/* * GNTConduit.java * * Created on November 15, 2003, 10:27 PM */ package gnt; import palm.conduit.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import javax.sql.*; /** * * @author Mike Kirschman */ public class GNTConduit implements Conduit{ SyncProperties props = null; String pcGNTFilePath, backupFilePath; Vector pcTextRecords, pcGraphicsRecords, archiveRecords, pcCategories; int textDB, graphicsDB, count, i; Class recordClass; GNTWriter writer; RecordManager textRecordMgr, graphicsRecordMgr; // CategoryManager categoryMgr; /** Creates a new instance of GNTConduit */ public GNTConduit(){ } public int configure(ConfigureConduitInfo configureConduitInfo) { return 0; } public String name() { return "GNoteT Conduit"; } /** *

The "entry point" into the control of the Conduit. This method gets * called during the HotSync.

    The steps executed by this method are as follows: *
  1. Initialize variables to handle the records.
  2. *
  3. Determine a path and name for the desktop data file.
  4. *
  5. *
  6. Open the handheld database that you will be synchronizing with.
  7. *
  8. Read the data from the desktop.
  9. *
  10. Synchronize the records.
  11. *
  12. Synchronize the categories.
  13. *
  14. Write out the archive files, if there are any.
  15. *
  16. Write out the main desktop data file and copy that into the backup file.
  17. *
  18. Close the database.
  19. *
  20. Finalize the conduit and exit.
* @see palm.conduit.Conduit#open(palm.conduit.SyncProperties) */ public void open(SyncProperties syncProperties) { // Grab the SyncProperties passed in this.props = syncProperties; // Initialize MemoWriter for read/write to desktop writer = new GNTWriter(); // Generate a file path for desktop data pcGNTFilePath = new String(props.pathName + props.localName); // Create vectors for records and categories pcTextRecords = new Vector(); pcGraphicsRecords = new Vector(); archiveRecords = new Vector(); // pcCategories = new Vector(); // Generate name for backup File String frontPart; int index = props.localName.lastIndexOf("."); if(index != -1) { frontPart = props.pathName + props.localName.substring(0, index); } else { frontPart = pcGNTFilePath; } backupFilePath = frontPart + ".bak"; try{ // Get the class to be used for RecordManager recordClass = Class.forName("gnt.GNTRecord"); GNTRecord.resetRecordCount(); // Open handheld DBs textDB = SyncManager.openDB("GNTTextDB", 0, SyncManager.OPEN_READ | SyncManager.OPEN_WRITE | SyncManager.OPEN_EXCLUSIVE); // graphicsExist = textDB // graphicsDB = SyncManager.openDB("GNTGrphDB", 0, SyncManager.OPEN_READ | // SyncManager.OPEN_WRITE | // SyncManager.OPEN_EXCLUSIVE); // Create instance of RecordManager for sync logic textRecordMgr = new RecordManager(props, textDB, recordClass); // graphicsRecordMgr = new RecordManager(props, graphicsDB, recordClass); // // Create instance of CategoryManager to sync // categoryMgr = new CategoryManager(props, textDB); // Read all records from desktop file pcTextRecords = writer.readRecords(pcGNTFilePath); // pcGraphicsRecords = writer.readRecords(pcGNTFilePath); // // Read all categories from desktop file // pcCategories = writer.readCategories(pcGNTFilePath); // Tell the log we are starting Log.startSync(); if(pcTextRecords.size() == 0) { pcTextRecords = textRecordMgr.copyHHRecords(); // pcGraphicsRecords = graphicsRecordMgr.copyHHRecords(); } else { switch(props.syncType) { case SyncProperties.SYNC_FAST : textRecordMgr.fastSyncData(pcTextRecords, archiveRecords); // graphicsRecordMgr.fastSyncData(pcGraphicsRecords, archiveRecords); break; case SyncProperties.SYNC_SLOW : // read the backup file, slow sync the recs Vector buRecs = writer.readRecords(backupFilePath); pcTextRecords = textRecordMgr.slowSyncData(pcTextRecords, archiveRecords, buRecs); // pcGraphicsRecords = graphicsRecordMgr.slowSyncData(pcTextRecords, archiveRecords, buRecs); break; case SyncProperties.SYNC_HH_TO_PC : // Copy the HH records to the desktop pcTextRecords = textRecordMgr.copyHHRecords(); // pcGraphicsRecords = graphicsRecordMgr.copyHHRecords(); break; case SyncProperties.SYNC_PC_TO_HH : // remove all the records on HH db and copy desktop recs to HH pcTextRecords = textRecordMgr.copyPCRecords(pcTextRecords); // pcGraphicsRecords = graphicsRecordMgr.copyPCRecords(pcGraphicsRecords); break; case SyncProperties.SYNC_DO_NOTHING : // Do nothing here. Log.endSync(); return; } } // Use the category manager to sync categories // pcCategories = categoryMgr.synchronize(pcCategories, pcTextRecords); //since we're ignoring the categories, make a zero length substitute pcCategories = new Vector(0); // Write backup files writer.writeData(pcGNTFilePath, pcTextRecords, pcCategories); // writer.writeData(pcGNTFilePath, pcGraphicsRecords, pcCategories); writer.writeData(backupFilePath, pcTextRecords, pcCategories); // Archive the items for archiving doArchives(); // Close handheld's database SyncManager.closeDB(textDB); // SyncManager.closeDB(graphicsDB); // Signal end of sync Log.endSync(); return; } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); Log.abortSync(); } } void doArchives(){ try{ if(archiveRecords.size() > 0) { writer.writeArchiveRecords(props.pathName, archiveRecords, pcCategories); } } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } }