/**************************************************************************** * * * The contents of this file are subject to the WebStone Public License * * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License * * at http://www.mindcraft.com/webstone/license10.html * * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * * under the License. * * * * The Original Code is WebStone 2.5. * * * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * and Mindcraft, Inc.. Portions created by Silicon Graphics. and * * Mindcraft. are Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Silicon Graphics, Inc. and * * Mindcraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * * ***************************************************************************/ README.txt Author: Murali R. Krishnan (MuraliK@microsoft.com) Created: Dec 4, 1995 History: MuraliK 29-Jan-1996 Included NSAPI version as well. Revisions: Date By Comments ----------------- -------- ------------------------------------------- Summary : This file describes the files in the directory \webstone\1.1 and details related to WebStone style CGI/ISAPI/NSAPI applications File Description README.txt This file. wscgi.c same as WebStone1.1\cgi-send.c (short name so slm will accept) wsisapi.c same as WebStone1.1\nsapi-send.c( - do -) This file contains the code for ISAPI based dll. It should be compiled with ISAPI_DEF turned on. wsisapi.def .def file for compiling the ISAPI dll. wsnsapi.c same as WebStone1.1\nsapi-send.c I added comments related to NSAPI configuration in NT. I also named the file to have small name. wsnsapi.make VC++ 2.0 Makefile for wsnsapi application. Implementation Details ISAPI: IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Server a.k.a. Gibraltar) supports programmable extensions to the web server using Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI). One can implement ISAPI compliant functions and package it into a dll, which could be dropped off in the scripts directory of the server. When a client makes a request for the dlls, the server loads and executes the ISAPI functions to obtain the required results. ISAPI includes two functions: GetExtensionVersion() and HttpExtensionProc(). The server calls GetExtensionVersion() at the very first time a dll is called. Subsequently the server uses HttpExtensionProc() to process user requests. The parameter passed to later function includes a few callback functions to call some of the server functions to perform network operations. What is different between Webstone 1.1 NSAPI/ISAPI? There is not much difference. Webstone 1.1 NSAPI application is written for NSAPI supported by Netscape servers. IIS does not support NSAPI. IIS supports ISAPI and hence the same application is recast into an ISAPI application (in wsisapi.c). One can compile the wsisapi.c with proper headers and ISAPI_DEF=1 to obtain the ISAPI application. What should I do to run Webstone1.1 NSAPI? For NT: Look into the file wsnsapi.c and configure the parameters specified. Some of the parameters require changing entries in the registry. Use regedt32.exe to achieve the same. One parameter needs modification in the mime.types file in the configuration directory. Modify this file to achieve the proper changes. Stop and restart the Netscape server on NT to get the changes effective. For UNIX: NSAPI is not supported on all UNIX platforms. For platforms that support NSAPI, make the modifications in the configuration files for the Netscape server. What should I do to run Webstone1.1 ISAPI? The DLL is named as wsisapi.dll. Put this DLL in the Microsoft Gibraltar server's /scripts directory. The scripts directory shoud have execute permissions. You can grant this permission using the Internet Service Manager. There are two ways you can get this activated. 1) You can change the paths in Webstone scripts to be /scripts/wsisapi.dll?size=... instead of /scripts/dyn-send 2) You can add a script mapping in the registry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3Svc\Parameters\ Script Map\ Give the extension .dyn-send as the value name and specify the complete path for the wsisapi.dll as the value. Option 2 requires the server to be stopped and restarted.