/** * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 The JA-SIG Collaborative. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the JA-SIG Collaborative * (http://www.jasig.org/)." * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE JA-SIG COLLABORATIVE OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ package org.jasig.portal.security.provider; import org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException; import org.jasig.portal.security.IAuthorizationPrincipal; import org.jasig.portal.security.IAuthorizationService; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPermission; import org.jasig.portal.security.IPermissionPolicy; /** * @author Dan Ellentuck * @author rtwigg@uccs.edu * @version $Revision: 1.8 $ */ public class AuthorizationPrincipalImpl implements IAuthorizationPrincipal { private java.lang.String key; private java.lang.Class type; private org.jasig.portal.security.IAuthorizationService authorizationService; private java.lang.String principalString; /** * Constructor for ReferenceAuthorizationPrincipal. */ public AuthorizationPrincipalImpl(String newKey, Class newType) { this(newKey, newType, null); } /** * Constructor for ReferenceAuthorizationPrincipal. */ public AuthorizationPrincipalImpl(String newKey, Class newType, IAuthorizationService authService) { super(); key = newKey; type = newType; authorizationService = authService; initialize(); } /** * Answers if this IAuthorizationPrincipal has permission to publish. * @return boolean * @exception AuthorizationException thrown when authorization information could not be retrieved. */ public boolean canPublish() throws org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().canPrincipalPublish(this); } /** * Answers if this IAuthorizationPrincipal has permission to render this channel. * @return boolean * @param channelPublishId int - the Channel publish ID * @exception AuthorizationException thrown when authorization information could not be retrieved. */ public boolean canRender(int channelPublishId) throws org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().canPrincipalRender(this, channelPublishId); } /** * Answers if this IAuthorizationPrincipal has permission to subscribe to this channel. * @return boolean * @param channelPublishId int - the Channel publish ID * @exception AuthorizationException thrown when authorization information could not be retrieved. */ public boolean canSubscribe(int channelPublishId) throws org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().canPrincipalSubscribe(this, channelPublishId); } /** * Answers if this IAuthorizationPrincipal has permission to publish this channel. * @return boolean * @param channelPublishId int - the Channel publish ID * @exception AuthorizationException thrown when authorization information could not be retrieved. */ public boolean canPublish(int channelPublishId) throws org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().canPrincipalPublish(this, channelPublishId); } /** * Answers if this IAuthorizationPrincipal has permission to edit this channel. * @return boolean * @param channelPublishId int - the Channel publish ID * @exception AuthorizationException thrown when authorization information could not be retrieved. */ public boolean canEdit(int channelPublishId) throws org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().canPrincipalEdit(this, channelPublishId); } /** * Compares two objects for equality. Returns a boolean that indicates * whether this object is equivalent to the specified object. This method * is used when an object is stored in a hashtable. * @param obj the Object to compare with * @return true if these Objects are equal; false otherwise. * @see java.util.Hashtable */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if ( obj == null ) return false; if ( obj == this ) return true; if ( ! ( obj instanceof IAuthorizationPrincipal)) return false; IAuthorizationPrincipal otherAP = (IAuthorizationPrincipal) obj; return this.getKey().equals(otherAP.getKey()) && this.getType() == otherAP.getType(); } /** * Returns the IPermissions for this IAuthorizationPrincipal, including * inherited IPermissions. * * @return org.jasig.portal.security.IPermission[] * @exception AuthorizationException indicates authorization information could not * be retrieved. */ public IPermission[] getAllPermissions() throws AuthorizationException { return getAllPermissions(null, null, null); } /** * Returns the IPermissions for this IAuthorizationPrincipal for the * specified owner, activity and target. Inherited * IPermissions are included. Null parameters are ignored, so * getPermissions(null, null, null) should retrieve all IPermissions * for an IAuthorizationPrincipal. * * @return org.jasig.portal.security.IPermission[] * @param owner java.lang.String * @param activity java.lang.String * @param target java.lang.String * @exception AuthorizationException indicates authorization information could not * be retrieved. */ public IPermission[] getAllPermissions(String owner, String activity, String target) throws AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().getAllPermissionsForPrincipal(this, owner, activity, target); } /** * @return org.jasig.portal.security.IAuthorization */ IAuthorizationService getAuthorizationService() { return authorizationService; } /** * Return a Vector of IChannels. * @return a java.util.Vector of IChannels * @exception AuthorizationException indicates authorization information could not be retrieved. */ public java.util.Vector getAuthorizedChannels() throws org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().getAuthorizedChannels(this); } /** * @return java.lang.String */ public java.lang.String getKey() { return key; } /** * Returns the IPermissions for this IAuthorizationPrincipal. * * @return org.jasig.portal.security.IPermission[] * @exception AuthorizationException indicates authorization information could not * be retrieved. */ public IPermission[] getPermissions() throws AuthorizationException { return getPermissions(null, null, null); } /** * Returns the IPermissions for this IAuthorizationPrincipal for the * specified owner, activity and target. Null parameters * are ignored, so getPermissions(null, null, null) should retrieve all * IPermissions for an IAuthorizationPrincipal. * * @return org.jasig.portal.security.IPermission[] * @param owner java.lang.String * @param activity java.lang.String * @param target java.lang.String * @exception AuthorizationException indicates authorization information could not * be retrieved. */ public IPermission[] getPermissions(String owner, String activity, String target) throws AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().getPermissionsForPrincipal(this, owner, activity, target); } /** * @return java.lang.String */ public String getPrincipalString() { return principalString; } /** * @return java.lang.Class */ public java.lang.Class getType() { return type; } /** * Generates a hash code for the receiver. * This method is supported primarily for * hash tables, such as those provided in java.util. * @return an integer hash code for the receiver * @see java.util.Hashtable */ public int hashCode() { return getKey().hashCode() + getType().hashCode(); } /** * Answers if this IAuthorizationPrincipal has permission to perform the * activity on the target. Params owner and * activity must be non-null. If target is null, then the * target is not checked. * * @return boolean * @param owner java.lang.String * @param activity java.lang.String * @param target java.lang.String * @exception AuthorizationException indicates authorization information could not * be retrieved. */ public boolean hasPermission(String owner, String activity, String target) throws org.jasig.portal.AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().doesPrincipalHavePermission(this, owner, activity, target); } /** * Set the value of the principal string. */ private void initialize() { principalString = getAuthorizationService().getPrincipalString(this); } /** * @param newAuthorizationService org.jasig.portal.security.IAuthorizationService */ void setAuthorizationService(IAuthorizationService newAuthorizationService) { authorizationService = newAuthorizationService; } /** * Returns a String that represents the value of this object. * @return a string representation of the receiver */ public String toString() { return getPrincipalString(); } /** * Answers if this IAuthorizationPrincipal has permission to perform the * activity on the target, as evaluated by the * policy. Params policy, owner and * activity must be non-null. * * @return boolean * @param owner java.lang.String * @param activity java.lang.String * @param target java.lang.String * @param policy org.jasig.portal.security.IPermissionPolicy * @exception AuthorizationException indicates authorization information could not * be retrieved. */ public boolean hasPermission(String owner, String activity, String target, IPermissionPolicy policy) throws AuthorizationException { return getAuthorizationService().doesPrincipalHavePermission(this, owner, activity, target, policy); } }