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RPC2 User Guide and Reference Manual

M. Satyanarayanan (Editor) Richard Draves, James Kistler, Anders Klemets, Qi Lu, Lily Mummert, David Nichols, Larry Raper, Gowthami Rajendran, Jonathan Rosenberg, Ellen Siegel

Thanks This work has been supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Avionics Lab, Wright Research and Development Center, Aeronautical Systems Division (AFSC), U.S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 45433-6543 under Contract F33615-90-C-1465, ARPA Order No. 7597), the National Science Foundation (CCR-8657907), and the IBM Corporation (Andrew Project, Faculty Development Grant, Research Initiation Grant), and Digital Equipment Corporation (External Research Project). The views and conclusion expressed in this paper are those of the authors, and should not be interpreted as those of DARPA, NSF, IBM, DEC or Carnegie Mellon University.

This manual describes the programming interface and internal design of RPC2, a highly portable and extensible remote procedure call package for Unix. RPC2 runs on top of the IP/UDP protocol, and provides support for streaming file transfer, parallel RPC calls, and IP-level multicast. The manual also describes two other packages used by RPC2: RP2Gen, a stub generator, and LWP, a coroutine-based lightweight process package. All the software described in this manual runs at user-level on the Unix 4.3BSD interface; no kernel modifications are necessary. The software has been ported to a variety of machine architectures (such as IBM-RT, MIPS, Sun2, Sun3, Sparc, and i386) and to variants of the Unix operating system (such as Mach, SunOS and AIX).

1. Preface

2. Overview and Examples

3. The RP2Gen Stub Generator

4. RPC2 Runtime System

5. SFTP: A Side Effect for Bulk Data Transfer

6. MultiRPC

7. Multicast

8. Chapter(The Basic LWP Package)

9. The Lock Package

10. The IOMGR Package

11. The Timer Package

12. The Preemption Package

13. The Fast Time Package

14. RPC2 Internals

15. Failure Detection

16. SFTP Internals

17. Adding New Kinds of Side Effects

18. Implementation of MultiRPC

19. Usage and Implementation Notes

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