/** * Copyright © 2002 The JA-SIG Collaborative. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the JA-SIG Collaborative * (http://www.jasig.org/)." * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ package org.jasig.portal.services; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.portal.ChannelDefinition; import org.jasig.portal.UserProfile; import org.jasig.portal.car.CarResources; import org.jasig.portal.layout.IUserLayoutChannelDescription; import org.jasig.portal.layout.IUserLayoutFolderDescription; import org.jasig.portal.properties.PropertiesManager; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.DoNothingStatsRecorderFactory; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.IStatsRecorder; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.IStatsRecorderFactory; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelAddedToLayoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelDefinitionModifiedWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelDefinitionPublishedWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelDefinitionRemovedWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelInstantiatedWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelMovedInLayoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelRemovedFromLayoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelRenderedWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelTargetedWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordChannelUpdatedInLayoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordFolderAddedToLayoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordFolderMovedInLayoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordFolderRemovedFromLayoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordFolderUpdatedInLayoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordLoginWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordLogoutWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordSessionCreatedWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.RecordSessionDestroyedWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.SaveRDBMStatisticsWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.StatsRecorderLayoutEventListener; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.StatsRecorderSettings; import org.jasig.portal.services.stats.StatsRecorderWorkerTask; import org.jasig.portal.utils.threading.BoundedThreadPool; import org.jasig.portal.utils.threading.ThreadPool; import org.jasig.portal.utils.threading.WorkTracker; /** * Stats recorder service. Various parts of the portal call * the methods in this service to record events such as * when a user logs in, logs out, and subscribes to a channel. * The information is handed off in a separate thread * to an IStatsRecorder implementation that is determined * by the IStatsRecorderFactory implementation that can be * configured in portal.properties. * @author Ken Weiner, kweiner@unicon.net * @author rtwigg@uccs.edu * @version $Revision: $ */ public class StatsRecorder { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StatsRecorder.class); protected static StatsRecorder statsRecorderInstance; protected StatsRecorderSettings statsRecorderSettings; protected IStatsRecorder statsRecorder; protected ThreadPool threadPool; /** * Constructor with private access so that the StatsRecorder * maintains only one instance of itself. */ private StatsRecorder() { String statsRecorderFactoryName = null; IStatsRecorderFactory statsRecorderFactory = null; try { // Get a stats recorder from the stats recorder factory. statsRecorderFactoryName = PropertiesManager.getProperty("org.jasig.portal.services.stats.StatsRecorderFactory.implementation"); statsRecorderFactory = (IStatsRecorderFactory)CarResources.getInstance().getClassLoader().loadClass(statsRecorderFactoryName).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "Unable to instantiate stats recorder '" + statsRecorderFactoryName + "'. Continuing with DoNothingStatsRecorder.", e); statsRecorderFactory = new DoNothingStatsRecorderFactory(); } try { statsRecorder = statsRecorderFactory.getStatsRecorder(); // Get the stats recorder settings instance statsRecorderSettings = StatsRecorderSettings.instance(); // Create a thread pool String prefix = this.getClass().getName() + ".threadPool_"; int initialThreads = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsInt(prefix + "initialThreads"); int maxThreads = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsInt(prefix + "maxThreads"); int threadPriority = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsInt(prefix + "threadPriority"); threadPool = new BoundedThreadPool(initialThreads, maxThreads, threadPriority); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error instantiating StatsRecorder", e); } } /** * Creates an instance of this stats recorder service. * @return a StatsRecorder * instance */ private final static synchronized StatsRecorder instance() { if (statsRecorderInstance == null) { statsRecorderInstance = new StatsRecorder(); } return statsRecorderInstance; } /** * Creates an instance of a * StatsRecorderLayoutEventListener. * @return a new stats recorder layout event listener instance */ public final static StatsRecorderLayoutEventListener newLayoutEventListener(IPerson person, UserProfile profile) { return new StatsRecorderLayoutEventListener(person, profile); } /** * Gets the value of a particular stats recorder setting. * Possible settings are available from StatsRecorderSettings. * For example: StatsRecorder.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_LOGIN) * @param setting the setting * @return the value for the setting */ public static boolean get(int setting) { return instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(setting); } /** * Sets the value of a particular stats recorder setting. * Possible settings are available from StatsRecorderSettings. * For example: StatsRecorder.set(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_LOGIN, true) * @param setting the setting to change * @param newValue the new value for the setting */ public static void set(int setting, boolean newValue) { instance().statsRecorderSettings.set(setting, newValue); } /** * Record the successful login of a user. * @param person the person who is logging in */ public static void recordLogin(IPerson person) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_LOGIN)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordLoginWorkerTask(person); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record the logout of a user. * @param person the person who is logging out */ public static void recordLogout(IPerson person) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_LOGOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordLogoutWorkerTask(person); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a new session is created for a user. * @param person the person whose session is being created */ public static void recordSessionCreated(IPerson person) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_SESSION_CREATED)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordSessionCreatedWorkerTask(person); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a user's session is destroyed * (when the user logs out or his/her session * simply times out) * @param person the person whose session is ending */ public static void recordSessionDestroyed(IPerson person) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_SESSION_DESTROYED)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordSessionDestroyedWorkerTask(person); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a new channel is being published * @param person the person publishing the channel * @param channelDef the channel being published */ public static void recordChannelDefinitionPublished(IPerson person, ChannelDefinition channelDef) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_DEFINITION_PUBLISHED)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelDefinitionPublishedWorkerTask(person, channelDef); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that an existing channel is being modified * @param person the person modifying the channel * @param channelDef the channel being modified */ public static void recordChannelDefinitionModified(IPerson person, ChannelDefinition channelDef) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_DEFINITION_MODIFIED)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelDefinitionModifiedWorkerTask(person, channelDef); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a channel is being removed * @param person the person removing the channel * @param channelDef the channel being modified */ public static void recordChannelDefinitionRemoved(IPerson person, ChannelDefinition channelDef) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_DEFINITION_REMOVED)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelDefinitionRemovedWorkerTask(person, channelDef); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a channel is being added to a user layout * @param person the person adding the channel * @param profile the profile of the layout to which the channel is being added * @param channelDesc the channel being subscribed to */ public static void recordChannelAddedToLayout(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutChannelDescription channelDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_ADDED_TO_LAYOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelAddedToLayoutWorkerTask(person, profile, channelDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a channel is being updated in a user layout * @param person the person updating the channel * @param profile the profile of the layout in which the channel is being updated * @param channelDesc the channel being updated */ public static void recordChannelUpdatedInLayout(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutChannelDescription channelDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_UPDATED_IN_LAYOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelUpdatedInLayoutWorkerTask(person, profile, channelDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a channel is being moved in a user layout * @param person the person moving the channel * @param profile the profile of the layout in which the channel is being moved * @param channelDesc the channel being moved */ public static void recordChannelMovedInLayout(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutChannelDescription channelDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_MOVED_IN_LAYOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelMovedInLayoutWorkerTask(person, profile, channelDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a channel is being removed from a user layout * @param person the person removing the channel * @param profile the profile of the layout to which the channel is being added * @param channelDesc the channel being removed from a user layout */ public static void recordChannelRemovedFromLayout(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutChannelDescription channelDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_REMOVED_FROM_LAYOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelRemovedFromLayoutWorkerTask(person, profile, channelDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a folder is being added to a user layout * @param person the person adding the folder * @param profile the profile of the layout to which the folder is being added * @param folderDesc the folder being subscribed to */ public static void recordFolderAddedToLayout(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutFolderDescription folderDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_FOLDER_ADDED_TO_LAYOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordFolderAddedToLayoutWorkerTask(person, profile, folderDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a folder is being updated in a user layout * @param person the person updating the folder * @param profile the profile of the layout in which the folder is being updated * @param folderDesc the folder being updated */ public static void recordFolderUpdatedInLayout(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutFolderDescription folderDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_FOLDER_UPDATED_IN_LAYOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordFolderUpdatedInLayoutWorkerTask(person, profile, folderDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a folder is being moved in a user layout * @param person the person moving the folder * @param profile the profile of the layout in which the folder is being moved * @param folderDesc the folder being moved */ public static void recordFolderMovedInLayout(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutFolderDescription folderDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_FOLDER_MOVED_IN_LAYOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordFolderMovedInLayoutWorkerTask(person, profile, folderDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a folder is being removed from a user layout * @param person the person removing the folder * @param profile the profile of the layout to which the folder is being added * @param folderDesc the folder being removed from a user layout */ public static void recordFolderRemovedFromLayout(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutFolderDescription folderDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_FOLDER_REMOVED_FROM_LAYOUT)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordFolderRemovedFromLayoutWorkerTask(person, profile, folderDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a channel is being instantiated * @param person the person for whom the channel is instantiated * @param profile the profile of the layout for whom the channel is instantiated * @param channelDesc the channel being instantiated */ public static void recordChannelInstantiated(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutChannelDescription channelDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_INSTANTIATED)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelInstantiatedWorkerTask(person, profile, channelDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a channel is being rendered * @param person the person for whom the channel is rendered * @param profile the profile of the layout for whom the channel is rendered * @param channelDesc the channel being rendered */ public static void recordChannelRendered(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutChannelDescription channelDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_RENDERED)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelRenderedWorkerTask(person, profile, channelDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Record that a channel is being targeted. In other words, * the user is interacting with the channel via either a * hyperlink or form submission. * @param person the person interacting with the channel * @param profile the profile of the layout in which the channel resides * @param channelDesc the channel being targeted */ public static void recordChannelTargeted(IPerson person, UserProfile profile, IUserLayoutChannelDescription channelDesc) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.RECORD_CHANNEL_TARGETED)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new RecordChannelTargetedWorkerTask(person, profile, channelDesc); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } /** * Save user's statistics ot database * (when the user logs out or his/her session * simply times out) * @param person the person whose statistics have been tracked */ public static void saveStatistics(IPerson person) { if (instance().statsRecorderSettings.get(StatsRecorderSettings.SAVE_STATISTICS)) { StatsRecorderWorkerTask task = new SaveRDBMStatisticsWorkerTask(person); task.setStatsRecorder(instance().statsRecorder); WorkTracker workTracker = instance().threadPool.execute(task); } } }