$Id: edriver-doc.txt,v 1.1 1996/10/04 13:28:51 ewz Exp $ Name: edriver Function: Driver program to call evaluation routines. Usage: edriver [-nd] [-]* Details: A set of metrics are computed by edriver and stored into a set of files. The metrics are divided into two categories: scalar metrics and distribution metrics. The scalar metrics are all stored in the file "./-ev". They are: average node degree diameter of graph (using each combination (see below)) average depth (using each combination (see below)) number of biconnected components The distribution metrics and filenames are as follows: node degree distribution ("./-dd") depth distribution using ("./-d") The purpose of the specification(s) are to allow computation of metrics using one or more edge weight fields. The edges in a graph may have up to three integer valued weights. These weights are stored in the SGB arc fields named "len", "a" and "b". We use the "len" field to store the Euclidean length of the arc; we use the "a" field in the hierarchical models to store a routing policy weight. The "b" field is currently not used in any of the graph models. Each edge can also be assumed to have unit weight. For each - pair, shortest paths will be computed using as the distance metric and as the measurement metric, where and are one of {l, a, b, h}, indicating the arc field to use (l = len, a = a, b = b) or to use unit weight (h). The scalar properties of diameter and average depth will be stored in the scalar file; if the -nd option is not present, the depth distribution will be stored in the file -d. The file "./.gb" is expected to contain a graph in SGB format, as created by gb_save(). If the -nd option is given, only the scalar characteristics will be computed, and the distribution files will not created. They take up lots of space for larger graphs. (Though it probably shouldn't be) the default is to evaluate the distributions. Example usage: edriver r10-0 -nd -hh -ll -hl This will evaluate the graph in ./r10-0.gb without creating the distribution files. Three types of shortest path metrics will be evaluated, corresponding to hops (hh), length (ll) and hop-computed-routes with length-computed-metrics (hl). Only one file will be produced, namely ./r10-0-0-ev. (The output file can be found in sample-graphs/rand/r10.)