/** * Copyright © 2001, 2002 The JA-SIG Collaborative. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the JA-SIG Collaborative * (http://www.jasig.org/)." * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ package org.jasig.portal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.pluto.om.common.Preference; import org.apache.pluto.om.common.PreferenceSet; import org.jasig.portal.channels.portlet.CPortletAdapter; import org.jasig.portal.container.om.common.PreferenceSetImpl; import org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntity; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroup; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IGroupMember; import org.jasig.portal.groups.ILockableEntityGroup; import org.jasig.portal.properties.PropertiesManager; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson; import org.jasig.portal.services.EntityCachingService; import org.jasig.portal.services.GroupService; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.portal.utils.CounterStoreFactory; /** * Reference implementation of IChannelRegistryStore. * @author Ken Weiner, kweiner@unicon.net * @version $Revision: $ */ public class RDBMChannelRegistryStore implements IChannelRegistryStore { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RDBMChannelRegistryStore.class); /** * Add join queries for databases that are known to support them */ static { try { if (RDBMServices.supportsOuterJoins) { if (RDBMServices.joinQuery instanceof RDBMServices.JdbcDb) { RDBMServices.joinQuery.addQuery("channel", "{oj UP_CHANNEL UC LEFT OUTER JOIN UP_CHANNEL_PARAM UCP ON UC.CHAN_ID = UCP.CHAN_ID} WHERE"); } else if (RDBMServices.joinQuery instanceof RDBMServices.PostgreSQLDb) { RDBMServices.joinQuery.addQuery("channel", "UP_CHANNEL UC LEFT OUTER JOIN UP_CHANNEL_PARAM UCP ON UC.CHAN_ID = UCP.CHAN_ID WHERE"); } else if (RDBMServices.joinQuery instanceof RDBMServices.OracleDb) { RDBMServices.joinQuery.addQuery("channel", "UP_CHANNEL UC, UP_CHANNEL_PARAM UCP WHERE UC.CHAN_ID = UCP.CHAN_ID(+) AND"); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown database driver"); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "RDBMChannelRegistryStore: Error in static initializer", e); } } // I18n propertiy protected static final boolean localeAware = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsBoolean("org.jasig.portal.i18n.LocaleManager.locale_aware"); /** * Create a new ChannelType object. * @return channelType, the new channel type * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public ChannelType newChannelType() throws Exception { int nextChanTypeId = CounterStoreFactory.getCounterStoreImpl().getIncrementIntegerId("UP_CHAN_TYPE"); return new ChannelType(nextChanTypeId); } /** * Get the channel type associated with a particular identifier. * @param channelTypeId the channel type identifier * @return channelType the channel type * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public ChannelType getChannelType(int channelTypeId) throws SQLException { ChannelType channelType = null; Connection con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT * FROM UP_CHAN_TYPE WHERE TYPE_ID=" + channelTypeId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelType(): " + query); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); try { if (rs.next()) { String javaClass = rs.getString("TYPE"); String name = rs.getString("TYPE_NAME"); String descr = rs.getString("TYPE_DESCR"); String cpdUri = rs.getString("TYPE_DEF_URI"); channelType = new ChannelType(channelTypeId); channelType.setJavaClass(javaClass); channelType.setName(name); channelType.setDescription(descr); channelType.setCpdUri(cpdUri); } } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } return channelType; } /** * Get channel types. * @return types, the channel types * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public ChannelType[] getChannelTypes() throws SQLException { ChannelType[] channelTypes = null; Connection con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT TYPE_ID, TYPE, TYPE_NAME, TYPE_DESCR, TYPE_DEF_URI FROM UP_CHAN_TYPE"; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelTypes(): " + query); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); try { List channelTypesList = new ArrayList(); while (rs.next()) { int channelTypeId = rs.getInt(1); String javaClass = rs.getString(2); String name = rs.getString(3); String descr = rs.getString(4); String cpdUri = rs.getString(5); ChannelType channelType = new ChannelType(channelTypeId); channelType.setJavaClass(javaClass); channelType.setName(name); channelType.setDescription(descr); channelType.setCpdUri(cpdUri); channelTypesList.add(channelType); } channelTypes = (ChannelType[])channelTypesList.toArray(new ChannelType[0]); } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } return channelTypes; } /** * Persists a channel type. * @param chanType a channel type * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public void saveChannelType(ChannelType chanType) throws SQLException { Connection con = null; // Check if channel type exists. If it doesn't exist, do an insert. // Otherwise, do an update. ChannelType chanTypeInStore = getChannelType(chanType.getId()); if (chanTypeInStore == null) { try { int chanTypeId = chanType.getId(); String javaClass = chanType.getJavaClass(); String name = chanType.getName(); String descr = chanType.getDescription(); String cpdUri = chanType.getCpdUri(); con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); // Set autocommit false for the connection RDBMServices.setAutoCommit(con, false); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { // Insert channel type. String insert = "INSERT INTO UP_CHAN_TYPE VALUES (" + "'" + chanTypeId + "', " + "'" + javaClass + "', " + "'" + name + "', " + "'" + descr + "', " + "'" + cpdUri + "')"; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.saveChannelType(): " + insert); int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(insert); // Commit the transaction RDBMServices.commit(con); } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Roll back the transaction RDBMServices.rollback(con); throw sqle; } finally { stmt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } } else { // The channel type exists, so do an update try { int chanTypeId = chanType.getId(); String javaClass = chanType.getJavaClass(); String name = chanType.getName(); String descr = chanType.getDescription(); String cpdUri = chanType.getCpdUri(); con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); // Set autocommit false for the connection RDBMServices.setAutoCommit(con, false); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { // Update channel type. String update = "UPDATE UP_CHAN_TYPE SET " + "TYPE='" + javaClass + "', " + "TYPE_NAME='" + name + "', " + "TYPE_DESCR='" + descr + "', " + "TYPE_DEF_URI='" + cpdUri + "' " + "WHERE TYPE_ID=" + chanTypeId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.saveChannelType(): " + update); int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(update); // Commit the transaction RDBMServices.commit(con); } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Roll back the transaction RDBMServices.rollback(con); throw sqle; } finally { stmt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } } } /** * Deletes a channel type. The deletion will only succeed if no existing * channels reference the channel type. * @param chanType a channel type * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public void deleteChannelType(ChannelType chanType) throws SQLException { Connection con = null; try { con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); // Set autocommit false for the connection RDBMServices.setAutoCommit(con, false); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { // First check to see if any channels are still referencing this channel type int chanTypeId = chanType.getId(); String select = "SELECT * FROM UP_CHANNEL WHERE CHAN_TYPE_ID=" + chanTypeId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.deleteChannelType(): " + select); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(select); // If there are channels referencing this channel type, throw an exception if (rs.next()) { String message = "Cannot delete channel type " + chanTypeId + ". It is still in use by channels "; do { int channelPublishId = rs.getInt("CHAN_ID"); message += channelPublishId + " "; } while (rs.next()); throw new SQLException(message); // Otherwise delete the channel type } else { String delete = "DELETE FROM UP_CHAN_TYPE WHERE TYPE_ID=" + chanTypeId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.deleteChannelType(): " + delete); int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(delete); } // Commit the transaction RDBMServices.commit(con); } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Roll back the transaction RDBMServices.rollback(con); throw sqle; } finally { stmt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } } /** * Create a new ChannelDefinition object. * @return channelDefinition, the new channel definition * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public ChannelDefinition newChannelDefinition() throws Exception { int nextChanDefId = CounterStoreFactory.getCounterStoreImpl().getIncrementIntegerId("UP_CHANNEL"); return new ChannelDefinition(nextChanDefId); } /** * Get a channel definition. * @param channelPublishId a channel publish ID * @return channelDefinition, a definition of the channel or null * if no matching channel definition can be found * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public ChannelDefinition getChannelDefinition(int channelPublishId) throws SQLException { ChannelDefinition channelDef = null; // Check the cache try { channelDef = (ChannelDefinition)EntityCachingService.instance().get(ChannelDefinition.class, String.valueOf(channelPublishId)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error checking cache for definition of channel with publish id " + channelPublishId, e); } // If not found in cache, get it from the store and cache it, otherwise return it if (channelDef == null) { Connection con = null; RDBMServices.PreparedStatement pstmtChannel = null; RDBMServices.PreparedStatement pstmtChannelParam = null; RDBMServices.PreparedStatement pstmtChannelMdata = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); pstmtChannel = getChannelPstmt(con); pstmtChannelParam = getChannelParamPstmt(con); pstmtChannelMdata = getChannelMdataPstmt(con); pstmtChannel.clearParameters(); pstmtChannel.setInt(1, channelPublishId); log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelDefinition(): " + pstmtChannel); rs = pstmtChannel.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { int chanType = rs.getInt(4); if (rs.wasNull()) { chanType = 0; } int publisherId = rs.getInt(5); if (rs.wasNull()) { publisherId = 0; } int approverId = rs.getInt(6); if (rs.wasNull()) { approverId = 0; } int timeout = rs.getInt(9); if (rs.wasNull()) { timeout = 0; } channelDef = new ChannelDefinition(channelPublishId); channelDef.setTitle(rs.getString(1)); channelDef.setDescription(rs.getString(2)); channelDef.setJavaClass(rs.getString(3)); channelDef.setTypeId(chanType); channelDef.setPublisherId(publisherId); channelDef.setApproverId(approverId); channelDef.setPublishDate(rs.getTimestamp(7)); channelDef.setApprovalDate(rs.getTimestamp(8)); channelDef.setTimeout(timeout); channelDef.setEditable(RDBMServices.dbFlag(rs.getString(10))); channelDef.setHasHelp(RDBMServices.dbFlag(rs.getString(11))); channelDef.setHasAbout(RDBMServices.dbFlag(rs.getString(12))); channelDef.setName(rs.getString(13)); channelDef.setFName(rs.getString(14)); channelDef.setIsSecure(RDBMServices.dbFlag(rs.getString(15))); channelDef.setTrackStats(RDBMServices.dbFlag(rs.getString(16))); // Don't use the following line to attain DB compatibility // channelDef.setLocale("en_US"); int dbOffset = 0; if (pstmtChannelParam == null) { // we are using a join statement so no need for a new query dbOffset = 16; } else { rs.close(); pstmtChannelParam.clearParameters(); pstmtChannelParam.setInt(1, channelPublishId); log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelDefinition(): " + pstmtChannelParam); rs = pstmtChannelParam.executeQuery(); } while (true) { if (pstmtChannelParam != null && !rs.next()) { break; } String name = rs.getString(dbOffset + 1); String value = rs.getString(dbOffset + 2); String override = rs.getString(dbOffset + 3); if (name != null) { channelDef.addParameter(name, value, override); } if (pstmtChannelParam == null && !rs.next()) { break; } } try { IPortletPreferencesStore portletPrefStore = PortletPreferencesStoreFactory.getPortletPreferencesStoreImpl(); PreferenceSet preferences = portletPrefStore.getDefinitionPreferences(channelPublishId); for (Iterator prefItr = preferences.iterator(); prefItr.hasNext();) { Preference pref = (Preference)prefItr.next(); String name = pref.getName(); String value = ""; String override; if (pref.isReadOnly()) { override = "N"; } else { override = "Y"; } //Since publish params only support single valued params just look for the first value. Iterator valuesItr = pref.getValues(); if (valuesItr.hasNext()) value = (String)valuesItr.next(); channelDef.addParameter(CPortletAdapter.portletPreferenceNamePrefix + name, value, override); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (localeAware) { // Read UP_CHANNEL_MDATA rs.close(); pstmtChannelMdata.clearParameters(); pstmtChannelMdata.setInt(1, channelPublishId); log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelDefinition(): " + pstmtChannelMdata); try { rs = pstmtChannelMdata.executeQuery(); String locale; while (true) { if (pstmtChannelMdata != null && !rs.next()) { break; } locale = rs.getString(1); channelDef.putChanTitles(locale, rs.getString(2)); channelDef.putChanDescs(locale, rs.getString(3)); channelDef.putChanNames(locale, rs.getString(4)); if (pstmtChannelMdata == null && !rs.next()) { break; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelDefinition(): Database being used is not internationalized. Execute `ant i18n-db' for internationalized database setting."); } } } log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelDefinition(): Read channel " + channelPublishId + " from the store"); // Add the channel definition to the cache try { EntityCachingService.instance().add(channelDef); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error caching channel definition " + channelDef, e); } } finally { try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { pstmtChannel.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { pstmtChannelParam.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { pstmtChannelMdata.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } catch (Exception e) {} } } return channelDef; } /** * Get a channel definition. If there is more than one channel definition * with the given functional name, then the one with the most recent * approval date will be returned. * @param channelFunctionalName a channel functional name * @return channelDefinition, a definition of the channel or null * if no matching channel definition can be found * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public ChannelDefinition getChannelDefinition(String channelFunctionalName) throws SQLException { ChannelDefinition channelDef = null; Connection con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT CHAN_ID FROM UP_CHANNEL WHERE CHAN_FNAME='" + channelFunctionalName + "' ORDER BY CHAN_APVL_DT DESC"; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelDefinition(): " + query); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); try { if (rs.next()) { channelDef = getChannelDefinition(rs.getInt("CHAN_ID")); } } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } return channelDef; } /** * Get all channel definitions including ones that haven't been approved. * @return channelDefs, the channel definitions * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public ChannelDefinition[] getChannelDefinitions() throws SQLException { ChannelDefinition[] channelDefs = null; Connection con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { String query = "SELECT CHAN_ID FROM UP_CHANNEL"; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.getChannelDefinitions(): " + query); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); try { List channelDefsList = new ArrayList(); while (rs.next()) { ChannelDefinition channelDef = getChannelDefinition(rs.getInt("CHAN_ID")); channelDefsList.add(channelDef); } channelDefs = (ChannelDefinition[])channelDefsList.toArray(new ChannelDefinition[0]); } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } return channelDefs; } /** * Persists a channel definition. * @param channelDef the channel definition * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public void saveChannelDefinition (ChannelDefinition channelDef) throws Exception { Connection con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); try { int channelPublishId = channelDef.getId(); // Set autocommit false for the connection RDBMServices.setAutoCommit(con, false); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { String sqlTitle = RDBMServices.sqlEscape(channelDef.getTitle()); String sqlDescription = RDBMServices.sqlEscape(channelDef.getDescription()); String sqlClass = channelDef.getJavaClass(); int sqlTypeID = channelDef.getTypeId(); int chanPublisherId = channelDef.getPublisherId(); String chanPublishDate = RDBMServices.sqlTimeStamp(channelDef.getPublishDate()); int chanApproverId = channelDef.getApproverId(); String chanApprovalDate = RDBMServices.sqlTimeStamp(channelDef.getApprovalDate()); int sqlTimeout = channelDef.getTimeout(); String sqlEditable = RDBMServices.dbFlag(channelDef.isEditable()); String sqlHasHelp = RDBMServices.dbFlag(channelDef.hasHelp()); String sqlHasAbout = RDBMServices.dbFlag(channelDef.hasAbout()); String sqlName = RDBMServices.sqlEscape(channelDef.getName()); String sqlFName = RDBMServices.sqlEscape(channelDef.getFName()); String sqlIsSecure = RDBMServices.dbFlag(channelDef.isSecure()); String sqlTrackStats = RDBMServices.dbFlag(channelDef.trackStats()); String query = "SELECT CHAN_ID FROM UP_CHANNEL WHERE CHAN_ID=" + channelPublishId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.saveChannelDefinition(): " + query); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); // If channel is already there, do an update, otherwise do an insert if (rs.next()) { String update = "UPDATE UP_CHANNEL SET " + "CHAN_TITLE='" + sqlTitle + "', " + "CHAN_DESC='" + sqlDescription + "', " + "CHAN_CLASS='" + sqlClass + "', " + "CHAN_TYPE_ID=" + sqlTypeID + ", " + "CHAN_PUBL_ID=" + chanPublisherId + ", " + "CHAN_PUBL_DT=" + chanPublishDate + ", " + "CHAN_APVL_ID=" + chanApproverId + ", " + "CHAN_APVL_DT=" + chanApprovalDate + ", " + "CHAN_TIMEOUT=" + sqlTimeout + ", " + "CHAN_EDITABLE='" + sqlEditable + "', " + "CHAN_HAS_HELP='" + sqlHasHelp + "', " + "CHAN_HAS_ABOUT='" + sqlHasAbout + "', " + "CHAN_NAME='" + sqlName + "', " + "CHAN_FNAME='" + sqlFName + "', " + "CHAN_SECURE='" + sqlIsSecure + "', " + "CHAN_STATS='" + sqlTrackStats + "' " + "WHERE CHAN_ID=" + channelPublishId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.saveChannelDefinition(): " + update); stmt.executeUpdate(update); } else { String insert = "INSERT INTO UP_CHANNEL (CHAN_ID, CHAN_TITLE, CHAN_DESC, CHAN_CLASS, CHAN_TYPE_ID, CHAN_PUBL_ID, CHAN_PUBL_DT, " + "CHAN_APVL_ID, CHAN_APVL_DT, CHAN_TIMEOUT, CHAN_EDITABLE, CHAN_HAS_HELP, CHAN_HAS_ABOUT, CHAN_NAME, CHAN_FNAME, CHAN_SECURE, CHAN_STATS) "; insert += "VALUES (" + channelPublishId + ", '" + sqlTitle + "', '" + sqlDescription + "', '" + sqlClass + "', " + sqlTypeID + ", " + chanPublisherId + ", " + chanPublishDate + ", " + chanApproverId + ", " + chanApprovalDate + ", " + sqlTimeout + ", '" + sqlEditable + "', '" + sqlHasHelp + "', '" + sqlHasAbout + "', '" + sqlName + "', '" + sqlFName + "', '" + sqlIsSecure + "', '" + sqlTrackStats + "')"; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.saveChannelDefinition(): " + insert); stmt.executeUpdate(insert); } // First delete existing parameters for this channel String delete = "DELETE FROM UP_CHANNEL_PARAM WHERE CHAN_ID=" + channelPublishId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.saveChannelDefinition(): " + delete); int recordsDeleted = stmt.executeUpdate(delete); ChannelParameter[] parameters = channelDef.getParameters(); if (parameters != null) { // Keep track of any portlet preferences PreferenceSetImpl preferences = new PreferenceSetImpl(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { String paramName = parameters[i].getName(); String paramValue = parameters[i].getValue(); boolean paramOverride = parameters[i].getOverride(); if (paramName == null && paramValue == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid parameter node"); } if (paramName.startsWith(CPortletAdapter.portletPreferenceNamePrefix)) { // We have a portlet preference String prefName = paramName.substring(CPortletAdapter.portletPreferenceNamePrefix.length()); String prefValue = paramValue; List prefValues = (List)preferences.get(prefName); // Unfortunately, we can only support single-valued preferences // at this level unless we change a lot of uPortal code :( prefValues = new ArrayList(1); prefValues.add(prefValue); preferences.add(prefName, prefValues, !paramOverride); } else { // We have a normal channel parameter String insert = "INSERT INTO UP_CHANNEL_PARAM (CHAN_ID, CHAN_PARM_NM, CHAN_PARM_VAL, CHAN_PARM_OVRD) VALUES (" + channelPublishId + ",'" + paramName + "','" + paramValue + "', '" + (paramOverride ? "Y" : "N") + "')"; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.saveChannelDefinition(): " + insert); stmt.executeUpdate(insert); } } if (preferences.size() > 0) { PortletPreferencesStoreFactory.getPortletPreferencesStoreImpl().setDefinitionPreferences(channelPublishId, preferences); } } // Commit the transaction RDBMServices.commit(con); // Notify the cache try { EntityCachingService.instance().update(channelDef); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error updating cache for channel definition " + channelDef, e); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.error("Exception saving channel definition " + channelDef, sqle); RDBMServices.rollback(con); throw sqle; } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } } /** * Permanently deletes a channel definition from the store. * All references to this channel definition are also deleted. * @param channelDef the channel definition * @throws java.sql.SQLException * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public void deleteChannelDefinition(ChannelDefinition channelDef) throws SQLException, GroupsException { Connection con = RDBMServices.getConnection(); try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { int channelPublishId = channelDef.getId(); // Delete from UP_CHANNEL String delete = "DELETE FROM UP_CHANNEL WHERE CHAN_ID=" + channelPublishId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.deleteChannelDefinition(): " + delete); stmt.executeUpdate(delete); // Delete from UP_CHANNEL_PARAM delete = "DELETE FROM UP_CHANNEL_PARAM WHERE CHAN_ID=" + channelPublishId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.deleteChannelDefinition(): " + delete); stmt.executeUpdate(delete); // Delete from UP_PERMISSION // This needs to be updated to work with permission interfaces!!! delete = "DELETE FROM UP_PERMISSION WHERE OWNER='CHAN_ID." + channelPublishId + "' OR TARGET='CHAN_ID." + channelPublishId + "'"; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.deleteChannelDefinition(): " + delete); stmt.executeUpdate(delete); // Delete from UPC_KEYWORD delete = "DELETE FROM UPC_KEYWORD WHERE CHAN_ID=" + channelPublishId; log.debug("RDBMChannelRegistryStore.deleteChannelDefinition(): " + delete); stmt.executeUpdate(delete); // Disassociate from parent categories (delete from UP_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP) IEntity channelDefEntity = GroupService.getEntity(String.valueOf(channelPublishId), ChannelDefinition.class); Iterator iter = channelDefEntity.getContainingGroups(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IEntityGroup parentGroup = (IEntityGroup)iter.next(); parentGroup.removeMember(channelDefEntity); parentGroup.updateMembers(); } // Notify the cache try { EntityCachingService.instance().remove(channelDef); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error removing channel definition " + channelDef + " from cache.", e); } } finally { stmt.close(); } } finally { RDBMServices.releaseConnection(con); } } /** * Sets a channel definition as "approved". This effectively makes a * channel definition available in the channel registry, making the channel * available for subscription to those authorized to subscribe to it. * This method is a convenience method. As an alternative to calling * this method, one could simply set the approver ID and approval date * and then call saveChannelDefinition(ChannelDefinition chanDef). * @param channelDef the channel definition to approve * @param approver the user that approves this channel definition * @param approveDate the date when the channel definition should be approved (can be future dated) * @throws Exception */ public void approveChannelDefinition(ChannelDefinition channelDef, IPerson approver, Date approveDate) throws Exception { channelDef.setApproverId(approver.getID()); channelDef.setApprovalDate(approveDate); saveChannelDefinition(channelDef); } /** * Removes a channel from the channel registry by changing * its status from "approved" to "unapproved". Afterwards, no one * will be able to subscribe to or render the channel. * This method is a convenience method. As an alternative to calling * this method, one could simply set the approver ID and approval date * to NULL and then call saveChannelDefinition(ChannelDefinition chanDef). * @param channelDef the channel definition to disapprove * @throws Exception */ public void disapproveChannelDefinition(ChannelDefinition channelDef) throws Exception { channelDef.setApproverId(-1); channelDef.setApprovalDate(null); saveChannelDefinition(channelDef); } /** * Creates a new channel category. * @return channelCategory the new channel category * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public ChannelCategory newChannelCategory() throws GroupsException { IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.newGroup(ChannelDefinition.class); categoryGroup.setName(""); // name cannot be null categoryGroup.setCreatorID(""); // creatorId cannot be null categoryGroup.update(); String id = categoryGroup.getKey(); return new ChannelCategory(id); } /** * Creates a new channel category with the specified values. * @param name the name of the category * @param description the name of the description * @param creatorId the id of the creator or system * @return channelCategory the new channel category * @throws GroupsException */ public ChannelCategory newChannelCategory( String name, String description, String creatorId ) throws GroupsException { IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.newGroup(ChannelDefinition.class); categoryGroup.setName( name ); // name cannot be null categoryGroup.setCreatorID( creatorId ); // creatorId cannot be null categoryGroup.setDescription( description ); categoryGroup.update(); String id = categoryGroup.getKey(); ChannelCategory cat = new ChannelCategory(id); cat.setName( name ); cat.setDescription( description ); cat.setCreatorId( creatorId ); return cat; } /** * Gets an existing channel category. * @param channelCategoryId the id of the category to get * @return channelCategory the channel category * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public ChannelCategory getChannelCategory(String channelCategoryId) throws GroupsException { IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.findGroup(channelCategoryId); ChannelCategory category = new ChannelCategory(channelCategoryId); category.setName(categoryGroup.getName()); category.setDescription(categoryGroup.getDescription()); category.setCreatorId(categoryGroup.getCreatorID()); return category; } /** * Gets top level channel category * @return channelCategories the new channel category * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public ChannelCategory getTopLevelChannelCategory() throws GroupsException { IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.getDistinguishedGroup(GroupService.CHANNEL_CATEGORIES); return getChannelCategory(categoryGroup.getKey()); } /** * Gets all child channel categories for a parent category. * @return channelCategories the children categories * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public ChannelCategory[] getChildCategories(ChannelCategory parent) throws GroupsException { String parentKey = String.valueOf(parent.getId()); IEntityGroup parentGroup = GroupService.findGroup(parentKey); List categories = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = parentGroup.getMembers(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IGroupMember gm = (IGroupMember)iter.next(); if (gm.isGroup()) { String categoryId = gm.getKey(); categories.add(getChannelCategory(categoryId)); } } return (ChannelCategory[])categories.toArray(new ChannelCategory[0]); } /** * Gets all child channel definitions for a parent category. * @return channelDefinitions the children channel definitions * @throws java.sql.SQLException * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public ChannelDefinition[] getChildChannels(ChannelCategory parent) throws SQLException, GroupsException { String parentKey = String.valueOf(parent.getId()); IEntityGroup parentGroup = GroupService.findGroup(parentKey); List channelDefs = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = parentGroup.getMembers(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IGroupMember gm = (IGroupMember)iter.next(); if (gm.isEntity()) { int channelPublishId = Integer.parseInt(gm.getKey()); channelDefs.add(getChannelDefinition(channelPublishId)); } } return (ChannelDefinition[])channelDefs.toArray(new ChannelDefinition[0]); } /** * Gets the immediate parent categories of this category. * @return parents, the parent categories. * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public ChannelCategory[] getParentCategories(ChannelCategory child) throws GroupsException { String childKey = String.valueOf(child.getId()); IEntityGroup childGroup = GroupService.findGroup(childKey); List parents = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = childGroup.getContainingGroups(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IGroupMember gm = (IGroupMember)iter.next(); if (gm.isGroup()) { String categoryId = gm.getKey(); parents.add(getChannelCategory(categoryId)); } } return (ChannelCategory[])parents.toArray(new ChannelCategory[0]); } /** * Gets the immediate parent categories of this channel definition. * @return parents, the parent categories. * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public ChannelCategory[] getParentCategories(ChannelDefinition child) throws GroupsException { String childKey = String.valueOf(child.getId()); IEntity childEntity = GroupService.getEntity(childKey, ChannelDefinition.class); List parents = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = childEntity.getContainingGroups(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IGroupMember gm = (IGroupMember)iter.next(); if (gm.isGroup()) { String categoryId = gm.getKey(); parents.add(getChannelCategory(categoryId)); } } return (ChannelCategory[])parents.toArray(new ChannelCategory[0]); } /** * Persists a channel category. * @param category the channel category to persist * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public void saveChannelCategory(ChannelCategory category) throws GroupsException { IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.findGroup(category.getId()); categoryGroup.setName(category.getName()); categoryGroup.setDescription(category.getDescription()); categoryGroup.setCreatorID(category.getCreatorId()); categoryGroup.update(); } /** * Deletes a channel category. * @param category the channel category to delete * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public void deleteChannelCategory(ChannelCategory category) throws GroupsException { String key = String.valueOf(category.getId()); ILockableEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.findLockableGroup(key,"UP_FRAMEWORK"); categoryGroup.delete(); } /** * Makes one category a child of another. * @param child the source category * @param parent the destination category * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public void addCategoryToCategory(ChannelCategory child, ChannelCategory parent) throws GroupsException { String childKey = String.valueOf(child.getId()); IEntityGroup childGroup = GroupService.findGroup(childKey); String parentKey = String.valueOf(parent.getId()); IEntityGroup parentGroup = GroupService.findGroup(parentKey); parentGroup.addMember(childGroup); parentGroup.updateMembers(); } /** * Makes one category a child of another. * @param child the category to remove * @param parent the category to remove from * @throws org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException */ public void removeCategoryFromCategory(ChannelCategory child, ChannelCategory parent) throws GroupsException { String childKey = String.valueOf(child.getId()); IEntityGroup childGroup = GroupService.findGroup(childKey); String parentKey = String.valueOf(parent.getId()); IEntityGroup parentGroup = GroupService.findGroup(parentKey); parentGroup.removeMember(childGroup); parentGroup.updateMembers(); } /** * Associates a channel definition with a category. * @param channelDef the channel definition * @param category the channel category to which to associate the channel definition * @throws org.jasig.portal.PortalException */ public void addChannelToCategory(ChannelDefinition channelDef, ChannelCategory category) throws PortalException { String channelDefKey = String.valueOf(channelDef.getId()); IEntity channelDefEntity = GroupService.getEntity(channelDefKey, ChannelDefinition.class); IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.findGroup(category.getId()); categoryGroup.addMember(channelDefEntity); categoryGroup.updateMembers(); } /** * Disassociates a channel definition from a category. * @param channelDef the channel definition * @param category the channel category from which to disassociate the channel definition * @throws org.jasig.portal.PortalException */ public void removeChannelFromCategory(ChannelDefinition channelDef, ChannelCategory category) throws PortalException { String channelDefKey = String.valueOf(channelDef.getId()); IEntity channelDefEntity = GroupService.getEntity(channelDefKey, ChannelDefinition.class); String categoryKey = String.valueOf(category.getId()); IEntityGroup categoryGroup = GroupService.findGroup(categoryKey); categoryGroup.removeMember(channelDefEntity); categoryGroup.updateMembers(); } protected static final RDBMServices.PreparedStatement getChannelPstmt(Connection con) throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT UC.CHAN_TITLE, UC.CHAN_DESC, UC.CHAN_CLASS, UC.CHAN_TYPE_ID, " + "UC.CHAN_PUBL_ID, UC.CHAN_APVL_ID, UC.CHAN_PUBL_DT, UC.CHAN_APVL_DT, " + "UC.CHAN_TIMEOUT, UC.CHAN_EDITABLE, UC.CHAN_HAS_HELP, UC.CHAN_HAS_ABOUT, " + "UC.CHAN_NAME, UC.CHAN_FNAME, UC.CHAN_SECURE, UC.CHAN_STATS"; if (RDBMServices.supportsOuterJoins) { sql += ", CHAN_PARM_NM, CHAN_PARM_VAL, CHAN_PARM_OVRD, CHAN_PARM_DESC FROM " + RDBMServices.joinQuery.getQuery("channel"); } else { sql += " FROM UP_CHANNEL UC WHERE"; } sql += " UC.CHAN_ID=?"; return new RDBMServices.PreparedStatement(con, sql); } protected static final RDBMServices.PreparedStatement getChannelParamPstmt(Connection con) throws SQLException { if (RDBMServices.supportsOuterJoins) { return null; } else { return new RDBMServices.PreparedStatement(con, "SELECT CHAN_PARM_NM, CHAN_PARM_VAL,CHAN_PARM_OVRD,CHAN_PARM_DESC FROM UP_CHANNEL_PARAM WHERE CHAN_ID=?"); } } protected static final RDBMServices.PreparedStatement getChannelMdataPstmt(Connection con) throws SQLException { return new RDBMServices.PreparedStatement(con, "SELECT LOCALE, CHAN_TITLE, CHAN_DESC, CHAN_NAME FROM UP_CHANNEL_MDATA WHERE CHAN_ID=?"); } }