# bilbo:/home/lstein/WebStone2.5/conf/testbed # all comments including CopyWrite information moved down below # please jump ahead for copywrite information - thank you SERVER="frodo" #SERVER="jen" CLIENTS="bilbo gandalf" PORTNO=8203 CLIENTACCOUNT=guest CLIENTPASSWORD=cs401gu WEBDOCDIR=/home/guest/sites/site.webstone/htdocs MINCLIENTS="40" MAXCLIENTS="60" CLIENTINCR="10" TIMEPERRUN="3" ITERATIONS="1" RCP=rcp RSH=rsh SERVERINFO= OSTUNINGFILES= WEBSERVERTUNINGFILES= WEBSERVERDIR= PROXYSERVER= FIXED_RANDOM_SEED=true CLIENTINFO="uname -a" TMPDIR=/tmp/lstein CLIENTPROGFILE=/tmp/lstein/webclient DEBUG= # # # The contents of this file are subject to the WebStone Public License # # Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License # # at http://www.mindcraft.com/webstone/license10.html # # # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See # # the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # # under the License. # # # # The Original Code is WebStone 2.5. # # # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Silicon Graphics, Inc. # # and Mindcraft, Inc.. Portions created by Silicon Graphics. and # # Mindcraft. are Copyright (C) 1995#1998 Silicon Graphics, Inc. and # # Mindcraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # # # Contributor(s): ______________________________________. # # # ############################################################################ ### BENCHMARK PARAMETERS -- EDIT THESE AS REQUIRED # Webstone will start running with MINCLIENTS number of processes or threads. # It will run for TIMEPERRUN minutes. When that run is finished then the # number of clients will be incremented by CLIENTINCR and another test will # be performed. This will continue until we hit MAXCLIENTS number of clients. # This entire set of steps will be performed for ITERATIONS number of cycles. ### SERVER PARAMETERS -- EDIT AS REQUIRED # This is the host name or IP number of the web server that we will be # testing. If you use a host name then be sure your client machines # can resolve that name. #SERVER="calvin" # Port 80 is the default web server port. If your web server is running # on another port then you can change this value. #PORTNO=80 # RCP is the command used to copy a file to and from one of the client # systems or the web server. For UNIX these can be "rcp" and "rsh" and # you may have to enable these commands for the machines involved. # The RCP is used to retrieve configuration files from the web server # and to distribute test files to the web clients. If these are left # empty then WebStone won't attempt to distribute the webclient binary # and filelist to the clients and you will have to do it by hand before # running WebStone. # When WebStone starts running it will try to connect to the web server # and retrieve any files listed in SERVERINFO, OSTUNINGFILES, and # WEBSERVERTUNINGFILES. It will use the program named in RCP (above) # to retrieve the files. These files are just stored in the log directory # so that you have a record of the operating system and web server # configuration. If you can't do an RCP to the web server and don't # care about saving the configuration files then just leave these empty. # These are unused. # Absolute path to the server document directory. Used by 'genfiles'. #WEBDOCDIR=/wwwroot # A space-separated list of client machines to use for testing the web # server. You can use IP addresses or host names. If you use host # names then be sure that the webmaster machine can resolve them. It # will try to do an rexec to each of these systems in order to start # the webclient program. #CLIENTS="gandalf" # here we use bilbo as webmsater, gandalf and bilbo as web client # here we use bilbo as webmsater, gandalf and bilbo as web client #CLIENTS="localhost" # These are the user name and password for a user on the client systems. # The webmaster program will do an rexec to a client system using this # name and password in order to start the webclient program. # Set this to "true" if we want to use the same random seed during every # run. Doing this will make test results more reproducible. # If RSH (above) is defined then WebStone will run whatever command is # named in CLIENTINFO on each machine. The output will be saved in the # log directory. For example, this could be a command that outputs the # specific configuration of the system. # on bilbo the above command yield the following line: #Linux bilbo.uccs.edu 2.0.36 #1 Tue Oct 13 22:17:11 EDT 1998 i586 unknown # # Scratch directory on the client system. # Full pathname to the webclient program, on the client system. # Set this to 1 to turn on debugging output.