/** * Copyright © 2001 The JA-SIG Collaborative. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the JA-SIG Collaborative * (http://www.jasig.org/)." * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ package org.jasig.portal; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult; import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.portal.car.CarResources; import org.jasig.portal.i18n.LocaleManager; import org.jasig.portal.layout.IALFolderDescription; import org.jasig.portal.layout.IUserLayoutChannelDescription; import org.jasig.portal.layout.IUserLayoutManager; import org.jasig.portal.layout.IUserLayoutNodeDescription; import org.jasig.portal.layout.IAggregatedUserLayoutManager; import org.jasig.portal.layout.TransientUserLayoutManagerWrapper; import org.jasig.portal.properties.PropertiesManager; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson; import org.jasig.portal.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer; import org.jasig.portal.serialize.CachingSerializer; import org.jasig.portal.serialize.OutputFormat; import org.jasig.portal.serialize.XMLSerializer; import org.jasig.portal.services.GroupService; import org.jasig.portal.services.StatsRecorder; import org.jasig.portal.utils.CommonUtils; import org.jasig.portal.utils.ResourceLoader; import org.jasig.portal.utils.SAX2BufferImpl; import org.jasig.portal.utils.SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl; import org.jasig.portal.utils.SoftHashMap; import org.jasig.portal.utils.URLUtil; import org.jasig.portal.utils.XSLT; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; /** * A class handling holding all user state information. The class is also reponsible for * request processing and orchestrating the entire rendering procedure. * (this is a replacement for the good old LayoutBean class) * @author Peter Kharchenko pkharchenko@interactivebusiness.com * @version $Revision: $ */ public class UserInstance implements HttpSessionBindingListener { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UserInstance.class); public static final int guestUserId = 1; // To debug structure and/or theme transformations, set these to true // and the XML fed to those transformations will be printed to the log. private static final boolean logXMLBeforeStructureTransformation = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsBoolean(UserInstance.class.getName() + ".log_xml_before_structure_transformation"); private static final boolean logXMLBeforeThemeTransformation = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsBoolean(UserInstance.class.getName() + ".log_xml_before_theme_transformation");; // manages layout and preferences private IUserPreferencesManager uPreferencesManager; // manages channel instances and channel rendering private ChannelManager channelManager; // manages locale private LocaleManager localeManager; // contains information relating client names to media and mime types private static MediaManager mediaM; // system profile mapper standalone instance private StandaloneChannelRenderer p_browserMapper = null; // lock preventing concurrent rendering private Object p_rendering_lock; // global rendering cache public static final boolean CACHE_ENABLED=PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsBoolean("org.jasig.portal.UserInstance.cache_enabled"); private static final int SYSTEM_XSLT_CACHE_MIN_SIZE=PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsInt("org.jasig.portal.UserInstance.system_xslt_cache_min_size"); private static final int SYSTEM_CHARACTER_BLOCK_CACHE_MIN_SIZE=PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsInt("org.jasig.portal.UserInstance.system_character_block_cache_min_size"); public static final boolean CHARACTER_CACHE_ENABLED=PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsBoolean("org.jasig.portal.UserInstance.character_cache_enabled"); // a string that will be used to designate user layout root node in .uP files public static final String USER_LAYOUT_ROOT_NODE=IALFolderDescription.ROOT_FOLDER_ID; private static final String WORKER_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "/properties/worker.properties"; private static Properties workerProperties; // string that defines which character set to use for content private static final String CHARACTER_SET = "UTF-8"; final SoftHashMap systemCache=new SoftHashMap(SYSTEM_XSLT_CACHE_MIN_SIZE); final SoftHashMap systemCharacterCache=new SoftHashMap(SYSTEM_CHARACTER_BLOCK_CACHE_MIN_SIZE); protected IPerson person; private IUserLayoutNodeDescription newNodeDescription = null; public UserInstance (IPerson person) { this.person=person; // init the media manager if(mediaM==null) { String mediaPropsUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/properties/media.properties").toString(); String mimePropsUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/properties/mime.properties").toString(); String serializerPropsUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/properties/serializer.properties").toString(); mediaM = new MediaManager(mediaPropsUrl, mimePropsUrl, serializerPropsUrl); } } /** * Prepares for and initates the rendering cycle. * @param req the servlet request object * @param res the servlet response object */ public void writeContent (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws PortalException { // instantiate user layout manager and check to see if the profile mapping has been established if (p_browserMapper != null) { try { p_browserMapper.prepare(req); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PortalException(e); } } // instantiate locale manager (uPortal i18n) if (localeManager == null) { localeManager = new LocaleManager(person, req.getHeader("Accept-Language")); } if (uPreferencesManager == null || uPreferencesManager.isUserAgentUnmapped()) { uPreferencesManager = new UserPreferencesManager(req, this.getPerson(), localeManager); } else { // p_browserMapper is no longer needed p_browserMapper = null; } if (uPreferencesManager.isUserAgentUnmapped()) { // unmapped browser if (p_browserMapper== null) { p_browserMapper = new org.jasig.portal.channels.CSelectSystemProfile(); p_browserMapper.initialize(new Hashtable(), "CSelectSystemProfile", true, true, false, 10000, getPerson()); } try { p_browserMapper.render(req, res); } catch (PortalException pe) { throw new PortalException(pe); } catch (Throwable t) { // something went wrong trying to show CSelectSystemProfileChannel log.error("UserInstance::writeContent() : CSelectSystemProfileChannel.render() threw: "+t); throw new PortalException("CSelectSystemProfileChannel.render() threw: "+t); } // don't go any further! return; } // if we got to this point, we can proceed with the rendering if (channelManager == null) { channelManager = new ChannelManager(uPreferencesManager); uPreferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager().addLayoutEventListener(channelManager); p_rendering_lock=new Object(); } renderState (req, res, this.channelManager, this.localeManager, uPreferencesManager, p_rendering_lock); } /** * renderState method orchestrates the rendering pipeline. * @param req the HttpServletRequest * @param res the HttpServletResponse * @param channelManager the ChannelManager instance * @param upm the IUserPreferencesManager instance * @param rendering_lock a lock for rendering on a single user * @exception PortalException if an error occurs */ public void renderState (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, ChannelManager channelManager, LocaleManager localeManager, IUserPreferencesManager upm, Object rendering_lock) throws PortalException { uPreferencesManager = upm; // process possible worker dispatch if(!processWorkerDispatch(req,res,channelManager)) { synchronized(rendering_lock) { // This function does ALL the content gathering/presentation work. // The following filter sequence is processed: // userLayoutXML (in UserPreferencesManager) // | // incorporate StructureAttributes // | // Structure transformation // + (buffering step) // ChannelRendering Buffer // | // ThemeAttributesIncorporation Filter // | // Theme Transformation // | // ChannelIncorporation filter // | // Serializer (XHTML/WML/HTML/etc.) // | // JspWriter // try { // call layout manager to process all user-preferences-related request parameters // this will update UserPreference object contained by UserPreferencesManager, so that // appropriate attribute incorporation filters and parameter tables can be constructed. uPreferencesManager.processUserPreferencesParameters(req); // determine uPElement (optimistic prediction) --begin // We need uPElement for ChannelManager.setReqNRes() call. That call will distribute uPElement // to Privileged channels. We assume that Privileged channels are smart enough not to delete // themselves in the detach mode ! // In general transformations will start at the userLayoutRoot node, unless // we are rendering something in a detach mode. IUserLayoutNodeDescription rElement = null; // see if an old detach target exists in the servlet path UPFileSpec upfs=new UPFileSpec(req); String rootNodeId = upfs.getMethodNodeId(); if(rootNodeId==null) { rootNodeId=USER_LAYOUT_ROOT_NODE; } // give channels the current locale manager channelManager.setLocaleManager(localeManager); // see if a new root target has been specified String newRootNodeId = req.getParameter("uP_detach_target"); // set optimistic uPElement value UPFileSpec uPElement=new UPFileSpec(PortalSessionManager.INTERNAL_TAG_VALUE,UPFileSpec.RENDER_METHOD,rootNodeId,null,null); if(newRootNodeId!=null) { // set a new root uPElement.setMethodNodeId(newRootNodeId); } IUserLayoutManager ulm=uPreferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager(); // process events that have to be handed directly to the userPreferencesManager. // (examples of such events are "remove channel", "minimize channel", etc. // basically things that directly affect the userLayout structure) try { processUserLayoutParameters(req,channelManager); } catch (PortalException pe) { log.error("UserInstance.renderState(): processUserLayoutParameters() threw an exception - ", pe); } // determine uPElement (optimistic prediction) --end // set up the channel manager channelManager.startRenderingCycle(req, res, uPElement); // after this point the layout is determined UserPreferences userPreferences=uPreferencesManager.getUserPreferences(); StructureStylesheetDescription ssd= uPreferencesManager.getStructureStylesheetDescription(); ThemeStylesheetDescription tsd=uPreferencesManager.getThemeStylesheetDescription(); // verify upElement and determine rendering root --begin if (newRootNodeId != null && (!newRootNodeId.equals(rootNodeId))) { // see if the new detach traget is valid try { rElement = ulm.getNode(newRootNodeId); } catch (PortalException e) { rElement=null; } if (rElement != null) { // valid new root id was specified. need to redirect // peterk: should we worry about forwarding // parameters here ? or those passed with detach // always get sacked ? // Andreas: Forwarding parameters with detach // are not lost anymore with the URLUtil class. // Skip the uP_detach_target parameter since // it has already been processed String[] skipParams = new String[] {"uP_detach_target"}; try { URLUtil.redirect(req, res, newRootNodeId, true, skipParams, CHARACTER_SET); } catch (PortalException pe) { log.error("UserInstance::renderState() : PortalException occurred while redirecting", pe); } return; } } // else ignore new id, proceed with the old root target (or the lack of such) if (rootNodeId != null) { // LogService.log(LogService.DEBUG,"UserInstance::renderState() : uP_detach_target=\""+rootNodeId+"\"."); try { rElement = ulm.getNode(rootNodeId); } catch (PortalException e) { rElement=null; } } // if we haven't found root node so far, set it to the userLayoutRoot if (rElement == null) { rootNodeId=USER_LAYOUT_ROOT_NODE; } // update the render target uPElement.setMethodNodeId(rootNodeId); // inform channel manager about the new uPElement value channelManager.setUPElement(uPElement); // verify upElement and determine rendering root --begin // Disable page caching res.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache"); res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate"); res.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); // set the response mime type res.setContentType(tsd.getMimeType() + "; charset=" + CHARACTER_SET); // obtain the writer - res.getWriter() must occur after res.setContentType() PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); // get a serializer appropriate for the target media BaseMarkupSerializer markupSerializer = mediaM.getSerializerByName(tsd.getSerializerName(), out); // set up the serializer markupSerializer.asContentHandler(); // see if we can use character caching boolean ccaching=(CHARACTER_CACHE_ENABLED && (markupSerializer instanceof CachingSerializer)); channelManager.setCharacterCaching(ccaching); // initialize ChannelIncorporationFilter // ChannelIncorporationFilter cif = new ChannelIncorporationFilter(markupSerializer, channelManager); // this should be slightly faster then the ccaching version, may be worth adding support later CharacterCachingChannelIncorporationFilter cif = new CharacterCachingChannelIncorporationFilter(markupSerializer, channelManager,UserInstance.CACHE_ENABLED && UserInstance.CHARACTER_CACHE_ENABLED); String cacheKey=null; boolean output_produced=false; if(UserInstance.CACHE_ENABLED) { boolean ccache_exists=false; // obtain the cache key cacheKey=constructCacheKey(this.getPerson(),rootNodeId); if(ccaching) { // obtain character cache CharacterCacheEntry cCache=(CharacterCacheEntry) this.systemCharacterCache.get(cacheKey); if(cCache!=null && cCache.channelIds!=null && cCache.systemBuffers!=null) { ccache_exists=true; log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : retreived transformation character block cache for a key \""+cacheKey+"\""); // start channel threads for(int i=0;i node boolean detachMode=!rootNodeId.equals(USER_LAYOUT_ROOT_NODE); if (detachMode) { saif.startDocument(); saif.startElement("","layout_fragment","layout_fragment", new org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl()); // emptyt.transform(new DOMSource(rElement),new SAXResult(new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler)saif))); if(rElement==null) { ulm.getUserLayout(new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler)saif)); } else { ulm.getUserLayout(rElement.getId(),new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler)saif)); } saif.endElement("","layout_fragment","layout_fragment"); saif.endDocument(); } else { if(rElement==null) { ulm.getUserLayout((ContentHandler)saif); } else { ulm.getUserLayout(rElement.getId(),(ContentHandler)saif); } // emptyt.transform(new DOMSource(rElement),new SAXResult((ContentHandler)saif)); } // all channels should be rendering now // Debug piece to print out the recorded pre-structure transformation XML if (logXMLBeforeStructureTransformation) { log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : XML incoming to the structure transformation :\n\n" + dbwr1.toString() + "\n\n"); } // prepare for the theme transformation // set up of the parameters tst.setParameter("baseActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile()); tst.setParameter("baseIdempotentActionURL",uPIdempotentElement.getUPFile()); Hashtable tupTable = userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences().getParameterValues(); for (Enumeration e = tupTable.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String pName = (String)e.nextElement(); String pValue = (String)tupTable.get(pName); log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : setting tparam \"" + pName + "\"=\"" + pValue + "\"."); tst.setParameter(pName, pValue); } tst.setParameter("uP_productAndVersion", Version.getProductAndVersion()); // tst.setParameter("locale", localeManager.getLocaleFromSessionParameter()); // initialize a filter to fill in channel attributes for the "theme" (second) transformation. // attach it downstream of the channel rendering buffer ThemeAttributesIncorporationFilter taif = new ThemeAttributesIncorporationFilter((XMLReader)crb, userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences()); // attach theme transformation downstream of the theme attribute incorporation filter taif.setAllHandlers(tsth); // This is a debug statement that will print out XML incoming to the // theme transformation to a log file serializer to a printstream StringWriter dbwr2 = null; if (logXMLBeforeThemeTransformation) { dbwr2 = new StringWriter(); XMLSerializer dbser2 = new XMLSerializer(dbwr2, outputFormat); SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl dupl2 = new SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl(tsth, dbser2); dupl2.setParent(taif); } if(UserInstance.CACHE_ENABLED && !ccaching) { // record cache // attach caching buffer downstream of the theme transformer SAX2BufferImpl newCache=new SAX2BufferImpl(); tsth.setResult(new SAXResult(newCache)); // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the caching buffer cif.setParent(newCache); systemCache.put(cacheKey,newCache); newCache.setOutputAtDocumentEnd(true); log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : recorded transformation cache with key \""+cacheKey+"\""); } else { // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the theme transformer tsth.setResult(new SAXResult(cif)); } // fire up theme transformation crb.stopBuffering(); crb.outputBuffer(); crb.clearBuffer(); // Debug piece to print out the recorded pre-theme transformation XML if (logXMLBeforeThemeTransformation) { log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : XML incoming to the theme transformation :\n\n" + dbwr2.toString() + "\n\n"); } if(UserInstance.CACHE_ENABLED && ccaching) { // save character block cache CharacterCacheEntry ce=new CharacterCacheEntry(); ce.systemBuffers=cif.getSystemCCacheBlocks(); ce.channelIds=cif.getChannelIdBlocks(); if(ce.systemBuffers==null || ce.channelIds==null) { log.error("UserInstance::renderState() : CharacterCachingChannelIncorporationFilter returned invalid cache entries!"); } else { // record cache systemCharacterCache.put(cacheKey,ce); log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : recorded transformation character block cache with key \""+cacheKey+"\""); /* LogService.log(LogService.DEBUG,"Printing transformation cache system blocks:"); for(int i=0;igetRenderingLock returns a rendering lock for this session. * @param sessionId current session id * @return rendering lock Object */ Object getRenderingLock(String sessionId) { if(p_rendering_lock==null) { p_rendering_lock=new Object(); } return p_rendering_lock; } private String constructCacheKey(IPerson person,String rootNodeId) throws PortalException { StringBuffer sbKey = new StringBuffer(1024); sbKey.append(person.getID()).append(","); sbKey.append(rootNodeId).append(","); sbKey.append(uPreferencesManager.getUserPreferences().getCacheKey()); sbKey.append(uPreferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager().getCacheKey()); return sbKey.toString(); } /** * Gets the person object from the session. Null is returned if * no person is logged in * @return the person object, null if no person is logged in */ public IPerson getPerson () { return this.person; } /** * This notifies UserInstance that it has been unbound from the session. * Method triggers cleanup in ChannelManager. * * @param bindingEvent an HttpSessionBindingEvent value */ public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent bindingEvent) { if( channelManager != null) channelManager.finishedSession(); if( uPreferencesManager != null ) { uPreferencesManager.finishedSession(bindingEvent); try { IUserLayoutManager ulm = uPreferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager(); if ( ulm instanceof TransientUserLayoutManagerWrapper ) ulm = ((TransientUserLayoutManagerWrapper)ulm).getOriginalLayoutManager(); if ( !(ulm instanceof IAggregatedUserLayoutManager) ) ulm.saveUserLayout(); } catch ( Exception e ) { log.error("UserInstance::valueUnbound(): Error occured while saving the user layout ", e); } } // Record the destruction of the session StatsRecorder.recordSessionDestroyed(person); StatsRecorder.saveStatistics(person); GroupService.finishedSession(person); } /** * Notifies UserInstance that it has been bound to a session. * * @param bindingEvent a HttpSessionBindingEvent value */ public void valueBound (HttpSessionBindingEvent bindingEvent) { // Record the creation of the session StatsRecorder.recordSessionCreated(person); } /** * Process layout action events. * Events are described by the following request params: * uP_help_target * uP_about_target * uP_edit_target * uP_remove_target * uP_detach_target * @param req a HttpServletRequest value * @param channelManager a ChannelManager value * @exception PortalException if an error occurs */ private synchronized void processUserLayoutParameters (HttpServletRequest req, ChannelManager channelManager) throws PortalException { try { IUserLayoutManager ulm = uPreferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager(); IAggregatedUserLayoutManager alm = getAggregatedLayoutManager(ulm); String newNodeId = null; // Sending the theme stylesheets parameters based on the user security context UserPreferences userPrefs = uPreferencesManager.getUserPreferences(); ThemeStylesheetUserPreferences themePrefs = userPrefs.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences(); StructureStylesheetUserPreferences structPrefs = userPrefs.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences(); String authenticated = String.valueOf(person.getSecurityContext().isAuthenticated()); structPrefs.putParameterValue("authenticated", authenticated); String userName = person.getFullName(); if (userName != null && userName.trim().length() > 0) themePrefs.putParameterValue("userName", userName); try { //RT: if (ChannelStaticData.getAuthorizationPrincipal(person).canPublish()) { if (ChannelStaticData.getAuthorizationPrincipal(person).canPublish(ChannelFactory.CHANNEL_MANAGER_ID)) { themePrefs.putParameterValue("authorizedFragmentPublisher", "true"); themePrefs.putParameterValue("authorizedChannelPublisher", "true"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception determining publish rights for " + this.person, e); } String[] values; if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_help_target")) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { channelManager.passPortalEvent(values[i], new PortalEvent(PortalEvent.HELP_BUTTON_EVENT)); } } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_about_target")) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { channelManager.passPortalEvent(values[i], new PortalEvent(PortalEvent.ABOUT_BUTTON_EVENT)); } } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_edit_target")) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { channelManager.passPortalEvent(values[i], new PortalEvent(PortalEvent.EDIT_BUTTON_EVENT)); } } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_detach_target")) != null) { channelManager.passPortalEvent(values[0], new PortalEvent(PortalEvent.DETACH_BUTTON_EVENT)); } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_request_move_targets")) != null) { if ( values[0].trim().length() == 0 ) values[0] = null; ulm.markMoveTargets(values[0]); } else { ulm.markMoveTargets(null); } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_request_add_targets")) != null) { String value; int nodeType = values[0].equals("folder")?IUserLayoutNodeDescription.FOLDER:IUserLayoutNodeDescription.CHANNEL; IUserLayoutNodeDescription nodeDesc = ulm.createNodeDescription(nodeType); nodeDesc.setName("Unnamed"); if ( nodeType == IUserLayoutNodeDescription.CHANNEL && (value = req.getParameter("channelPublishID")) != null ) { String contentPublishId = value.trim(); if ( contentPublishId.length() > 0 ) { ((IUserLayoutChannelDescription)nodeDesc).setChannelPublishId(contentPublishId); themePrefs.putParameterValue("channelPublishID",contentPublishId); } } else if ( nodeType == IUserLayoutNodeDescription.FOLDER && (value = req.getParameter("fragmentPublishID")) != null ) { String contentPublishId = value.trim(); String fragmentRootId = CommonUtils.nvl(req.getParameter("fragmentRootID")); if ( contentPublishId.length() > 0 && fragmentRootId.length() > 0 ) { IALFolderDescription folderDesc = (IALFolderDescription) nodeDesc; folderDesc.setFragmentId(contentPublishId); folderDesc.setFragmentNodeId(fragmentRootId); } //themePrefs.putParameterValue("uP_fragmentPublishID",contentPublishId); } newNodeDescription = nodeDesc; ulm.markAddTargets(newNodeDescription); } else { ulm.markAddTargets(null); } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_add_target")) != null) { String[] values1, values2; String value = null; int nodeType = values[0].equals("folder")?IUserLayoutNodeDescription.FOLDER:IUserLayoutNodeDescription.CHANNEL; values1 = req.getParameterValues("targetNextID"); if ( values1 != null && values1.length > 0 ) value = values1[0]; if ( (values2 = req.getParameterValues("targetParentID")) != null ) { if ( newNodeDescription != null ) { if ( CommonUtils.nvl(value).trim().length() == 0 ) value = null; // Adding a new node newNodeId = ulm.addNode(newNodeDescription,values2[0],value).getId(); // if the new node is a fragment being added - we need to re-load the layout if ( newNodeDescription instanceof IALFolderDescription ) { IALFolderDescription folderDesc = (IALFolderDescription) newNodeDescription; if ( folderDesc.getFragmentNodeId() != null ) { ulm.saveUserLayout(); ulm.loadUserLayout(); } } } } newNodeDescription = null; } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_move_target")) != null) { String[] values1, values2; String value = null; values1 = req.getParameterValues("targetNextID"); if ( values1 != null && values1.length > 0 ) value = values1[0]; if ( (values2 = req.getParameterValues("targetParentID")) != null ) { if ( CommonUtils.nvl(value).trim().length() == 0 ) value = null; ulm.moveNode(values[0],values2[0],value); } } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_rename_target")) != null) { String[] values1; if ( (values1 = req.getParameterValues("uP_target_name")) != null ) { IUserLayoutNodeDescription nodeDesc = ulm.getNode(values[0]); if ( nodeDesc != null ) { String oldName = nodeDesc.getName(); nodeDesc.setName(values1[0]); if ( !ulm.updateNode(nodeDesc) ) nodeDesc.setName(oldName); } } } if ((values = req.getParameterValues("uP_remove_target")) != null) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { ulm.deleteNode(values[i]); } } String param = req.getParameter("uP_cancel_targets"); if ( param != null && param.equals("true") ) { ulm.markAddTargets(null); ulm.markMoveTargets(null); newNodeDescription = null; } param = req.getParameter("uP_reload_layout"); if ( param != null && param.equals("true") ) { ulm.loadUserLayout(); } param = req.getParameter("uPcFM_action"); if ( param != null ) { if ( alm != null ) { String fragmentId = req.getParameter("uP_fragmentID"); if ( param.equals("edit") && fragmentId != null ) { if ( CommonUtils.parseInt(fragmentId) > 0 ) alm.loadFragment(fragmentId); else alm.loadUserLayout(); } else if ( param.equals("save") ) { alm.saveFragment(); } } } // If we have created a new node we need to let the structure XSL know about it structPrefs.putParameterValue("newNodeID",CommonUtils.nvl(newNodeId)); // Sending the parameter indicating whether the layout or the fragment is loaded in the preferences mode if ( alm != null ) structPrefs.putParameterValue("current_structure",alm.isFragmentLoaded()?"fragment":"layout"); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new PortalException(e); } } private IAggregatedUserLayoutManager getAggregatedLayoutManager(IUserLayoutManager ulm) throws PortalException { if ( ulm instanceof TransientUserLayoutManagerWrapper ) ulm = ((TransientUserLayoutManagerWrapper)ulm).getOriginalLayoutManager(); if ( ulm instanceof IAggregatedUserLayoutManager ) return (IAggregatedUserLayoutManager) ulm; return null; } /** * A method will determine if current request is a worker dispatch, and if so process it appropriatly * @param req the HttpServletRequest * @param res the HttpServletResponse * @param cm the ChannelManager instance * @return a boolean value * @exception PortalException if an error occurs */ protected boolean processWorkerDispatch(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, ChannelManager cm) throws PortalException { HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if(session!=null) { // determine uPFile try { UPFileSpec upfs=new UPFileSpec(req); // is this a worker method ? if(upfs.getMethod()!=null && upfs.getMethod().equals(UPFileSpec.WORKER_URL_ELEMENT)) { // this is a worker dispatch, process it // determine worker type String workerName=upfs.getMethodNodeId(); if(workerName!=null) { if(UserInstance.workerProperties==null) { // load worker properties try { UserInstance.workerProperties=ResourceLoader.getResourceAsProperties(UserInstance.class, WORKER_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("UserInstance::processWorkerDispatch() : Unable to load worker.properties file. ", ioe); } // now add in component archive declared workers CarResources cRes = CarResources.getInstance(); cRes.getWorkers( UserInstance.workerProperties ); } String dispatchClassName=UserInstance.workerProperties.getProperty(workerName); if(dispatchClassName==null) { throw new PortalException("UserInstance::processWorkerDispatch() : Unable to find processing class for the worker type \""+workerName+"\". Please check worker.properties"); } else { // try to instantiate a worker class try { Object obj = CarResources.getInstance() .getClassLoader() .loadClass( dispatchClassName ) .newInstance(); IWorkerRequestProcessor wrp=(IWorkerRequestProcessor) obj; // invoke processor try { wrp.processWorkerDispatch(new PortalControlStructures(req,res,cm,uPreferencesManager)); } catch (PortalException pe) { throw pe; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new PortalException(re); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new PortalException("UserInstance::processWorkerDispatch() : Unable to find processing class (\""+dispatchClassName+"\") for the worker type \""+workerName+"\". Please check worker.properties",cnfe); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { throw new PortalException("UserInstance::processWorkerDispatch() : Unable to instantiate processing class (\""+dispatchClassName+"\") for the worker type \""+workerName+"\". Please check worker.properties",ie); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { throw new PortalException("UserInstance::processWorkerDispatch() : Unable to access processing class (\""+dispatchClassName+"\") for the worker type \""+workerName+"\". Please check worker.properties",iae); } } } else { throw new PortalException("UserInstance::processWorkerDispatch() : Unable to determine worker type. uPFile=\""+upfs.getUPFile()+"\"."); } return true; } else { return false; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iobe) { // ill-constructed URL return false; } } // will never get here return false; } }