Available BandWidth Measurement Status Report C. Edward Chow After fixing several bugs in the packetAnalysis functions and adding an upper layer process for handling the iteration, we now have a workable available bandwidth measurement program, abm release 0.3. To use the program, type abm -l -u -i <#iteration> target Here is the result of an run from jen (PIII800MHz) to viva (P5, 150Mhz) via a hub, [root@jen abwm]# abm -u 3000000 -i 3 Lower bound of probing bandwidth is set to 1000 Upper bound of probing bandwidth is set to 3e+06 The number of msgs sent is set to 10 msgSize is set to 1000 iteration is set to 3 hostname= cmd=abwm3 -l 1000.000000 -u 3000000.000000 -n 10 -s 1000 iteration 1: abw=0.000000, lbw=1500000.000000, ubw=6000000.000000, reportNotValid cmd=abwm3 -l 1500000.000000 -u 6000000.000000 -n 10 -s 1000 iteration 2: abw=9259717.098163, lbw=3036050.669562, ubw=28988710.151188, reportNotValid cmd=abwm3 -l 3036050.669562 -u 28988710.151188 -n 10 -s 1000 iteration 3: abw=15194178.241577, lbw=3036050.000000, ubw=35867912.346339, reportValid final estimate abw = 15194178.241577 The program automatically zooms out to find available bandwidth range. Here is the result of a run from jen (PIII800MHz) to archie (PIII1GHz) via a dial up link (64kbps). [root@jen abwm]# abm -u 1000000 -i 3 archie Lower bound of probing bandwidth is set to 1000 Upper bound of probing bandwidth is set to 1e+06 The number of msgs sent is set to 10 msgSize is set to 1000 iteration is set to 3 hostname=archie cmd=abwm3 -l 1000.000000 -u 1000000.000000 -n 10 -s 1000 archie iteration 1: abw=50849.014683, lbw=1000.000000, ubw=111997.810407, reportValid cmd=abwm3 -l 1000.000000 -u 111997.810407 -n 10 -s 1000 archie iteration 2: abw=29679.300125, lbw=13299.618464, ubw=37999.155183, reportNotValid cmd=abwm3 -l 13299.618464 -u 37999.155183 -n 10 -s 1000 archie iteration 3: abw=9147.937349, lbw=18999.500000, ubw=75998.000000, reportNotValid final estimate abw = 50849.014683 The program tries zoom in further but did not get more accurate result. Here is another run from jen to archie but with higher upper bound 3000000 instead of 1000000. [root@jen abwm]# abm -u 3000000 -i 3 archie Lower bound of probing bandwidth is set to 1000 Upper bound of probing bandwidth is set to 3e+06 The number of msgs sent is set to 10 msgSize is set to 1000 iteration is set to 3 hostname=archie cmd=abwm3 -l 1000.000000 -u 3000000.000000 -n 10 -s 1000 archie iteration 1: abw=150838.127904, lbw=1000.000000, ubw=334195.839786, reportValidcmd=abwm3 -l 1000.000000 -u 334195.839786 -n 10 -s 1000 archie iteration 2: abw=69391.532381, lbw=1000.000000, ubw=75047.627142, reportValid cmd=abwm3 -l 1000.000000 -u 75047.627142 -n 10 -s 1000 archie iteration 3: abw=7804.128122, lbw=1000.000000, ubw=38020.640611, reportNotValidfinal estimate abw = 69391.532381 It zooms in and get more precise results. Further tests are needed for different bandwdith ranges and operating condition.