CS522 S2002 Midterm Exam

CS522 S2002 Midterm Exam

Enter your CS Unix machine login and password and submit the midterm before 11:59pm 4/24/2002.   You can work at home or at PC lab where you can access it through a web browser.  For multiple-choice questions, you must choose either yes or no for each answer.

After filled in the answers in the text areas and selected the answers, please print a copy of the web page with your answers before you hit the submit button. Note that "save file" menuitem does not save the data you enter. It only saves the HTML source file. Submit your answers by pressing the submit button at the end of this web page.  You will get a confirm web page with all your answers. Save or print  the answer confirmation web page for your record.

Your name:
Your login on CS UNIX machines:
Your password on CS UNIX machines:
Work/Home Phone number (option):

  1. Introduction, OSI Reference, Network Services/Applications
    1. OSI seven layer model
      1. Transport layer establishes communication between  individual process to individual process communication on different machines.  Yes No
      2. SSL is a session layer protocol which runs on top of TCP. Yes No
      3. Data Link layer checks if the frame is garbled or not. Yes No
    2. PDU encapsulation/decapsulation

    3. How does the TCP layer protocol entity know the payload of a TCP segment should be delivered to an application layer  protocol entity such as web server?
      1. From the type field in the Ethernet  header Yes No
      2. From the MAC address in the IP header Yes No
      3. From the Protocol field in the TCP header Yes No
      4. From the Protocol field in the IP header Yes No
      5. From the Protocol field in the application layer header Yes No
    4. Network  address and their format
      1. IP address of IP protocol version 6 contains 4 bytes. Yes No
      2. The terminal server of an ISP dynamically assigns one address from a pool of IP addresses to a host when the user dials in. It helps to reduce the usage of IP addresses.  Yes No.
      3. Can a ftp server be setup without using a new IP address?  Yes No
      4. The IP packet content sent by a machine will not be changed by the intermediate router.  Yes No
      5. If the IP packet content sent by a machine is not changed by the intermediate routers, what are changed in the frames that allow those frames to be sent from one router to the other?

      6. grade (5pts):


    5. Domain Name System (DNS)
      1. To speed up the performance, the name server caches the results return from another DNS server. Yes No
      2. After  changing a machine to a new IP address, other name servers in Internet may still have old entries in their cache and will answer name query with the old IP address.  Yes No
      3. Why happens after the DNS request sent to the primary (first) name server never gets replied and the machine times out?

        grade (5pts):


    6. Basic web access steps
      1. An Ethernet card  accept an Ethernet frame with its destination MAC (Medium Access Control) address equal to its burnin Ethernet address.  Yes No
      2. An Ethernet card  accepts an Ethernet frame with broadcast address.  Yes No
      3. What protocol is used by a machine to find out the MAC address of another machine in the same subnet? 

        grade (3 pts):


      4. A web server can run on port 443. Yes No
      5. A web client typically runs on a port number larger than 1023. Yes No
    7. IP Address and Routing.
      Given the following routing table on archie.uccs.edu.
      Kernel IP routing table
      Destination  Gateway      Genmask         Flags   MSS Window irtt Iface U       40  0      0    eth0       U       40  0      0    lo         UG      40  0      0    eth0

      1. From the first entry of the routing table, we have destination IP address and genmask (or called netmask) that identifies the subnet which archie is in.
        a. What is the equivalent Classless IP addess notattion for this subnet?

        grade (3 pts):


        Hint: Specify the size of net address.
        b. How many IP addresses can be assigned to machines in this subnet (assume one is used by the router,

        grade (3 pts):


      2. Why in a traceroute session, the round trip time to a router at 13 hops can be shorter than that to a router at 17 hops?

        grade (5pts):


  2. Protocol Engineering-specification, verification
    1. Alternating Bit Protocol and Protocol Simulation
      1. Can the Alternating Bit Protocol deliver messages in sequence even when the data gets lost or corrupted frequently?

        grade (5pts):


    2. Reachability Analysis. For the following two machines,

      1. What is the buffer size of C1?

        grade (3 pts):


      2. Is there a deadlock? Yes No
      3. Is there an unspecified reception? Yes No
      4. Is there non-executable state? Yes No
      5. Is there non-exeutable transiton? Yes No
      6. How many global states generated?

        grade (3 pts):


  3. Protocol Programming/Implementation
    1. Unix Domain Socket vs. Internet Domain Socket
      1. Internet Domain Socket cannot send messages to a different machine. Yes No
      2. Unix Domain Socket can only send message to a different machine. Yes No
    2. Stream vs. Datagram
      1. The Stream socket does not deliver message boundary.  It is possible to read two packets sent by the sender  in single read() or recv() function call if we specifies a buffer size bigger than that of two or three messages sent. If the message size is fixed, then we can set the buffer size to the message size and read one message one at a time.. Yes No
      2. Stream connection guarantees packets to be delivered in sequence without loss..  Yes No
      3. The two subsequent packets reads from a datagram socket can be from different senders. Yes No
    3. Forking or not?

    4. Given that creating a child process using fork() takes 10 milliseconds,
      1. From system throughput point of view, is it a good choice for services, that require retrieving data from another Database server, to use fork() and child process to serve the requests?  Yes No
      2. Servers do simple table lookup for return data (to be done in 10 microseconds) should not create child processes using fork() to serve the requests. Yes No
    5. Select()
      1. Select() allows us to implement timeout and retransmission of messages in Unix system. Yes No
      2. After return from the select() call, the value of the 2nd parameter (readfdset) may be changed.  Yes No
  4. Transmission Fundamental
    1. If we use a 32-signal set with QAM modulation method over  a TV channel with 8 MHz bandwidth and S/N ratio of 40dB, what is the maximum bit rate we can achieve?

    2. grade (5pts):


    3. Given the following signal constellation diagram (16 signal set) and their bit pattern assignments.

      1. If the modem is sending signals at the rate of 4800 baud (4800 signals per second), what is the bit rate this modem can achieve?

      grade (5pts):


      2. If the sending modem receives a byte with 11110000 bit pattern from the sending computer, what are analog signals that will be generated by the sending modem?

      grade (5pts):


      3. If the receiving modem receives two analog signal: one with amplitude of 2A and phase angle of 3/4pi followed by a signal of amplitude of A and phase angle of 5/4p, what bit patterns should it sends to the receiving computer?

      grade (5pts):


If you feel some of the questions are ambiguous, state the problem # and your assumptions on the answers.

adjusted grade:


No. of Multichoice questions is 31.

Multichoice Grade is 31.

Total Point is 82. Maximum Point is 86.
