[right(pos)])) return 0; if (!cache_pq_subtree_is_valid(q, right(pos))) return 0; } return 1; } int cache_pq_is_valid(cache_pqueue_t *q) { return cache_pq_subtree_is_valid(q, 1); }