INSTALL 1.3 97/09/10 Installing WebStone 2.5 WebStone 2.5 is distributed in two forms, as ready-to-run binaries and as source. The benchmark binary programs, GUI scripts, and configuration files are packaged into a single archive for each platform. Pre-compiled dynamic load modules are provided in a separate archive. This means that you'll download and unpack the benchmark programs that are appropriate for your load-generating computers, and the dynamic load modules that are appropriate for the server you'll be testing. The source distribution includes the whole benchmark in a single archive. To unpack on a UNIX system: gzip | tar xf - This creates a directory called "WebStone" and places all the needed files in it, ready to run. To unpack on a Windows NT 4.0 system, open a console window and execute the command pax -r -f WS25NT40.tar to create the WebStone directory. In order to run on NT you'll also have to install the 'rexecd' daemon and, if desired, Perl 5. See "README.nt" for more details. For more details on how to install the dynamic workload modules, see "README.DynamicWorkload". Previous versions of WebStone would die with a SIGINT (UNIX) if insufficient resources were available to the programs. WebStone 2.5 does more error checking, but the requirement to provide the resources is still there. Make sure that the webmaster program has permission to open twice as many file descriptors as there will be client processes. In other words, to run 100 client processes the test user should do 'ulimit -n 200' before running the benchmark. Webclient processes on UNIX systems also need to be able to fork() as many children as there will be client processes on the client system.