# # THIS FILE IS DEPRECATED. # # You should NOT be using this file to configure the server. # It is here ONLY for backwards compatibility. # # See 'proxy.conf' for the new configuration. # # # realms This file contains a list of realms. When a user logs # in with @realm as the last part of the loginname, # the realm part is looked up in this file. If found, # the request is sent to the listed remote radius server. # # Description of the fields: # # * The first field is a realm name. # The realm DEFAULT matches all realms. # * The second field is a hostname. Optional is :port to # use a non-standard port. In that case, port is the # authentication port and the accounting port is taken # as port + 1. # If this field is set to LOCAL, the request is processed # normally without sending it to a remote radius server. # * Extra fields with options can follow. Currently # defined options: # - nostrip do not strip @realm from the username # - notrealm do not match realm in proxy decisions # this option replaces 'notsuffix' # # - notsuffix deprecated, but still supported # # Realm Remote server [:port] Options #---------------- --------------------- ------- #isp2.com radius.isp2.com nostrip #company.com radius.company.com:1600 #bla.com LOCAL #replicateme radius2.company.com notrealm #foo.com