(object Petal version 44 _written "Rose 7.1.9642.27" charSet 0) (object Design "Logical View" is_unit TRUE is_loaded TRUE quid "3DBB0D1A01D9" defaults (object defaults rightMargin 0.250000 leftMargin 0.250000 topMargin 0.250000 bottomMargin 0.500000 pageOverlap 0.250000 clipIconLabels TRUE autoResize TRUE snapToGrid TRUE gridX 16 gridY 16 defaultFont (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) showMessageNum 3 showClassOfObject TRUE notation "Unified") root_usecase_package (object Class_Category "Use Case View" quid "3DBB0D1A01E3" exportControl "Public" global TRUE logical_models (list unit_reference_list) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object UseCaseDiagram "Main" quid "3DBB0D290087" title "Main" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list)))) root_category (object Class_Category "Logical View" quid "3DBB0D1A01DA" exportControl "Public" global TRUE subsystem "Component View" quidu "3DBB0D1A025B" logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Association "$UNNAMED$0" quid "3DBB16DC0226" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$1" quid "3DBB16DD0263" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n") Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$2" quid "3DBB16DD026D" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") is_navigable TRUE is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$3" quid "3DBB170602DA" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$4" quid "3DBB170701BA" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$5" quid "3DBB170701BC" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" client_cardinality (value cardinality "n") is_navigable TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$6" quid "3DBB171400AA" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$7" quid "3DBB171501E2" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$8" quid "3DBB171501EC" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$9" quid "3DBB17EE0392" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$10" quid "3DBB17F0004C" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::RoutingTable" quidu "3DBB157D02D5" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$11" quid "3DBB17F0004E" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpModule" quidu "3DEAA46502E8" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$12" quid "3DBB17FB0160" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$13" quid "3DBB17FC01EE" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ArpCache" quidu "3DBB15840362" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$14" quid "3DBB17FC01F8" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpModule" quidu "3DEAA46502E8" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$15" quid "3DBB1C4001C6" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$16" quid "3DBB1C4101BD" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::Observer" quidu "3DBB1C1C025A" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$17" quid "3DBB1C4101BF" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::Model" quidu "3DBB1C1701A9"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$18" quid "3DBB1C47018A" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$19" quid "3DBB1C480177" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::ClientInterface" quidu "3DCD781100B4" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$20" quid "3DBB1C480181" supplier "Logical View::Application::Main::MainDlg" quidu "3DBB1BBB0020"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$21" quid "3DBDFE8D034E" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$22" quid "3DBDFE8F00E4" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComponent" quidu "3DBDFE6A00C3" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$23" quid "3DBDFE8F00EE" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComposite" quidu "3DBDFE78038A" is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$24" quid "3DBDFEAA0328" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$25" quid "3DBDFEAA0329" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComponent" quidu "3DBDFE6A00C3" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n") Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$26" quid "3DBDFEAA032A" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" quidu "3DBB151B0202" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$27" quid "3DCD7789004B" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$28" quid "3DCD77890221" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" quidu "3DBB151B0202" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "Global Accessor" quid "3DCD7789022B" label "Global Accessor" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::SystemMgr" quidu "3DCD777D0007" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$29" quid "3DCD8EE000C4" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$30" quid "3DCD8EE2012B" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" quidu "3DBB151B0202" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$31" quid "3DCD8EE2012D" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$32" quid "3DCD8F030350" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$33" quid "3DCD8F060137" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" quidu "3DBB151B0202" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$34" quid "3DCD8F060139" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$35" quid "3DD1446B0274" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$36" quid "3DD1446B036E" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$37" quid "3DD1446B0378" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Network" quidu "3DBB1A4A0138" is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$38" quid "3DD27D2101D1" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$39" quid "3DD27D22001A" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComponent" quidu "3DBDFE6A00C3" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$40" quid "3DD27D220024" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::UserHandle" quidu "3DD27D0F01FD" client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$41" quid "3DD27D2701EE" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$42" quid "3DD27D2703CE" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::UserHandle" quidu "3DD27D0F01FD" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$43" quid "3DD27D2703D0" supplier "Logical View::Application::Main::MainDlg" quidu "3DBB1BBB0020"))) (object Class_Category "System" quid "3DBDF06B0186" exportControl "Public" logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Class_Category "SystemMgr" quid "3DBDF0530196" exportControl "Public" logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Class "NetworkModel" quid "3DBB151B0202" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DBB1C32025C" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::Model" quidu "3DBB1C1701A9") (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DCD783C035F" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::ClientInterface" quidu "3DCD781100B4"))) (object Class "Network" quid "3DBB1A4A0138" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DBDFED20326" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComposite" quidu "3DBDFE78038A"))) (object Class "Link" quid "3DBB15CF0279" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DBDFEE20383" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkElement" quidu "3DBDFE6F011A")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "Relay" quid "3DD6BAD503C3" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0))) (object Class "NetworkComponent" quid "3DBDFE6A00C3" used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DD27DC20010" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::SystemMgr" quidu "3DCD777D0007") (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DE40D6801E3" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Command" quidu "3DE40D57033D"))) (object Class "NetworkElement" quid "3DBDFE6F011A" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DBDFE88031F" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComponent" quidu "3DBDFE6A00C3"))) (object Class "NetworkComposite" quid "3DBDFE78038A" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DBDFE8B00F3" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComponent" quidu "3DBDFE6A00C3"))) (object Class "SystemMgr" quid "3DCD777D0007") (object Class "ClientInterface" quid "3DCD781100B4" stereotype "Interface") (object Class "Command" quid "3DE40D57033D" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DE40DE002E0" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::VariableParmContainer" quidu "3DE40DBB00DE")))) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object ClassDiagram "NetworkModel" quid "3DBB1ABB03BB" title "NetworkModel" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Network" @1 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (2048, 1488) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @1 location (1958, 1442) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 180 justify 0 label "Network") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB1A4A0138" width 198 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkElement" @2 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1424, 1152) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @2 location (1261, 1106) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 326 justify 0 label "NetworkElement") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBDFE6F011A" width 344 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComposite" @3 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (2048, 1168) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @3 location (1859, 1122) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 378 justify 0 label "NetworkComposite") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBDFE78038A" width 396 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @4 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFED20326" client @1 supplier @3 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComponent" @5 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1648, 848) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @5 location (1454, 802) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 388 justify 0 label "NetworkComponent") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBDFE6A00C3" width 406 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @6 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFE88031F" client @2 supplier @5 line_style 0) (object InheritView "" @7 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFE8B00F3" client @3 supplier @5 line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$21" @8 location (2049, 909) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFE8D034E" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$22" @9 Parent_View @8 location (-767, 13) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFE8F00E4" client @8 supplier @5 vertices (list Points (2049, 909) (2049, 849) (1851, 848)) line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$23" @10 Parent_View @8 location (-767, 13) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFE8F00EE" client @8 supplier @3 line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::SystemMgr" @11 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (1648, 208) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @11 location (1522, 162) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 252 justify 0 label "SystemMgr") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DCD777D0007" width 270 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" @12 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (864, 1024) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @12 location (783, 978) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 162 justify 0 label "Link") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB15CF0279" height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @13 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFEE20383" client @12 supplier @2 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" @14 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (880, 1264) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @14 location (684, 1210) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 392 justify 0 label "ProcessingMachine") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DBB152F0125" width 410 height 132 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @15 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFEE00271" client @14 supplier @2 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" @16 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1648, 544) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @16 location (1505, 498) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 286 justify 0 label "NetworkModel") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB151B0202" width 304 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$24" @17 location (1648, 695) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFEAA0328" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$25" @18 Parent_View @17 location (544, 535) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFEAA0329" client @17 supplier @5 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @19 Parent_View @18 location (1718, 746) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1..n" pctDist 0.557252 height 70 orientation 0)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$26" @20 Parent_View @17 location (544, 535) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFEAA032A" client @17 supplier @16 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @21 Parent_View @20 location (1703, 631) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.697368 height 55 orientation 1)))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$27" @22 location (1648, 375) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD7789004B" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "Global Accessor" @23 Parent_View @22 location (256, 23) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @24 Parent_View @23 location (1663, 345) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 450 justify 0 label "+Global Accessor" pctDist 0.273810 height 15 orientation 1) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD7789022B" client @22 supplier @11 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @25 Parent_View @23 location (1702, 293) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.752941 height 54 orientation 1)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$28" @26 Parent_View @22 location (256, 23) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @27 Parent_View @26 location (1607, 463) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) hidden TRUE anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 450 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.800000 height 42 orientation 1) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD77890221" client @22 supplier @16 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @28 Parent_View @26 location (1702, 457) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.741176 height 54 orientation 0)))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" @29 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (320, 1264) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @29 location (148, 1210) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 344 justify 0 label "NIC") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB1564008B" width 362 height 132 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$3" @30 location (621, 1130) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB170602DA" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$4" @31 Parent_View @30 location (-483, 202) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB170701BA" client @30 supplier @12 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @32 Parent_View @31 location (736, 1121) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.653846 height 38 orientation 1)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$5" @33 Parent_View @30 location (-483, 202) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @34 Parent_View @33 location (484, 1146) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) hidden TRUE anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 60 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.800000 height 42 orientation 1) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB170701BC" client @30 supplier @29 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @35 Parent_View @33 location (557, 1200) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "n" pctDist 0.526718 height 38 orientation 0)))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @36 location (587, 1264) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB16DC0226" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$1" @37 Parent_View @36 location (-165, 576) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB16DD0263" client @36 supplier @29 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @38 Parent_View @37 location (547, 1310) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1..n" pctDist 0.469388 height 46 orientation 0)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$2" @39 Parent_View @36 location (-165, 576) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB16DD026D" client @36 supplier @14 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @40 Parent_View @39 location (625, 1294) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.437105 height 30 orientation 1)))) (object UsesView "" @41 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD8EDC00AB" client @29 supplier @11 vertices (list Points (321, 1197) (338, 206) (1512, 207)) line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$32" @42 location (689, 544) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD8F030350" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$33" @43 Parent_View @42 location (209, -624) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD8F060137" client @42 supplier @16 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$34" @44 Parent_View @42 location (209, -624) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD8F060139" client @42 supplier @29 vertices (list Points (689, 544) (575, 544) (342, 1197)) line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Command" @45 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (1648, 1504) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @45 location (1533, 1458) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 230 justify 0 label "Command") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DE40D57033D" width 248 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object UsesView "" @46 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DE40D6801E3" client @5 supplier @45 line_style 0))))) (object Class_Category "Utilities" quid "3DBDF073021E" exportControl "Public" logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Class "Model" quid "3DBB1C1701A9") (object Class "Observer" quid "3DBB1C1C025A") (object Class "IntegerPool" quid "3DD27CD00397") (object Class "UserHandle" quid "3DD27D0F01FD") (object Class "VariableParmContainer" quid "3DE40DBB00DE") (object Class "ThreadHandler" quid "3DF0CE3F006D") (object Class "MfcThread" quid "3DF0CE4B0114" used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DF0CECF022C" stereotype "friend" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::WinThread" quidu "3DF0CE9B0386"))) (object Class "WinThread" quid "3DF0CE9B0386" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DF0E150038C" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::CWinThread" quidu "3DF0E1180291"))) (object Class "CWinThread" quid "3DF0E1180291") (object Association "$UNNAMED$44" quid "3DF0CF3401C8" roles (list role_list (object Role "owner" quid "3DF0CF350148" label "owner" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::MfcThread" quidu "3DF0CE4B0114" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE is_aggregate TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$45" quid "3DF0CF350152" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::WinThread" quidu "3DF0CE9B0386" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$46" quid "3DF0CFC701B6" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$47" quid "3DF0CFC80117" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::ThreadHandler" quidu "3DF0CE3F006D" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$48" quid "3DF0CFC80121" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::MfcThread" quidu "3DF0CE4B0114")))) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object ClassDiagram "Threads" quid "3DF0CE5D0002" title "Threads" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::Utilities::WinThread" @47 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (560, 688) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @47 location (449, 637) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 222 justify 0 label "WinThread") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DF0CE9B0386" width 240 height 126 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::Utilities::ThreadHandler" @48 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (1872, 688) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @48 location (1727, 637) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 290 justify 0 label "ThreadHandler") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DF0CE3F006D" width 308 height 126 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::Utilities::MfcThread" @49 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (1216, 688) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @49 location (1109, 637) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 214 justify 0 label "MfcThread") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DF0CE4B0114" width 232 height 126 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$44" @50 location (889, 688) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DF0CF3401C8" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "owner" @51 Parent_View @50 location (265, -560) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @52 Parent_View @51 location (1023, 648) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 140 justify 0 label "+owner" pctDist 0.655963 height 41 orientation 0) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DF0CF350148" client @50 supplier @49 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$45" @53 Parent_View @50 location (265, -560) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DF0CF350152" client @50 supplier @47 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$46" @54 location (1524, 688) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DF0CFC701B6" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$47" @55 Parent_View @54 location (244, -864) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DF0CFC80117" client @54 supplier @48 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$48" @56 Parent_View @54 location (244, -864) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DF0CFC80121" client @54 supplier @49 line_style 0))) (object NoteView @57 location (1216, 1008) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 8421504 default_color FALSE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @57 location (1050, 948) nlines 2 max_width 296 label "Inherited by worker threads") line_color 10461087 fill_color 16777215 width 356 height 132) (object NoteView @58 location (1872, 1008) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 8421504 default_color FALSE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @58 location (1672, 945) nlines 2 max_width 365 label "Inherited by worker thread handlers") line_color 10461087 fill_color 16777215 width 425 height 138) (object AttachView "" @59 stereotype TRUE line_color 10461087 client @57 supplier @49 line_style 0) (object AttachView "" @60 stereotype TRUE line_color 10461087 client @58 supplier @48 line_style 0) (object AttachView "" @61 stereotype TRUE line_color 10461087 client @57 supplier @58 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::Utilities::CWinThread" @62 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (560, 352) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @62 location (430, 301) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 260 justify 0 label "CWinThread") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DF0E1180291" width 278 height 126 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @63 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DF0E150038C" client @47 supplier @62 line_style 0))))) (object Class_Category "EndMachine" quid "3DD1575702F6" exportControl "Public" logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Class "ProcessingMachine" quid "3DBB152F0125" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DBDFEE00271" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkElement" quidu "3DBDFE6F011A") (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DD6F06D01F9" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::HwSwInterface" quidu "3DD6F05C005A")) used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DE9420D01A0" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::VariableParmContainer" quidu "3DE40DBB00DE")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "ExecuteCommand" quid "3DD6B45102CA" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0))) (object Class "TcpModule" quid "3DBB15AD0202" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DD6B7A6023A" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::TransportLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B73403A9")) used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DEB959B0032" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Segment" quidu "3DD6B4D60285"))) (object Class "RoutingTable" quid "3DBB157D02D5") (object Class "OperatingSystem" quid "3DBB154E02C4" documentation "Facade for the software modules" operations (list Operations (object Operation "Arp" quid "3DD6B47E021A" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "ReceiveFromNetwork" quid "3DD6BB73009F" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0))) (object Class "ArpCache" quid "3DBB15840362" operations (list Operations (object Operation "AddEntry" quid "3DD6BBA8020E" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0))) (object Class "Packet" quid "3DD3D51A02BF") (object Class "Frame" quid "3DD3D52800D4") (object Class "UdpModule" quid "3DD6B4CC01D6" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DD6B80F02D1" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::TransportLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B73403A9")) used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DD6B4F901D1" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Segment" quidu "3DD6B4D60285")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "Broadcast" quid "3DD6B8B002B5" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "SendUp" quid "3DD6BB400330" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0))) (object Class "Segment" quid "3DD6B4D60285") (object Class "LinkLayerInterface" quid "3DD6B5A10219" stereotype "Interface") (object Class "NetworkLayerInterface" quid "3DD6B5C003A4" stereotype "Interface") (object Class "TransportLayerInterface" quid "3DD6B73403A9" stereotype "Interface") (object Class "IpEndMachineModule" quid "3DBB15B3032D" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DEAA4E70123" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpModule" quidu "3DEAA46502E8")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "Broadcast" quid "3DD6B93800EE" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "Broadcast" quid "3DD6BA1F030D" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "SendUp" quid "3DD6BB3101A8" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0))) (object Class "EthernetModule" quid "3DD6BCA50207" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DD6BCAF0099" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::LinkLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B5A10219")) used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DD6BCB201CA" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Frame" quidu "3DD3D52800D4")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "Broadcast" quid "3DD6BD050057" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "Receive" quid "3DD6BD1E0297" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0))) (object Class "HwSwInterface" quid "3DD6F05C005A" stereotype "Interface") (object Class "ProcessInterface" quid "3DD7F62C00E7" stereotype "Interface") (object Class "NIC" quid "3DBB1564008B" used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DCD8EDC00AB" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::SystemMgr" quidu "3DCD777D0007")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "Broadcast" quid "3DD6B98201B3" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "Receive" quid "3DD6BAE902C7" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "Transmit" quid "3DD6BD45003B" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0))) (object Class "NewClass" quid "3DE2A4B90097") (object Class "UserProcess" quid "3DE2A58A023C" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DE2A59400F6" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessInterface" quidu "3DD7F62C00E7"))) (object Class "ArpModule" quid "3DE7BB3E0000") (object Class "IpModule" quid "3DEAA46502E8" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DD6B71801E6" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NetworkLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B5C003A4")) used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DD3D57C0342" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Packet" quidu "3DD3D51A02BF"))) (object Class "IpRouterModule" quid "3DEAA48003AF" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DEAA4F902C3" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpModule" quidu "3DEAA46502E8"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$49" quid "3DD3D56D01C4" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$50" quid "3DD3D56D02DC" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Packet" quidu "3DD3D51A02BF" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") Containment "By Reference" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$51" quid "3DD3D56D02E7" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Frame" quidu "3DD3D52800D4" client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$52" quid "3DD3DA5201E3" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$53" quid "3DD3DA53031B" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125") (object Role "$UNNAMED$54" quid "3DD3DA53032F" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" is_navigable TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$55" quid "3DD6B4FC02B2" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$56" quid "3DD6B4FD0213" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Segment" quidu "3DD6B4D60285" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$57" quid "3DD6B4FD021D" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Packet" quidu "3DD3D51A02BF" client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$58" quid "3DD6B5EC009A" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$59" quid "3DD6B5EC0311" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpEndMachineModule" quidu "3DBB15B3032D" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$60" quid "3DD6B5EC0313" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$61" quid "3DD6B740023E" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$62" quid "3DD6B7410086" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::TransportLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B73403A9" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$63" quid "3DD6B7410088" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpEndMachineModule" quidu "3DBB15B3032D"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$64" quid "3DD6B74900EC" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$65" quid "3DD6B74902C3" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::LinkLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B5A10219" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$66" quid "3DD6B74902C5" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpModule" quidu "3DEAA46502E8"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$67" quid "3DD6B77E014C" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$68" quid "3DD6B77F0003" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::TcpModule" quidu "3DBB15AD0202" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$69" quid "3DD6B77F000D" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" is_navigable TRUE is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$70" quid "3DD6B7D5036E" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$71" quid "3DD6B7D60103" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::UdpModule" quidu "3DD6B4CC01D6" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$72" quid "3DD6B7D6010E" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" is_navigable TRUE is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$73" quid "3DD6B7E000DF" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$74" quid "3DD6B7E200BA" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NetworkLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B5C003A4" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$75" quid "3DD6B7E200C5" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::UdpModule" quidu "3DD6B4CC01D6"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$76" quid "3DD6B7E40103" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$77" quid "3DD6B7E500A0" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NetworkLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B5C003A4" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$78" quid "3DD6B7E500A2" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::TcpModule" quidu "3DBB15AD0202"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$79" quid "3DD6B84D0096" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$80" quid "3DD6B84D01FE" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Frame" quidu "3DD3D52800D4" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$81" quid "3DD6B84D0208" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$82" quid "3DD6BCB80237" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$83" quid "3DD6BCB90198" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Frame" quidu "3DD3D52800D4" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$84" quid "3DD6BCB901A2" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$85" quid "3DD6BCBD0284" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$86" quid "3DD6BCBE00CD" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::EthernetModule" quidu "3DD6BCA50207" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$87" quid "3DD6BCBE00D7" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" is_navigable TRUE is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$88" quid "3DD6BCD00079" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$89" quid "3DD6BCD1000C" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NetworkLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B5C003A4" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$90" quid "3DD6BCD1000E" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::EthernetModule" quidu "3DD6BCA50207"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$91" quid "3DD7F64B0345" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$92" quid "3DD7F64C01AC" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessInterface" quidu "3DD7F62C00E7" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$93" quid "3DD7F64C01B6" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::TcpModule" quidu "3DBB15AD0202"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$94" quid "3DD7F64E01A5" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$95" quid "3DD7F64F005C" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessInterface" quidu "3DD7F62C00E7" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$96" quid "3DD7F64F005E" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::UdpModule" quidu "3DD6B4CC01D6"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$97" quid "3DD80D250315" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$98" quid "3DD80D260302" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::HwSwInterface" quidu "3DD6F05C005A" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$99" quid "3DD80D260304" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$100" quid "3DE189620123" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$101" quid "3DE1896300E8" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::HwSwInterface" quidu "3DD6F05C005A" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$102" quid "3DE1896300F2" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpEndMachineModule" quidu "3DBB15B3032D"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$103" quid "3DE2A5960257" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$104" quid "3DE2A5970000" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::UserProcess" quidu "3DE2A58A023C" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$105" quid "3DE2A597000B" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$106" quid "3DE7BB7803B1" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$107" quid "3DE7BB790127" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ArpModule" quidu "3DE7BB3E0000" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$108" quid "3DE7BB790131" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpModule" quidu "3DEAA46502E8"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$109" quid "3DE7BB830050" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$110" quid "3DE7BB83024E" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ArpModule" quidu "3DE7BB3E0000" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$111" quid "3DE7BB830250" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" is_navigable TRUE is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$112" quid "3DE7BBF703BE" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$113" quid "3DE7BBF900C7" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::LinkLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B5A10219" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$114" quid "3DE7BBF900D1" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ArpModule" quidu "3DE7BB3E0000"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$115" quid "3DE7BC9B0161" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$116" quid "3DE7BC9B037D" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ArpModule" quidu "3DE7BB3E0000" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$117" quid "3DE7BC9B0387" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::EthernetModule" quidu "3DD6BCA50207"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$118" quid "3DD6F3730379" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$119" quid "3DD6F374021C" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::HwSwInterface" quidu "3DD6F05C005A" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$120" quid "3DD6F3740226" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$121" quid "3DE7CD8D019A" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$122" quid "3DE7CD8F037E" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NetworkLayerInterface" quidu "3DD6B5C003A4" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$123" quid "3DE7CD8F0388" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ArpModule" quidu "3DE7BB3E0000"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$124" quid "3DEAA4FC0155" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$125" quid "3DEAA4FC0340" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpRouterModule" quidu "3DEAA48003AF" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$126" quid "3DEAA4FC034A" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$127" quid "3DEAA519003E" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$128" quid "3DEAA51A0072" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$129" quid "3DEAA51A0086" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$130" quid "3DEBA0BC0170" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$131" quid "3DEBA0BD0081" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpModule" quidu "3DEAA46502E8" Containment "By Value" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$132" quid "3DEBA0BD008B" supplier "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" is_navigable TRUE is_aggregate TRUE))) (object Mechanism @64 logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Object "$UNNAMED$133" quid "3DD6B43901FD" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD6B4430324" supplier "$UNNAMED$134" quidu "3DD6B43B03E1" messages (list Messages (object Message "ExecuteCommand( )" quid "3DD6B4430325" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "1" ordinal 0 quidu "3DD6B45102CA")))) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Network" quidu "3DBB1A4A0138" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$134" quid "3DD6B43B03E1" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD6B48402B9" supplier "$UNNAMED$135" quidu "3DD6B46900DA" messages (list Messages (object Message "Arp( )" quid "3DD6B48402BA" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "1.1" ordinal 1 quidu "3DD6B47E021A")))) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$135" quid "3DD6B46900DA" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD6B8AA016C" supplier "$UNNAMED$136" quidu "3DD6B8A60365" messages (list Messages (object Message "Broadcast( )" quid "3DD6B8AA016D" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "1.1.1" ordinal 2 quidu "3DD6B8B002B5") (object Message "ReceiveFromNetwork( )" quid "3DD6BDED0014" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "ToClientFromSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 12 quidu "3DD6BB73009F"))) (object Link quid "3DD6BB8E02CE" supplier "$UNNAMED$137" quidu "3DD6BB870075" messages (list Messages (object Message "AddEntry( )" quid "3DD6BDF60071" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 13 quidu "3DD6BBA8020E")))) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" quidu "3DBB154E02C4" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$136" quid "3DD6B8A60365" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD6B8D70120" supplier "$UNNAMED$138" quidu "3DD6B8D20340" messages (list Messages (object Message "" quid "3DD6B8D70121" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 3))) (object Link quid "3DD6B913025D" supplier "$UNNAMED$139" quidu "3DD6B9050389" messages (list Messages (object Message "Broadcast( )" quid "3DD6B913025E" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 4 quidu "3DD6B93800EE") (object Message "SendUp( )" quid "3DD6BDE7025A" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "ToClientFromSupplier" sequence "2.1.1" ordinal 11 quidu "3DD6BB400330")))) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::UdpModule" quidu "3DD6B4CC01D6" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$138" quid "3DD6B8D20340" class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Segment" quidu "3DD6B4D60285" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$139" quid "3DD6B9050389" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD6B94900F2" supplier "$UNNAMED$140" quidu "3DD6B94601A2" messages (list Messages (object Message "" quid "3DD6B94900F3" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 5))) (object Link quid "3DD6B98B007F" supplier "$UNNAMED$141" quidu "3DD6B96C0323" messages (list Messages (object Message "Broadcast( )" quid "3DD6B98B0080" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 6 quidu "3DD6BD050057") (object Message "SendUp( )" quid "3DD6BDE2009B" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "ToClientFromSupplier" sequence "2.1" ordinal 10 quidu "3DD6BB3101A8")))) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpEndMachineModule" quidu "3DBB15B3032D" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$140" quid "3DD6B94601A2" class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Packet" quidu "3DD3D51A02BF" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$141" quid "3DD6B96C0323" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD6BA9B0102" supplier "$UNNAMED$142" quidu "3DD6BA960119" messages (list Messages (object Message "" quid "3DD6BA9B0103" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 7))) (object Link quid "3DD6BD6E03E7" supplier "$UNNAMED$137" quidu "3DD6BB870075")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::EthernetModule" quidu "3DD6BCA50207" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$142" quid "3DD6BA960119" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD6BAA40228" supplier "$UNNAMED$143" quidu "3DD6BA9F03E3")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Frame" quidu "3DD3D52800D4" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$143" quid "3DD6BA9F03E3" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD6BABB0389" supplier "$UNNAMED$141" quidu "3DD6B96C0323" messages (list Messages (object Message "Transmit( )" quid "3DD6BAC700AB" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "ToClientFromSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 8 quidu "3DD6BD45003B") (object Message "Receive( )" quid "3DD6BAF5006C" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "2" ordinal 9 quidu "3DD6BD1E0297")))) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$137" quid "3DD6BB870075" class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ArpCache" quidu "3DBB15840362" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE)))) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object ClassDiagram "EndMachineHardware" quid "3DBB1AC601B8" title "EndMachineHardware" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 431 items (list diagram_item_list (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" @65 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (1792, 1696) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @65 location (1628, 1641) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 328 justify 0 label "Link") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DBB15CF0279" width 346 height 134 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Frame" @66 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (1504, 1392) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @66 location (1423, 1346) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 162 justify 0 label "Frame") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD3D52800D4" height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$79" @67 location (1643, 1539) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B84D0096" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$80" @68 Parent_View @67 location (-421, -93) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B84D01FE" client @67 supplier @66 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$81" @69 Parent_View @67 location (-421, -93) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B84D0208" client @67 supplier @65 line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Network" @70 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (240, 1376) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @70 location (76, 1322) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 328 justify 0 label "Network") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DBB1A4A0138" width 346 height 132 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" @71 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1216, 1696) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @71 location (1135, 1650) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 162 justify 0 label "NIC") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB1564008B" height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$3" @72 location (1462, 1696) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB170602DA" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$5" @73 Parent_View @72 location (-602, 64) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @74 Parent_View @73 location (1338, 1738) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) hidden TRUE anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 450 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.800000 height 42 orientation 0) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB170701BC" client @72 supplier @71 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @75 Parent_View @73 location (1322, 1643) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "n" pctDist 0.900000 height 54 orientation 1)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$4" @76 Parent_View @72 location (-602, 64) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @77 Parent_View @76 location (1586, 1738) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) hidden TRUE anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 450 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.800000 height 42 orientation 1) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB170701BA" client @72 supplier @65 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @78 Parent_View @76 location (1602, 1643) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.900000 height 54 orientation 0)))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$82" @79 location (1359, 1543) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCB80237" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$83" @80 Parent_View @79 location (-113, -89) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCB90198" client @79 supplier @66 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$84" @81 Parent_View @79 location (-113, -89) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCB901A2" client @79 supplier @71 line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" @82 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (592, 1712) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @82 location (400, 1666) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 384 justify 0 label "ProcessingMachine") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB152F0125" width 402 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$35" @83 location (419, 1547) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD1446B0274" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$36" @84 Parent_View @83 location (-621, 1371) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD1446B036E" client @83 supplier @82 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$37" @85 Parent_View @83 location (-621, 1371) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD1446B0378" client @83 supplier @70 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @86 location (959, 1702) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB16DC0226" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$1" @87 Parent_View @86 location (207, 1014) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB16DD0263" client @86 supplier @71 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @88 Parent_View @87 location (1064, 1748) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1..n" pctDist 0.627432 height 49 orientation 1)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$2" @89 Parent_View @86 location (207, 1014) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB16DD026D" client @86 supplier @82 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @90 Parent_View @89 location (886, 1675) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.437105 height 30 orientation 1)))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$52" @91 location (959, 1702) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD3DA5201E3" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$53" @92 Parent_View @91 location (-1121, 1190) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD3DA53031B" client @91 supplier @82 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$54" @93 Parent_View @91 location (-1121, 1190) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD3DA53032F" client @91 supplier @71 line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::HwSwInterface" @94 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (864, 1248) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @94 location (863, 1356) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 395 justify 0 label "HwSwInterface") icon "Interface" icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD6F05C005A" width 58 height 58 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @95 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6F06D01F9" client @82 supplier @94 line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$118" @96 location (1069, 1509) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6F3730379" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$119" @97 Parent_View @96 location (-419, -219) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6F374021C" client @96 supplier @94 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$120" @98 Parent_View @96 location (-419, -219) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6F3740226" client @96 supplier @71 line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" @99 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (592, 960) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @99 location (410, 914) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 364 justify 0 label "OperatingSystem") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB154E02C4" width 382 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$6" @100 location (592, 1335) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB171400AA" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$7" @101 Parent_View @100 location (-160, 647) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB171501E2" client @100 supplier @99 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$8" @102 Parent_View @100 location (-160, 647) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB171501EC" client @100 supplier @82 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$97" @103 location (742, 1119) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD80D250315" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$98" @104 Parent_View @103 location (-138, 143) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD80D260302" client @103 supplier @94 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$99" @105 Parent_View @103 location (-138, 143) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD80D260304" client @103 supplier @99 line_style 0))))) (object ClassDiagram "EndMachineSoftware" quid "3DEAA86D01C0" title "EndMachineSoftware" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 685 items (list diagram_item_list (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Segment" @106 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (2912, 208) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @106 location (2812, 162) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 200 justify 0 label "Segment") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD6B4D60285" width 218 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Packet" @107 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (2912, 935) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @107 location (2829, 889) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 166 justify 0 label "Packet") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD3D51A02BF" width 184 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$55" @108 location (2912, 571) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B4FC02B2" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$56" @109 Parent_View @108 location (176, -469) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B4FD0213" client @108 supplier @106 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @110 Parent_View @109 location (2859, 297) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.900000 height 54 orientation 0)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$57" @111 Parent_View @108 location (176, -469) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B4FD021D" client @108 supplier @107 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @112 Parent_View @111 location (2859, 845) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "0..1" pctDist 0.900000 height 54 orientation 1)))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::Frame" @113 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (2912, 1632) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @113 location (2831, 1586) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 162 justify 0 label "Frame") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD3D52800D4" height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$49" @114 location (2912, 1283) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD3D56D01C4" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$50" @115 Parent_View @114 location (304, 803) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD3D56D02DC" client @114 supplier @107 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @116 Parent_View @115 location (2859, 1023) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.900000 height 54 orientation 0)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$51" @117 Parent_View @114 location (304, 803) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD3D56D02E7" client @114 supplier @113 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @118 Parent_View @117 location (2859, 1543) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "0..1" pctDist 0.900000 height 54 orientation 1)))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessInterface" @119 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (1168, 256) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @119 location (1167, 364) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 338 justify 0 label "ProcessInterface") icon "Interface" icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD7F62C00E7" width 58 height 58 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NetworkLayerInterface" @120 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (2544, 903) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @120 location (2543, 1011) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 445 justify 0 label "NetworkLayerInterface") icon "Interface" icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD6B5C003A4" width 58 height 58 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::TransportLayerInterface" @121 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (2544, 208) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @121 location (2543, 316) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 462 justify 0 label "TransportLayerInterface") icon "Interface" icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD6B73403A9" width 58 height 58 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::UserProcess" @122 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (352, 256) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @122 location (219, 210) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 266 justify 0 label "UserProcess") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DE2A58A023C" width 284 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @123 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DE2A59400F6" client @122 supplier @119 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::HwSwInterface" @124 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (144, 1280) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @124 location (143, 1388) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 409 justify 0 label "HwSwInterface") icon "Interface" icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD6F05C005A" width 58 height 58 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::EthernetModule" @125 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (1776, 1616) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @125 location (1618, 1570) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 316 justify 0 label "EthernetModule") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD6BCA50207" width 334 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object UsesView "" @126 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCB201CA" client @125 supplier @113 line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$88" @127 location (2118, 1296) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCD00079" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$89" @128 Parent_View @127 location (630, 96) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCD1000C" client @127 supplier @120 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$90" @129 Parent_View @127 location (630, 96) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCD1000E" client @127 supplier @125 line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::TcpModule" @130 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1792, 96) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @130 location (1673, 50) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 238 justify 0 label "TcpModule") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB15AD0202" width 256 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$91" @131 location (1428, 186) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD7F64B0345" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$92" @132 Parent_View @131 location (-60, -134) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD7F64C01AC" client @131 supplier @119 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$93" @133 Parent_View @131 location (-60, -134) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD7F64C01B6" client @131 supplier @130 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$76" @134 location (2180, 514) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7E40103" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$77" @135 Parent_View @134 location (660, 370) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7E500A0" client @134 supplier @120 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$78" @136 Parent_View @134 location (660, 370) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7E500A2" client @134 supplier @130 line_style 0))) (object InheritView "" @137 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7A6023A" client @130 supplier @121 line_style 0) (object UsesView "" @138 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEB959B0032" client @130 supplier @106 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::UdpModule" @139 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (1792, 336) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @139 location (1668, 290) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 248 justify 0 label "UdpModule") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD6B4CC01D6" width 266 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object UsesView "" @140 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B4F901D1" client @139 supplier @106 line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$94" @141 location (1426, 287) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD7F64E01A5" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$95" @142 Parent_View @141 location (-62, -289) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD7F64F005C" client @141 supplier @119 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$96" @143 Parent_View @141 location (-62, -289) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD7F64F005E" client @141 supplier @139 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$73" @144 location (2193, 637) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7E000DF" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$74" @145 Parent_View @144 location (673, 157) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7E200BA" client @144 supplier @120 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$75" @146 Parent_View @144 location (673, 157) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7E200C5" client @144 supplier @139 line_style 0))) (object InheritView "" @147 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B80F02D1" client @139 supplier @121 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpRouterModule" @148 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (1792, 1200) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @148 location (1637, 1149) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 310 justify 0 label "IpRouterModule") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DEAA48003AF" width 328 height 126 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpEndMachineModule" @149 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1792, 617) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @149 location (1580, 571) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 424 justify 0 label "IpEndMachineModule") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB15B3032D" width 442 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$61" @150 location (2110, 441) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B740023E" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$62" @151 Parent_View @150 location (78, -439) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7410086" client @150 supplier @121 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$63" @152 Parent_View @150 location (78, -439) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7410088" client @150 supplier @149 line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::LinkLayerInterface" @153 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (2544, 1584) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @153 location (2543, 1692) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 378 justify 0 label "LinkLayerInterface") icon "Interface" icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DD6B5A10219" width 58 height 58 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @154 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCAF0099" client @125 supplier @153 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::OperatingSystem" @155 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (352, 935) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @155 location (170, 889) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 364 justify 0 label "OperatingSystem") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB154E02C4" width 382 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$103" @156 location (352, 595) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DE2A5960257" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$104" @157 Parent_View @156 location (-304, -237) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DE2A5970000" client @156 supplier @122 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$105" @158 Parent_View @156 location (-304, -237) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DE2A597000B" client @156 supplier @155 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$97" @159 location (236, 1122) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD80D250315" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$98" @160 Parent_View @159 location (-644, 146) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD80D260302" client @159 supplier @124 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$99" @161 Parent_View @159 location (-644, 146) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD80D260304" client @159 supplier @155 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$85" @162 location (670, 1613) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCBD0284" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$86" @163 Parent_View @162 location (-210, 733) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCBE00CD" client @162 supplier @125 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$87" @164 Parent_View @162 location (-210, 733) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6BCBE00D7" client @162 supplier @155 vertices (list Points (670, 1613) (350, 1612) (351, 993)) line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$67" @165 location (844, 160) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B77E014C" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$68" @166 Parent_View @165 location (-36, -720) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B77F0003" client @165 supplier @130 vertices (list Points (844, 160) (878, 106) (1663, 97)) line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$69" @167 Parent_View @165 location (-36, -720) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B77F000D" client @165 supplier @155 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$70" @168 location (970, 416) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7D5036E" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$71" @169 Parent_View @168 location (90, -464) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7D60103" client @168 supplier @139 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$72" @170 Parent_View @168 location (90, -464) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B7D6010E" client @168 supplier @155 vertices (list Points (970, 416) (910, 422) (414, 876)) line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$124" @171 location (980, 1200) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEAA4FC0155" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$125" @172 Parent_View @171 location (404, 240) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEAA4FC0340" client @171 supplier @148 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$126" @173 Parent_View @171 location (404, 240) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEAA4FC034A" client @171 supplier @155 vertices (list Points (980, 1200) (638, 1200) (415, 993)) line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$58" @174 location (970, 616) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B5EC009A" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$59" @175 Parent_View @174 location (26, -312) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B5EC0311" client @174 supplier @149 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$60" @176 Parent_View @174 location (26, -312) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B5EC0313" client @174 supplier @155 vertices (list Points (970, 616) (863, 616) (444, 876)) line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::RoutingTable" @177 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1136, 816) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @177 location (1000, 770) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 272 justify 0 label "RoutingTable") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB157D02D5" width 290 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ArpCache" @178 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1120, 1056) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @178 location (1015, 1010) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 210 justify 0 label "ArpCache") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB15840362" width 228 height 117 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::EndMachine::IpModule" @179 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (1792, 935) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @179 location (1695, 884) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 194 justify 0 label "IpModule") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DEAA46502E8" width 212 height 126 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @180 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B71801E6" client @179 supplier @120 line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$64" @181 location (2190, 1278) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B74900EC" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$65" @182 Parent_View @181 location (158, 398) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B74902C3" client @181 supplier @153 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$66" @183 Parent_View @181 location (158, 398) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD6B74902C5" client @181 supplier @179 line_style 0))) (object UsesView "" @184 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD3D57C0342" client @179 supplier @107 line_style 0) (object InheritView "" @185 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEAA4F902C3" client @148 supplier @179 line_style 0) (object InheritView "" @186 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEAA4E70123" client @149 supplier @179 line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$130" @187 location (1114, 935) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEBA0BC0170" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$131" @188 Parent_View @187 location (762, 87) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEBA0BD0081" client @187 supplier @179 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$132" @189 Parent_View @187 location (762, 87) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEBA0BD008B" client @187 supplier @155 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$9" @190 location (1483, 878) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB17EE0392" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$10" @191 Parent_View @190 location (827, -98) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB17F0004C" client @190 supplier @177 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @192 Parent_View @191 location (1317, 797) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.867828 height 51 orientation 1)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$11" @193 Parent_View @190 location (827, -98) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @194 Parent_View @193 location (1652, 868) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) hidden TRUE anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 60 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.800000 height 42 orientation 0) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB17F0004E" client @190 supplier @179 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @195 Parent_View @193 location (1592, 856) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.505779 height 43 orientation 0)))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$12" @196 location (1459, 993) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB17FB0160" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$13" @197 Parent_View @196 location (803, 17) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB17FC01EE" client @196 supplier @178 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @198 Parent_View @197 location (1314, 1050) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.670219 height 31 orientation 0)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$14" @199 Parent_View @196 location (803, 17) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB17FC01F8" client @196 supplier @179 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @200 Parent_View @199 location (1671, 1023) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.880497 height 66 orientation 1)))))) (object InteractionDiagram "Command Execution" mechanism_ref @64 quid "3DD6B3FC012D" title "Command Execution" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$133" @201 location (307, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @201 location (307, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6B43901FD" width 300 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @202 location (307, 432) InterObjView @201 height 932 y_coord 872 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$134" @203 location (640, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @203 location (640, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 384 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6B43B03E1" width 402 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @204 location (640, 432) InterObjView @203 height 872 y_coord 812 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$135" @205 location (979, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @205 location (979, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 328 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6B46900DA" width 346 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @206 location (979, 448) InterObjView @205 height 796 y_coord 736 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @207 location (979, 1328) InterObjView @205 height 456 y_coord 396 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$136" @208 location (1315, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @208 location (1315, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6B8A60365" width 300 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @209 location (1315, 480) InterObjView @208 height 704 y_coord 644 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @210 location (1315, 1312) InterObjView @208 height 532 y_coord 472 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$138" @211 location (1648, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @211 location (1648, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6B8D20340" width 300 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @212 location (1648, 496) InterObjView @211 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$139" @213 location (1984, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @213 location (1984, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 410 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6B9050389" width 428 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @214 location (1984, 624) InterObjView @213 height 500 y_coord 440 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @215 location (1984, 1264) InterObjView @213 height 640 y_coord 580 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$140" @216 location (2320, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @216 location (2320, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6B94601A2" width 300 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @217 location (2320, 640) InterObjView @216 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$141" @218 location (2656, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @218 location (2656, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 306 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6B96C0323" width 324 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @219 location (2656, 800) InterObjView @218 height 264 y_coord 204 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @220 location (2656, 1248) InterObjView @218 height 716 y_coord 656 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$142" @221 location (2992, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @221 location (2992, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 284 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6BA960119" width 302 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @222 location (2992, 816) InterObjView @221 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$143" @223 location (3328, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @223 location (3328, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6BA9F03E3" width 300 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @224 location (3328, 944) InterObjView @223 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @225 location (3328, 1248) InterObjView @223 height 776 y_coord 716 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$137" @226 location (3667, 224) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline TRUE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @226 location (3667, 224) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD6BB870075" width 300 height 1889 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 icon_y_offset 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @227 location (3667, 1664) InterObjView @226 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE)) (object InterMessView "" @228 location (16, 432) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @229 Parent_View @228 location (473, 388) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6B4430325" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 429 justify 0 label "ExecuteCommand( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @201 supplier @203 Focus_Src @202 Focus_Entry @204 origin (322, 432) terminus (624, 432) ordinal 0) (object InterMessView "" @230 location (16, 448) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @231 Parent_View @230 location (809, 404) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6B48402BA" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 191 justify 0 label "Arp( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @203 supplier @205 Focus_Src @204 Focus_Entry @206 origin (655, 448) terminus (963, 448) ordinal 1) (object InterMessView "" @232 location (16, 480) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @233 Parent_View @232 location (1146, 436) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6B8AA016D" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 347 justify 0 label "Broadcast( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @205 supplier @208 Focus_Src @206 Focus_Entry @209 origin (994, 480) terminus (1299, 480) ordinal 2) (object InterMessView "" @234 location (16, 496) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @235 Parent_View @234 location (1481, 452) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6B8D70121" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 150 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @208 supplier @211 Focus_Src @209 Focus_Entry @212 origin (1330, 496) terminus (1632, 496) ordinal 3) (object InterMessView "" @236 location (1792, 624) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @237 Parent_View @236 location (1649, 580) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6B913025E" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 382 justify 0 label "Broadcast( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @208 supplier @213 Focus_Src @209 Focus_Entry @214 origin (1330, 624) terminus (1968, 624) ordinal 4) (object InterMessView "" @238 location (16, 640) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @239 Parent_View @238 location (2151, 596) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6B94900F3" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 184 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @213 supplier @216 Focus_Src @214 Focus_Entry @217 origin (1999, 640) terminus (2304, 640) ordinal 5) (object InterMessView "" @240 location (2336, 800) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @241 Parent_View @240 location (2319, 756) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6B98B0080" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 416 justify 0 label "Broadcast( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @213 supplier @218 Focus_Src @214 Focus_Entry @219 origin (1999, 800) terminus (2640, 800) ordinal 6) (object InterMessView "" @242 location (16, 816) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @243 Parent_View @242 location (2823, 772) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6BA9B0103" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 219 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @218 supplier @221 Focus_Src @219 Focus_Entry @222 origin (2671, 816) terminus (2976, 816) ordinal 7) (object InterMessView "" @244 location (3008, 944) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @245 Parent_View @244 location (2991, 900) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6BAC700AB" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 422 justify 0 label "Transmit( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @218 supplier @223 Focus_Src @219 Focus_Entry @224 origin (2671, 944) terminus (3312, 944) ordinal 8) (object InterMessView "" @246 location (16, 1248) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @247 Parent_View @246 location (2992, 1204) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6BAF5006C" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 235 justify 0 label "Receive( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 1) client @223 supplier @218 Focus_Src @225 Focus_Entry @220 origin (3312, 1248) terminus (2672, 1248) ordinal 9) (object InterMessView "" @248 location (16, 1264) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @249 Parent_View @248 location (2320, 1220) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6BDE2009B" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 272 justify 0 label "SendUp( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 1) client @218 supplier @213 Focus_Src @220 Focus_Entry @215 origin (2640, 1264) terminus (2000, 1264) ordinal 10) (object InterMessView "" @250 location (16, 1312) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @251 Parent_View @250 location (1650, 1268) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6BDE7025A" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 307 justify 0 label "SendUp( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 1) client @213 supplier @208 Focus_Src @215 Focus_Entry @210 origin (1968, 1312) terminus (1331, 1312) ordinal 11) (object InterMessView "" @252 location (16, 1328) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @253 Parent_View @252 location (1147, 1284) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6BDED0014" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 579 justify 0 label "ReceiveFromNetwork( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 1) client @208 supplier @205 Focus_Src @210 Focus_Entry @207 origin (1299, 1328) terminus (995, 1328) ordinal 12) (object InterMessView "" @254 location (16, 1664) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @255 Parent_View @254 location (2322, 1620) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) quidu "3DD6BDF60071" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 401 justify 0 label "AddEntry( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 0) client @205 supplier @226 Focus_Src @207 Focus_Entry @227 origin (994, 1664) terminus (3651, 1664) ordinal 13)))))) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list)) (object Class_Category "Application" quid "3DBDF0C701EC" exportControl "Public" logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Class_Category "Main" quid "3DBDF0BF02BD" exportControl "Public" logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Class "MainDlg" quid "3DBB1BBB0020" superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list (object Inheritance_Relationship quid "3DBB1C3403BE" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::Observer" quidu "3DBB1C1C025A")) used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DCD78510387" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::SystemMgr" quidu "3DCD777D0007") (object Uses_Relationship quid "3DE40D610016" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Command" quidu "3DE40D57033D"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$144" quid "3DD27F87012A" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$145" quid "3DD27F8703B5" supplier "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComposite" quidu "3DBDFE78038A" client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$146" quid "3DD27F8703BF" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::UserHandle" quidu "3DD27D0F01FD"))) (object Association "$UNNAMED$147" quid "3DD27FA6025B" roles (list role_list (object Role "$UNNAMED$148" quid "3DD27FAB0168" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::UserHandle" quidu "3DD27D0F01FD" client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "$UNNAMED$149" quid "3DD27FAB0172" supplier "Logical View::System::Utilities::UserHandle" quidu "3DD27D0F01FD" client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n"))))) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object ClassDiagram "Main" quid "3DBB0D2900CC" title "Main" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 1200 items (list diagram_item_list (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::Utilities::Observer" @256 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (848, 144) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @256 location (722, 90) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 252 justify 0 label "Observer") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DBB1C1C025A" width 270 height 132 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::Utilities::Model" @257 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1760, 144) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @257 location (1634, 90) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 252 justify 0 label "Model") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DBB1C1701A9" width 270 height 132 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$15" @258 location (1303, 144) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB1C4001C6" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$16" @259 Parent_View @258 location (295, 0) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB1C4101BD" client @258 supplier @256 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$17" @260 Parent_View @258 location (295, 0) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB1C4101BF" client @258 supplier @257 line_style 0))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::SystemMgr" @261 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (1280, 368) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @261 location (1116, 289) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 328 justify 0 label "SystemMgr") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DCD777D0007" width 346 height 182 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" @262 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1760, 1056) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @262 location (1596, 1002) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 328 justify 0 label "NetworkModel") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DBB151B0202" width 346 height 132 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @263 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB1C32025C" client @262 supplier @257 line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$27" @264 location (1528, 724) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD7789004B" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$28" @265 Parent_View @264 location (248, -236) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD77890221" client @264 supplier @262 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @266 Parent_View @265 location (1739, 932) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.900000 height 54 orientation 0)) (object RoleView "Global Accessor" @267 Parent_View @264 location (248, -236) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @268 Parent_View @267 location (1445, 538) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 356 justify 0 label "+Global Accessor" pctDist 0.621446 height 39 orientation 1) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD7789022B" client @264 supplier @261 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @269 Parent_View @267 location (1405, 486) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.821685 height 35 orientation 1)))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::ClientInterface" @270 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (1296, 752) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @270 location (1295, 860) anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 939 justify 0 label "ClientInterface") icon "Interface" icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DCD781100B4" width 58 height 58 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @271 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD783C035F" client @262 supplier @270 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkComponent" @272 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (1760, 1424) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @272 location (1567, 1345) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 386 justify 0 label "NetworkComponent") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DBDFE6A00C3" width 404 height 182 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$24" @273 location (1760, 1227) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFEAA0328" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$26" @274 Parent_View @273 location (-80, -181) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @275 Parent_View @274 location (1719, 1143) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) hidden TRUE anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 450 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.800000 height 42 orientation 0) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFEAA032A" client @273 supplier @262 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @276 Parent_View @274 location (1814, 1164) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.600000 height 54 orientation 1)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$25" @277 Parent_View @273 location (-80, -181) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object SegLabel @278 Parent_View @277 location (1719, 1311) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) hidden TRUE anchor 1 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 450 justify 0 label "" pctDist 0.800000 height 42 orientation 1) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBDFEAA0329" client @273 supplier @272 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @279 Parent_View @277 location (1814, 1304) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1..n" pctDist 0.733333 height 54 orientation 0)))) (object UsesView "" @280 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27DC20010" client @272 supplier @261 vertices (list Points (1962, 1422) (2081, 1422) (2078, 372) (1453, 368)) line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Application::Main::MainDlg" @281 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (848, 1056) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @281 location (767, 1004) fill_color 16777215 nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "MainDlg") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 9830293 quidu "3DBB1BBB0020" height 128 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object InheritView "" @282 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB1C3403BE" client @281 supplier @256 line_style 0) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$18" @283 location (1049, 918) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB1C47018A" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$19" @284 Parent_View @283 location (-631, 390) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB1C480177" client @283 supplier @270 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$20" @285 Parent_View @283 location (-631, 390) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DBB1C480181" client @283 supplier @281 line_style 0))) (object UsesView "" @286 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD78510387" client @281 supplier @261 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::Utilities::UserHandle" @287 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE location (1296, 1600) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @287 location (1170, 1521) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 252 justify 0 label "UserHandle") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DD27D0F01FD" width 270 height 182 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$38" @288 location (1494, 1524) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27D2101D1" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$39" @289 Parent_View @288 location (198, -140) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27D22001A" client @288 supplier @272 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @290 Parent_View @289 location (1569, 1554) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1" pctDist 0.900000 height 54 orientation 1)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$40" @291 Parent_View @288 location (198, -140) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27D220024" client @288 supplier @287 line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @292 Parent_View @291 location (1475, 1595) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "0..1" pctDist 0.629169 height 61 orientation 0)))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$41" @293 location (1060, 1314) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27D2701EE" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$42" @294 Parent_View @293 location (212, 258) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27D2703CE" client @293 supplier @287 line_style 0) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$43" @295 Parent_View @293 location (212, 258) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27D2703D0" client @293 supplier @281 line_style 0))) (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$147" @296 location (1114, 1761) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27FA6025B" roleview_list (list RoleViews (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$148" @297 Parent_View @296 location (-166, 337) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27FAB0168" client @296 supplier @287 vertices (list Points (1114, 1761) (1294, 1761) (1294, 1691)) line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @298 Parent_View @297 location (1364, 1717) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "0..1" pctDist 0.896000 height 70 orientation 1)) (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$149" @299 Parent_View @296 location (-166, 337) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD27FAB0172" client @296 supplier @287 vertices (list Points (1114, 1761) (1054, 1761) (1054, 1602) (1160, 1601)) line_style 0 label (object SegLabel @300 Parent_View @299 location (1111, 1636) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) anchor 2 anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 15 justify 0 label "1..n" pctDist 0.848228 height 35 orientation 1)))) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Command" @301 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE location (1280, 1200) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @301 location (1116, 1145) fill_color 16777215 nlines 1 max_width 328 justify 0 label "Command") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16749973 quidu "3DE40D57033D" width 346 height 134 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object UsesView "" @302 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DE40D610016" client @281 supplier @301 line_style 0) (object UsesView "" @303 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DE40D6801E3" client @272 supplier @301 line_style 0)))))) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list)) (object Mechanism @304 logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Object "$UNNAMED$150" quid "3DCD5B7503E3" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCD5B800078" supplier "$UNNAMED$151" quidu "3DCD5B7B02AB")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" quidu "3DBB151B0202" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$151" quid "3DCD5B7B02AB" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCD5BCB00D0" supplier "$UNNAMED$152" quidu "3DCD5BC800C1") (object Link quid "3DD143CD01FE" supplier "$UNNAMED$153" quidu "3DCD5BD10273") (object Link quid "3DD143F10192" supplier "$UNNAMED$154" quidu "3DD143DE0113")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Network" quidu "3DBB1A4A0138" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$152" quid "3DCD5BC800C1" class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$153" quid "3DCD5BD10273" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD143CB007F" supplier "$UNNAMED$155" quidu "3DCD5BD601B2")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$155" quid "3DCD5BD601B2" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD143CF01E3" supplier "$UNNAMED$152" quidu "3DCD5BC800C1")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$154" quid "3DD143DE0113" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD143F803C3" supplier "$UNNAMED$156" quidu "3DD143E602CD")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$156" quid "3DD143E602CD" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DD143FC0300" supplier "$UNNAMED$152" quidu "3DCD5BC800C1")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE))) (object Mechanism @305 logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Object "internet" quid "3DCFDBE8039E" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE8039F" supplier "Internal" quidu "3DCFDBE803A4") (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803A0" supplier "External" quidu "3DCFDBE803EB") (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803A1" supplier "$UNNAMED$157" quidu "3DCFDBE803E4") (object Link quid "3DCFE2090088" supplier "Gateway" quidu "3DCFDBE803DE")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Network" quidu "3DBB1A4A0138" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Internal" quid "3DCFDBE803A4" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803A5" supplier "Subnet 1:Network" quidu "3DCFDBE803AB") (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803A6" supplier "Subnet 2: Network" quidu "3DCFDBE803CF") (object Link quid "3DEA63200160" supplier "Gateway" quidu "3DCFDBE803DE")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Network" quidu "3DBB1A4A0138" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "External" quid "3DCFDBE803EB" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFE3F600E1" supplier "Web Server" quidu "3DCFDBE803F5") (object Link quid "3DD158E60264" supplier "$UNNAMED$158" quidu "3DCFDBE803FD")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Network" quidu "3DBB1A4A0138" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "User 2" quid "3DCFDBE803C1" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803C0" supplier "$UNNAMED$159" quidu "3DCFDBE803BD")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "User 1" quid "3DCFDBE803B1" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803B2" supplier "$UNNAMED$160" quidu "3DCFDBE803B5")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Gateway" quid "3DCFDBE803DE" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803DF" supplier "$UNNAMED$157" quidu "3DCFDBE803E4") (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803E0") (object Link quid "3DCFDBE80407" supplier "$UNNAMED$158" quidu "3DCFDBE803FD") (object Link quid "3DCFDFF50141" supplier "$UNNAMED$161" quidu "3DCFDBE803B9") (object Link quid "3DCFDFF80254" supplier "$UNNAMED$162" quidu "3DCFDBE803CB")) class "Router" quidu "3DBB15BA0110" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Web Server" quid "3DCFDBE803F5" class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$159" quid "3DCFDBE803BD" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803BC" supplier "$UNNAMED$161" quidu "3DCFDBE803B9")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$160" quid "3DCFDBE803B5" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803B6" supplier "$UNNAMED$161" quidu "3DCFDBE803B9")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$161" quid "3DCFDBE803B9" class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$157" quid "3DCFDBE803E4" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803E5" supplier "Gateway" quidu "3DCFDBE803DE")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "DNS Server" quid "3DCFDBE803D5" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803D6" supplier "$UNNAMED$163" quidu "3DCFDBE803D9")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$162" quid "3DCFDBE803CB" class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Subnet 1:Network" quid "3DCFDBE803AB" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803AC" supplier "User 1" quidu "3DCFDBE803B1") (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803AD" supplier "User 2" quidu "3DCFDBE803C1") (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803AE" supplier "$UNNAMED$161" quidu "3DCFDBE803B9")) persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Subnet 2: Network" quid "3DCFDBE803CF" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803D0" supplier "DNS Server" quidu "3DCFDBE803D5") (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803CE" supplier "$UNNAMED$162" quidu "3DCFDBE803CB")) persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$163" quid "3DCFDBE803D9" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803DA" supplier "$UNNAMED$162" quidu "3DCFDBE803CB")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$158" quid "3DCFDBE803FD" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803FC" supplier "$UNNAMED$164" quidu "3DCFDBE803F9")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$164" quid "3DCFDBE803F9" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE803F8" supplier "Web Server" quidu "3DCFDBE803F5")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$165" quid "3DCFDBE80404" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DCFDBE80403" supplier "internet" quidu "3DCFDBE8039E")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" quidu "3DBB151B0202" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE))) (object Mechanism @306 logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Object "User 2" quid "3DEA64020086" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA64020085" supplier "$UNNAMED$166" quidu "3DEA64020082")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "User 1" quid "3DEA64020042" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA64020043" supplier "$UNNAMED$167" quidu "3DEA64020046")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$166" quid "3DEA64020082" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA64020081" supplier "$UNNAMED$168" quidu "3DEA6402004A")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$167" quid "3DEA64020046" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA64020047" supplier "$UNNAMED$168" quidu "3DEA6402004A")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$168" quid "3DEA6402004A" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA646C02A8" supplier "Router" quidu "3DEA645F03E0")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "DNS Server" quid "3DEA64020064" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA64020065" supplier "$UNNAMED$169" quidu "3DEA64020068")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$170" quid "3DEA6402005B" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA64770218" supplier "Router" quidu "3DEA645F03E0")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::Link" quidu "3DBB15CF0279" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Subnet 1:Network" quid "3DEA6402003C" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA6402003D" supplier "User 1" quidu "3DEA64020042") (object Link quid "3DEA6402003E" supplier "User 2" quidu "3DEA64020086") (object Link quid "3DEA6402003F" supplier "$UNNAMED$168" quidu "3DEA6402004A")) persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Subnet 2: Network" quid "3DEA6402005E" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA6402005F" supplier "DNS Server" quidu "3DEA64020064") (object Link quid "3DEA6402005D" supplier "$UNNAMED$170" quidu "3DEA6402005B")) persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$169" quid "3DEA64020068" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA64020069" supplier "$UNNAMED$170" quidu "3DEA6402005B")) class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::NIC" quidu "3DBB1564008B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "$UNNAMED$171" quid "3DEA6402008C" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "3DEA643201D2" supplier "Subnet 1:Network" quidu "3DEA6402003C") (object Link quid "3DEA6438004B" supplier "Subnet 2: Network" quidu "3DEA6402005E") (object Link quid "3DEA647D014E" supplier "Router" quidu "3DEA645F03E0")) class "Logical View::System::SystemMgr::NetworkModel" quidu "3DBB151B0202" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Router" quid "3DEA645F03E0" class "Logical View::System::EndMachine::ProcessingMachine" quidu "3DBB152F0125" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE)))) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object ClassDiagram "Main" quid "3DD2A9840178" title "Main" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list (object Label @307 location (1056, 753) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) nlines 1 max_width 444 label "See Application::Main"))) (object ObjectDiagram "SmallNetwork" mechanism_ref @304 quid "3DCD5B6D0002" title "SmallNetwork" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$150" @308 location (192, 112) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @308 location (48, 61) nlines 2 max_width 288 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCD5B7503E3" width 306 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$151" @309 location (496, 352) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @309 location (404, 301) nlines 2 max_width 184 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCD5B7B02AB" width 202 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$152" @310 location (1504, 352) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @310 location (1423, 301) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCD5BC800C1" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$153" @311 location (800, 592) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @311 location (599, 541) nlines 2 max_width 402 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCD5BD10273" width 420 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$155" @312 location (1174, 592) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @312 location (1093, 541) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCD5BD601B2" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$154" @313 location (800, 831) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @313 location (599, 780) nlines 2 max_width 402 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD143DE0113" width 420 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$156" @314 location (1168, 831) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @314 location (1087, 780) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DD143E602CD" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object LinkView "" @315 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD5B800078" client @308 supplier @309 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @316 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCD5BCB00D0" client @309 supplier @310 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @317 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD143CD01FE" client @309 supplier @311 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @318 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD143F10192" client @309 supplier @313 vertices (list Points (495, 415) (494, 831) (589, 831)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @319 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DD143CB007F" client @311 supplier @312 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @320 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DD143CF01E3" client @312 supplier @310 vertices (list Points (1264, 591) (1391, 591) (1472, 415)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @321 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DD143F803C3" client @313 supplier @314 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @322 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DD143FC0300" client @314 supplier @310 vertices (list Points (1258, 831) (1503, 831) (1503, 415)) line_style 0))) (object ObjectDiagram "BigNetwork" mechanism_ref @305 quid "3DCFDBE300E3" title "BigNetwork" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list (object ObjectView "internet" @323 location (176, 320) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @323 location (66, 269) nlines 2 max_width 220 justify 0 label "internet") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE8039E" width 238 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Internal" @324 location (431, 680) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @324 location (322, 629) nlines 2 max_width 218 justify 0 label "Internal") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803A4" width 236 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "External" @325 location (464, 2121) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @325 location (342, 2070) nlines 2 max_width 244 justify 0 label "External") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803EB" width 262 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "User 2" @326 location (941, 1208) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @326 location (743, 1157) nlines 2 max_width 396 justify 0 label "User 2") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803C1" width 414 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "User 1" @327 location (940, 1056) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @327 location (742, 1005) nlines 2 max_width 396 justify 0 label "User 1") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803B1" width 414 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Gateway" @328 location (1872, 682) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @328 location (1751, 630) nlines 2 max_width 242 justify 0 label "Gateway") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803DE" width 260 height 128 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Web Server" @329 location (1000, 2309) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @329 location (801, 2258) nlines 2 max_width 398 justify 0 label "Web Server") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803F5" width 416 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$159" @330 location (1363, 1208) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @330 location (1282, 1157) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803BD" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$160" @331 location (1363, 1056) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @331 location (1282, 1005) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803B5" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$161" @332 location (1579, 847) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @332 location (1498, 796) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803B9" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$157" @333 location (2255, 544) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @333 location (2174, 493) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803E4" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "DNS Server" @334 location (992, 1708) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @334 location (793, 1657) nlines 2 max_width 398 justify 0 label "DNS Server") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803D5" width 416 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$162" @335 location (1584, 1485) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @335 location (1503, 1434) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803CB" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Subnet 1:Network" @336 location (686, 848) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @336 location (581, 797) nlines 2 max_width 210 justify 0 label "Subnet 1:Network") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803AB" width 228 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Subnet 2: Network" @337 location (704, 1485) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @337 location (590, 1434) nlines 2 max_width 228 justify 0 label "Subnet 2: Network") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803CF" width 246 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$163" @338 location (1376, 1708) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @338 location (1295, 1657) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803D9" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Gateway" @339 location (1905, 1953) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @339 location (1784, 1901) nlines 2 max_width 242 justify 0 label "Gateway") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803DE" width 260 height 128 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$158" @340 location (1616, 2119) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @340 location (1535, 2068) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803FD" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$164" @341 location (1375, 2310) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @341 location (1294, 2259) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE803F9" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$165" @342 location (176, 96) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @342 location (32, 45) nlines 2 max_width 288 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DCFDBE80404" width 306 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object NoteView @343 location (2064, 1504) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 8421504 default_color FALSE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @343 location (1923, 1426) nlines 3 max_width 246 label |Orange = |Network comm lines ) line_color 10461087 fill_color 16777215 width 306 height 169) (object NoteView @344 location (1488, 464) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 8421504 default_color FALSE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @344 location (1306, 402) nlines 2 max_width 328 label "Simplified internet switch fabric") line_color 10461087 fill_color 16777215 width 388 height 137) (object AttachView "" @345 stereotype TRUE line_color 10461087 client @344 supplier @333 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @346 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE8039F" client @323 supplier @324 vertices (list Points (186, 383) (238, 672) (312, 675)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @347 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803A0" client @323 supplier @325 vertices (list Points (175, 383) (175, 2122) (332, 2121)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @348 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803A1" client @323 supplier @333 vertices (list Points (295, 322) (2253, 378) (2254, 480)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @349 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFE2090088" client @323 supplier @339 vertices (list Points (295, 319) (2478, 309) (2478, 1953) (2035, 1953)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @350 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803A5" client @324 supplier @336 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @351 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803A6" client @324 supplier @337 vertices (list Points (431, 743) (431, 1478) (580, 1481)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @352 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA63200160" client @324 supplier @328 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @353 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFE3F600E1" client @325 supplier @329 vertices (list Points (490, 2184) (544, 2309) (791, 2309)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @354 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DD158E60264" client @325 supplier @340 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @355 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803C0" client @326 supplier @330 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @356 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803B2" client @327 supplier @331 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @357 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803DF" client @328 supplier @333 vertices (list Points (2002, 668) (2175, 653) (2207, 607)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @358 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE80407" client @339 supplier @340 vertices (list Points (1864, 2017) (1806, 2118) (1706, 2118)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @359 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDFF50141" client @328 supplier @332 vertices (list Points (1832, 746) (1775, 843) (1669, 845)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @360 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDFF80254" client @328 supplier @335 vertices (list Points (1872, 746) (1872, 1484) (1674, 1484)) line_style 0) (object AttachView "" @361 stereotype TRUE line_color 10461087 client @343 supplier @360 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @362 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803BC" client @330 supplier @332 vertices (list Points (1453, 1207) (1578, 1206) (1578, 910)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @363 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803B6" client @331 supplier @332 vertices (list Points (1453, 1053) (1519, 1053) (1560, 910)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @364 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803E5" client @333 supplier @339 vertices (list Points (2254, 607) (2253, 1869) (2035, 1921)) line_style 0) (object AttachView "" @365 stereotype TRUE line_color 10461087 client @343 supplier @364 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @366 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803D6" client @334 supplier @338 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @367 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803AC" client @336 supplier @327 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @368 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803AD" client @336 supplier @326 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @369 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803AE" client @336 supplier @332 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @370 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803D0" client @337 supplier @334 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @371 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE803CE" client @337 supplier @335 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @372 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803DA" client @338 supplier @335 vertices (list Points (1466, 1706) (1550, 1706) (1573, 1548)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @373 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803FC" client @340 supplier @341 vertices (list Points (1593, 2182) (1550, 2309) (1465, 2309)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @374 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DCFDBE803F8" client @341 supplier @329 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @375 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DCFDBE80403" client @342 supplier @323 line_style 0))) (object ObjectDiagram "MediumNetwork" mechanism_ref @306 quid "3DEA63FB013D" title "MediumNetwork" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 719 items (list diagram_item_list (object ObjectView "User 2" @376 location (720, 728) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @376 location (522, 677) nlines 2 max_width 396 justify 0 label "User 2") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA64020086" width 414 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "User 1" @377 location (720, 571) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @377 location (522, 520) nlines 2 max_width 396 justify 0 label "User 1") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA64020042" width 414 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$166" @378 location (1136, 725) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @378 location (1055, 674) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA64020082" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$167" @379 location (1136, 571) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @379 location (1055, 520) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA64020046" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$168" @380 location (1353, 363) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @380 location (1272, 312) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA6402004A" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "DNS Server" @381 location (768, 1202) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @381 location (569, 1151) nlines 2 max_width 398 justify 0 label "DNS Server") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA64020064" width 416 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$170" @382 location (1360, 980) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @382 location (1279, 929) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA6402005B" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Subnet 1:Network" @383 location (431, 363) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @383 location (326, 312) nlines 2 max_width 210 justify 0 label "Subnet 1:Network") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA6402003C" width 228 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Subnet 2: Network" @384 location (458, 978) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @384 location (344, 927) nlines 2 max_width 228 justify 0 label "Subnet 2: Network") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA6402005E" width 246 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$169" @385 location (1152, 1202) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @385 location (1071, 1151) nlines 2 max_width 162 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA64020068" height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "$UNNAMED$171" @386 location (176, 92) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @386 location (32, 41) nlines 2 max_width 288 justify 0 label "") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA6402008C" width 306 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object ObjectView "Router" @387 location (1912, 688) font (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @387 location (1714, 637) nlines 2 max_width 396 justify 0 label "Router") icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 quidu "3DEA645F03E0" width 414 height 126 annotation 4 autoResize TRUE subobjects 0 x_offset 0.000000 y_offset 0.000000) (object LinkView "" @388 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DEA64020085" client @376 supplier @378 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @389 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DEA64020043" client @377 supplier @379 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @390 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DEA64020081" client @378 supplier @380 vertices (list Points (1226, 723) (1354, 721) (1353, 426)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @391 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DEA64020047" client @379 supplier @380 vertices (list Points (1226, 568) (1295, 568) (1334, 426)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @392 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DEA646C02A8" client @380 supplier @387 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @393 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DEA64020065" client @381 supplier @385 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @394 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DEA64770218" client @382 supplier @387 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @395 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA6402003D" client @383 supplier @377 vertices (list Points (435, 426) (447, 575) (512, 574)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @396 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA6402003E" client @383 supplier @376 vertices (list Points (431, 426) (431, 734) (512, 731)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @397 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA6402003F" client @383 supplier @380 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @398 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA6402005F" client @384 supplier @381 vertices (list Points (468, 1041) (494, 1200) (559, 1200)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @399 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA6402005D" client @384 supplier @382 line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @400 stereotype TRUE line_color 33023 quidu "3DEA64020069" client @385 supplier @382 vertices (list Points (1242, 1198) (1325, 1197) (1348, 1043)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @401 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA643201D2" client @386 supplier @383 vertices (list Points (191, 155) (241, 363) (316, 363)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @402 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA6438004B" client @386 supplier @384 vertices (list Points (176, 155) (178, 979) (334, 978)) line_style 0) (object LinkView "" @403 stereotype TRUE quidu "3DEA647D014E" client @386 supplier @387 vertices (list Points (329, 91) (1913, 91) (1912, 624)) line_style 0))))) root_subsystem (object SubSystem "Component View" quid "3DBB0D1A025B" physical_models (list unit_reference_list) physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object Module_Diagram "Main" quid "3DBB0D290086" title "Main" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list)))) process_structure (object Processes quid "3DBB0D1A025C" ProcsNDevs (list (object Process_Diagram "Deployment View" quid "3DBB0D1A025E" title "Deployment View" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list)))) properties (object Properties attributes (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "propertyId" value "809135966") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Synchronize" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Const" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "InitialValue" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "default__Inherit" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Synchronize" value TRUE))) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Synchronize" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Copyright" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "RootPackage" value "C++ Reverse Engineered") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "InitialHeaderIncludes" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "InitialBodyIncludes" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "default__Param" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "CodeName" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Synchronize" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "CodeName" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Synchronize" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "InitialCodeBody" value "") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Inline" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "Synchronize" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "ImplementationType" value "") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "HeaderSourceFile" value "") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "BodySourceFile" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "default__Category" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Cplusplus" name "IsNamespace" value FALSE))) (object 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(object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "HandleName" value "Handle") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "HandleAccess" value ("ImplementationSet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "Discriminant" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "Variant" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "EnumerationLiteralPrefix" value "A_") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "RecordFieldPrefix" value "The_") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "GenerateAccessorOperations" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "GenerateStandardOperations" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "ImplicitParameter" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "ClassParameterName" value "This") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "DefaultConstructorKind" value ("ConstructorKindSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "DefaultConstructorName" value "Create") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "InlineDefaultConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name 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"Ada83" name "GenerateDissociate" value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "DissociateName" value "Dissociate") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "InlineDissociate" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "ProcedureKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "Procedure" value 202) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "DoNotCreate" value 201))) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "FunctionKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "Function" value 199) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "DoNotCreate" value 201))))) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "The_${targetClass}") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "DataMemberName" value "${target}") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "GetName" value "Get_${target}") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "InlineGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "SetName" value "Set_${target}") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "InlineSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "IsConstant" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "InitialValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "ContainerGeneric" value "List") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "ContainerType" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "ContainerDeclarations" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "SelectorName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "SelectorType" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "ProcedureKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "Procedure" value 202) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "DoNotCreate" value 201))))) (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "default__Subsystem" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada83" name "Directory" value "AUTO GENERATE"))) (object 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"Ada95" name "TypeDefinition" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "RecordImplementation" value ("RecordImplementationSet" 209)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "RecordKindPackageName" value "${class}_Record_Kinds") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "IsLimited" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "IsSubtype" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateAccessType" value ("GenerateAccessTypeSet" 230)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AccessTypeName" value "Handle") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AccessTypeVisibility" value ("TypeVisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AccessTypeDefinition" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AccessClassWide" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "MaybeAliased" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ParameterizedImplementation" value ("ParameterizedImplementationSet" 11)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ParentClassName" value "Superclass") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "EnumerationLiteralPrefix" value "A_") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "RecordFieldPrefix" value "The_") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ArrayOfTypeName" value "Array_Of_${type}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AccessArrayOfTypeName" value "Access_Array_Of_${type}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ArrayOfAccessTypeName" value "Array_Of_${access_type}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AccessArrayOfAccessTypeName" value "Access_Array_Of_${access_type}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ArrayIndexDefinition" value "Positive range <>") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateAccessorOperations" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateStandardOperations" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ImplicitParameter" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ImplicitParameterName" value "This") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateDefaultConstructor" value ("SubprogramKindSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "DefaultConstructorName" value "Create") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "InlineDefaultConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateCopyConstructor" value ("SubprogramKindSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "CopyConstructorName" value "Copy") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "InlineCopyConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateDestructor" value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "DestructorName" value "Free") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "InlineDestructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateTypeEquality" value ("FunctionKindSet" 201)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "TypeEqualityName" value "${quote}=${quote}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "InlineEquality" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Representation" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "TypeImplementationSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Tagged" value 208) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Record" value 210) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Mixin" value 211) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Task" value 212))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "RecordImplementationSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "SingleType" value 209) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "MultipleTypes" value 213))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ParameterizedImplementationSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Generic" value 11) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Unconstrained" value 214))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "TypeVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Private" value 43))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "SubprogramKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Procedure" value 202) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Function" value 199) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "DoNotCreate" value 201))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ProcedureKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Procedure" value 202) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "DoNotCreate" value 201))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "FunctionKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Function" value 199) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "DoNotCreate" value 201))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "TypeControlSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "None" value 225) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "InitializationOnly" value 226) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AssignmentFinalizationOnly" value 227) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "All" value 228))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name 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tool "Ada95" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "The_${supplier}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "RecordFieldImplementation" value ("RecordFieldImplementationSet" 216)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "RecordFieldName" value "${relationship}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateGet" value ("FunctionKindSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateAccessGet" value ("FunctionKindSet" 201)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GetName" value "Get_${relationship}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "InlineGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateSet" value ("ProcedureKindSet" 202)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "GenerateAccessSet" value ("ProcedureKindSet" 201)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "SetName" value "Set_${relationship}") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "InlineSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "IsAliased" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "IsConstant" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "InitialValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerImplementation" value ("ContainerImplementationSet" 217)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerGeneric" value "List") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerType" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerDeclarations" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "SelectorName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "SelectorType" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "RecordFieldImplementationSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Component" value 216) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Discriminant" value 218) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AccessDiscriminant" value 219))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerImplementationSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Array" value 217) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" 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"ContainerImplementation" value ("ContainerImplementationSet" 217)) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerGeneric" value "List") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerType" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerDeclarations" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "SelectorName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "SelectorType" value "") (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ProcedureKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Procedure" value 202) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "DoNotCreate" value 201))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "RecordFieldImplementationSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Component" value 216) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "Discriminant" value 218) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "AccessDiscriminant" value 219))) (object Attribute tool "Ada95" name "ContainerImplementationSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute 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value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "ExternalName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "Length" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "Scale" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "ForBitData" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "DefaultValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "DefaultValueType" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "default__Parameter" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "dmItem" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "DMName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "IsInParameter" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "IsOutParameter" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "Ordinal" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "Length" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "Scale" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "ForBitData" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "DefaultValueType" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "DefaultValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "OperationID" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Data Modeler Communicator" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "framework" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "propertyId" value "809135966") (object Attribute tool "Java" name "default__Project" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Java" name "RootDir" value "") (object Attribute tool "Java" name "CreateMissingDirectories" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "StopOnError" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "UsePrefixes" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "AutoSync" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "ShowCodegenDlg" value FALSE) (object Attribute 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"BeanProperty_Set" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Not A Property" value 71) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Simple" value 72) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Bound" value 73) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Constrained" value 74))) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "IndividualChangeMgt" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Read/Write" value ("Read/Write_Set" 81)) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Read/Write_Set" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Read & Write" value 81) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Read Only" value 82) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Write Only" value 83))) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "GenerateFullyQualifiedTypes" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Java" name "ContainerClass" value "") (object Attribute tool "Java" name "InitialValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Final" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Transient" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Volatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "PropertyType" value ("BeanProperty_Set" 71)) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "BeanProperty_Set" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Not A Property" value 71) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Simple" value 72) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Bound" value 73) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Constrained" value 74))) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "IndividualChangeMgt" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Read/Write" value ("Read/Write_Set" 81)) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Read/Write_Set" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Read & Write" value 81) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Read Only" value 82) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "Write Only" value 83))) (object Attribute tool "Java" name "GenerateFullyQualifiedTypes" value 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"CollectionTypeLength" value "") (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "CollectionTypePrecision" value "") (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "CollectionTypeScale" value "") (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "CollectionOfREFS" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "MethodKind" value ("MethodKindSet" 1903)) (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "OverloadID" value "") (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "OrderNumber" value "") (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "IsReadNoDataState" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "IsReadNoProcessState" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "IsWriteNoDataState" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "IsWriteNoProcessState" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "IsSelfish" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Oracle8" name "TriggerType" value ("TriggerTypeSet" 1801)) (object Attribute tool 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"FixedByValueContainer" value "$targetClass[$limit]") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedFixedByValueContainer" value "$targetClass[$limit]") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FixedByReferenceContainer" value "$targetClass *[$limit]") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedFixedByReferenceContainer" value "$targetClass *[$limit]") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BoundedByValueContainer" value "BoundedListByValue<$targetClass,$limit>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedBoundedByValueContainer" value "BoundedSetByValue<$targetClass,$limit>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BoundedByReferenceContainer" value "BoundedListByReference<$targetClass,$limit>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedBoundedByReferenceContainer" value "BoundedSetByReference<$targetClass,$limit>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnboundedByValueContainer" value "UnboundedListByValue<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedUnboundedByValueContainer" value "UnboundedSetByValue<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnboundedByReferenceContainer" value "UnboundedListByReference<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedUnboundedByReferenceContainer" value "UnboundedSetByReference<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedByValueContainer" value "AssociationByValue<$qualtype, $qualcont>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedQualifiedByValueContainer" value "DictionaryByValue<$qualtype, $qualcont>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedByReferenceContainer" value "AssociationByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedQualifiedByReferenceContainer" value "DictionaryByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "PathSeparator" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FileNameFormat" value "128vx_b") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AlwaysKeepOrphanedCode" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ImplementationType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ClassKey" value "class") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "PutBodiesInSpec" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDefaultConstructor" value ("GenerateSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DefaultConstructorVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineDefaultConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ExplicitDefaultConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateCopyConstructor" value ("GenerateSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CopyConstructorVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineCopyConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ExplicitCopyConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDestructor" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DestructorVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DestructorKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineDestructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAssignmentOperation" value ("GenerateSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssignmentVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssignmentKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineAssignmentOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEqualityOperations" value ("GenerateSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "EqualityVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "EqualityKind" value ("FriendKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineEqualityOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateRelationalOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "RelationalVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "RelationalKind" value ("FriendKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineRelationalOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateStorageMgmtOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "StorageMgmtVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineStorageMgmtOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSubscriptOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SubscriptVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SubscriptKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SubscriptResultType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineSubscriptOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDereferenceOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DereferenceVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DereferenceKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DereferenceResultType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineDereferenceOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateIndirectionOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IndirectionVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IndirectionKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IndirectionResultType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineIndirectionOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateStreamOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "StreamVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineStreamOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ThreeKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "KindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FriendKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DeclareAndDefine" value 199) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DeclareOnly" value 205) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DoNotDeclare" value 206))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "VisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14))))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CmIdentification" value (value Text " %X% %Q% %Z% %W%")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CopyrightNotice" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FileName" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AllowExtensionlessFileName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InclusionProtectionSymbol" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeFormat" value (value Text |// $package |#include "$file" | )) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeBySimpleName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludePrecompiledHeader" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeOrder" value "AMIR") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AdditionalIncludes" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InliningStyle" value ("InliningStyleSet" 207)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InliningStyleSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InClassDeclaration" value 208) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FollowingClassDeclaration" value 207))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "TypesDefined" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeClosure" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Module-Body" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CmIdentification" value (value Text " %X% %Q% %Z% %W%")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CopyrightNotice" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FileName" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AllowExtensionlessFileName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeFormat" value (value Text |// $package |#include "$file" | )) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeBySimpleName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludePrecompiledHeader" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeOrder" value "AMIR") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AdditionalIncludes" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InliningStyle" value ("InliningStyleSet" 207)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InliningStyleSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InClassDeclaration" value 208) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FollowingClassDeclaration" value 207))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "TypesDefined" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeClosure" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationKind" value ("OperationKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAbstractBody" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SpecialDeclReturnType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationIsConst" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationIsExplicit" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Inline" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "EntryCode" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ExitCode" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CCRegion" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BodyAnnotations" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Has" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Ordered" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "the_$supplier") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberName" value "$relationship") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibility" value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AtRelationshipVisibility" value 210))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutability" value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutabilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unrestricted" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Mutable" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Const" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberIsVolatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberFieldSize" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InitialValue" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetName" value "get_$relationship") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetName" value "set_$relationship") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKinds" value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKindsSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ContainerClass" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SelectorName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SelectorType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConstSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "False" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "True" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Same_As_Function" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetByReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ForwardReferenceOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "HasRelTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Array" value 24) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Sequence" value 47))))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Association" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "the_$targetClass"))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Inherit" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InstanceArguments" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ForwardReferenceOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "the_$targetClass") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberName" value "$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibility" value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AtRelationshipVisibility" value 210))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutability" value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutabilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unrestricted" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Mutable" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Const" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberIsVolatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberFieldSize" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InitialValue" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ContainerClass" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ContainerGet" value "$data.get($keys)") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ContainerSet" value "$data.set($keys,$value)") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedContainer" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassContainer" value "$supplier *") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassInitialValue" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKinds" value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKindsSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetByReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetName" value "get_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConstSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "False" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "True" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Same_As_Function" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetName" value "set_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetSetByReference" value ("QualifiedGetSetByReferenceSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetSetByReferenceSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "False" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "True" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Same_As_GetSetByReference" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateQualifiedGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetName" value "get_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineQualifiedGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateQualifiedSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedSetName" value "set_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedSetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineQualifiedSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAssocClassDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassDataMemberName" value "$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassDataMemberVisibility" value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AtRelationshipVisibility" value 210))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassDataMemberMutability" value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutabilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unrestricted" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Mutable" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Const" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassDataMemberIsVolatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassGetSetKinds" value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAssocClassGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassGetName" value "get_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassGetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassGetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineAssocClassGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAssocClassSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassSetName" value "set_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassSetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineAssocClassSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassForwardReferenceOnly" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Array" value 24) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Sequence" value 47))))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberName" value "$attribute") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibility" value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AtAttributeVisibility" value 211))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutability" value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutabilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unrestricted" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Mutable" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Const" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberIsVolatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberFieldSize" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetName" value "get_$attribute") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetName" value "set_$attribute") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKinds" value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKindsSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConstSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "False" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "True" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Same_As_Function" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetByReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CCRegion" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Uses" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ForwardReferenceOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BodyReferenceOnly" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Subsystem" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Directory" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DirectoryIsOnSearchList" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "PrecompiledHeader" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Category" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IsNamespace" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Indent" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "propertyId" value "809135966") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Project" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Version" value "5.0"))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCClassTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCClassTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Interface_Part" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Connection_Part" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Class_Factory" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CObjectFunctionality" value ("CObjectFunctionalitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CObjectFunctionalitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dynamic" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dyncreate" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Serial" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateOverrideGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateDataGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DATA_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateFieldGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_FIELD_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateMessageGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateMessageMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_MSG_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MESSAGE_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEFactory" value ("OLEFactorySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEFactorySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Built_in" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Simple" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Licensed" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEName" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEClassID" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateOLECtlType" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLECtlType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateOLETypeLib" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLETypeLibID" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLETypeLibMajor" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLETypeLibMinor" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GeneratePropPageIDs" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEPropPageIDs" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateDispatchMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockProperties" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockFunctions" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DispatchDefValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateDispIdEnum" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISP_ID_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateInterfaceMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "INTERFACE_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "InitInterface" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateEventMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENT_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "EVENT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockEvents" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateEventSinkMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENTSINK_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENTSINK_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "EVENTSINK_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PropNotifySinks" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateConnectionMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CONNECTION_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "ConnectionPointIID" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "InheritanceType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLECommands" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MFCDeclares" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MFCImplements" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "ATL_Declares" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateCOMMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "COM_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateConnectionPointMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CONNECTION_POINT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateMsgMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSG_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GeneratePropertyMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PROPERTY_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCOperationTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCOperationTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Virtual_Override" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Message_Handler" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dispatch_Handler" value 3) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Event_Firing_Function" value 4) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Event_Sink_Handler" value 5) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Std_OLE_Method" value 6) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Command_Parser" value 7) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Property_Get_Function" value 8) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Property_Set_Function" value 9) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Property_Notify_Function" value 10) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Macro_Generated_Function" value 11))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_MSG_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MESSAGE_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "EVENT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENTSINK_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "EVENTSINK_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CallType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "BodyImage" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCAttributeTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCAttributeTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Member_Property" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Get_Set_Property" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dialog_Data" value 3) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Field_Data" value 4) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Stock_Property" value 5))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PointerBase" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CallType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockPropertyImplementation" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Has" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCAttributeTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCAttributeTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Member_Property" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Get_Set_Property" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dialog_Data" value 3) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Field_Data" value 4) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Stock_Property" value 5))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PointerBase" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CallType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockPropertyImplementation" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCAttributeTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCAttributeTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Member_Property" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Get_Set_Property" value 2) 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Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateIncludesGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_INCLUDES_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateInsertLocation" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Rose Model Integrator" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Rose Web Publisher" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "propertyId" value "783606378") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "COM" name "TypeKinds" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "COM" name "enum" value 100) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "record" value 101) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "module" value 102) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "interface" value 103) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "dispinterface" value 104) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "coclass" value 105) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "alias" value 106) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "union" value 107) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "max" value 108) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "(none)" value 109))) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "kind" value ("TypeKinds" 109)) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "uuid" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "version" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "helpstring" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "helpcontext" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "attributes" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "dllname" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "alias" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "COM" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "id" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "helpstring" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "attributes" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "COM" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "id" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "helpstring" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "attributes" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "COM" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "filename" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "library" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "uuid" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "version" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "helpstring" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "helpfile" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "helpcontext" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "lcid" value "") (object Attribute tool "COM" name "attributes" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "COM" name "default__Param" value 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"CompileProjTypeLib" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "IdlInterfaceAttributes" value (value Text |endpoint("") |local |object |pointer_default() |uuid("") |version("") |encode |decode |auto_handle |implicit_handle("") |code |nocode )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "IdlCoClassAttributes" value (value Text |uuid("") |helpstring("") |helpcontext("") |licensed |version("") |control |hidden |appobject )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "IdlCoClassInterfaceAttributes" value (value Text |default |source )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "IdlParameterAttributes" value (value Text |in |out |retval )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "IdlMethodAttributes" value (value Text |id(1) |helpstring("") |call_as("") |callback |helpcontext("") |hidden |local |restricted |source |vararg )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "IdlPropertyAttributes" value (value Text |id() |helpstring("") |call_as("") |helpcontext("") |hidden |local |restricted |source |vararg |bindable 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"VC++" name "Containers" value (value Text |cont1=CArray<$TYPE, $TYPE&> |cont2=CByteArray |cont3=CDWordArray |cont4=CObArray |cont5=CPtrArray |cont6=CStringArray |cont7=CUIntArray |cont8=CWordArray |cont9=CList<$TYPE, $TYPE&> |cont10=CPtrList |cont11=CObList |cont12=CStringList |cont13=CMapWordToPtr |cont14=CMapPtrToWord |cont15=CMapPtrToPtr |cont16=CMapWordToOb |cont17=CMapStringToPtr |cont18=CMapStringToOb |cont19=CMapStringToString |cont20=CTypedPtrArray |cont21=CTypedPtrArray |cont22=CTypedPtrList |cont23=CTypedPtrList |cont24=CComObject<$TYPE> |cont25=CComPtr<$TYPE> |cont26=CComQIPtr<$TYPE> |cont27=CComQIPtr<$TYPE, IID*> )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "ClassMethods" value (value Text |*_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class |cm1=$NAME() |cm2=$NAME(orig:const $NAME&) |cm3=<> ~$NAME() |cm4=operator=(rhs:$NAME&):$NAME& |cm4_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return rhs; |cm5=<> operator==(rhs:const $NAME&):bool |cm5_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false; |cm6=<> operator!=(rhs:$NAME&):bool |cm6_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false; |cm7=<> operator<(rhs:$NAME&):bool |cm7_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false; |cm8=<> operator>(rhs:$NAME&):bool |cm8_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false; |cm9=<> operator<=(rhs:$NAME&):bool |cm9_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false; |cm10=<> operator>=(rhs:$NAME&):bool |cm10_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false; |cm11=<> operator>>(i:istream&, rhs:$NAME&):istream& |cm11_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return i; |cm12=<> operator<<(o:ostream&, rhs:const $NAME&):ostream& |cm12_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return o; )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Accessors" value (value Text |agf=<> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE |agf_body=return $NAME; |asf=set_$BASICNAME(value:$TYPE):void |asf_body=$NAME = value;|return; |agv=<> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE& |agv_body=return $NAME; |asv=set_$BASICNAME(value:$TYPE&):void |asv_body=$NAME = value;|return; |agp=<> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE |agp_body=return $NAME; |asp=set_$BASICNAME(value:$TYPE):void |asp_body=$NAME = value;|return; |agr=<> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE |agr_body=return $NAME; |asr=set_$BASICNAME(value:$TYPE):void |asr_body=$NAME = value;|return; |aga=<> get_$BASICNAME(index:int):const $TYPE |aga_body=return $NAME[index]; |asa=set_$BASICNAME(index:int, value:$TYPE):void |asa_body=$NAME[index] = value;|return; )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Conditionals" value (value Text |*_decl=#ifdef _DEBUG |*_base=CObject |cond1=<> AssertValid():void |cond1_body=$SUPERNAME::AssertValid(); |cond2=<> Dump(dc:CDumpContext&):void |cond2_body=$SUPERNAME::Dump(dc); )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Patterns" value (value Text |patrn1=cm1,cm3,cond1,cond2 |Patrn1_name=Default )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "AtlClassPrefix" value "C") (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "AtlInterfacePrefix" value "I") (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "AtlTypeDescription" value "Class") (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "DefaultLogicalPackage" value "$language Reverse Engineered/$component") (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "DefaultComponentPackage" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "HeaderFileName" value "") (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "CodeFileName" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "InternalMap" value (value Text |*:AUTO:AUTO | )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "ExportMap" value (value Text |*:AUTO:AUTO | )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "InitialSourceIncludes" value (value Text |"stdafx.h" )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "InitialHeaderIncludes" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Copyright" value (value Text "Copyright (C) 1991 - 1999 Rational Software Corporation")) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "KindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "(none)" value 300) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "DLL" value 301) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "EXE" value 302) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "MIDL" value 303))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Kind" value ("KindSet" 300)) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "BodyExtensions" value (value Text |.cpp |.cxx |.inl )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "HeaderExtensions" value (value Text |.h |.hpp |.hxx |inl )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "ProjectFolders" value (value Text |Source Files |Header Files )) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "UsePathMap" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Const" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "InitialValue" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "default__Uses" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Generate" value TRUE))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "default__Category" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "IsDirectory" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Directory" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Generate" value TRUE))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "Inline" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "DefaultBody" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "VC++" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Version Control" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "propertyId" value "783606378") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "UpdateCode" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "UpdateModel" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "InstancingSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "Private" value 221) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "PublicNotCreatable" value 213) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "SingleUse" value 214) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "GlobalSingleUse" value 215) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "MultiUse" value 219) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "GlobalMultiUse" value 220))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "BaseSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "(none)" value 222) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "0" value 223) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "1" value 224))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "OptionBase" value ("BaseSet" 222)) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "OptionExplicit" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "OptionCompare" value ("CompareSet" 202)) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "Instancing" value ("InstancingSet" 219)) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "CompareSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "(none)" value 202) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "Binary" value 203) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "Text" value 204))))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "LibraryName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "AliasName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "IsStatic" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ProcedureID" value "") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ReplaceExistingBody" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "DefaultBody" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "New" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "WithEvents" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ProcedureID" value "") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "PropertyName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "Subscript" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "UpdateCode" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "New" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "WithEvents" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "FullName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ProcedureID" value "") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "PropertyName" value "") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "Subscript" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "default__Inherit" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ImplementsDelegation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "FullName" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "default__Param" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ByVal" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ByRef" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "Optional" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ParamArray" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ProjectFile" value "") (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "UpdateCode" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "UpdateModel" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ImportReferences" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "QuickImport" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "ImportBinary" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "Visual Basic" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "VisualStudio" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "Web Modeler" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "propertyId" value "809135966") (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "default__Project" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "CreateMissingDirectories" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "Editor" value ("EditorType" 100)) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "StopOnError" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "EditorType" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "BuiltIn" value 100) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "WindowsShell" value 101))))) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "Entity_SystemID" value "") (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "Entity_PublicID" value "") (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "NotationValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "InternalValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "ParameterEntity" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "ExternalEntity" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "Notation_SystemID" value "") (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "Notation_PublicID" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "DefaultDeclType" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "Assign All" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "ComponentPath" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "XML_DTD" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE)) quid "3DBB0D1A025D"))