Linux-HA Phase I Requirements

This document describes a set of general Linux-HA requirements which have been presented to the list, and no objections were made.  Of course, it would have been nice to have had a good discussion, but I take silence to mean assent :-)

Linux-HA Phase I General Goals

Linux-HA Phase I Requirements

The short-term goal of Phase I is to provide a more realistic demonstration of Linux-HA, in a form that will actually be usable to a certain set of customers (users) in a production sense.

This demonstration is focused on providing High-Availability web service.  The rationale for providing web service is simple:  It is well-understood, and Linux has a significant presence in the web server market.  This will provide more initial users and testers than most other applications.

The following minimal requirements on the web service are considered sufficient for this demonstration:

Restrictions Allowed for Demonstration

The following restrictions are considered acceptable for the demonstration.

Post-Demonstration Requirement Candidates

After these demonstration requirements have been met, it is expected that the following capabilities will be added (not listed in priority order):