WebMaster name = wetterhorn.uccs.edu Client 0: shavano # Processes: 30 Webserver: wetterhorn Webmaster: wetterhorn.uccs.edu:1437 Waiting for READY from 30 clients All READYs received Sending GO to all clients All clients started at Fri Nov 3 09:41:20 2000 Waiting for clients completion... Reading results .............................. All clients ended at Fri Nov 3 09:46:23 2000 =============================================================================== Page # 0 Total number of times page was hit 74921 74921 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.040284 0.343645 0.000166 3.004766 Response time (sec) 0.041380 0.343761 0.000954 3.010553 Response size (bytes) 746 0 746 746 Body size (bytes) 500 0 500 500 37460500 body bytes moved + 18430566 header bytes moved = 55891066 total Page size 500 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Page # 3 Total number of times page was hit 1871 1871 connection(s) to server, 0 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.042036 0.350768 0.000182 3.001472 Response time (sec) 0.094806 0.352344 0.045069 3.093271 Response size (bytes) 512251 0 512251 512251 Body size (bytes) 512000 0 512000 512000 957952000 body bytes moved + 469621 header bytes moved = 958421621 total Page size 512000 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== WEBSTONE 2.5b3 results: Total number of clients: 30 Test time: 5 minutes Server connection rate: 255.97 connections/sec Server error rate: 456.53 err/sec Server thruput: 27.05 Mbit/sec Little's Load Factor: 10.93 Average response time: 0.043 sec Error Level: 178.35 % Average client thruput: 2.48 Mbit/sec Sum of client response times: 3277.60 sec Total number of pages read: 76792 76792 connection(s) to server, 136958 errors Average Std Dev Minimum Maximum Connect time (sec) 0.040327 0.343820 0.000166 3.004766 Response time (sec) 0.042682 0.344071 0.000954 3.093271 Response size (bytes) 13209 78863 746 512251 Body size (bytes) 12962 78862 500 512000 995412500 body bytes moved + 18900187 header bytes moved = 1014312687 total