FILELIST:The name of the list of URLs and weights to be used for testing. Defaults to $WEBSTONEROOT/conf/filelist. To follow the WebStone 2.5 standard run rules, copy $WEBSTONEROOT/conf/filelist.standard to this name. CLIENTOS:Tell runbench whether the client systems are running Unix (UNIX) or Windows NT (WIN32) Defaults to UNIX. ITERATIONS:How many times to repeat this set of runs. MINCLIENTS:Start running this many client processes. Set to 20 to follow the WebStone 2.5 standard run rules. MAXCLIENTS:Stop doing runs after we run with this many client processes. Set to 100 to follow the WebStone 2.5 standard run rules. CLIENTINCR:Increment by this many client processes for each run. Set to 10 to follow the WebStone 2.5 standard run rules. TIMEPERRUN:Length of each run, in minutes. Set to 10 to follow the WebStone 2.5 standard run rules. PROXYSERVER:Set this to test through a proxy server. Not set, by default. SERVER:Host name or host part of the Internet number for the Web server system. PORTNO:Port number on the server system where the Web server to be tested is listening. Defaults to 80. SERVERINFO:Command to run, with $RSH, on the server system to record the server system configuration. OSTUNINGFILES:A space-separated list of configuration files that runbench will copy using $RCP to record the server's system configuration. WEBDOCDIR:The location for the WebStone data files, on the server to be benchmarked. Used by the genfiles program, not by runbench, to install the files. WEBSERVERTUNINGFILES:A space-separated list of configuration files that runbench will copy using $RCP to record the Web server configuration. CLIENTS:A space-separated list of the names of the systems on which runbench will rexec webclient processes. CLIENTACCOUNT:The name of the test user on a client system. CLIENTPASSWORD:The password of the test user on a client system. CLIENTINFO: A command to be executed on a client system, via $RSH, to identify and characterize the client(s). RCP:The name of the program to be used by runbench to copy files to and from remote systems on the network. If $RCP is not set, runbench doesn't try to copy remote files to save the test configuration. RSH:The name of the program to be used by runbench to execute commands on remote systems on the network. If $RSH is not set, runbench doesn't try to execute remote commands to save the test configuration. CLIENTPROGFILE:The full path of the webclient program on the client machines.