WebMaster name = bilbo.uccs.edu Client 0: gandalf # Processes: 40 Webserver: walrus Webmaster: bilbo.uccs.edu:24721 Waiting for READY from 40 clients All READYs received Sending GO to all clients All clients started at Tue Mar 9 06:58:32 1999 Waiting for clients completion... Reading results ........................................ All clients ended at Tue Mar 9 06:59:50 1999 =============================================================================== Page # 0 Total number of times page was hit 769 769 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.516384 1.537031 0.001065 21.088821 Response time (sec) 0.815094 1.816940 0.003596 21.299012 Response size (bytes) 697 0 697 697 Body size (bytes) 500 0 500 500 384500 body bytes moved + 151493 header bytes moved = 535993 total Page size 500 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 1 Total number of times page was hit 995 995 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.395690 1.243884 0.001036 21.061725 Response time (sec) 0.956838 1.719429 0.009179 21.244630 Response size (bytes) 5318 0 5318 5318 Body size (bytes) 5120 0 5120 5120 5094400 body bytes moved + 197010 header bytes moved = 5291410 total Page size 5120 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 2 Total number of times page was hit 284 284 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.447503 1.257641 0.001135 9.034510 Response time (sec) 1.786287 2.758253 0.068082 32.365381 Response size (bytes) 51399 0 51399 51399 Body size (bytes) 51200 0 51200 51200 14540800 body bytes moved + 56516 header bytes moved = 14597316 total Page size 51200 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 3 Total number of times page was hit 23 23 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.323693 0.849841 0.001256 3.096391 Response time (sec) 4.898849 2.533314 0.506233 11.372034 Response size (bytes) 512200 0 512200 512200 Body size (bytes) 512000 0 512000 512000 11776000 body bytes moved + 4600 header bytes moved = 11780600 total Page size 512000 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 4 Total number of times page was hit 2 2 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.053461 0.052142 0.001319 0.105604 Response time (sec) 29.329348 1.647354 27.681995 30.976702 Response size (bytes) 5243081 0 5243081 5243081 Body size (bytes) 5242880 0 5242880 5242880 10485760 body bytes moved + 402 header bytes moved = 10486162 total Page size 5242880 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== WEBSTONE 2.5b3 results: Total number of clients: 40 Test time: 1 minutes Server connection rate: 34.55 connections/sec Server error rate: 0.00 err/sec Server thruput: 5.69 Mbit/sec Little's Load Factor: 37.62 Average response time: 1.089 sec Error Level: 0.00 % Average client thruput: 0.15 Mbit/sec Sum of client response times: 2257.50 sec Total number of pages read: 2073 2073 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.446432 1.359080 0.001036 21.088821 Response time (sec) 1.089001 2.189311 0.003596 32.365381 Response size (bytes) 20594 171418 697 5243081 Body size (bytes) 20396 171418 500 5242880 42281460 body bytes moved + 410021 header bytes moved = 42691481 total