Faq'n Tips

  1. Hey!  This doesn't look like a FAQ!  What gives?
  2. Every time my machine releases an IP alias, it loses the whole interface (i.e eth0)!  How do I fix this?
  3. I want a lot of IP addresses as resources (more than 8).  What's the best way?

  1. Quit your bellyachin'!  We needed a "catch-all" document to supply useful information in a way that was easily referenced and would grow without a lot of work.  It's closer to a FAQ than anything else.
  2. This isn't a problem with heartbeat, but rather is caused by various versions of net-tools.  Upgrade to the most recent version of net-tools and it will go away.  You can test it with ifconfig manually.
  3. Instead of failing over many IP addresses, just fail over one router address.  On your router, do the equivalent of "route add -net x.x.x.0/24 gw x.x.x.2", where x.x.x.2 is the cluster IP address controlled by heartbeat.  Then, make every address within x.x.x.0/24 that you wish to failover a permanent alias of lo0 on BOTH cluster nodes.  This is done via "ifconfig lo:2 x.x.x.3 netmask -arp" etc....

Rev 0.0.1
(c) 2000 Rudy Pawul