is the main driver of the whole simulator. You need a configure file "configure.txt" to provide some parameters needed by the simulator. The parameters' meaning of the first line in configure text file the first one represents the traffic (MBps) you hope to generate in the flat traffic pattern. the second represents the max available bandwidth (MBps) you hope to generate in the slope traffic pattern. the third represents the min available bandwidth (MBps) you hope to generate in the slope traffic pattern. the fourth represents the bandwidth changing trend (0 or 1) in the slope traffic pattern. The parameters' meaning of the second line in configure text file the first one represents how many routers are contained in your network configure. the second represents how many links are contained in your network configure. (usually less one than routers number) the third represents how many routing table are contained in your network configure. the fourth represents the link number, which is the bottleneck link. the fifth represents how many messages are sent in one Cprobing round. the sixth represents how many messages are sent in one MultipleMessRoundTripTime Measurement round. According to the third parameter value in the second line, there are the same value line created for each routing table. The parameters' meaning of the third line in configure text file, this is the probing routing table. R represents Router, L represents Link. The following ID is the router or link ID. R1|L1|R2|L2|R3|L3|R4 means a routing table: Router1 is the probing agent, the routing table of each probing message is Router1 to Link1 to Router 2 to Link2 to Router3 to Link3 to Router4. Each probing message has its corresponding response message, which follows the same routing table as its request message. The parameters' meaning of the fourth line in configure text file, this is the traffic message routing table. R5|L4|R2|L2|R3|L5|R6 means a routing table: Router5 is the traffic generation agent, the routing table of each traffic message is Router5 to Link4 to Router2 to Link2 to Router3 to Link5 to Router6. Each traffic message has not the response message.