/* Copyright 2005 The JA-SIG Collaborative. All rights reserved. * See license distributed with this file and * available online at http://www.uportal.org/license.html */ package org.jasig.portal.channels.cusermanager; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.text.MessageFormat; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.portal.IChannel; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPermission; import org.jasig.portal.security.provider.PersonImpl; //import edu.cornell.uportal.channels.cusermanager.provider.PersonImpl; import org.jasig.portal.ChannelStaticData; import org.jasig.portal.ChannelRuntimeData; import org.jasig.portal.ChannelRuntimeProperties; import org.jasig.portal.PortalEvent; import org.jasig.portal.PortalException; import org.jasig.portal.IPermissible; import org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException; import org.jasig.portal.utils.XSLT; import org.jasig.portal.utils.DocumentFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; /** * @author smb1@cornell.edu * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/08/05 18:39:26 $ */ public class CUserManager extends CUserManagerPermissions implements IChannel, IPermissible { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CUserManager.class); private IDataHandler datasource; private String mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; private ChannelStaticData CSD; private ChannelRuntimeData CRD; private boolean ManagerMode = false; private boolean PwdChngMode = true; private PortalEvent lastEvent; /** for pwd chng mode, we want to cache the user's info because * there will be many more of these than admin channels */ private Document PersonalDocument = null; /** */ public CUserManager() { }// CUserManager /** * Returns channel runtime properties. * Satisfies implementation of Channel Interface. * * @return handle to runtime properties */ public ChannelRuntimeProperties getRuntimeProperties() { return new ChannelRuntimeProperties(); }// getRuntimeProperties /** * Process layout-level events coming from the portal. * Satisfies implementation of IChannel Interface. * * @param PortalEvent ev a portal layout event */ public void receiveEvent(PortalEvent ev) { this.lastEvent = ev; }// receiveEvent /** * Receive static channel data from the portal. * Satisfies implementation of IChannel Interface. * * @param ChannelStaticData sd static channel data */ public void setStaticData(ChannelStaticData sd) { CSD = sd; // Ignore since 2.0 (2003.04.21) // if( CSD.getParameter( Constants.CHNPARAMNOTMGR ) != null ) // ManagerMode = false; // let determine the user's rights try{ IPermission[] perms = CSD.getAuthorizationPrincipal().getAllPermissions( Constants.PERMISSION_OWNERTOKEN, null, Constants.PERMISSION_OWNERTARGET ); for( int i = 0; i < perms.length; i++ ) { if( perms[ i ].getActivity().equals( Constants.PERMISSION_MNGRRIGHT ) && perms[ i ].getType().equals( IPermission.PERMISSION_TYPE_GRANT )) ManagerMode = true; if( perms[ i ].getActivity().equals( Constants.PERMISSION_PWDCHNGRIGHT ) && perms[ i ].getType().equals( IPermission.PERMISSION_TYPE_DENY )) PwdChngMode = false; }// for }catch( AuthorizationException ae ){ LOG.error(ae,ae); } }// setStaticData /** * Receive channel runtime data from the portal. * Satisfies implementation of IChannel Interface. * * @param ChannelRuntimeData rd handle to channel runtime data */ public void setRuntimeData(ChannelRuntimeData rd) { CRD = rd; }// setRuntimeData /** Output channel content to the portal * @param out a sax document handler */ public void renderXML(ContentHandler out) throws PortalException { // first, be sure they are allowed to be here if( !ManagerMode && !PwdChngMode ) throw new AuthorizationException( MessageFormat.format( Constants.ERRMSG_NORIGHTS, new Object[] { (String)CSD.getPerson().getAttribute( IPerson.USERNAME ) } )); try{ String message_to_user_about_action = ""; // these always start blank Document doc = null; IPerson[] people = null; mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; // now, b4 we get going, there may have been an event to deal with if( CRD.getParameter( Constants.FORMACTION ) == null && lastEvent != null ) { if( lastEvent.getEventNumber() == PortalEvent.ABOUT_BUTTON_EVENT ) CRD.setParameter( Constants.FORMACTION, "10" ); if( lastEvent.getEventNumber() == PortalEvent.HELP_BUTTON_EVENT ) CRD.setParameter( Constants.FORMACTION, "11" ); lastEvent = null; // don't need that anymore }// if, null & !null // see if we have form data to process if( CRD.getParameter( Constants.FORMACTION ) != null ){ LOG.debug("form.action=" + CRD.getParameter( Constants.FORMACTION )); switch( Integer.parseInt( CRD.getParameter( Constants.FORMACTION ))) { case 1: { // update getDataSource().setUserInformation( crd2persion( CRD )); message_to_user_about_action = Constants.MSG_SAVED; break; }// 1 case 2: { // choose mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; break; }// 2 case 3: { // choose people = getDataSource().getAllUsers(); mode = Constants.MODECHOOSE; break; }// 3 case 4: { // search if( CRD.getParameter( Constants.FORMSRCHSTR ) == null ) { people = new PersonImpl[0]; mode = Constants.MODESEARCH; }else{ // if they did not enter a src str, display mode people = getDataSource().getAllUsersLike( CRD.getParameter( Constants.FORMSRCHSTR )); if( people.length == 1 ) { // this will cause a second lookup but the user experience will benifit mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; CRD.setParameter( Constants.UNFIELD, (String)people[0].getAttribute( Constants.UNFIELD )); }else mode = Constants.MODECHOOSE; // they will need to select to narrow }// if break; }// 4 case 5: { // prepare add new user CRD.setParameter( Constants.UNFIELD,(String) CSD.getPerson().getAttribute( Constants.ATTRUSERNAME )); mode = Constants.MODEADD; break; }// 5 case 6: { // add new user try{ getDataSource().addUser( crd2persion( CRD )); }catch( Exception adde ) { if( adde.getMessage().indexOf( Constants.ALREADY_EXISTS ) > -1 ) message_to_user_about_action = adde.getMessage(); else throw adde; }// catch mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; break; }// 6 case 7: { // prepare password chng people = new IPerson[] { getDataSource().getUser( CRD.getParameter( Constants.UNFIELD )) }; mode = Constants.MODEPWDCHNG; break; }// 7 case 8: { // password chng message_to_user_about_action = Constants.MSG_PWD_SAVED; try{ getDataSource().setUserPassword( crd2persion( CRD ), ( ManagerMode?null: CRD.getParameter( Constants.PWDFIELD ))); }catch( Exception pwdchng ) { if( pwdchng.getMessage() .equals( Constants.ERRMSG_PWDNOTMATACHED )) message_to_user_about_action = pwdchng.getMessage(); else throw pwdchng; }// catch mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; PersonalDocument = null; break; }// 8 case 9: { // delete user getDataSource().removeUser( crd2persion( CRD )); mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; PersonalDocument = null; break; }// 9 case 10: { // about mode = Constants.MODEABOUT; break; }// 10 case 11: { // help mode = Constants.MODEHELP; break; }// 11 default: { mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; CRD.remove( Constants.UNFIELD ); }// default }// switch }// if if( !ManagerMode && PersonalDocument == null && !mode.equals(Constants.MODEABOUT) && !mode.equals(Constants.MODEHELP) ) // always override mode = Constants.MODEDISPLAY; // force a read // look up the person we are supposed to display if( mode.equals( Constants.MODEDISPLAY ) || mode.equals( Constants.MODEADD )) people = new IPerson[] { getDataSource().getUser( ( CRD.getParameter( Constants.FORMCHOSEN ) == null? ( CRD.getParameter( Constants.UNFIELD ) == null? (String)CSD.getPerson().getAttribute( Constants.ATTRUSERNAME ) : CRD.getParameter( Constants.UNFIELD )) : CRD.getParameter( Constants.FORMCHOSEN ) )) }; if( !ManagerMode && !mode.equals(Constants.MODEABOUT) && !mode.equals(Constants.MODEHELP) ) // always override mode = Constants.MODEPWDCHNG; if( (ManagerMode || ( !ManagerMode && PersonalDocument == null )) && !mode.equals(Constants.MODEABOUT) && !mode.equals(Constants.MODEHELP) ) { doc = DocumentFactory.getNewDocument(); // fill in info about the user Element outtermost = doc.createElement( "people" ); Element person; for( int i = 0; i < people.length; i++ ) { person = doc.createElement( "person" ); Element attr = null; String worker = null; Enumeration E = people[ i ].getAttributeNames(); while( E.hasMoreElements()) { worker = (String)E.nextElement(); attr = doc.createElement( worker ); attr.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( (String)people[ i ].getAttribute( worker ))); person.appendChild( attr ); }// while outtermost.appendChild( person ); }// for doc.appendChild( outtermost ); // end - fill in info about the user if( !ManagerMode ) PersonalDocument = doc; }else{ doc = PersonalDocument; }// if // Create a new XSLT styling engine XSLT xslt = XSLT.getTransformer( this, CRD.getLocales()); // XSLT xslt = new XSLT( this ); // we could have a blank document, help and about if( doc == null ) { doc = DocumentFactory.getNewDocument(); doc.appendChild( doc.createElement( mode )); // null; }// doc null // pass the result XML to the styling engine. xslt.setXML( doc ); // specify the stylesheet selector xslt.setXSL( Constants.SSLFILE, mode, CRD.getBrowserInfo()); // set parameters that the stylesheet needs. xslt.setStylesheetParameter( Constants.BASEACTION, CRD.getBaseActionURL()); xslt.setStylesheetParameter( Constants.MODE, mode ); xslt.setStylesheetParameter( Constants.DISPLAYMESSAGE, message_to_user_about_action ); String MM = (!ManagerMode?"yes":"no"); xslt.setStylesheetParameter( Constants.MODEUSRPWDCHNG, MM ); /** If I write the above as shown below it does not work. Wasted a .5hr on that! */ // xslt.setStylesheetParameter( Constants.MODEUSRPWDCHNG, (!ManagerMode?"yes":"no")); // set the output Handler for the output. xslt.setTarget( out ); // do the deed xslt.transform(); }catch( Exception e ){ LOG.error(e,e); throw new PortalException( (e.getMessage()!=null?e.getMessage():e.toString())); }// catch }// renderXML private IDataHandler getDataSource() throws Exception { if( datasource == null ) datasource = (IDataHandler) Class.forName( ( CSD.getParameter( Constants.CHNPARAMDATAHANDLER ) == null? Constants.DEFAULTDATAHANDLER : CSD.getParameter( Constants.CHNPARAMDATAHANDLER ) ) ).newInstance(); return datasource; }// getDataSource private IPerson crd2persion( ChannelRuntimeData CRD ) throws Exception { String worker = null; IPerson newborn = new PersonImpl(); Enumeration E = CRD.getParameterNames(); while( E.hasMoreElements()){ worker = (String)E.nextElement(); if( !worker.equals( Constants.FORMACTION )) newborn.setAttribute( worker, ( CRD.getParameter( worker ) == null? "" : CRD.getParameter( worker ) )); }// while return newborn; }// crd2persion }// eoc