WebMaster name = bilbo.uccs.edu Client 0: gandalf # Processes: 90 Webserver: frodo Webmaster: bilbo.uccs.edu:1278 Waiting for READY from 90 clients All READYs received Sending GO to all clients All clients started at Sun Feb 28 11:58:50 1999 Waiting for clients completion... Reading results .......................................................................................... All clients ended at Sun Feb 28 12:09:16 1999 =============================================================================== Page # 0 Total number of times page was hit 19205 19205 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.411833 1.613904 0.000552 45.008492 Response time (sec) 0.673312 1.764635 0.003060 47.169016 Response size (bytes) 762 0 762 762 Body size (bytes) 500 0 500 500 9602500 body bytes moved + 5031710 header bytes moved = 14634210 total Page size 500 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 1 Total number of times page was hit 26331 26331 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.423819 1.594032 0.000523 45.007205 Response time (sec) 0.716117 1.869932 0.005800 45.223706 Response size (bytes) 5384 0 5384 5384 Body size (bytes) 5120 0 5120 5120 134814720 body bytes moved + 6951384 header bytes moved = 141766104 total Page size 5120 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 2 Total number of times page was hit 7419 7419 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.402467 1.556667 0.000540 44.996718 Response time (sec) 0.844539 2.043131 0.047380 47.125356 Response size (bytes) 51465 0 51465 51465 Body size (bytes) 51200 0 51200 51200 379852800 body bytes moved + 1966035 header bytes moved = 381818835 total Page size 51200 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 3 Total number of times page was hit 466 466 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.439883 1.431174 0.000560 9.008521 Response time (sec) 17.317879 8.124200 0.354056 55.638305 Response size (bytes) 512267 0 512267 512267 Body size (bytes) 512000 0 512000 512000 238592000 body bytes moved + 124422 header bytes moved = 238716422 total Page size 512000 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 4 Total number of times page was hit 33 33 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.093363 0.513741 0.000616 2.999484 Response time (sec) 177.514555 26.123812 136.530122 231.204379 Response size (bytes) 5243149 0 5243149 5243149 Body size (bytes) 5242880 0 5242880 5242880 173015040 body bytes moved + 8877 header bytes moved = 173023917 total Page size 5242880 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== WEBSTONE 2.5b3 results: Total number of clients: 90 Test time: 10 minutes Server connection rate: 89.09 connections/sec Server error rate: 0.02 err/sec Server thruput: 12.67 Mbit/sec Little's Load Factor: 86.63 Average response time: 0.972 sec Error Level: 0.02 % Average client thruput: 0.15 Mbit/sec Sum of client response times: 51980.80 sec Total number of pages read: 53454 53454 connection(s) to server, 12 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.416485 1.594344 0.000523 45.008492 Response time (sec) 0.972440 5.104345 0.003060 231.204379 Response size (bytes) 17772 139016 762 5243149 Body size (bytes) 17508 139015 500 5242880 935877060 body bytes moved + 14082428 header bytes moved = 949959488 total