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Getting Started with RTLinux

FSM Labs, Inc.



Welcome to the RTLinux Getting Started Guide! RTLinux is a hard realtime operating system that coexists with the Linux OS. With RTLinux, it is possible to create realtime POSIX.1b threads that will run at precisely specified moments of time. We have designed the Getting Started Guide with the assumption that the reader has had some programming experience, but has never used RTLinux.

The document is organized as follows. First, we present basic information needed to get started: sources of help, common programming errors, and an overview of the RTLinux design (Chapter 1). Next, we present the basic RTLinux API and will step you through your first ``Hello World'' program (Chapter 2). Third, we offer some of the more advanced API (Chapter 3), after which you'll find some special considerations and concepts (Chapter 4). Finally, in the appendices, you find some different ways of running RTLinux programs (Appendix A) and, most importantly, a complete listing of the RTLinux API, utilities, and important paths (Appendix B).

Sources of Help

The RTLinux white paper in doc/design.pdf explains the basic architecture in more detail and a summary of the design is presented in Section 1.3. As you progress in your use of RTLinux, you'll find yourself wanting more information. Fortunately, there are many sources of help. For the most up-to-date information, see the , and websites.

If you are primarily interested in hard realtime control and not particularly interested in learning how to use RTLinux itself, take a look at FSM Labs RTiC-Lab at . RTiC-Lab is a front end to RTLinux that greatly simplifies hard realtime control implementation, monitoring and tuning.

If you are interested in running RTLinux on an industry standard PC-104 board or other type of minimal or embedded system, see FSMLabs MiniRTL project , found at MiniRTL fits on a signle floppy disk and provides full RTLinux capabilities.

Some other documents you may find useful are (Note: All references to directories and files assume that RTLinux has been installed in its default location /usr/rtlinux).:

The RTLinux distribution itself contains documentation to help you along in your RTLinux projects:

If, after attempting all of the above, you still have questions, there is another rich source of information via the RTLinux mailing lists. You can subscribe/unsubscribe to these lists at . Of course, you may not be the first person with your question. To ease your search for answers, the lists are both browseable and searchable.

Before You Begin: A Warning

Realtime programs in RTLinux are executed in kernel space and have little or no protection against bugs in the user's code. Special care must be taken when programming realtime tasks because programming errors may bring the system down.

RTLinux supplies a debugger within its source tree under the directory debugger. Use of the debugger is strongly recommended to reduce the risk of system crashes.

Note also that by default RTLinux tasks do not have access to the computer's Floating Point Unit (FPU). You must explicitly set permissions for each of your RTLinux tasks that require the use of the FPU.

RTLinux Overview

This section is intended to give users a top-level understanding of RTLinux. It is not designed as an in-depth technical discussion of the system's architecture. Readers interested in the topic can start with Michael Barabanov's Master's Thesis. (A postscript version is available for download at ).

The basic premise underlying the design of RTLinux is that it is not feasible to identify and eliminate all aspects of kernel operation that lead to unpredictability. These sources of unpredictability include the Linux scheduling algorithm (which is optimized to maximize throughput), device drivers, uninterrruptible system calls, the use of interrupt disabling and virtual memory operations. The best way to avoid these problems is to construct a small, predictable kernel separate from the Linux kernel, and to make it simple enough that operations can be measured and shown to have predictable execution. This has been the course taken by the developers of RTLinux. This approach has the added benefit of maintainability - prior to the development of RTLinux, every time new device drivers or other enhancements to Linux were needed, a study would have to be performed to determine that the change would not introduce unpredictability.

Figure 1.1 shows the basic Linux kernel without hard realtime support. You will see that the Linux kernel separates the hardware from user-level tasks. The kernel has the ability to suspend any user-level task, once that task has outrun the ``slice of time'' allotted to it by the CPU. Assume, for example, that a user task controls a robotic arm. The standard Linux kernel could potentially preempt the task and give the CPU to one which is less critical (e.g. one that boots up Netscape). Consequently, the arm will not meet strict timing requirements. Thus, in trying to be ``fair'' to all tasks, the kernel can prevent critical events from occurring.

Figure 1.2 shows a Linux kernel modified to support hard realtime. An additional layer of abstraction - termed a ``virtual machine'' in the literature - has been added between the standard Linux kernel and the computer hardware. As far as the standard Linux kernel is concedrned, this new layer appears to be actual hardware. More importantly, this new layer introduces its own fixed-priority scheduler. This scheduler assigns the lowest priority to the standard Linux kernel, which then runs as an independent task. Then it allows the user to both introduce and set priorities for any number of realtime tasks.

Figure 1.1: Detail of the bare Linux kernel

Figure 1.2: Detail of the RTLinux kernel

The abstraction layer introduced by RTLinux works by intercepting all hardware interrupts. Hardware interrupts not related to realtime activities are held and then passed to the Linux kernel as software interrupts when the RTLinux kernel is idle and the standard Linux kernel runs. Otherwise, the appropriate realtime interrupt service routine (ISR) is run. The RTLinux executive is itself nonpreemptible. Unpredictable delays within the RTLinux executive are eliminated by its small size and limited operations. Realtime tasks have two special attributes: they are ``privileged'' (that is, they have direct access to hardware), and they do not use virtual memory. Realtime tasks are written as special Linux modules that can be dynamically loaded into memory. They are are not expected to execute Linux system calls. The initialization code for a realtime tasks initializes the realtime task structure and informs RTLinux of its deadline, period, and release-time constraints. Non-periodic tasks are supported through the use of interrupts.

In contrast with some other approaches to realtime, RTLinux leaves the Linux kernel essentially untouched. Via a set of relatively simple modifications, it manages to convert the existing Linux kernel into a hard realtime environment without hindering future Linux development.

The Basic API: Writing RTLinux Modules

This chapter Introduces critical concepts that must be grasped in order to successfully write RTLinux modules. It also presents the basic Application Programming Interface (API) used in all RTLinux programs. Then it steps the user through the creation of a basic ``Hello World'' programming example, which is intended to help the user in developing their very first RTLinux program.

Understanding an RTLinux Program

In the latest versions of RTLinux, programs are not created as standalone applications. Rather, they are modelled as modules which are loaded into the Linux kernel space. A Linux module is nothing but an object file, usually created with the -c flag argument to gcc. The module itself is created by compiling an ordinary C language file in which the main () function is replaced by a pair of init/cleanup functions:

int init_module();
void cleanup_module();

As its name implies, the init_module () function is called when the module is first loaded into the kernel. It should return 0 on success and a negative value on failure. Similarly, the cleanup_module is called when the module is unloaded.

For example, if we assume that a user has created a C file named my_module.c, the code can be converted into a module by typing the following:

gcc -c {SOME-FLAGS} my_module.c

This command creates a module file named my_module.o, which can now be inserted into the kernel. To insert the module into the kernel, we use the insmod command. To remove it, the rmmod command is used.

Documentation for both of these commands can be accessed by typing:

man 8 insmod, and
man 8 rmmod.

Here, the ``8'' forces the man command to look for the manual pages associated with system administration. From now on, we will refer to commands by their name and manual category. Using this format, these two commands would be referred to as insmod (8) and rmmod (8).

For further information on running RTLinux programs, refer to Appendix A.

The Basic API

Now that we understand the general structure of modules, and how to load and unload them, we are ready to look at the RTLinux API.

Creating RTLinux POSIX Threads

A realtime application is usually composed of several ``threads'' of execution. Threads are light-weight processes which share a common address space. Conceptually, Linux kernel control threads are also RTLinux threads (with one for each CPU in the system). In RTLinux, all threads share the Linux kernel address space.

To create a new realtime thread, we use the pthread_create(3) function. This function must only be called from the Linux kernel thread (i.e., using init_module()):

#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_create(pthread_t * thread,
                    pthread_attr_t * attr,
                    void *(*start_routine)(void *),
                    void * arg);

The thread is created using the attributes specified in the ``attr'' thread attributes object. If attr is NULL, default attributes are used. For more detailed information, refer to the POSIX functions:

as well as these RTL-specific functions:

which are used to get and set general attributes for the scheduling parameters and the CPUs in which the thread is intended to run.

The ID of the newly created thread is stored in the location pointed to by ``thread''. The function pointed to by start_routine is taken to be the thread code. It is passed the ``arg'' argument.

To cancel a thread, use the POSIX function:

pthread_cancel(pthread thread);

You should join the thread in cleanup_module with pthread_join() for its resources to be deallocated.

You must make sure the thread is cancelled before calling pthread_join() from cleanup_module(). Otherwise, Linux will hang waiting for the thread to finish. If unsure, use pthread_delete_np(3) instead of pthread_cancel()/pthread_join().

Time Facilities

RTLinux provides several clocks that can be used for timing functionality, such as as referencing for thread scheduling and obtaining timestamps. Here is the general timing API:

#include <rtl_time.h>

int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *ts);
hrtime_t clock_gethrtime(clockid_t clock);

struct timespec {
   time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
   long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */

To obtain the current clock reading, use the clock_gettime(3) function where clock_id is the clock to be read and ts is a structure which stores the value obtained.

The hrtime_t value is expressed as a single 64-bit number of nanoseconds. Thus, clock_gethrtime(3) is the same as clock_gettime, but returns the time as an hrtime_t rather than as a timespec structure.

Conversion Routines

Several routines exist for converting from one form of time reporting to the other:

#include <rtl_time.h>

hrtime_t timespec_to_ns(const struct timespec *ts);
struct timespec timespec_from_ns(hrtime_t t)
const struct timespec * hrt2ts(hrtime_tvalue);

These are especially useful macros for passing time values into nanosleep, pthread_cond_timedwait and the like.

Currently supported clocks are:

The following clocks are architecture-dependent. They are not normally found in user programs.

Scheduling Threads

RTLinux provides scheduling, which allows thread code to run at specific times. RTLinux uses a pure priority-driven scheduler, in which the highest priority (ready) thread is always chosen to run. If two threads have the same priority, which one is chosen is undefined. RTLinux uses the following scheduling API:

int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t thread,
                           int policy,
                           const struct sched_param *param);
int pthread_make_periodic_np(pthread_t thread,
                              const struct itimerspec *its);
int pthread_wait_np(void);
int sched_get_priority_max(int policy);
int sched_get_priority_min(int policy);

struct itimerspec {
   struct timespec it_interval; /* timer period */
   struct timespec it_value;    /* timer expiration */

Thread priority can be modified at thread creation time by using:


or afterwards by using

pthread_setschedparam(3) .

The policy argument is currently not used in RTLinux, but should be specified as SCHED_FIFO for compatibility with future versions. The structure sched_param contains the sched_priority member. Higher values correspond to higher priorities. Use:

to determine possible values of sched_priority.

To make a realtime thread execute periodically, users may use the non-portable2.1function:


which marks the thread as periodic. Timing is specified by the itimer structure its. The it_value member of the passed struct itimerspec specifies the time of the first invocation; the it_interval is the thread period. Note that when setting up the period for task T, the period specified in the itimer structure can be 0. This means that task T will execute only once.

The actual execution timing is performed by use of the function:


This function suspends the execution of the calling thread until the time specified by:


In the next section we'll put the API to practical use.

A Simpl ``Hello World'' RTLinux program

We'll now write a small program that uses all of the API that we've learned thus far. This program will execute two times per second, and during each iteration it will print the message:

I'm here, my arg is 0

Code Listing

Save the following code under the filename hello.c:
#include <rtl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>

pthread_t thread;
void * start_routine(void *arg) {
   struct sched_param p;
   p . sched_priority = 1;
   pthread_setschedparam (pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &p);
   pthread_make_periodic_np (pthread_self(), gethrtime(),

   while (1) {
     rtl_printf("I'm here; my arg is %x\n", (unsigned) arg);
   return 0;

int init_module(void) {
   return pthread_create (&thread, NULL, start_routine, 0);

void cleanup_module(void) {
   pthread_cancel (thread);
   pthread_join (thread, NULL);

This program can be found in examples/hello.

Now, let's analyze the code.

Dissecting ``Hello World''

In our program, the


function begins the entire process by creating our execution thread - embodied in the function start_routine() - with an argument of 0 passed to start_routine().

start_routine has three components: initialization, run-time and termination - best understood as the blocks before, during and after the while() loop, respectively.

Upon the first call to the newly-created thread start_routine(), the initialization section tells the scheduler to assign this thread a scheduling priority of 1 (one) with the call to p.sched_priority. Next, the thread sets the scheduler's behavior to be SCHED_FIFO for all subsequent executions with the call to pthread_setschedparam. Finally, by calling the function:


the thread tells the scheduler to periodically execute this thread at a frequency of $2$Hz (500 microseconds). This marks the end of the initialization section for the thread.

The while() loop begins with a call to the function:


which blocks all further execution of the thread until the scheduler calls it again. Once the thread is called again, it executes the rest of the contents inside the while loop, until it encounters another call to:


Because we haven't included any way to exit the loop, this thread will continue to execute forever at a rate of 2Hz. The only way to stop the program is by removing it from the kernel with the rmmod(8) command.

Compiling and Executing ``Hello World''

In order to execute our program, we must first do the following:

  1. Compile the source code and create a module. We can normally accomplish this by using the Linux GCC compiler directly from the command line. To simplify things, however, we'll create a Makefile. Then we'll only need to type ``make'' to compile our code.

  2. Locate and copy the file. The file is an include file which contains all the flags needed to compile our code. For simplicity, we'll copy it from the RTLinux source tree and place it alongside of our hello.c file.

  3. Insert the module into the running RTLinux kernel. The resulting object binary must be ``plugged in'' to the kernel, where it will be executed by RTLinux.

Let's look at these steps in some detail.

We begin by creating the Makefile that will be used to compile our hello.c program. Type the following into a file called Makefile and put it in the same directory as your hello.c program:

hello.o: hello.c
     gcc $(CFLAGS) hello.c

If you haven't already done so, locate the file and copy it into the same directory as your hello.c and Makefile files. The file can usually be found at /usr/include/rtlinux/

cp /usr/include/rtlinux/ .

(Note the trailing dot (.).)

Now, type the following:

make -f hello.o

This compiles the hello.c program and produces an object file named hello.o.

We now need to load the RTLinux modules. There are several ways to do this. The easiest is to use the rtlinux(1) command (as root):

rtlinux start hello

You can check the status of your modules by typing the command:

rtlinux status hello

For more information about the usage of the rtlinux(1) command, refer to its man page, or type:

rtlinux help

You should now be able to see your hello.o program printing its message twice per second. Depending on the configuration of your machine, you should either be able to see it directly in your console, or by typing:


To stop the program, we need to remove it from the kernel. To do so, type:

rtlinux stop hello

For other ways on running RTLinux programs, refer to Appendix A.

Congratulations, you have now successfully created and run your very first RTLinux program!

The Advanced API: Getting More Out of Your RTLinux Modules

RTLinux has a rich assortment of functions which can be used to solve most realtime application problems. This chapter describes some of the more advanced concepts.

Using Floating Point Operations in RTLinux POSIX Threads

The use of floating-point operations in RTL POSIX threads is prohibited by default. The RTL-specific function pthread_setfp_np(3) is used to change the status of floating-point operations.

int pthread_setfp_np (pthread_tthread, int flag);

To enable FP operations in the thread, set the flag to 1. To disable FP operations, pass 0.

The examples/fp directory contains several examples of tasks which use floating point and the math library.

RTLinux Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

The general philosophy of RTLinux requires the realtime component of an application to be lightweight, small and simple. Applications should be split in such a way that, as long as timing restrictions are met, most of the work is done in user space. This approach makes for easier debugging and better understanding of the realtime part of the system. Consequently, communication mechanisms are necessary to interface RTLinux tasks and Linux.

RTLinux provides several mechanisms which allow communication between realtime threads and user space Linux processes. The most important are realtime FIFOs and shared memory.

Using Real-Time FIFOs

Realtime FIFOs are First-In-First-Out queues that can be read from and written to by Linux processes and RTLinux threads. FIFOs are uni-directional - you can use a pair of FIFOs for bi-directional data exchange. To use the FIFOs, the system/rtl_posixio.o and fifos/rtl_fifo.o Linux modules must be loaded in the kernel.

RT-FIFOs are Linux character devices with the major number of 150. Device entries in /dev are created during system installation. The device file names are /dev/rtf0, /dev/rtf1, etc., through /dev/rtf63 (the maximum number of RT-FIFOs in the system is configurable during system compilation).

Before a realtime FIFO can be used, it must be initialized:

#include <rtl_fifo.h>
int rtf_create(unsigned int fifo, int size);
int rtf_destroy(unsigned int fifo);

rtf_create allocates the buffer of the specified size for the fifo buffer. The fifo argument corresponds to the minor number of the device. rtf_destroy deallocates the FIFO.

These functions must only be called from the Linux kernel thread (i.e., from init_module()).

After the FIFO is created, the following calls can be used to access it from RTLinux threads: open(2) , read(2) , write(2) and close(2) . Support for other STDIO functions is planned for future releases.

Current implementation requires the FIFOs to be opened in non-blocking mode (O_NONBLOCK) by RTL threads.

You can also use the RTLinux-specific functions rtf_put (3) and rtf_get (3) .

Linux processes can use UNIX file IO functions without restriction. See the examples/measurement/rt_process.c example program for a practical application of RT-FIFOs.

Using Shared Memory

For shared memory, you can use the excellent mbuff driver by Tomasz Motylewski ( It is included with the RTLinux distribution and is installed in the drivers/mbuff directory. A manual is included with the package. Here, we'll just briefly describe the basic mode of operation.

First, the mbuff.o module must be loaded in the kernel. Two functions are used to allocate blocks of shared memory, connect to them and eventually deallocate them.

#include <mbuff.h>
void * mbuff_alloc(const char *name, int size);
void mbuff_free(const char *name, void * mbuf);

The first time mbuff_alloc is called with a given name, a shared memory block of the specified size is allocated. The reference count for this block is set to 1. On success, the pointer to the newly allocated block is returned. NULL is returned on failure. If the block with the specified name already exists, this function returns a pointer that can be used to access this block and increases the reference count.

mbuff_free deassociates mbuff from the specified buffer. The reference count is decreased by 1. When it reaches 0, the buffer is deallocated.

These functions are available for use in both Linux processes and the Linux kernel threads.

mbuff_alloc and mbuff_free cannot be used from realtime threads. You should call them from init_module and cleanup_module only.

Waking and Suspending RTLinux Threads

Interrupt-driven RTLinux threads can be created using the thread wakeup and suspend functions:

int pthread_wakeup_np(pthread_t thread);
int pthread_suspend_np(void);

The general idea is that a threaded task can be either awakened or suspended from within an interrupt service routine.

An interrupt-driven thread calls pthread_suspend_np(pthread_self()) and blocks. Later, the interrupt handler calls pthread_wakeup_np(3) for this thread. The thread will run until the next call to pthread_suspend_np(3) . An example can be found in examples/sound/irqthread.c.

Another way to implement interrupt-driven threads is to use semaphores. See examples/measurements/irqsema.c for examples of this method.

Mutual Exclusion

Mutual exclusion refers to the concept of allowing only one task at a time (out of many) to read from or write to a shared resource. Without mutual exclusion, the integrity of the data found in that shared resource could become compromised. Refer to the appendix for further information on mutual exclusion.

RTLinux supports the POSIX pthread_mutex_ family of functions (include/rtl_mutex.h). Currently the following functions are available:

The supported mutex types include:

See examples/mutex for a test program. POSIX semaphores are also supported. An example using POSIX semaphores can be found in examples/mutex/sema_test.c.

Accessing Physical Memory and I/O Ports from RTLinux Threads

These capabilities are essential for programming hardware devices in the computer. RTLinux, just like ordinary Linux, supports the /dev/mem device (man 4 mem) for accessing physical memory from RTLinux threads. The rtl_posixio.o module must be loaded. The program opens /dev/mem, mmaps it, and then proceeds to read and write the mapped area. See examples/mmap for an example.

In a module, you can call mmap from Linux mode only (i.e., from init_module()). Calling mmap from RT-threads will fail.

Another way to access physical memory is via Linux's ioremap call:

ptr[i] = x;

IO port access functions (specifically for x86 architecture) are as follows:

Note, the order of arguments is value, port in the output functions. This may cause confusion when porting old code from other systems.

Functions with the ``_p'' suffix (e.g., outb_p) provide a small delay after reading or writing to the port. This delay is needed for some slow ISA devices on fast machines. (See also the Linux I/O port programming mini-HOWTO).

Check out examples/sound to see how some of these functions are used to program the PC realtime clock and the speaker.

Soft and Hard Interrupts

There are two types of interrupts in RTLinux: hard and soft.

Soft interrupts are normal Linux kernel interrupts. They have the advantage that some Linux kernel functions can be called from them safely. However, for many tasks they do not provide hard realtime performance; they may be delayed for considerable periods of time.

Hard interrupts (or realtime interrupts), on the other hand, have much lower latency. However, just as with realtime threads, only a very limited set of kernel functions may be called from the hard interrupt handlers.

Hard Interrupts

The two functions:

are used for installing and uninstalling hard interrupt handlers for specific interrupts. The manual pages describe their operation in detail.

#include <rtl_core.h>
int rtl_request_irq(unsigned int irq,
                     unsigned int (*handler) (unsigned int,
                     struct pt_regs *));
int rtl_free_irq(unsigned int irq);

Soft interrupts

int rtl_get_soft_irq(
         void (*handler)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *),
         const char * devname);
void rtl_global_pend_irq(int ix);
void rtl_free_soft_irq(unsigned int irq);

The rtl_get_soft_irq(3) function allocates a virtual irq number and installs the handler function for it. This virtual interrupt can later be triggered using rtl_global_pend_irq(3) . rtl_global_pend_irq is safe to use from realtime threads and realtime interrupts. rtl_free_soft_irq(3) frees the allocated virtual interrupt.

Note that soft interrupts are used in the RTLinux FIFO implementation (fifos/rtl_fifo.c).

Special Topics

You may never find yourself needing to know any of the following. Then again, you might.

Symmetric Multi-Processing Considerations

From the point of view of thread scheduling, RTLinux implements a separate UNIX process for each active CPU in the system. In general, thread control functions can only be used for threads running on the local CPU. Notable exceptions are:

By default, a thread is created to run on the current CPU. To assign a thread to a particular CPU, use the pthread_attr_setcpu_np(3) function to set the CPU pthread attribute. See examples/mutex/mutex.c.

RTLinux Serial Driver (rt_com)

rt_com(3) is a driver for 8250 and 16550 families of UARTs commonly used in PCs (COM1, COM2, etc.). The available API is as follows:

#include <rt_com.h>
#include <rt_comP.h>
void rt_com_write(unsigned int com, char *pointer, int cnt);
int rt_com_read(unsigned int com, char *pointer, int cnt);
int rt_com_setup(unsigned int com, unsigned int baud,
                  unsigned int parity, unsigned int stopbits,
                  unsigned int wordlength);

#define RT_COM_CNT n
struct rt_com_struct
   int magic;                 // unused
   int baud-base;             // base-rate; 11520
                              // (BASE_BAUD in rt_comP.h;
                              // for standard ports.
   int port;                  // port number
   int irq;                   // interrupt number (IRQ)
                              //     for the port
   int flag;                  // flags set for this port
   void (*isr)(void)          // address of the interrupt
                              //     service routine
   int type;                  //
   int ier;                   // a copy of the IER register
   struct rt_buf_struct ibuf; // address of the port input
                              //     buffer
   struct rt_buf_struct obuf; // address of the port output
                              //     buffer
} rt_com_table [RT_COM_CNT];


rt_com is a Linux module. The user must specify relevant serial port information via entries in rt_com_setup. In addition, the user must specify - via entries in the rt_com_table (located in rt_com.h) - the following:

When rt_com (3) is installed with either insmod(8), modprobe(8) or rtlinux(1) , its init_module() function (in rt_com.c) requests the port device memory, registers the ISR and sets various default values for each port entry in rt_com_table.

Interfacing RTLinux Components to Linux

RTLinux threads, sharing a common address space with the Linux kernel, can in principle call Linux kernel functions. This is usually not a safe thing to do, however, because RTLinux threads may run even while Linux has interrupts disabled. Only functions that do not modify Linux kernel data structures (e.g., vsprintf) should be called from RTLinux threads.

RTLinux provides two delayed execution mechanisms to overcome this limitation: soft interrupts and task queues.

The RTLinux white paper discusses this topic in more detail.

Writing RTLinux Schedulers

Most users will never be required to write a scheduler. Future versions of RTLinux are expected to have a fully customizable scheduler, but in the meantime, here are some points to help the rest of you along:

Further questions in this area may be addressed directly to the FSM Labs Crew.

Running RTLinux Programs

Your RTLinux distribution comes complete with several examples in the examples/ sub-directory. These examples are useful, not only for testing your brand new RTLinux distribution, but for helping get you started writing your own RTLinux programs.


Before you will be able to run any RTLinux programs, you must first insert the RTLinux scheduler and support modules in the modules into the Linux kernel. Use any of the following:

For more information on Linux modules and how to manipulate them, see the Linux Kernel-HOWTO .

The following sections describe each of these methods in more detail.


Using rtlinux

Beginning with RTLinux 3.0-pre9, users can load and remove user modules by using the rtlinux(1) command. To insert, remove, and obtain status information about RTLinux modules, use the following commands:

rtlinux start my_program
rtlinux stop my_program
rtlinux staus my_program

For further information on the the rtlinux(1) script, type either:

man 1 rtlinux


rtlinux help.

Using modprobe

all the RTLinux modules, type the following:

modprobe -a rtl rtl_time rtl_sched rtl_posixio rtl_fifo

Using modprobe requires that modules be installed in /lib/modules/kernel_version.

Using insmod and rmmod

Suppose we have the appropriately named my_program.o. Assuming that all the appropriate RTLinux modules have already been loaded, all that's left to do is to load this module into the kernel:

insmod my_program.o

To stop the program, all we need do is type:

rmmod my_program

The RTLinux API at a Glance

Some paths to be aware of:

The following sections provide a listing of the various utilities and APIs available in RTLinux.

Getting Around

There are several manual pages which give overviews on the technology and the APIs.

Scripts and Utilities

The following utilities are designed to make your programming job easier.

Core RTLinux API

Here is the main RTLinux API. You are encouraged to use this API for all new projects.

Version 1.x API: Not for New Projects

The v1 API is exclusively for older RTLinux projects. It is NOT recommended for use with new projects. This listing is for backward compatibility only:

About this document ...

Copyright: 2001 FSM Labs, Inc.


It is possible to have threads execute periodically within RTLinux by using the pure POSIX API. However, this scheme is quite lengthy. This particular function has been added, therefore, to reduce user development time.

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Michael Barabanov 2001-07-26