//File: ABWPlot.java //Project: ABMT //Version: 0.1 //Designer: C. Edward Chow //Revision: // 2/14/2001 C. Edward Chow //Bug Report: send to chow@cs.uccs.edu //Description: Plotting Program for Internet Network Probing Research // Main class of ABWPlot // // copyright@2001, University of Colorado at Coloraod Springs // unlimited distribution for academic research and education // for commercial usage, please check with C. Edward Chow // public class Packet { int ID; // 0 for traffic report program; 1 for probing agent int tv_sec; // sec portion of the end time of the report period int tv_usec; // usec portion of the end time of report period in usec // sender use struct timeval and gettimeofday() to get end time data int bw; // bandwdith in bps public Packet(byte[] buf, int length) { } }