ELF4( US1zEPUE< uEPUE<tE< t E H9t$vEEPЉC낋]ÍvUEE UЀ8u!EPE UREӍvEPj US}tEEt&hPh t%hhEHPE P,hPh' PPt'EHPh>E P &MhjP Evt/tEPEPPEP jPjPxP ƅjxEPxPEPojxEPEP [jPjPxP ƅjwxPEPPEP EPPjEP EPÍEPPUJ9vEHPhZE P 9EPE PhtE PEPE P1t&tUhvPhPhPhPh Ph`PhPhPh PhPhPÍvUhP=tPjÉUE PEPE}u 1&EPÍvUh EP‰Uh EP‰ÉU\SEPEPE1ۃ}uƒ:u]ÉU名t&E Phh uEPhÍvU(EEDžDžDžDžDžhXj}s‰bDžt&;E|E 8-t &8u8cuv8mu Džy8suDžb8pu DžI8duDž28bu&c‰R%d)Re-type new password: password verification errorresultant record too long:Usage: htpasswd [-cmdps] passwordfile username htpasswd -b[cmdps] passwordfile username password -c Create a new file. -m Force MD5 encryption of the password. -d Force CRYPT encryption of the password (default). -p Do not encrypt the password (plaintext). -s Force SHA encryption of the password. -b Use the password from the command line rather than prompting for it. On Windows and TPF systems the '-m' flag is used by default. On all other systems, the '-p' flag will probably not work. Interrupted. ra%s: filename too long %s: username too long (>%d) %s: username contains illegal character '%c' %s: password too long (>%d) Warning: storing passwords as plain text might just not work on this platform. %s: cannot modify file %s; use '-c' to create it fopen%s: cannot open file %s for read access %s: cannot open file %s for read access %s: existing auth data would be lost on password mismatch%s: cannot open file %s for write access %s: %s w+%s: unable to create temporary file Updating Adding password for user %s GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.bss.note.rodata.comment@r !  + 1  6 <  D=M`  0 #T+4x:X:FSA^gpBwX=  (/4:AFW]chryhtpasswd.cgcc2_compiled.getlineputlinemkrecordusageinterruptedtempfilenameaccessiblereadablewritableexistsline.30copy_filefgetcfeoffputcap_getpassap_snprintfstrcmpap_cpystrnmemsetstrlenap_sha1_base64timesrandrandap_to64ap_MD5Encodecryptstrcpystrcatstderrfprintfunlinkexitfopenfclosestat__errno_locationfgetsfputsmainap_signalstrchrperrortmpnam2l %3QVl" ,!;"[#o{ !"$ )@%HQ&a&|'('('('('('('(' ('(','2(:?'E(\a'g(px~)*+,$-9.jo/02f}'(%'(4%E3ns'y('( %! & ', (_ d 'j (r w 4 *  ' (  4 *' , '2 (: ? 4I *s x '~ (  4 *  ' ( * 5# ( - 3 +L Q 'W (_ d 4n *  + % 3@ |  ' (  ' (  ' ( , ,  +  & +G ,S ,[ a )