/** * Copyright © 2001 The JA-SIG Collaborative. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the JA-SIG Collaborative * (http://www.jasig.org/)." * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * */ package org.jasig.portal.channels; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.jasig.portal.ChannelRegistryManager; import org.jasig.portal.ChannelRuntimeData; import org.jasig.portal.ChannelStaticData; import org.jasig.portal.ChannelDefinition; import org.jasig.portal.GeneralRenderingException; import org.jasig.portal.IChannel; import org.jasig.portal.IServant; import org.jasig.portal.PortalException; import org.jasig.portal.channels.groupsmanager.CGroupsManagerServantFactory; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IGroupMember; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroup; import org.jasig.portal.security.IAuthorizationPrincipal; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPermissionManager; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPermission; import org.jasig.portal.services.AuthorizationService; import org.jasig.portal.services.EntityNameFinderService; import org.jasig.portal.services.GroupService; import org.jasig.portal.properties.PropertiesManager; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.portal.utils.DocumentFactory; import org.jasig.portal.utils.XSLT; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; /** * CChannelManager is a Channel used to manage other Channels. * This is a replacement for CPublisher. * * @author Ken Weiner, kweiner@unicon.net * @version $Revision: $ */ public class CChannelManager extends BaseChannel { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CChannelManager.class); private static final String defaultCourseCacheTimeout = PropertiesManager.getProperty("org.jasig.portal.channels.CCourse.default_cache_timeout"); protected static final String courseChannelClass = "org.jasig.portal.channels.CCourse"; protected static final String courseSSLPath = "org/jasig/portal/channels/CCourse/course.ssl"; protected static final String sslLocation = "CChannelManager/CChannelManager.ssl"; protected static final Document emptyDoc = DocumentFactory.getNewDocument(); protected short state; protected static final short DEFAULT_STATE = 0; protected static final short CHANNEL_TYPE_STATE = 1; protected static final short GENERAL_SETTINGS_STATE = 2; protected static final short CUSTOM_SETTINGS_STATE = 3; protected static final short CHANNEL_DEF_STATE = 4; protected static final short CHANNEL_CONTROLS_STATE = 5; protected static final short CHANNEL_CATEGORIES_STATE = 6; protected static final short CHANNEL_GROUPS_STATE = 7; protected static final short CHANNEL_REVIEW_STATE = 8; protected static final short MODIFY_CHANNEL_STATE = 9; protected static final short COURSE_INFO_STATE = 10; protected String action; protected String stepID; protected Document channelManagerDoc; protected ChannelDefinition channelDef; protected ModifyChannelSettings modChanSettings = new ModifyChannelSettings(); protected IPerson person; protected IServant categoryServant; protected IServant groupServant; protected String errorMsg; protected boolean isFacultyMember = false; // Called after publishing so that you won't see any previous settings // on the next publish attempt protected void resetSettings () { channelDef = new ChannelDefinition(); modChanSettings = new ModifyChannelSettings(); categoryServant = null; groupServant = null; errorMsg = null; } public void setStaticData (ChannelStaticData sd) throws PortalException { staticData = sd; person = sd.getPerson(); IEntityGroup faculty = GroupService.getDistinguishedGroup(GroupService.FACULTY); IGroupMember currUser = AuthorizationService.instance().getGroupMember(sd.getAuthorizationPrincipal()); isFacultyMember = (faculty.deepContains(currUser)); } public void setRuntimeData (ChannelRuntimeData rd) throws PortalException { runtimeData = rd; action = runtimeData.getParameter("uPCM_action"); // handle category selection servant if ((action != null && action.equals("selectCategories")) || (action == null && state == CHANNEL_CATEGORIES_STATE)) { action = "selectCategories"; state = CHANNEL_CATEGORIES_STATE; ((IChannel)getCategoryServant()).setRuntimeData(rd); } // handle group selection servant if ((action != null && action.equals("selectGroups")) || (action == null && state == CHANNEL_GROUPS_STATE)) { action = "selectGroups"; state = CHANNEL_GROUPS_STATE; ((IChannel)getGroupServant()).setRuntimeData(rd); } // Capture information that the user entered on previous screen doCapture(); // Keep after "action = " because action might change inside doCapture() // Prepare the appropriate XML documents for the destination screen doAction(); } public void renderXML (ContentHandler out) throws PortalException { XSLT xslt = XSLT.getTransformer(this, runtimeData.getLocales()); xslt.setXML(channelManagerDoc); xslt.setXSL(sslLocation, runtimeData.getBrowserInfo()); xslt.setTarget(out); xslt.setStylesheetParameter("baseActionURL", runtimeData.getBaseActionURL()); String action = null; switch (state) { case DEFAULT_STATE: action = "none"; break; case CHANNEL_TYPE_STATE: action = "selectChannelType"; break; case COURSE_INFO_STATE: action = "selectCourseInfo"; if (errorMsg != null) xslt.setStylesheetParameter("errorMsg", errorMsg); errorMsg = null; break; case GENERAL_SETTINGS_STATE: action = "selectGeneralSettings"; break; case CUSTOM_SETTINGS_STATE: action = "customSettings"; break; case CHANNEL_DEF_STATE: action = "channelDef"; xslt.setStylesheetParameter("stepID", fixStepID(stepID)); break; case CHANNEL_CONTROLS_STATE: action = "selectControls"; break; case CHANNEL_CATEGORIES_STATE: action = "selectCategories"; break; case CHANNEL_GROUPS_STATE: action = "selectGroups"; break; case CHANNEL_REVIEW_STATE: action = "reviewChannel"; if (errorMsg != null) xslt.setStylesheetParameter("errorMsg", errorMsg); errorMsg = null; break; case MODIFY_CHANNEL_STATE: action = "selectModifyChannel"; break; default: action = "none"; break; } xslt.setStylesheetParameter("action", action); xslt.transform(); if (categoryServant != null && action.equals("selectCategories")) { ((IChannel)categoryServant).renderXML(out); xslt.setStylesheetParameter("action", "selectCategoriesButtons"); xslt.transform(); } if (groupServant != null && action.equals("selectGroups")) { ((IChannel)groupServant).renderXML(out); xslt.setStylesheetParameter("action", "selectGroupsButtons"); xslt.transform(); } } /** * Produces a group servant * @return the group servant */ protected synchronized IServant getGroupServant () { if (groupServant == null) { try { // create the appropriate servant if (channelDef.ID == null) { groupServant = CGroupsManagerServantFactory.getGroupsServantforSelection(staticData, "Please select groups or people who should have access to this channel:", GroupService.EVERYONE, false, true); } else { IGroupMember[] members; IPermissionManager pm = AuthorizationService.instance().newPermissionManager("UP_FRAMEWORK"); IAuthorizationPrincipal[] prins = pm.getAuthorizedPrincipals("SUBSCRIBE", "CHAN_ID." + channelDef.ID.substring(4)); members = new IGroupMember[prins.length]; for (int mp = 0; mp < prins.length; mp++) { members[mp] = AuthorizationService.instance().getGroupMember(prins[mp]); } groupServant = CGroupsManagerServantFactory.getGroupsServantforSelection(staticData, "Please select groups or people who should have access to this channel:", GroupService.EVERYONE, false, true, members); } ((IChannel)groupServant).setRuntimeData((ChannelRuntimeData)runtimeData.clone()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( e); } log.debug("CChannelManager.getGroupServant(): created new servant"); } return groupServant; } /** * Produces a category servant * @return the category servant */ protected synchronized IServant getCategoryServant () { if (categoryServant == null) { try { if (channelDef.ID == null) { categoryServant = CGroupsManagerServantFactory.getGroupsServantforSelection(staticData, "Please select channel categories for this channel:", GroupService.CHANNEL_CATEGORIES, false, false); } else { IGroupMember thisChan = GroupService.getEntity(channelDef.ID.substring(4), Class.forName(GroupService.CHANNEL_CATEGORIES)); categoryServant = CGroupsManagerServantFactory.getGroupsServantforGroupMemberships(this.staticData, "Please select channel categories for this channel:", thisChan, false); } ((IChannel)categoryServant).setRuntimeData((ChannelRuntimeData)runtimeData.clone()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( e); } log.debug("CChannelManager.getCategoryServant(): created new servant"); } return categoryServant; } /** * Make sure that the step ID is always a valid one * or else set it to "1" * @param stepID * @return the fixed step ID */ private String fixStepID (String stepID) { if (stepID == null) { stepID = "1"; } else { try { Integer.parseInt(stepID); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe) { stepID = "1"; } } return stepID; } /** * Collect the appropriate request parameters for a particular * screen in this channel's workflow. */ protected void doCapture () { stepID = runtimeData.getParameter("uPCM_step"); String capture = runtimeData.getParameter("uPCM_capture"); if (capture != null) { // Channel types if (capture.equals("selectChannelType")) { String typeID = runtimeData.getParameter("ID"); if (typeID != null) { if (!typeID.equals(channelDef.getTypeID())) { channelDef.setTypeID(typeID); channelDef.resetChannelControls(); channelDef.removeParameters(); } } else { action = "selectChannelType"; } // General Settings (name and timeout) } else if (capture.equals("selectCourseInfo")) { String courseNum = runtimeData.getParameter("courseNum"); String courseTitle = runtimeData.getParameter("courseTitle"); // Fill in default course channel general settings if (courseNum == null || courseNum.equals("")) { errorMsg = "NO_COURSE_NUM"; if (!action.equals("cancel")) { action = "selectCourseInfo"; } } else { String courseNumUpper = courseNum.toUpperCase(); channelDef.setTypeID("-1"); channelDef.setName(courseNumUpper.trim()); channelDef.setFunctionalName(courseNumUpper.trim()); channelDef.setJavaClass(courseChannelClass); channelDef.setTimeout(defaultCourseCacheTimeout); if (courseTitle != null) { channelDef.setDescription("Course information for UCCS " + courseTitle.trim() + "."); channelDef.setTitle(courseNumUpper.trim() + " - " + courseTitle.trim()); } else { channelDef.setDescription("Course information for UCCS " + courseNumUpper.trim() + "."); channelDef.setTitle(courseNumUpper.trim()); } String name = "xmlUri"; String value = "CCourse/" + courseNumUpper + ".xml"; channelDef.addParameter(name, value, "no"); name = "instructor"; value = (String)person.getAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME); channelDef.addParameter(name, value, "no"); channelDef.setTrackStats("true"); channelDef.setEditable("true"); } } else if (capture.equals("selectGeneralSettings")) { String name = runtimeData.getParameter("name"); String fname = runtimeData.getParameter("fname"); String description = runtimeData.getParameter("description"); String title = runtimeData.getParameter("title"); String timeout = runtimeData.getParameter("timeout"); String javaClass = runtimeData.getParameter("class"); String secure = runtimeData.getParameter("secure"); String statistics = runtimeData.getParameter("statistics"); if (name != null) channelDef.setName(name.trim()); if (fname != null) channelDef.setFunctionalName(fname.trim()); if (description != null) channelDef.setDescription(description.trim()); if (title != null) channelDef.setTitle(title.trim()); if (timeout != null) channelDef.setTimeout(timeout.trim()); if (javaClass != null) channelDef.setJavaClass(javaClass.trim()); channelDef.setIsSecure(secure != null ? "true" : "false"); channelDef.setTrackStats(statistics != null ? "true" : "false"); // Custom parameters } else if (capture.equals("customSettings")) { String subAction = runtimeData.getParameter("uPCM_subAction"); if (subAction != null) { String name = runtimeData.getParameter("name"); if (name != null) name = name.trim(); // The name prefix appears when there are arbitrary parameters // that need the prefix to differentiate the arbitrary ones // from the non-arbitrary ones. For example, applet parameters // in CApplet get prefixed with "APPLET." String namePrefix = runtimeData.getParameter("uPCM_namePrefix"); if (namePrefix != null) name = namePrefix + name; if (subAction.equals("addParameter")) { String value = runtimeData.getParameter("value"); if (value != null) value = value.trim(); String override = runtimeData.getParameter("override"); channelDef.addParameter(name, value, (override != null ? "yes" : "no")); } else if (subAction.equals("deleteParameter")) { channelDef.removeParameter(name); } } // CPD parameters } else if (capture.equals("channelDef")) { Iterator iter = ((java.util.Hashtable)runtimeData).keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String name = (String)iter.next(); // Ignore parameters whose name starts with "uPCM_" if (name.startsWith("uPCM_")) continue; String value = runtimeData.getParameter(name); String override = runtimeData.getParameter("uPCM_" + name + "_sub"); channelDef.addParameter(name, value, (override != null ? "yes" : "no")); } // Channel controls } else if (capture.equals("selectControls")) { String editable = runtimeData.getParameter("editable"); channelDef.setEditable(editable != null ? "true" : "false"); String hasHelp = runtimeData.getParameter("hasHelp"); channelDef.setHasHelp(hasHelp != null ? "true" : "false"); String hasAbout = runtimeData.getParameter("hasAbout"); channelDef.setHasAbout(hasAbout != null ? "true" : "false"); // Categories } } } /** * Controller method that reacts to the action parameter. * @exception PortalException */ protected void doAction () throws PortalException { if (action != null) { if (action.equals("selectChannelType")) { if (isFacultyMember) { state = COURSE_INFO_STATE; Workflow workflow = new Workflow(); // Add course info and channel def WorkflowSection courseInfoSection = new WorkflowSection("selectCourseInfo"); WorkflowStep step = new WorkflowStep("1", "Course Info"); step.addDataElement(channelDef.toXML()); courseInfoSection.addStep(step); workflow.setCourseInfoSection(courseInfoSection); channelManagerDoc = workflow.toXML(); } else { state = CHANNEL_TYPE_STATE; Workflow workflow = new Workflow(); // Add channel types and channel def WorkflowSection chanTypeSection = new WorkflowSection("selectChannelType"); WorkflowStep step = new WorkflowStep("1", "Channel Type"); step.addDataElement(ChannelRegistryManager.getChannelTypes().getDocumentElement()); step.addDataElement(channelDef.toXML()); chanTypeSection.addStep(step); workflow.setChannelTypesSection(chanTypeSection); channelManagerDoc = workflow.toXML(); } } else if (action.equals("selectCourseInfo")) { state = COURSE_INFO_STATE; Workflow workflow = new Workflow(); // Add Course Info section WorkflowSection ciSection = new WorkflowSection("selectCourseInfo"); workflow.setCourseInfoSection(ciSection); WorkflowStep step = new WorkflowStep("1", "Course Info"); step.addDataElement(channelDef.toXML()); ciSection.addStep(step); channelManagerDoc = workflow.toXML(); } else if (action.equals("selectGeneralSettings")) { state = GENERAL_SETTINGS_STATE; Workflow workflow = new Workflow(); // Add General Settings section WorkflowSection gsSection = new WorkflowSection("selectGeneralSettings"); workflow.setGeneralSettingsSection(gsSection); WorkflowStep step = new WorkflowStep("1", "General Settings"); step.addDataElement(channelDef.toXML()); gsSection.addStep(step); channelManagerDoc = workflow.toXML(); } else if (action.equals("channelParams") || action.equals("customSettings") || action.equals("channelDef")) { Workflow workflow = new Workflow(); // Add CPD document if channel is "generic", otherwise custom settings if (channelDef.getTypeID().equals("-1")) { state = CUSTOM_SETTINGS_STATE; WorkflowSection csSection = new WorkflowSection("customSettings"); WorkflowStep step = new WorkflowStep("1", "Channel Parameters"); step.addDataElement(channelDef.toXML()); csSection.addStep(step); workflow.setChannelParamsSection(csSection); } else { state = CHANNEL_DEF_STATE; CPDWorkflowSection cpdSection = new CPDWorkflowSection(channelDef.getTypeID()); cpdSection.addToStep(channelDef.toXML(), fixStepID(stepID)); workflow.setChannelParamsSection(cpdSection); } channelManagerDoc = workflow.toXML(); } else if (action.equals("selectControls")) { state = CHANNEL_CONTROLS_STATE; Workflow workflow = new Workflow(); // Add controlsSection WorkflowSection controlsSection = new WorkflowSection("selectControls"); if (channelDef.getEditable() == null) // if one is null, they are all null channelDef.resetChannelControls(); WorkflowStep step = new WorkflowStep("1", "Channel Controls"); step.addDataElement(channelDef.toXML()); controlsSection.addStep(step); workflow.setControlsSection(controlsSection); channelManagerDoc = workflow.toXML(); } else if (action.equals("reviewChannel")) { state = CHANNEL_REVIEW_STATE; Workflow workflow = new Workflow(); // Channel types WorkflowSection ctSection = new WorkflowSection("selectChannelType"); WorkflowStep ctStep = new WorkflowStep("1", "Channel Type"); ctStep.addDataElement(ChannelRegistryManager.getChannelTypes().getDocumentElement()); ctSection.addStep(ctStep); workflow.setChannelTypesSection(ctSection); // Selected categories WorkflowSection regSection = new WorkflowSection("selectCategories"); WorkflowStep regStep = new WorkflowStep("1", "Categories"); regStep.addDataElement(getCategoriesXML()); regSection.addStep(regStep); workflow.setCategoriesSection(regSection); // Selected groups WorkflowSection groupsSection = new WorkflowSection("selectGroups"); WorkflowStep groupsStep = new WorkflowStep("1", "Groups"); groupsStep.addDataElement(getGroupsXML()); groupsSection.addStep(groupsStep); workflow.setGroupsSection(groupsSection); // Review (with channel definition) WorkflowSection reviewSection = new WorkflowSection("reviewChannel"); WorkflowStep step = new WorkflowStep("1", "Review"); step.addDataElement(channelDef.toXML()); reviewSection.addStep(step); workflow.setReviewSection(reviewSection); channelManagerDoc = workflow.toXML(); } else if (action.equals("finished")) { state = DEFAULT_STATE; // we need to add a confirmation and channel preview screen // collect select channel categories String[] catIDs; IGroupMember[] ctgs = (IGroupMember[])getCategoryServant().getResults(); // If no categories were selected, return to review screen. if (ctgs.length == 0) { action = "reviewChannel"; errorMsg = "NO_CATEGORIES"; doAction(); return; } catIDs = new String[ctgs.length]; for (int c = 0; c < ctgs.length; c++) { catIDs[c] = ctgs[c].getKey(); } // collect groups and/or people that can subscribe IGroupMember[] groupMembers = (IGroupMember[])getGroupServant().getResults(); if (groupMembers.length == 0) { action = "reviewChannel"; errorMsg = "NO_GROUP_MEMBERS"; doAction(); return; } try { Element channelE = channelDef.toXML(); ChannelRegistryManager.publishChannel(channelE, catIDs, groupMembers, person); resetSettings(); } catch (Exception e) { // Need to revisit this and handle the error! throw new PortalException(e); } } else if (action.equals("selectModifyChannel")) { state = MODIFY_CHANNEL_STATE; channelManagerDoc = getChannelManagerDoc(modChanSettings); } else if (action.equals("changePage")) { String newPage = runtimeData.getParameter("newPage"); if (newPage != null) { modChanSettings.setCurrentPage(newPage); channelManagerDoc = getChannelManagerDoc(modChanSettings); } } else if (action.equals("changeRecordsPerPage")) { String recordsPerPage = runtimeData.getParameter("recordsPerPage"); if (recordsPerPage != null) { // Figure out what page we should be on based on the change in records per page. try { int oldPage = Integer.parseInt(modChanSettings.getCurrentPage()); int oldRecordsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(modChanSettings.getRecordsPerPage()); int recsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(recordsPerPage); if (recsPerPage > 0 && recsPerPage != oldRecordsPerPage) { // Thanks to jweight@campuspipeline.com for the following formula: String newPage = String.valueOf(((((oldPage-1)*oldRecordsPerPage)+1)/(recsPerPage)+1)); modChanSettings.setCurrentPage(newPage); modChanSettings.setRecordsPerPage(recordsPerPage); channelManagerDoc = getChannelManagerDoc(modChanSettings); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // do nothing here, just leave the current page as is. } } } else if (action.equals("filterByCategory")) { String filterByID = runtimeData.getParameter("newCategory"); if (filterByID != null) { // User may be beyond the last page of this filtered set so put them back on page 1. modChanSettings.setCurrentPage("1"); modChanSettings.setFilterByID(filterByID); channelManagerDoc = getChannelManagerDoc(modChanSettings); } } else if (action.equals("editChannelSettings")) { String str_channelPublishId = runtimeData.getParameter("channelID"); // Set the channel definition channelDef.setChannelDefinition(ChannelRegistryManager.getChannel(str_channelPublishId)); action = "reviewChannel"; doAction(); } else if (action.equals("removePublishedChannel")) { String channelPublishId = runtimeData.getParameter("channelID"); if (channelPublishId != null) { try { ChannelRegistryManager.removeChannel(channelPublishId, person); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GeneralRenderingException(e.getMessage()); } } channelManagerDoc = getChannelManagerDoc(modChanSettings); } } if (action == null || action.equals("cancel")) { state = DEFAULT_STATE; channelManagerDoc = emptyDoc; channelDef = new ChannelDefinition(); categoryServant = null; groupServant = null; } } /** * Produces an XML document used as an input to * this channel's XSLT transformation. * @param modChanSettings * @return * @exception PortalException */ protected Document getChannelManagerDoc (ModifyChannelSettings modChanSettings) throws PortalException { Document channelManagerDoc = DocumentFactory.getNewDocument(); // Add the top level to the document Element channelManager = channelManagerDoc.createElement("manageChannels"); channelManagerDoc.appendChild(channelManager); // Get the channel registry // Document channelRegistryDoc = ChannelRegistryManager.getChannelRegistry(); Document channelRegistryDoc = ChannelRegistryManager.getChannelRegistry(person,IPermission.CHANNEL_PUBLISHER_ACTIVITY); // Set the registry ID attribute to "-1" Element registry = channelRegistryDoc.getDocumentElement(); registry.setAttribute("ID", "-1"); // Add the to Element channelRegistry = (Element)channelManagerDoc.importNode(channelRegistryDoc.getDocumentElement(), true); channelManager.appendChild(channelRegistry); // Add a fragment to appendModifyChannelSettings(channelManager, modChanSettings); return channelManagerDoc; } protected Element getGroupsXML () { Element el = emptyDoc.createElement("userSettings"); Element browsingGroupE = emptyDoc.createElement("browsingGroup"); browsingGroupE.appendChild(emptyDoc.createTextNode("top")); el.appendChild(browsingGroupE); IGroupMember[] gms = (IGroupMember[])getGroupServant().getResults(); // Add selected groups if there are any if (gms != null && gms.length > 0) { Element selectedGroupsE = emptyDoc.createElement("selectedGroups"); try { for (int c = 0; c < gms.length; c++) { Element selectedGroupE = emptyDoc.createElement("selectedGroup"); selectedGroupE.setAttribute("name", EntityNameFinderService.instance().getNameFinder(gms[c].getType()).getName(gms[c].getKey())); selectedGroupE.appendChild(emptyDoc.createTextNode(gms[c].getKey())); selectedGroupsE.appendChild(selectedGroupE); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } el.appendChild(selectedGroupsE); } return el; } protected Element getCategoriesXML () { Element userSettingsE = emptyDoc.createElement("userSettings"); Element browsingCategoryE = emptyDoc.createElement("browsingCategory"); browsingCategoryE.appendChild(emptyDoc.createTextNode("top")); userSettingsE.appendChild(browsingCategoryE); IGroupMember[] gms = (IGroupMember[])getCategoryServant().getResults(); // Add selected categories if there are any if (gms != null && gms.length > 0) { Element selectedCategoriesE = emptyDoc.createElement("selectedCategories"); try { for (int c = 0; c < gms.length; c++) { Element selectedCategoryE = emptyDoc.createElement("selectedCategory"); selectedCategoryE.setAttribute("name", EntityNameFinderService.instance().getNameFinder(gms[c].getType()).getName(gms[c].getKey())); selectedCategoryE.appendChild(emptyDoc.createTextNode((gms[c].getKey()))); selectedCategoriesE.appendChild(selectedCategoryE); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } userSettingsE.appendChild(selectedCategoriesE); } return userSettingsE; } protected static void appendModifyChannelSettings (Element channelManager, ModifyChannelSettings modChanSettings) { Document doc = channelManager.getOwnerDocument(); Element userSettingsE = doc.createElement("userSettings"); Element modifyView = doc.createElement("modifyView"); userSettingsE.appendChild(modifyView); Element recordsPerPageE = doc.createElement("recordsPerPage"); recordsPerPageE.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(modChanSettings.getRecordsPerPage())); modifyView.appendChild(recordsPerPageE); Element currentPageE = doc.createElement("currentPage"); currentPageE.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(modChanSettings.getCurrentPage())); modifyView.appendChild(currentPageE); Element filterByIDE = doc.createElement("filterByID"); filterByIDE.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(modChanSettings.getFilterByID())); modifyView.appendChild(filterByIDE); channelManager.appendChild(userSettingsE); } /** * Keeps track of page settings for MODIFY_CHANNEL_STATE */ protected class ModifyChannelSettings { private String recordsPerPage; private String currentPage; private String filterByID; /** * put your documentation comment here */ protected ModifyChannelSettings () { recordsPerPage = "15"; currentPage = "1"; filterByID = "-1"; } // Accessor methods protected String getRecordsPerPage () { return recordsPerPage; } protected String getCurrentPage () { return currentPage; } protected String getFilterByID () { return filterByID; } protected void setRecordsPerPage (String recordsPerPage) { this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage; } protected void setCurrentPage (String currentPage) { this.currentPage = currentPage; } protected void setFilterByID (String filterByID) { this.filterByID = filterByID; } } /** *

This Workflow class represents the collection of workflow sections and can * produce an XML version of itself for passing to the XSLT stylesheets. When a * particular section is not explicitly set, a minimal XML fragment will still * be included so that the channel can render the workflow sections at the top. * The channel parameters section is included every time except when the channel * type is not known.

*/ protected class Workflow { protected WorkflowSection channelTypesSection; protected WorkflowSection courseInfoSection; protected WorkflowSection generalSettingsSection; protected WorkflowSection channelParamsSection; protected WorkflowSection controlsSection; protected WorkflowSection categoriesSection; protected WorkflowSection groupsSection; protected WorkflowSection reviewSection; protected void setChannelTypesSection (WorkflowSection channelTypesSection) { this.channelTypesSection = channelTypesSection; } protected void setCourseInfoSection (WorkflowSection courseInfoSection) { this.courseInfoSection = courseInfoSection; } protected void setGeneralSettingsSection (WorkflowSection generalSettingsSection) { this.generalSettingsSection = generalSettingsSection; } protected void setChannelParamsSection (WorkflowSection channelParamsSection) { this.channelParamsSection = channelParamsSection; } protected void setControlsSection (WorkflowSection controlsSection) { this.controlsSection = controlsSection; } protected void setCategoriesSection (WorkflowSection categoriesSection) { this.categoriesSection = categoriesSection; } protected void setGroupsSection (WorkflowSection groupsSection) { this.groupsSection = groupsSection; } protected void setReviewSection (WorkflowSection reviewSection) { this.reviewSection = reviewSection; } protected Document toXML () throws PortalException { Document doc = DocumentFactory.getNewDocument(); // Add the top level to the document Element channelManagerE = doc.createElement("manageChannels"); doc.appendChild(channelManagerE); // Add all the sections // This works because faculty members currently only have publish rights to course channels, but really // there should be a course type of channel and this should check each channel if (isFacultyMember) { addSection(courseInfoSection, "selectCourseInfo", "Course Info", channelManagerE); } else { addSection(channelTypesSection, "selectChannelType", "Channel Type", channelManagerE); } addSection(generalSettingsSection, "selectGeneralSettings", "General Settings", channelManagerE); addChannelParamsSection(channelManagerE); addSection(controlsSection, "selectControls", "Channel Controls", channelManagerE); addSection(categoriesSection, "selectCategories", "Categories", channelManagerE); addSection(groupsSection, "selectGroups", "Groups", channelManagerE); addSection(reviewSection, "reviewChannel", "Review", channelManagerE); return doc; } private void addSection (WorkflowSection section, String sectionElementName, String stepTitle, Element e) { // For sections that haven't been set, add an empty one with one step if (section == null) { section = new WorkflowSection(sectionElementName); section.addStep(new WorkflowStep("1", stepTitle)); } e.appendChild(section.toXML(e.getOwnerDocument())); } private void addChannelParamsSection (Element e) throws PortalException { if (channelParamsSection == null) { // Add CPD document if channel is "generic", otherwise custom settings String channelTypeID = channelDef.getTypeID(); if (channelTypeID != null) { if (channelTypeID.equals("-1")) { WorkflowSection csSection = new WorkflowSection("customSettings"); WorkflowStep step = new WorkflowStep("1", "Channel Parameters"); csSection.addStep(step); setChannelParamsSection(csSection); } else { CPDWorkflowSection cpdSection = new CPDWorkflowSection(channelDef.getTypeID()); setChannelParamsSection(cpdSection); } } else { return; } } e.appendChild(channelParamsSection.toXML(e.getOwnerDocument())); } } protected class WorkflowSection { protected String name; protected List steps; protected WorkflowSection () { } protected WorkflowSection (String name) { this.name = name; steps = new ArrayList(); } protected void setName (String name) { this.name = name; } protected void addStep (WorkflowStep step) { steps.add(step); } protected Element toXML (Document doc) { // Add this step's workflow element Element sectionE = doc.createElement(name); // Add the element Element paramsE = doc.createElement("params"); sectionE.appendChild(paramsE); // Add all the elements Iterator iter = steps.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { WorkflowStep step = (WorkflowStep)iter.next(); paramsE.appendChild(step.toXML(doc)); } return sectionE; } } protected class CPDWorkflowSection extends WorkflowSection { protected Document cpdDoc; protected CPDWorkflowSection (String chanTypeID) throws PortalException { super(); cpdDoc = ChannelRegistryManager.getCPD(chanTypeID); } protected void addToStep (Element element, String stepID) { for (Node n1 = cpdDoc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); n1 != null; n1 = n1.getNextSibling()) { if (n1.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n1.getNodeName().equals("params")) { for (Node n2 = n1.getFirstChild(); n2 != null; n2 = n2.getNextSibling()) { if (n2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n2.getNodeName().equals("step")) { for (Node n3 = n2.getFirstChild(); n3 != null; n3 = n3.getNextSibling()) { if (n3.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n3.getNodeName().equals("ID")) { for (Node n4 = n3.getFirstChild(); n4 != null; n4 = n4.getNextSibling()) { if (n4.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { String ID = n4.getNodeValue(); if (ID.equals(stepID)) { n2.appendChild(cpdDoc.importNode(element, true)); break; } } } } } } } } } } protected Element toXML (Document doc) { return (Element)doc.importNode(cpdDoc.getDocumentElement(), true); } } protected class WorkflowStep { protected String ID; protected String name; protected List dataElements; protected WorkflowStep (String ID, String name) { this.ID = ID; this.name = name; this.dataElements = new ArrayList(); } // Accessor methods protected String getID () { return ID; } protected String getName () { return name; } protected void setID (String ID) { this.ID = ID; } protected void setName (String name) { this.name = name; } protected void addDataElement (Element dataElement) { this.dataElements.add(dataElement); } protected Element toXML (Document doc) { Element stepE = doc.createElement("step"); Element IDE = doc.createElement("ID"); IDE.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(ID)); stepE.appendChild(IDE); Element nameE = doc.createElement("name"); nameE.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(name)); stepE.appendChild(nameE); Iterator iter = dataElements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { stepE.appendChild(doc.importNode((Element)iter.next(), true)); } return stepE; } } protected class ChannelDefinition { private static final String DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = "5000"; protected String ID; protected String typeID; protected String name; protected String description; protected String title; protected String timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; protected String fname; protected String javaClass; protected String editable; protected String hasHelp; protected String hasAbout; protected String secure; protected String statistics; protected Map parameters; protected class Parameter { protected String name; protected String value; protected String override; // "yes" or "no" protected Parameter (String name, String value, String override) { this.name = name; this.value = value; this.override = override; } protected String getName () { return name; } protected String getValue () { return value; } protected String getOverride () { return override; } protected void setName (String name) { this.name = name; } protected void setValue (String value) { this.value = value; } protected void setOverride (String override) { this.override = override; } } protected ChannelDefinition () { parameters = new HashMap(); } protected String getTypeID () { return typeID; } protected String getEditable () { return editable; } protected String getHasHelp () { return hasHelp; } protected String getHasAbout () { return hasAbout; } protected String isSecure () { return secure; } protected String trackStats () { return statistics; } protected void setTypeID (String typeID) { this.typeID = typeID; } protected void setName (String name) { this.name = name; } protected void setFunctionalName (String fname) { this.fname = fname; } protected void setDescription (String description) { this.description = description; } protected void setTitle (String title) { this.title = title; } /** * Set the channel timeout, which is a String representation of a number * of milliseconds the channel should be allowed to try to render before being * replaced with the Error channel. * This setter checks its argument and does nothing but log the irregularity * in the case where the argument does not represent a positive number of * milliseconds. * @param timeout a String representing a positive number of milliseconds */ protected void setTimeout (String timeout) { if (timeout != null && !"".equals(timeout)) { try { int timeoutInt = Integer.parseInt(timeout); if (timeoutInt > 0) { this.timeout = timeout; } else { log.warn("There was an attempt to set a channel timeout to [" + timeout + "] but we blocked it because you can't have a negative timeout."); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("There was an attempt to set a channel timeout to [" + timeout + "] but we blocked it because it was invalid."); } } } protected void setJavaClass (String javaClass) { this.javaClass = javaClass; } protected void setEditable (String editable) { this.editable = editable; } protected void setHasHelp (String hasHelp) { this.hasHelp = hasHelp; } protected void setHasAbout (String hasAbout) { this.hasAbout = hasAbout; } /** * Sets channel secure setting. * @param secure 'true' or 'false' */ protected void setIsSecure (String secure) { this.secure = secure; } protected void setTrackStats (String statistics) { this.statistics = statistics; } private void setAttribute (Element e, String attName, String attVal) { // Only set the attribute if it has a non-null value if (attVal != null) e.setAttribute(attName, attVal); } protected void addParameter (String name, String value, String modType) { parameters.put(name, new Parameter(name, value, modType)); } protected void removeParameter (String name) { parameters.remove(name); } protected void removeParameters () { parameters = new HashMap(); } protected void resetChannelControls () { try { // Look inside CPD for controls. Document cpdDoc = ChannelRegistryManager.getCPD(typeID); if (cpdDoc != null) { for (Node n1 = cpdDoc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); n1 != null; n1 = n1.getNextSibling()) { if (n1.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n1.getNodeName().equals("controls")) { for (Node n2 = n1.getFirstChild(); n2 != null; n2 = n2.getNextSibling()) { if (n2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n2.getNodeName().equals("control")) { Element control = (Element)n2; String type = control.getAttribute("type"); if (type != null) { if (type.equals("edit")) { String editAtt = control.getAttribute("include"); editable = editAtt != null && editAtt.equals("yes") ? "true" : "false"; } else if (type.equals("about")) { String aboutAtt = control.getAttribute("include"); hasAbout = aboutAtt != null && aboutAtt.equals("yes") ? "true" : "false"; } else if (type.equals("help")) { String helpAtt = control.getAttribute("include"); hasHelp = helpAtt != null && helpAtt.equals("yes") ? "true" : "false"; } } } } } } } } catch (PortalException pe) { // Unable to open CPDDoc, just leave values uninitialized } } protected void setChannelDefinition (Element channelE) throws PortalException { ID = channelE.getAttribute("ID"); typeID = channelE.getAttribute("typeID"); name = channelE.getAttribute("name"); description = channelE.getAttribute("description"); title = channelE.getAttribute("title"); timeout = channelE.getAttribute("timeout"); fname = channelE.getAttribute("fname"); javaClass = channelE.getAttribute("class"); editable = channelE.getAttribute("editable"); hasHelp = channelE.getAttribute("hasHelp"); hasAbout = channelE.getAttribute("hasAbout"); secure = channelE.getAttribute("secure"); statistics = channelE.getAttribute("statistics"); for (Node n = channelE.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n.getNodeName().equals("parameter")) { Element parameterE = (Element)n; String name = parameterE.getAttribute("name"); String value = parameterE.getAttribute("value"); String override = parameterE.getAttribute("override"); parameters.put(name, new Parameter(name, value, override)); } } } protected Element toXML () { Element channelE = emptyDoc.createElement("channel"); setAttribute(channelE, "ID", ID); setAttribute(channelE, "typeID", typeID); setAttribute(channelE, "name", name); setAttribute(channelE, "description", description); setAttribute(channelE, "title", title); setAttribute(channelE, "fname", fname); setAttribute(channelE, "class", javaClass); setAttribute(channelE, "timeout", timeout); setAttribute(channelE, "editable", editable); setAttribute(channelE, "hasAbout", hasAbout); setAttribute(channelE, "hasHelp", hasHelp); setAttribute(channelE, "secure", secure); setAttribute(channelE, "statistics", statistics); setAttribute(channelE, "courseNum", name); // Set course title and number for display in faculty member profile // This works because faculty members currently only have publish rights to course channels, but really // there should be a course type of channel and this should check each channel if (isFacultyMember && title != null) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("-"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(title); String courseTitle = null; if (matcher.find()) { courseTitle = title.substring(matcher.start()+2); setAttribute(channelE, "courseTitle", courseTitle); } } Iterator iter = parameters.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String name = (String)iter.next(); Parameter param = (Parameter)parameters.get(name); Element parameterE = emptyDoc.createElement("parameter"); parameterE.setAttribute("name", param.getName()); parameterE.setAttribute("value", param.getValue()); parameterE.setAttribute("override", param.getOverride()); channelE.appendChild(parameterE); } return channelE; } } }