/**************** findbwrange.c *****************/ #include #include #include "ping.h" #include "abwm.h" double divergeThreshhold = 0.0002; int maxIteration = 3; double bwLow, bwHigh; double intervalStep; double interval; // the time interval btw probing msgs of current round int reqID; // sequence number for the probing msg double bwAvailble; // the estimated results double bwPrevious; // previous round's measurement result double errorMargin; // how precise we want it to be int probingResponderID; int iteration; int tableCount = 1; double iterationEndTime; boolean roundNotFinished = false; boolean alighFlag = false; boolean reportValid = true; boolean resultFlag = false; double result; int refPkID = 1; //to indicate which packet is used as reference pk for diverge comparison int *trendBeginPoint; int *trendEndPoint; double *absGapDiffDirivative; double *ABWArray; double *bandwidthReq; double variance=0.0; double stdVar; extern int debug; extern double bwrUpperBound, bwrLowerBound; extern int msgSize, noOfMsgs; extern BWRange curBWR; extern BWRange bwr; extern double sendingTime[MAX_PROBES]; /* sending time of each packet */ extern double receivingTime[MAX_PROBES]; /* receiving time of each packet */ extern double receivingTimeAA[MAX_PROBES]; /* receiving time of each packet */ extern double sendingTimeGap[MAX_PROBES]; /* sending time gap of each packet */ extern double absSendingTimeGap[MAX_PROBES];/* absolute sending time gap */ extern double receivingTimeGap[MAX_PROBES]; extern double absReceivingTimeGap[MAX_PROBES]; extern double gapDifference[MAX_PROBES]; extern double absGapDifference[MAX_PROBES]; void bwrangeInit(){ int i; if(debug) printf("\nentering timesubbwrangeInit()\n"); trendBeginPoint = (int *) malloc((noOfMsgs+1)*sizeof(int)); trendEndPoint = (int *) malloc((noOfMsgs+1)*sizeof(int)); ABWArray = (double *) malloc((noOfMsgs+1)*sizeof(double)); bandwidthReq = (double *) malloc((noOfMsgs+1)*sizeof(double)); absGapDiffDirivative = (double *) malloc((noOfMsgs+1)*sizeof(double)); bwr.upperBound = bwrUpperBound; bwr.lowerBound = bwrLowerBound; curBWR.upperBound = bwrUpperBound; curBWR.lowerBound = bwrLowerBound; if (debug) { printf("bwrUpperBound=%g, bwrLowerBound=%g\n", bwrUpperBound, bwrLowerBound); printf("bwr.upperBound=%g, bwr.lowerBound=%g\n", bwr.upperBound, bwr.lowerBound); } for (i=1; i v2) return v1; else return v2; } void findBWRange() { int divergePoint = noOfMsgs+1; boolean notDiverge = true; boolean refNotFound = true; boolean foundFlag = false; int nearestPoint1; int nearestPoint2; double abs, abs1; double ABW1, ABW2; int i; int k; int trend=1; if(debug) printf("\nentering findBWRange()\n"); bandwidthReq[1] = curBWR.lowerBound; for(i=2; i<=noOfMsgs-1; i++) bandwidthReq[i] = msgSize*8/sendingTimeGap[i-1]; for (i=1; i= 0) { k=i+1; while((k<=(noOfMsgs-1)) && refNotFound) { if(absGapDifference[k] > divergeThreshhold) { if(k <= noOfMsgs-2) { //to see whether the trend keep for at least 2 packets, // if not, it's not a divergent point if (absGapDifference[k+1] >= absGapDifference[k]) { // divergePoint = k; refNotFound = false; refPkID = i; } } else { //k=9 or 10 // divergePoint = k; refNotFound = false; refPkID = i; } } k++; } } i++; }//end of while ( for(k=2; k<=noOfMsgs-1; k++) //2, 10 absGapDiffDirivative[k]=absGapDifference[k]-absGapDifference[k-1]; trendBeginPoint[1] = refPkID; for(k=refPkID+1; k<=noOfMsgs-2; k++) { //2, 9 if((absGapDiffDirivative[k]>0) && (absGapDiffDirivative[k+1] <= 0)) { //trend finish trendEndPoint[trend] = k; trend++; trendBeginPoint[trend] = k+1; } if(k == noOfMsgs-2) trendEndPoint[trend] = k+1; } for(i=1; i<=trend; i++) { // net.println("trend "+i+" start from "+trendBeginPoint[i]+ // " and end at "+trendEndPoint[i]); if (debug) printf("trend %d start from %d and end at %d\n", i, trendBeginPoint[i], trendEndPoint[i]); notDiverge = true; k=trendBeginPoint[i]; while((k<=trendEndPoint[i]) && notDiverge) { if(absGapDiffDirivative[k] > 0) { notDiverge = false; divergePoint = k; } k++; } if(!notDiverge) { if (debug) printf("Diverge Point=%d\n", divergePoint); for(k=trendBeginPoint[i]; k<=trendEndPoint[i]; k++) { if(divergePoint == 2) ABWArray[k] = (curBWR.lowerBound+msgSize*8/sendingTimeGap[divergePoint-1])/2; else ABWArray[k] = ( msgSize*8/sendingTimeGap[divergePoint-2] + msgSize*8/sendingTimeGap[divergePoint-1] ) / 2; } } else //only possible in the last trend if (debug) printf("Not diverge in last trend, need another iteration.\n"); } if(refPkID > 1) { //handle the points before refPk for(i=1; i<=noOfMsgs-1; i++) if (debug) printf("absGapDifference[%d] = %f\n", i, absGapDifference[i]); for(i=1; i 1) for(i=1;i<=noOfMsgs-1;i++) if (debug) printf("ABWArray[%d]=%f\n", i, ABWArray[i]); if (notDiverge) { //if the last trend is not diverged, that means the result is not valid bwr.upperBound = 2*curBWR.upperBound; bwr.lowerBound = curBWR.upperBound/2; bwr.reportValid = false; } else { bwr.reportValid = true; } for(i=1; i<=noOfMsgs-1; i++) bwr.reportValue += (1/(noOfMsgs+0.0))*ABWArray[i]; if (debug) printf("report Value = %f\n", bwr.reportValue); if (bwr.reportValid) { if (debug) printf("reportValid is true\n"); } else { if (debug) printf("reportValid is false\n"); } for(i=1; i<=noOfMsgs-1; i++) variance += (ABWArray[i] - bwr.reportValue) * (ABWArray[i] -bwr.reportValue); stdVar = sqrt(variance/(noOfMsgs-2)); bwr.accuracy = stdVar/bwr.reportValue; if (debug) printf("Accuracy is %f\n", bwr.accuracy); i=1; foundFlag = false; while( (i<=(noOfMsgs-2)) && (foundFlag==false)) { if(bwr.reportValue>=bandwidthReq[i] && bwr.reportValue= noOfMsgs-2) bwr.upperBound = bandwidthReq[noOfMsgs]; /* Chow: error here should be bandwidthReq[i+1] narrower else bwr.upperBound = bandwidthReq[i+2]; */ else bwr.upperBound = bandwidthReq[i+1]; } i++; } if (debug) printf("!! iteration=%d, next round bwr.upperBound=%f,lowerBound=%f\n", iteration, bwr.upperBound, bwr.lowerBound); bwrLowerBound = bwr.lowerBound; bwrUpperBound = bwr.upperBound; }