DNS Setup Tips

After setting up using DNS service, be sure to save and quite.
Then Server Settting | service select named and hit restart.

The DNS configuration tool in server setting seems to have problem generating the correct zone file in /var/named

The winrace.com.zone file
instead of containg the following:
$TTL 86400
@       IN      SOA     winrace.com.  root.localhost (
                        2 ; serial
                        28800 ; refresh
                        7200 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; ttl

        NS      rh8.winrace.com

rh8     IN      A
jen     IN      A
rh8p1   IN      A

It generates

$TTL 86400
@       IN      SOA     rh8.winrace.com.  root.localhost (
                        2 ; serial
                        28800 ; refresh
                        7200 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; ttl

 rh8    IN       NS      rh8.winrace.com

rh8     IN      A
jen     IN      A
rh8p1   IN      A

## named.conf - configuration for bind
# Generated automatically by redhat-config-bind, alchemist et al.
# Any changes not supported by redhat-config-bind should be put
# in /etc/named.custom
controls {
        inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; };

include "/etc/named.custom";

include "/etc/rndc.key";

options {
        directory "/var/named/";

zone  "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file  "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.zone";
zone  "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file  "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa.zone";

zone  "localhost" {
        type master;
        file  "localhost.zone";
zone  "winrace.com" {
        type master;
        file  "winrace.com.zone";

reversezone. example:
The following is the content of 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa.zone file:

$TTL 86400
@       IN      SOA     rh8.winrace.com.        root.localhost (
                        1 ; serial
                        28800 ; refresh
                        7200 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; ttk

@       IN      NS      rh8.winrace.com.

179     IN      PTR     jen.winrace.com.
200     IN      PTR     rh8p1.winrace.com.
201     IN      PTR     rh8.winrace.com.
100     IN      PTR     chow8.winrace.com.
110     IN      PTR     chow.winrace.com.