:: # @(#) webstone 2.1@(#) :: ############################################################################ :: # # :: # The contents of this file are subject to the WebStone Public License # :: # Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # :: # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License # :: # at http://www.mindcraft.com/webstone/license10.html # :: # # :: # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # :: # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See # :: # the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # :: # under the License. # :: # # :: # The Original Code is WebStone 2.5. # :: # # :: # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Silicon Graphics, Inc. # :: # and Mindcraft, Inc.. Portions created by Silicon Graphics. and # :: # Mindcraft. are Copyright (C) 1995#1998 Silicon Graphics, Inc. and # :: # Mindcraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # :: # # :: # Contributor(s): ______________________________________. # :: # # :: ############################################################################ @echo off :gui if not "%1" == "-gui" goto help echo The '-gui' option is not supported in this release. :: #bin\webstone-gui.pl goto end :help if not "%1" == "-help" goto setup echo more < QUICKSTART goto end :setup if not "%1" == "-setup" goto kill echo The '-setup' option is not supported in this release. :: #bin\gui-configure goto end :kill if not "%1" == "-kill" goto genfiles echo The '-kill' option is not supported in this release. goto end :genfiles if not "%1" == "-genfiles" goto silent perl bin\genfiles.pl goto end :silent if not "%1" == "-silent" goto tail echo The '-silent' option is not supported. goto end :tail if not "%1" == "-tail" goto results echo The '-tail' option is not supported in this release. goto end :results if not "%1" == "-results" goto empty perl bin\wscollect %2 bin\runs goto end :empty :: # The -debug flag runs Webstone in debug mode and takes precedence :: # over the setting of DEBUG in the conf\testbed file. if "%1" == "-debug" goto default if "%1" == "" goto default echo The '%1' option is not recognized. goto end :default perl -Ibin bin\runbench.pl %1 :end