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10. C Declaration for RVM

This appendix contains listings of the C header files used to construct programs with RVM. The following files are included:


main RVM library declarations.


RVM statistics declarations.


recoverable heap allocator declarations.


segment loader declarations.

The header rvm.h is required for all uses of RVM. The other should be included as needed. The order of inclusion is not important, but Unix system files are often included first. Should the files be included more than once, only the first is processed.

*                       Definitions for RVM


/* permit multiple includes */

/* Version string for initialization */
#define RVM_VERSION         "RVM Interface Version 1.3  7 Mar 1994"
#define RVM_VERSION_MAX     128         /* 128 char maximum version str length */

/* be sure parallel libraries are used */

/* get timestamp structures and system constants */
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/param.h>

#ifndef C_ARGS
#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__STDC__)
#define C_ARGS(arglist) arglist
#else   /* c_plusplus || __STDC__ */
#define C_ARGS(arglist) ()
#endif  /* c_plusplus || __STDC__ */
#endif  /* C_ARGS */

/* define bool, TRUE, and FALSE if libc.h hasn't been included
   these definitions will not be repeated in libc.h if it is
   included later.

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#endif  TRUE

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#endif  FALSE

/* RVM's use of false, true and bool causes trouble with versions of gcc
   above 2.6 or so; because of this, the names of RVM's definitions
   have been changed to rvm_{false,true,bool_t}. (Originally changed
   in rvm.h by Satya (7/31/96); propogated to the rest of the RVM code
   8/23/96 by tilt */

typedef enum { rvm_false = 0, rvm_true = 1 } rvm_bool_t;

/*  structure identifiers: rvm_struct_id_t
    codes placed in the first field of each
    structure instance to identify the object.
typedef enum 
    rvm_first_struct_id = 39,           /* internal use only */

    rvm_region_id,                      /* identifier for rvm_region's */
    rvm_options_id,                     /* identifier for rvm_options */
    rvm_tid_id,                         /* identifier for rvm_tid's */
    rvm_statistics_id,                  /* identifier for rvm_statistics rec's */
    rvm_last_struct_id                  /* internal use only */

/*  Transaction mode codes: rvm_mode_t */
typedef enum
    rvm_first_mode = 139,               /* internal use only */

    restore,                            /* restore memory on abort */
    no_restore,                         /* do not restore memory on abort */
    flush,                              /* flush records to logdev on commit */
    no_flush,                           /* do not flush records on commit */

    rvm_last_mode                       /* internal use only */

/*  Function return codes:  rvm_return_t */
typedef enum {
    RVM_SUCCESS = 0,                    /* success return code */

    rvm_first_code = 199,               /* internal use only */

    RVM_EINIT,                          /* RVM not initialized */
    RVM_EINTERNAL,                      /* internal error, see rvm_errmsg */
    RVM_EIO,                            /* I/O error, see errno */
    RVM_ELOG,                           /* invalid log device */
    RVM_ELOG_VERSION_SKEW,              /* RVM log format version skew */
    RVM_EMODE,                          /* invalid transaction begin/end mode */
    RVM_ENAME_TOO_LONG,                 /* device name longer than 1023 chars */
    RVM_ENO_MEMORY,                     /* heap exhausted */
    RVM_ENOT_MAPPED,                    /* designated region not mapped */
    RVM_EOFFSET,                        /* invalid segment offset */
    RVM_EOPTIONS,                       /* invalid options record or pointer */
    RVM_EOVERLAP,                       /* region overlaps existing seg mapping */
    RVM_EPAGER,                         /* invalid external pager */
    RVM_ERANGE,                         /* invalid virtual memory address */
    RVM_EREGION,                        /* invalid region descriptor or pointer */
    RVM_EREGION_DEF,                    /* invalid region definition descriptor */
    RVM_ESRC,                           /* invalid address range for new
                                           values */
    RVM_ESTATISTICS,                    /* invalid statistics record */
    RVM_ESTAT_VERSION_SKEW,             /* RVM statistics format version skew */
    RVM_ETERMINATED,                    /* terminated by error already reported */
    RVM_ETHREADS,                       /* illegal C Thread library */
    RVM_ETID,                           /* invalid transaction identifier or ptr */
    RVM_ETOO_BIG,                       /* internal resouces exceeded */
    RVM_EUNCOMMIT,                      /* uncommitted transaction(s) pending */
    RVM_EVERSION_SKEW,                  /* RVM library version skew */
    RVM_EVM_OVERLAP,                    /* region overlaps existing vm mapping */

    rvm_last_code                       /* internal use only */

/* Enumeration type print name functions */
extern char *rvm_return C_ARGS
    rvm_return_t        code            /* return code */

extern char *rvm_mode C_ARGS
    rvm_mode_t          mode            /* transaction mode */

extern char *rvm_type C_ARGS
    rvm_struct_id_t     id              /* structure identifier */

/*  RVM basic length and offset types:
    these types are used throughout RVM to hide machine-dependent
    representations of maximum virtual memory region lengths and
    64 bit offsets.  Do not use internal types or fields or
    portability can be compromised
/*  region length: rvm_length_t
    size must be >= sizeof(char *),
    type must be unsigned arithmetic */

typedef unsigned long rvm_length_t;

/*  region offset descriptor: rvm_offset_t supports 64 bit unsigned integers
    struct unecessary if machine has 64-bit ops */

typedef struct                                           
    {                                   /* INTERNAL FIELDS PRIVATE */
    rvm_length_t    high;               /* private */
    rvm_length_t    low;                /* private */

/* construct offset from two rvm_length_t sized quantities x,y
   -- this will construct an offset from two lengths even if
   8*sizeof(rvm_length_t) is > sizeof(rvm_offset_t); the "extra"
   bits, the highest order bits of parameter y, will be discarded */
#define RVM_MK_OFFSET(x,y)      rvm_mk_offset((rvm_length_t)(x), \

/* offset initializer -- same as RVM_MK_OFFSET, but compile time */
#define RVM_OFFSET_INITIALIZER(x,y)     {(x),(y)}

/* Zero an offset: create a zero offset and assign it to the parameter. */
#define RVM_ZERO_OFFSET(x)      (x) = RVM_MK_OFFSET(0,0)

/* offset and length conversion macros */

/* return low-order bits of offset x as length 
   -- "low-order bits" are the lowest numerically valued bits
   of the same size as rvm_length_t */
#define RVM_OFFSET_TO_LENGTH(x) ((x).low)

/* return high order bits of offset x as length
   -- "high-order bits" are defined as the highest ordered
   bits remaining after the low-order bits are extracted
   they are returned as rvm_length_t */
#define RVM_OFFSET_HIGH_BITS_TO_LENGTH(x) ((x).high)

/* return length x as rvm_offset_t */

/* rvm_offset_t and rvm_length_t arithmetic support */

/* add rvm_offset to rvm_offset; returns result (x+y)
   implemented as function call -- or simple add if 
   machine has 64-bit integer operations */
#define RVM_ADD_OFFSETS(x,y) \

/* add rvm_length to rvm_offset; return result (length+offset)
   as rvm_offset_t
   implemented as function call -- or simple add if
   machine has 64-bit integer operations */

/* add rvm_length_t to vm address; returns address (char *)
   always implemented as simple add */
#define RVM_ADD_LENGTH_TO_ADDR(length,vmaddr) \
    ((char *)((rvm_length_t)(length)+(rvm_length_t)(vmaddr)))

/* subtract rvm_offset from rvm_offset; return result (x-y) as rvm_offset_t
   implemented as function call -- or simple subtract if
   machine has 64-bit integer operations */
#define RVM_SUB_OFFSETS(x,y) \

/* subtract rvm_length from rvm_offset; return result (offset-length)
   as rvm_offset_t
   implemented as function call or simple subtract if
   machine has 64-bit integer operations  */

/* subtract rvm_length_t from vm address; returns address (char *)
   always implemented as simple subtract */
#define RVM_SUB_LENGTH_FROM_ADDR(vmaddr,length) \
    ((char *)((rvm_length_t)(vmaddr)-(rvm_length_t)(length)))

/*  rvm_offset_t comparison macros */
#define RVM_OFFSET_LSS(x,y)     (((x).high < (y).high) || \
                                 ((((x).high == (y).high) && \
                                 ((x).low < (y).low))))
#define RVM_OFFSET_GTR(x,y)     (((x).high > (y).high) || \
                                 ((((x).high == (y).high) && \
                                 ((x).low > (y).low))))
#define RVM_OFFSET_LEQ(x,y)     (!RVM_OFFSET_GTR((x),(y)))
#define RVM_OFFSET_GEQ(x,y)     (!RVM_OFFSET_LSS((x),(y)))
#define RVM_OFFSET_EQL(x,y)     (((x).high == (y).high) && \
                                 ((x).low == (y).low))
#define RVM_OFFSET_EQL_ZERO(x)  (((x).high == 0) && ((x).low == 0))

/* page-size rounding macros */

/* return page size as rvm_length_t */
#define RVM_PAGE_SIZE           rvm_page_size()

/* return rvm_length x rounded up to next integral page-size length */
#define RVM_ROUND_LENGTH_UP_TO_PAGE_SIZE(x)  ((rvm_length_t)( \
    ((rvm_length_t)(x)+rvm_page_size()-1) & rvm_page_mask()))

/* return rvm_length x rounded down to integral page-size length */
#define RVM_ROUND_LENGTH_DOWN_TO_PAGE_SIZE(x)  ((rvm_length_t)( \
     (rvm_length_t)(x) & rvm_page_mask()))

/* return address x rounded up to next page boundary */
#define RVM_ROUND_ADDR_UP_TO_PAGE_SIZE(x)  ((char *)( \
    ((rvm_length_t)(x)+rvm_page_size()-1) & rvm_page_mask()))             

/* return address x rounded down to page boundary */
#define RVM_ROUND_ADDR_DOWN_TO_PAGE_SIZE(x)  ((char *)( \
    (rvm_length_t)(x) & rvm_page_mask()))

/* return rvm_offset x rounded up to next integral page-size offset */

/* return rvm_offset x rounded down to integral page-size offset */

/* transaction identifier descriptor */
typedef struct
    rvm_struct_id_t struct_id;          /* self-identifier, do not change */
    rvm_bool_t      from_heap;          /* true if heap allocated;
                                           do not change */
    struct timeval  uname;              /* unique name (timestamp) */

    void            *tid;               /* internal use only */
    rvm_length_t    reserved;           /* internal use only */

/* rvm_tid_t initializer, copier & finalizer */

extern rvm_tid_t    *rvm_malloc_tid C_ARGS(());

extern void rvm_init_tid C_ARGS
    rvm_tid_t       *tid                /* pointer to record to initialize */
extern rvm_tid_t *rvm_copy_tid C_ARGS
    rvm_tid_t       *tid                /* pointer to record to be copied */
extern void rvm_free_tid C_ARGS
    rvm_tid_t       *tid                /* pointer to record to be copied */

/*  options descriptor:  rvm_options_t */
typedef struct
    rvm_struct_id_t struct_id;          /* self-identifier, do not change */
    rvm_bool_t      from_heap;          /* true if heap allocated;
                                           do not change */

    char            *log_dev;           /* device name */
    long            truncate;           /* truncation threshold, % of log */
    rvm_length_t    recovery_buf_len;   /* length of recovery buffer */
    rvm_length_t    flush_buf_len;      /* length of flush buffer (partitions only) */
    rvm_length_t    max_read_len;       /* maximum single read length (MACH
                                           only)  */
    rvm_bool_t      log_empty;          /* TRUE  ==> log empty */
    char            *pager;             /* char array for external pager name */
    long            n_uncommit;         /* length of uncommitted tid array */
    rvm_tid_t       *tid_array;         /* ptr to array of uncommitted tid's */

    rvm_length_t    flags;              /* bit vector for optimization and
                                           other flags */

/* rvm_options default values and other constants */

#define TRUNCATE            50          /* 50% default truncation threshold */
#define RECOVERY_BUF_LEN    (256*1024)  /* default recovery buffer length */
#define MIN_RECOVERY_BUF_LEN (64*1024)  /* minimum recovery buffer length */
#define FLUSH_BUF_LEN       (256*1024)  /* default flush buffer length */
#define MIN_FLUSH_BUF_LEN    (64*1024)  /* minimum flush buffer length */
#define MAX_READ_LEN        (512*1024)  /* default maximum single read length */

#define RVM_COALESCE_RANGES 1           /* coalesce adjacent or shadowed
                                           ranges within a transaction */
#define RVM_COALESCE_TRANS  2           /* coalesce adjacent or shadowed ranges
                                           within no_flush transactions */


/* rvm_options_t initializer, copier & finalizer */

extern rvm_options_t *rvm_malloc_options C_ARGS(());

extern void rvm_init_options C_ARGS
    rvm_options_t   *options            /* pointer to record to initialize */
extern rvm_options_t *rvm_copy_options C_ARGS
    rvm_options_t   *options            /* pointer to record to be copied */
extern void rvm_free_options C_ARGS
    rvm_options_t   *options            /* pointer to record to be freed */

/*  region descriptor: rvm_region_t */
typedef struct
    rvm_struct_id_t struct_id;          /* self-identifier, do not change */
    rvm_bool_t      from_heap;          /* true if heap allocated;
                                           do not change */

    char            *data_dev;          /* device name */
    rvm_offset_t    dev_length;         /* maximum device length */
    rvm_offset_t    offset;             /* offset of region in segment */
    char            *vmaddr;            /* vm address of region/range */
    rvm_length_t    length;             /* length of region/range */
    rvm_bool_t      no_copy;            /* do not copy mapped data if true */

/* rvm_region_t allocator, initializer, copier & finalizer */
extern rvm_region_t *rvm_malloc_region C_ARGS(());

extern void rvm_init_region C_ARGS
    rvm_region_t    *region             /* pointer to record to initialize */

/* note: copier copies pointers to the char arrays */
extern rvm_region_t *rvm_copy_region C_ARGS
    rvm_region_t    *region             /* pointer to record to be copied */

extern void rvm_free_region C_ARGS
    rvm_region_t *region                /* pointer to record to be freed */

        Main Function Declarations

/* RVM initialization */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_initialize C_ARGS
    char                *version,       /* pointer to RVM lib version string */
    rvm_options_t       *options        /* optional pointer to global options
                                           descriptor */
/* init macro */
#define RVM_INIT(options) rvm_initialize(RVM_VERSION,(options))

/* shutdown RVM */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_terminate C_ARGS(());   /* no parameters */

/* map recoverable storage */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_map C_ARGS
    rvm_region_t         *region,       /* pointer to region descriptor */
    rvm_options_t        *options       /* optional ptr to option descriptor */

/* unmap recoverable storage */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_unmap C_ARGS
    rvm_region_t        *region         /* pointer to region descriptor */

/* set RVM options */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_set_options C_ARGS
    rvm_options_t       *options        /* pointer to option descriptor */

/* query RVM options */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_query C_ARGS
    rvm_options_t       *options,       /* address of pointer to option
                                           descriptor [out] */
    rvm_region_t        *region         /* optional pointer to region descriptor */

/* begin a transaction */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_begin_transaction C_ARGS
    rvm_tid_t           *tid,           /* pointer to transaction identifier */
    rvm_mode_t          mode            /* transaction begin mode */

/* declare a modification region for a transaction */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_set_range C_ARGS
    rvm_tid_t           *tid,           /* pointer to transaction identifier */
    void                *dest,          /* base address of modification range */
    rvm_length_t        length          /* length of modification range */

/* modification of a region for a transaction */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_modify_bytes C_ARGS
    rvm_tid_t           *tid,           /* pointer to transaction identifier */
    void                *dest,          /* base address of modification range */
    void                *src,           /* base address of source range */
    rvm_length_t        length          /* length of modification range */

/* abort a transaction */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_abort_transaction C_ARGS
    rvm_tid_t           *tid            /* pointer to transaction identifier */

/* commit a transaction */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_end_transaction C_ARGS
    rvm_tid_t           *tid,           /* pointer to transaction identifier */
    rvm_mode_t          mode            /* transaction commit mode */

/* flush log cache buffer to log device */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_flush C_ARGS(( )); /* no parameters */

/* apply logged changes to segments and garbage collect the log device */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_truncate C_ARGS(( )); /* no parameters */

/* initialize log */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_create_log C_ARGS
    rvm_options_t   *rvm_options,       /* ptr to options record */
    rvm_offset_t    *log_len,           /* length of log data area */
    long            mode                /* file creation protection mode */

/* underlying support functions for length, offset, and rounding macros

   *** use outside of the macros can compromise portability ***

   these functions will not be implemented on machines with 64-bit
   integer formats since their operations will be available in the
   native instruction set
extern rvm_offset_t rvm_mk_offset C_ARGS
    rvm_length_t        x,
    rvm_length_t        y
extern rvm_offset_t rvm_add_offsets C_ARGS
    rvm_offset_t        *x,
    rvm_offset_t        *y
extern rvm_offset_t rvm_add_length_to_offset C_ARGS
    rvm_offset_t        *offset,
    rvm_length_t        length
extern rvm_offset_t rvm_sub_offsets C_ARGS
    rvm_offset_t        *x,
    rvm_offset_t        *y
extern rvm_offset_t rvm_sub_length_from_offset C_ARGS
    rvm_offset_t        *offset,
    rvm_length_t        length

/* private functions to support page rounding */

extern rvm_length_t rvm_page_size C_ARGS(());
extern rvm_length_t rvm_page_mask C_ARGS(());
extern rvm_offset_t rvm_rnd_offset_up_to_page C_ARGS
    rvm_offset_t        *x
extern rvm_offset_t rvm_rnd_offset_dn_to_page C_ARGS
    rvm_offset_t        *x


*                 Definitions for RVM Statistics Structures

/* permit multiple includes */

#define RVM_STATISTICS_VERSION  "RVM Statistics Version 1.1 8 Dec 1992"

#include <stdio.h>

/* histgram definitions */

#define flush_times_len         10      /* length of flush timing vectors */
#define flush_times_dist                /* timing distribution in millisecs */ \
    25,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000 /* use as array initializer */

#define truncation_times_len    5       /* length of truncation timing vectors */
#define truncation_times_dist           /* timing distribution in seconds */ \

#define range_lengths_len       13      /* length of range length histogram */
#define range_lengths_dist              /* range lengths in bytes */ \

#define range_overlaps_len      13      /* length of overlaps eliminated by
                                           range coalesce */
#define range_overlaps_dist             /* range lengths in bytes */ \

#define trans_overlaps_len      13      /* length of overlaps eliminated by
                                           transaction coalesce */
#define trans_overlaps_dist             /* range lengths in bytes */ \

#define range_elims_len          6      /* ranges eliminated from log by
                                           range coalesce */
#define range_elims_dist                /* number of ranges */ \

#define trans_elims_len          6      /* ranges eliminated from log by
                                           trans coalesce */
#define trans_elims_dist                /* number of ranges */ \

#define trans_coalesces_len     6       /* transactions coalesced by
                                           trans coalesce */
#define trans_coalesces_dist            /* number of transactions */ \

/* RVM statistics record */
typedef struct
    rvm_struct_id_t struct_id;          /* self-identifier, do not change */
    rvm_bool_t      from_heap;          /* true if heap allocated;
                                           do not change */

                                        /* transaction statistics --
                                           current epoch */

    rvm_length_t    n_abort;            /* number of transactions aborted */
    rvm_length_t    n_flush_commit;     /* number of flush mode commits */
    rvm_length_t    n_no_flush_commit;  /* number of no_flush mode commits */
    rvm_length_t    n_uncommit;         /* number of uncommited transactions */
    rvm_length_t    n_no_flush;         /* number of queued no_flush transactions */
    rvm_length_t    n_truncation_wait;  /* total transactions delayed by truncation */
    rvm_offset_t    no_flush_length;    /* length of queued no_flush transactions */
                                        /* log statistics -- current epoch */

    rvm_length_t    n_split;            /* number trans split for log wrap */
    rvm_length_t    n_flush;            /* number of internal flushes */
    rvm_length_t    n_rvm_flush;        /* number of explicit flush calls */
    rvm_length_t    n_special;          /* number of special log records */
    rvm_length_t    n_wrap;             /* number of log wrap-arounds (0 or 1) */
    rvm_length_t    log_dev_cur;        /* current % log device in use */
    rvm_offset_t    log_written;        /* current length of writes to log */
    rvm_offset_t    range_overlap;      /* current overlap eliminated by range coalesce */
    rvm_offset_t    trans_overlap;      /* current overlap eliminated by trans coalesce */
    rvm_length_t    n_range_elim;       /* current number of ranges eliminated by
                                           range coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    n_trans_elim;       /* current number of ranges eliminated by
                                           trans coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    n_trans_coalesced;  /* number of transactions coalesced in
                                           this flush cycle */
    struct timeval  flush_time;         /* time spent in flushes */
    rvm_length_t    last_flush_time;    /* duration of last flush (msec) */
    rvm_length_t    last_truncation_time; /* duration of last truncation (sec) */
    rvm_length_t    last_tree_build_time; /* duration of tree build (sec) */
    rvm_length_t    last_tree_apply_time; /* duration of tree apply phase
                                             (sec) */

                                        /* histogram vectors */

    rvm_length_t    flush_times[flush_times_len]; /* flush timings (msec) */
    rvm_length_t    range_lengths[range_lengths_len]; /* range lengths flushed */
    rvm_length_t    range_elims[range_elims_len]; /* num ranges eliminated by
                                                     range coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    trans_elims[trans_elims_len]; /* num ranges eliminated by
                                                     trans coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    range_overlaps[range_overlaps_len]; /* space saved by
                                                           range coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    trans_overlaps[range_overlaps_len]; /* space saved by
                                                           trans coalesce/flush */

                                        /* transaction stats -- cumulative since log init */

    rvm_length_t    tot_abort;          /* total aborted transactions */
    rvm_length_t    tot_flush_commit;   /* total flush commits */
    rvm_length_t    tot_no_flush_commit; /* total no_flush commits */

                                        /* log stats -- cumulative */

    rvm_length_t    tot_split;          /* total transactions split for log wrap-around */
    rvm_length_t    tot_flush;          /* total internal flush calls  */
    rvm_length_t    tot_rvm_flush;      /* total explicit rvm_flush calls  */
    rvm_length_t    tot_special;        /* total special log records */
    rvm_length_t    tot_wrap;           /* total log wrap-arounds */
    rvm_length_t    log_dev_max;        /* maximum % log device used so far */
    rvm_offset_t    tot_log_written;    /* total length of all writes to log */
    rvm_offset_t    tot_range_overlap;  /* total overlap eliminated by range coalesce */
    rvm_offset_t    tot_trans_overlap;  /* total overlap eliminated by trans coalesce */
    rvm_length_t    tot_range_elim;     /* total number of ranges eliminated by
                                           range coalesce */
    rvm_length_t    tot_trans_elim;     /* total number of ranges eliminated by
                                           trans coalesce */
    rvm_length_t    tot_trans_coalesced; /* total number of transactions coalesced */
                                        /* truncation stats -- cummulative */

    rvm_length_t    tot_rvm_truncate;   /* total explicit rvm_truncate calls */
    rvm_length_t    tot_async_truncation; /* total asynchronous truncations */
    rvm_length_t    tot_sync_truncation; /* total forced synchronous truncations */
    rvm_length_t    tot_truncation_wait; /* total transactions delayed by truncation */
    rvm_length_t    tot_recovery;       /* total recovery truncations */
    struct timeval  tot_flush_time;     /* total time spent in flush */
    struct timeval  tot_truncation_time; /* cumulative truncation time */

                                        /* histogram vectors */
                                        /* truncation timings (sec) */
    rvm_length_t    tot_tree_build_times[truncation_times_len];
    rvm_length_t    tot_tree_apply_times[truncation_times_len];
    rvm_length_t    tot_truncation_times[truncation_times_len];
                                        /* cummulative flush timings (msec) */
    rvm_length_t    tot_flush_times[flush_times_len];
                                        /* cummulative range lengths */
    rvm_length_t    tot_range_lengths[range_lengths_len];
                                        /* total num ranges eliminated by
                                           range coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    tot_range_elims[range_elims_len];
                                        /* total num ranges eliminated by
                                           trans coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    tot_trans_elims[trans_elims_len];
                                        /* space saved by range coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    tot_range_overlaps[range_overlaps_len];
                                        /* space saved by trans coalesce/flush */
    rvm_length_t    tot_trans_overlaps[range_overlaps_len];
                                        /* transactions coalesced per flush  */
    rvm_length_t    tot_trans_coalesces[trans_coalesces_len];

/* get RVM statistics */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_statistics C_ARGS
    char                *version,       /* pointer to RVM statistics version string */
    rvm_statistics_t    *statistics     /* address of pointer to statistics
                                           descriptor] */
#define RVM_STATISTICS(statistics) \

/* rvm_statistics_t initializer, copier & finalizer */

extern rvm_statistics_t *rvm_malloc_statistics C_ARGS(());

extern void rvm_init_statistics C_ARGS
    rvm_statistics_t    *statistics     /* pointer to record to initialize */
extern rvm_statistics_t *rvm_copy_statistics C_ARGS
    rvm_statistics_t    *statistics     /* pointer to record to be copied */
extern void rvm_free_statistics C_ARGS
    rvm_statistics_t    *statistics     /* pointer to record to be freed */

/* rvm_statistics_t printer */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_print_statistics C_ARGS
    rvm_statistics_t    *statistics,    /* pointer to record to be printed */
    FILE                *out_stream     /* output stream */


 * Public definitions for the Recoverable Dynamic Storage package.

#ifndef _RDS_H_
#define _RDS_H_

#include "rvm.h"

#ifndef C_ARGS
#if c_plusplus
#define C_ARGS(arglist) arglist
#else   c_plusplus
#define C_ARGS(arglist) ()
#endif  c_plusplus
#endif  C_ARGS

/* Error codes */

#define SUCCESS             0
#define ERVM_FAILED         -1
#define EBAD_LIST           -2
#define EBAD_SEGMENT_HDR    -3
#define EHEAP_INIT          -5
#define EBAD_ARGS           -6
#define ECORRUPT            -7
#define EFREED_TWICE        -8
#define ENO_ROOM            -9

/* Function definitions */

extern int rds_zap_heap C_ARGS
      char                  *DevName,
      rvm_offset_t          DevLength,
      char                  *startAddr,
      rvm_length_t          staticLength,
      rvm_length_t          heapLength,
      unsigned long         nlists,
      unsigned long         chunkSize,
      int                   *err

extern int rds_init_heap C_ARGS
      char                  *base,
      rvm_length_t          length,
      unsigned long         chunkSize,
      unsigned long         nlists,
      rvm_tid_t             *tid,
      int                   *err

extern int rds_load_heap C_ARGS
      char                  *DevName,
      rvm_offset_t          DevLength,
      char                  **staticAddr,
      int                   *err

extern int rds_start_heap C_ARGS
      char                  *startAddr,
      int                   *err

extern int rds_prealloc C_ARGS
      unsigned long         size,
      unsigned long         nblocks,
      rvm_tid_t             *tid,
      int                   *err

extern char *rds_malloc C_ARGS
      unsigned long size,
      rvm_tid_t             *tid,
      int                   *err

extern int rds_free C_ARGS
      char                  *addr,
      rvm_tid_t             *tid,
      int                   *err

 * Because of bugs (see comment in rds_free.c) we don't actually want to free
 * objects until the end of the transaction. So fake_free records our intention
 * to free an object. do_free actually frees the object. It's called as part
 * of the commit.

typedef struct intlist {
    unsigned long           size;
    unsigned long           count;
    char                    **table;
} intentionList_t;

#define STARTSIZE 128                   /* Initial size of list, may grow over time */

extern int rds_fake_free C_ARGS
      char                 *addr,
      intentionList_t      *list

extern int rds_do_free C_ARGS
      intentionList_t       *list,
      rvm_mode_t            mode

/* Heap statistics reporting */
typedef struct {
    unsigned            malloc;         /* Allocation requests */
    unsigned            prealloc;       /* Preallocation requests */
    unsigned            free;           /* Block free requests */
    unsigned            coalesce;       /* Heap coalesce count */
    unsigned            hits;           /* No need to split */
    unsigned            misses;         /* Split required */
    unsigned            large_list;     /* Largest list pointer changed */
    unsigned            large_hits;     /* Large blocks present in list */
    unsigned            large_misses;   /* Large block split required */
    unsigned            merged;         /* Objects merged from coalesce */
    unsigned            unmerged;       /* Objects not merged in coalesce */
    unsigned            freebytes;      /* Number of free bytes in heap */
    unsigned            mallocbytes;    /* Bytes allocated */
} rds_stats_t;

extern rds_print_stats C_ARGS(());
extern rds_clear_stats C_ARGS
      int                      *err
extern rds_get_stats   C_ARGS((rds_stats_t *stats));  

extern rds_trace_on    C_ARGS((void (*printer)(char *, ...)));
extern rds_trace_off   C_ARGS(());
extern rds_trace_dump_heap  C_ARGS(());

#endif _RDS_H_

 * Segment Loader public definitions

#ifndef _RVM_SEGMENT_H_
#define _RVM_SEGMENT_H_

#include "rvm.h"

/* region definition descriptor */
typedef struct
    rvm_offset_t        offset;         /* region's offset in segment */
    rvm_length_t        length;         /* region length */
    char                *vmaddr;        /* mapping address for region */

/* initializer for region definition descriptor */
#define RVM_INIT_REGION(region,off,len,addr) \
    (region).length = (len); \
    (region).vmaddr = (addr); \
    (region).offset = (off);

/* error code for damaged segment header */
#define RVM_ESEGMENT_HDR 2000

/* define regions within a segment for segement loader */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_create_segment C_ARGS
    char                *DevName,       /* pointer to data device name */
    rvm_offset_t        DevLength,      /* Length of dataDev if really a device */
    rvm_options_t       *options,       /* options record for RVM */
    rvm_length_t        nregions,       /* number of regions defined for segment*/
    rvm_region_def_t    *region_defs    /* array of region defs for segment */

/* load regions of a segment */
extern rvm_return_t rvm_load_segment C_ARGS 
    char                *DevName,       /* pointer to data device name */
    rvm_offset_t        DevLength,      /* Length of dataDev if really a device */
    rvm_options_t       *options,       /* options record for RVM */
    unsigned long       *nregions,      /* returned -- number of regions mapped */
    rvm_region_def_t    *regions[]      /* returned array of region descriptors */

#endif _RVM_SEGMENT_H_

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