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JNL = Journal or Magazine   CNF = Conference   STD = Standard

1  A fair non-repudiation protocol
Bo Meng; Shaomei Wang; Qianxing Xiong;
Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2002. The 7th International Conference on , 25-27 Sept. 2002
Pages:68 - 73

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (383 KB)]    IEEE CNF

2  Non-repudiation evidence generation for CORBA using XML
Wichert, M.; Ingham, D.; Caughey, S.;
Computer Security Applications Conference, 1999. (ACSAC '99) Proceedings. 15th Annual , 6-10 Dec. 1999
Pages:320 - 327

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (76 KB)]    IEEE CNF

3  Non-repudiation in an agent-based electronic commerce system
Liew, C.-C.; Ng, W.-K.; Lim, E.-P.; Tan, B.-S.; Ong, K.-L.;
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1999. Proceedings. Tenth International Workshop on , 1-3 Sept. 1999
Pages:864 - 868

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (188 KB)]    IEEE CNF

4  An efficient non-repudiation protocol
Jianying Zhou; Gollmann, D.;
Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 1997. Proceedings., 10th , 10-12 June 1997
Pages:126 - 132

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (556 KB)]    IEEE CNF

5  Improving fairness and privacy of Zhou-Gollmann's fair non-repudiation protocol
Kwangjo Kim; Sangjoon Park; Joonsang Baek;
Parallel Processing, 1999. Proceedings. 1999 International Workshops on , 21-24 Sept. 1999
Pages:140 - 145

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (76 KB)]    IEEE CNF

6  Formal analysis of a non-repudiation protocol
Schneider, S.;
Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 1998. Proceedings. 11th IEEE , 9-11 June 1998
Pages:54 - 65

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (232 KB)]    IEEE CNF

7  Analysis of privacy and non-repudiation on pay-TV systems
Ronggong Song; Lyu, M.R.;
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 47 , Issue: 4 , Nov. 2001
Pages:729 - 733

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (335 KB)]    IEEE JNL

8  Privacy and non-repudiation on pay-TV systems
Nam-Yih Lee; Chi-Chao Chang; Chun-Li Lin; Tzonelih Hwang;
Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 46 , Issue: 1 , Feb. 2000
Pages:20 - 27

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (276 KB)]    IEEE JNL

9  A non-repudiation message transfer protocol for e-commerce
Seokwon Yang; Su, S.Y.W.; Lam, H.;
E-Commerce, 2003. CEC 2003. IEEE International Conference on , 24-27 June 2003
Pages:320 - 327

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (278 KB)]    IEEE CNF

10  Intermediary non-repudiation protocols
Onieva, J.A.; Jianying Zhou; Carbonell, M.; Lopez, J.;
E-Commerce, 2003. CEC 2003. IEEE International Conference on , 24-27 June 2003
Pages:207 - 214

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (296 KB)]    IEEE CNF

11  A software framework for non-repudiation service in electronic commerce based on the Internet
Sung woo Tak; Yugyung Lee; Eun Kyo Park;
Computer Communications and Networks, 2002. Proceedings. Eleventh International Conference on , 14-16 Oct. 2002
Pages:182 - 189

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (424 KB)]    IEEE CNF

12  A fair non-repudiation protocol
Jianying Zhou; Gollman, D.;
Security and Privacy, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE Symposium on , 6-8 May 1996
Pages:55 - 61

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (484 KB)]    IEEE CNF

13  A multi-party non-repudiation protocol with semi-trusted third party
Wang Caifen; Ge Jianhua; Du Xinjun; Qu Jin; Zhao Tieshan; Yang Shiyong;
TENCON '02. Proceedings. 2002 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering , Volume: 1 , 28-31 Oct. 2002
Pages:188 - 191 vol.1

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (386 KB)]    IEEE CNF

14  The sharing session key component (SSKC) algorithm for end-to-end secure wireless communication
Hsiao-Kuang Wu; Shu-Ching Yang; Yung-Tai Lin;
Security Technology, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE 34th Annual 2000 International Carnahan Conference on , 23-25 Oct. 2000
Pages:242 - 250

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (864 KB)]    IEEE CNF

15  Analysis of a non-repudiation authentication protocol for personal communication systems
Stach, J.F.; Park, E.K.;
Computer Communications and Networks, 1998. Proceedings. 7th International Conference on , 12-15 Oct. 1998
Pages:289 - 293

[Abstract]    [PDF Full-Text (454 KB)]    IEEE CNF

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