Linux-based Secure Content Switch (LSCS) Testing Page
                                        Created by Yu Cai on Dec. 16, 2002 at UCCS. 
                                        For questions or comments, email:

Part 1: LSCS Content Switch Test (with SSL):

LSCS is configured on machine ( 
LSCS switch the content to two different machines: 
    and ( according to predefined rules. 
LSCS can switch on URL as well as XML content.
For more information on LSCS, please download the conference paper here.

1) Content switch on URL

Switch to frodo:
Switch to eca   :          

2) Content switch on XML:

Switch rule is as below:
If (totalAmount <=50000) then go to frodo,
If (totalAmount >50000) then go to eca,

You can setup the switch rules on other XML tags, like subTotal.

For example, the following will be switched to eca:

For example, the following will be switched to frodo:


Part 2: LSCS Content Switch Test (plain text):

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