# (C) Copyright 2001,2002, Martin Roesch, Brian Caswell, et al. # All rights reserved. # $Id: multimedia.rules,v 1.4 2002/08/18 20:28:43 cazz Exp $ #------------- # MULTIMEDIA RULES #------------- # These signatures look for people using streaming multimedia technologies. # Using streaming media may be a violation of corporate policies. alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (msg:"MULTIMEDIA Quicktime User Agent access"; flow:to_server,established; content:"User-Agent\: Quicktime"; classtype:policy-violation; sid:1436; rev:2;) alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET 80 -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"MULTIMEDIA Windows Media audio download"; flow:from_server,established; content:"Content-type\: audio/x-ms-wma\r\n"; classtype:policy-violation; sid:1437; rev:2;) alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET 80 -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"MULTIMEDIA Windows Media Video download"; flow:from_server,established; content:"Content-type\: video/x-ms-asf\r\n"; classtype:policy-violation; sid:1438; rev:2;) alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET 80 -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"MULTIMEDIA Shoutcast playlist redirection"; flow:from_server,established; content:"Content-type\: audio/x-scpls\r\n"; classtype:policy-violation; sid:1439; rev:2;) alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET 80 -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"MULTIMEDIA Icecast playlist redirection"; flow:from_server,established; content:"Content-type\: audio/x-mpegurl\r\n"; classtype:policy-violation; sid:1440; rev:2;) alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> any (msg:"MULTIMEDIA audio galaxy keepalive"; flow:established; content:"|45 5F 00 03 05|"; offset:0; depth:5; classtype:misc-activity; sid:1428; rev:3;)