/* * timestr.c See if a string like 'Su2300-0700' matches (UUCP style). * * Version: $Id: timestr.c,v 1.15 2002/06/21 19:57:27 cparker Exp $ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Copyright 2000 The FreeRADIUS server project * Copyright 2000 Alan DeKok */ static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: timestr.c,v 1.15 2002/06/21 19:57:27 cparker Exp $"; #include "autoconf.h" #include "libradius.h" #include #include #include #include #include "radiusd.h" static const char *days[] = { "su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa", "wk", "any", "al" }; #define DAYMIN (24*60) #define WEEKMIN (24*60*7) #define val(x) (( (x) < 48 || (x) > 57) ? 0 : ((x) - 48)) #if 0 /* Set to 1 if you're a developer and want to debug this code */ # define timestr_debug DEBUG2 # define do_timestr_debug 1 #else # define timestr_debug if (0) printf #endif /* * String code. */ static int strcode (const char **str) { int i; size_t l; timestr_debug("strcode %s called\n", *str); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { l = strlen(days[i]); if (l > strlen(*str)) continue; if (strncmp(*str, days[i], l) == 0) { *str += l; break; } } timestr_debug("strcode result %d\n", i); return (i >= 10) ? -1 : i; } /* * Fill bitmap with hours/mins. */ static int hour_fill(char *bitmap, const char *tm) { char *p; int start, end; int i, bit, byte; timestr_debug("hour_fill called for %s\n", tm); /* * Get timerange in start and end. */ end = -1; if ((p = strchr(tm, '-')) != NULL) { p++; if (p - tm != 5 || strlen(p) < 4 || !isdigit((int) *p)) return 0; end = 600 * val(p[0]) + 60 * val(p[1]) + atoi(p + 2); } if (*tm == 0) { start = 0; end = DAYMIN - 1; } else { if (strlen(tm) < 4 || !isdigit((int) *tm)) return 0; start = 600 * val(tm[0]) + 60 * val(tm[1]) + atoi(tm + 2); if (end < 0) end = start; } /* Treat 2400 as 0000, and do some more silent error checks. */ if (end < 0) end = 0; if (start < 0) start = 0; if (end >= DAYMIN) end = DAYMIN - 1; if (start >= DAYMIN) start = DAYMIN - 1; timestr_debug("hour_fill: range from %d to %d\n", start, end); /* * Fill bitmap. */ i = start; while (1) { byte = (i / 8); bit = i % 8; timestr_debug("setting byte %d, bit %d\n", byte, bit); bitmap[byte] |= (1 << bit); if (i == end) break; i++; i %= DAYMIN; } return 1; } /* * Call the fill bitmap function for every day listed. */ static int day_fill(char *bitmap, const char *tm) { const char *hr; int n; int start, end; for (hr = tm; *hr; hr++) if (isdigit((int) *hr)) break; if (hr == tm) tm = "Al"; timestr_debug("dayfill: hr %s tm %s\n", hr, tm); while ((start = strcode(&tm)) >= 0) { /* * Find start and end weekdays and * build a valid range 0 - 6. */ if (*tm == '-') { tm++; if ((end = strcode(&tm)) < 0) break; } else end = start; if (start == 7) { start = 1; end = 5; } if (start > 7) { start = 0; end = 6; } n = start; timestr_debug("day_fill: range from %d to %d\n", start, end); while (1) { hour_fill(bitmap + 180 * n, hr); if (n == end) break; n++; n %= 7; } } return 1; } /* * Fill the week bitmap with allowed times. */ static int week_fill(char *bitmap, char *tm) { char *s; char tmp[128]; strncpy(tmp, tm, 128); tmp[127] = 0; for (s = tmp; *s; s++) if (isupper(*s)) *s = tolower(*s); s = strtok(tmp, ",|"); while (s) { day_fill(bitmap, s); s = strtok(NULL, ",|"); } return 0; } /* * Match a timestring and return seconds left. * -1 for no match, 0 for unlimited. */ int timestr_match(char *tmstr, time_t t) { struct tm *tm, s_tm; char bitmap[WEEKMIN / 8]; int now, tot, i; int byte, bit; #if do_timestr_debug int y; char *s; char null[8]; #endif tm = localtime_r(&t, &s_tm); now = tm->tm_wday * DAYMIN + tm->tm_hour * 60 + tm->tm_min; tot = 0; memset(bitmap, 0, sizeof(bitmap)); week_fill(bitmap, tmstr); #if do_timestr_debug memset(null, 0, 8); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { timestr_debug("%d: ", i); s = bitmap + 180 * i; for (y = 0; y < 23; y++) { s = bitmap + 180 * i + (75 * y) / 10; timestr_debug("%c", memcmp(s, null, 8) == 0 ? '.' : '#'); } timestr_debug("\n"); } #endif /* * See how many minutes we have. */ i = now; while (1) { byte = i / 8; bit = i % 8; timestr_debug("READ: checking byte %d bit %d\n", byte, bit); if (!(bitmap[byte] & (1 << bit))) break; tot += 60; i++; i %= WEEKMIN; if (i == now) break; } if (tot == 0) return -1; return (i == now) ? 0 : tot; } #ifdef STANDALONE int main(int argc, char **argv) { int l; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: test timestring\n"); exit(1); } l = timestr_match(argv[1], time(NULL)); printf ("%s: %d seconds left\n", argv[1], l); return 0; } #endif