Homework #1 Hint

The modified spreadsheet with additional column for calculating the execution time of the
           Re: Cs520 Help!
           Wed, 03 Feb 1999 11:13:55 -0700
           Edward Chow <chow@cs.uccs.edu>
           "Gille, Raymond" <raymond.gille@lmco.com>, CS520@quandary


I attached the modified spreadsheet with additional column for calculating the execution time of the
DEC3000.  They are derived from dividing the VAX11/780 time with the DEC3000 SPECRatio. You then
follows the same weighti*Timei calculation as column C. The sum of all entries will be the weighted
arithmetic mean of DEC3000 Execution Time.
Same procedure is applied for the weight arithmetic means of  IBM and Intel Xpress machines.
Hope this help.   Let me know if you still have question.


"Gille, Raymond" wrote:

  I must be thick but for some reason I just can't seem to get the homework
  problem 1.11.  I think I worked out the weights for the VAX (part A)
  correctly, however, my problem lies with part B and how to use the chart to
  derive what is wanted.  I am not even sure what is wanted.