(object Petal version 42 _written "Rose 4.5.8054.1" charSet 0) (object Design "Logical View" is_unit TRUE is_loaded TRUE defaults (object defaults rightMargin 0.250000 leftMargin 0.250000 topMargin 0.250000 bottomMargin 0.500000 pageOverlap 0.250000 clipIconLabels TRUE autoResize TRUE snapToGrid TRUE gridX 15 gridY 15 defaultFont (object Font size 10 face "Arial" bold FALSE italics FALSE underline FALSE strike FALSE color 0 default_color TRUE) showMessageNum 1 showClassOfObject TRUE notation "Unified") root_usecase_package (object Class_Category "Use Case View" quid "38E702180332" exportControl "Public" global TRUE logical_models (list unit_reference_list) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object UseCaseDiagram "Main" quid "38E7021B0028" title "Main" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list)))) root_category (object Class_Category "Logical View" quid "38E702180331" exportControl "Public" global TRUE subsystem "Component View" quidu "38E702180344" logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Class "Client" quid "38E70235006B" used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BB430344" documentation "Uses UpdtClientStats via LogStats" label "Stat Logging" supplier "Logical View::StatLogger" quidu "38E7AE2D02B1" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BC4D01D4" documentation "Uses the profile to control generation of requests" label "Traffic Generation" supplier "Logical View::TrafficProfile" quidu "38E7063F034C" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BD6A02CE" documentation "Debugging purposes" label "Trace/Debug" supplier "Logical View::Tracer" quidu "38E7AED5021C" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38EBBEAD015C" supplier "Logical View::IPAddress" quidu "38E704580388")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "SendRequest" quid "38E79B580105" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "RecvRequest" quid "38E79B6C008B" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "LogStats" quid "38E7A9460357" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0)) class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "IPAddr" quid "38E702850246" type "IPAddress") (object ClassAttribute "DirIP" quid "38E7041A0158" type "IPAddress")) language "C++") (object Class "Director" quid "38E7030B0343" used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BBCE0182" documentation "Uses Updt DirectorStats via Logstats" label "LogStats" supplier "Logical View::StatLogger" quidu "38E7AE2D02B1" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BD6201A0" documentation "Debugging purposes" label "Trace/Debug" supplier "Logical View::Tracer" quidu "38E7AED5021C" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38EBBEB90344" supplier "Logical View::IPAddress" quidu "38E704580388")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "RecvRequest" quid "38E79B7B000B" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "GetEligibleServer" quid "38E79B840036" documentation |The heart of the Director. |Implements a Load Balancing Algorithm and selects a real server to route to. result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "SendRequest" quid "38E79B920004" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "ProbeServers" quid "38E79DCB0260" documentation |Request load data from servers. |Need to see how this is implemented in LVS. result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "LogStats" quid "38E7AE0B00C7" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0)) class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "IPAddr" quid "38E7034700A1" type "IPAddress") (object ClassAttribute "ServerList" quid "38E703700009" documentation "The List of Server Objects. Used only for simulation." type "Server *" initv "NULL") (object ClassAttribute "MTBF" quid "38E70699005D" type "double" initv "0.0") (object ClassAttribute "IPRouting" quid "38E7CE810225" documentation |What kind of IP routing is implemented? |Choices are - |Network Address Translation |IP Tunneling |Direct Routing type "int")) language "C++") (object Class "Server" quid "38E7031901B3" used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BBD20119" documentation "Uses UpdtServerStats via LogStats" supplier "Logical View::StatLogger" quidu "38E7AE2D02B1" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BD5E02BD" documentation "Debugging purposes" label "Trace/Debug" supplier "Logical View::Tracer" quidu "38E7AED5021C" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38EBBEC7036D" supplier "Logical View::IPAddress" quidu "38E704580388")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "RecvRequest" quid "38E79BA003BB" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "SendRequest" quid "38E7B617035F" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "ProcRequest" quid "38E79BAE032F" documentation |Process the request. |May involve setting up a session or simply returning data to the client(via network.) result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "GetLoadInfo" quid "38E79DDE022B" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "GetStatus" quid "38E7ADA403C2" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "SetStatus" quid "38E7ADAF021A" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "LogStats" quid "38E7AE1B01D9" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0)) class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "IPAddr" quid "38E7032C03B9" type "IPAddress") (object ClassAttribute "MTBF" quid "38E7066000AB" type "double" initv "0.0") (object ClassAttribute "Status" quid "38E7AD91002C" type "int")) language "C++") (object Class "IPAddress" quid "38E704580388" operations (list Operations (object Operation "Set" quid "38E70511035C" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "Get" quid "38E79D8E02B3" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "==(otherIP : IPAddress& = IPAddress)" quid "38E7054B00D5" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "=" quid "38E79EB50307" parameters (list Parameters (object Parameter "otherIP" type "IPAddress")) result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0)) class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "Num1" quid "38E7048E001F" documentation "Contains first group of xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx IP Address" type "int" initv "0") (object ClassAttribute "Num2" quid "38E704AE01DD" type "int" initv "0") (object ClassAttribute "Num3" quid "38E704AE036E" type "int" initv "0") (object ClassAttribute "Num4" quid "38E704AF00B2" type "int" initv "0")) language "C++") (object Class "TrafficProfile" quid "38E7063F034C" documentation "Based on Arthur's Thesis report and other papers on traffic generation" class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "ProfId" quid "38E7AB7700FA" documentation "Foreign key from a list of Profiles available" type "int")) language "C++") (object Class "Network" quid "38E7AA87025E" documentation "Models n/w behaviour, static for now, should have pseudo-random behaviour for delay, no-route, etc." used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BBA00258" documentation "Uses UpdtNetworkStats via LogStats" label "Stat Logging" supplier "Logical View::StatLogger" quidu "38E7AE2D02B1" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38E7BD680091" documentation "Debugging purposes" label "Trace/Debug" supplier "Logical View::Tracer" quidu "38E7AED5021C" supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1") client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")) (object Uses_Relationship quid "38EBBEB20240" supplier "Logical View::IPAddress" quidu "38E704580388")) operations (list Operations (object Operation "RecvRequest" quid "38E7AC6A023A" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "SendRequest" quid "38E7AC7203E0" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "LogStats" quid "38E7B4AF01B2" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0)) class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "Delay" quid "38E7AB2A037B" type "double")) language "C++") (object Class "Request" quid "38E7ACDC020C" documentation "IP request. Contains most of the IP fields" class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "SrcAddr" quid "38E7ACEF0282" type "IPAddress") (object ClassAttribute "DestAddr" quid "38E7AD0002C2" type "IPAddr") (object ClassAttribute "Status" quid "38E7B13E016F" type "int")) language "C++") (object Class "StatLogger" quid "38E7AE2D02B1" documentation "Maintains a stat file each for clients, servers and the director" operations (list Operations (object Operation "UpdtClientStats" quid "38E7AE3F0339" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "UpdtDirectorStats" quid "38E7AE51014A" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "UpdtServerStats" quid "38E7AE5F0295" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "GenerateReport" quid "38E7AEA4003B" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0) (object Operation "UpdtNetworkStats" quid "38E7B57501D5" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0)) class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "ClientFile" quid "38E7B1FA030A" type "CStdioFile") (object ClassAttribute "DirectorFile" quid "38E7B21202D3" type "CStdioFile") (object ClassAttribute "ServerFile" quid "38E7B21D0184" type "CStdioFile")) language "C++") (object Class "Tracer" quid "38E7AED5021C" documentation "Logs Debug/Trace Messages in a file" operations (list Operations (object Operation "WriteMessage" quid "38E7AEDE016B" result "int" concurrency "Sequential" opExportControl "Public" uid 0)) class_attributes (list class_attribute_list (object ClassAttribute "TraceFile" quid "38E7AF1B0263" documentation |Use MSVC class |In non-windows implementation, change this to a FILE * or an int, with the file id type "CStdioFile")) language "C++") (object Class "NewClass" quid "38E7CF3C030A" language "C++") (object Association "ServerList" quid "38E703AB0217" roles (list role_list (object Role "IPAddr" quid "38E703AC01A0" label "IPAddr" supplier "Logical View::Server" quidu "38E7031901B3" is_navigable TRUE) (object Role "ServerId" quid "38E703AC01A1" label "ServerId" supplier "Logical View::Director" quidu "38E7030B0343" is_navigable TRUE))) (object Mechanism @1 logical_models (list unit_reference_list (object Object "Client" quid "38E7B34500DF" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "38E7B3700286" supplier "Network" quidu "38E7B35E01B8" messages (list Messages (object Message "RecvRequest( )" quid "38E7B3700290" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 1 quidu "38E7AC6A023A") (object Message "RecvRequest( )" quid "38E7B8D901A1" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "ToClientFromSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 18 quidu "38E79B6C008B"))) (object Link quid "38E7B3BA0084" supplier "Client" quidu "38E7B34500DF" messages (list Messages (object Message "SendRequest( )" quid "38E7B3BA0085" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 0 quidu "38E79B580105") (object Message "LogStats( )" quid "38E7B45F0334" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 3 quidu "38E7A9460357"))) (object Link quid "38E7B54E034B" supplier "StatLogger" quidu "38E7B4EA0012" messages (list Messages (object Message "UpdtClientStats( )" quid "38E7B54E034C" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 4 quidu "38E7AE3F0339") (object Message "UpdtClientStats( )" quid "38E7B9380252" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 19 quidu "38E7AE3F0339")))) class "Logical View::Client" quidu "38E70235006B" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Network" quid "38E7B35E01B8" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "38E7B3A802AE" supplier "Director" quidu "38E7B39902CB" messages (list Messages (object Message "RecvRequest( )" quid "38E7B3A802AF" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 5 quidu "38E79B7B000B"))) (object Link quid "38E7B4380342" supplier "Network" quidu "38E7B35E01B8" messages (list Messages (object Message "SendRequest( )" quid "38E7B4380343" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 2 quidu "38E7AC7203E0") (object Message "LogStats( )" quid "38E7B4A001C5" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 7 quidu "38E7B4AF01B2") (object Message "SendRequest( )" quid "38E7B8B301E3" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 16 quidu "38E7AC7203E0"))) (object Link quid "38E7B55F016F" supplier "StatLogger" quidu "38E7B4EA0012" messages (list Messages (object Message "UpdtNetworkStats( )" quid "38E7B55F0170" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 8 quidu "38E7B57501D5") (object Message "UpdtNetworkStats( )" quid "38E7B90E01B1" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 17 quidu "38E7B57501D5")))) class "Logical View::Network" quidu "38E7AA87025E" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Director" quid "38E7B39902CB" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "38E7B3DF00A5" supplier "Director" quidu "38E7B39902CB" messages (list Messages (object Message "GetEligibleServer( )" quid "38E7B3DF00A6" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 6 quidu "38E79B840036") (object Message "SendRequest( )" quid "38E7B5300027" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 9 quidu "38E79B920004") (object Message "LogStats( )" quid "38E7B59300AC" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 11 quidu "38E7AE0B00C7"))) (object Link quid "38E7B5090234" supplier "Server" quidu "38E7B4D10374" messages (list Messages (object Message "RecvRequest( )" quid "38E7B5090235" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 10 quidu "38E79BA003BB"))) (object Link quid "38E7B5A50080" supplier "StatLogger" quidu "38E7B4EA0012" messages (list Messages (object Message "UpdtDirectorStats( )" quid "38E7B5A50081" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 12 quidu "38E7AE51014A")))) class "Logical View::Director" quidu "38E7030B0343" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "Server" quid "38E7B4D10374" collaborators (list link_list (object Link quid "38E7B8740047" supplier "Network" quidu "38E7B35E01B8" messages (list Messages (object Message "RecvRequest( )" quid "38E7B8740048" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 15 quidu "38E7AC6A023A"))) (object Link quid "38E7B88B0163" supplier "Server" quidu "38E7B4D10374" messages (list Messages (object Message "SendRequest( )" quid "38E7B88B0164" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 13 quidu "38E7B617035F"))) (object Link quid "38E7B957017A" supplier "StatLogger" quidu "38E7B4EA0012" messages (list Messages (object Message "UpdtServerStats( )" quid "38E7B957017B" frequency "Aperiodic" synchronization "Simple" dir "FromClientToSupplier" sequence "" ordinal 14 quidu "38E7AE5F0295")))) class "Logical View::Server" quidu "38E7031901B3" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE) (object Object "StatLogger" quid "38E7B4EA0012" class "Logical View::StatLogger" quidu "38E7AE2D02B1" persistence "Transient" multi FALSE)))) logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object ClassDiagram "Main" quid "38E7021B0045" title "Main" zoom 95 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::IPAddress" @2 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE SuppressAttribute TRUE SuppressOperation TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (750, 1635) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @2 location (617, 1614) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 267 justify 0 label "IPAddress") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E704580388" width 285 height 65 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Network" @3 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (840, 810) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @3 location (687, 670) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 306 justify 0 label "Network") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7AA87025E" compartment (object Compartment Parent_View @3 location (687, 725) icon_style "Icon" fill_color 13434879 anchor 2 nlines 5 max_width 310) width 324 height 302 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TrafficProfile" @4 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (255, 120) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @4 location (130, 47) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 250 justify 0 label "TrafficProfile") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7063F034C" compartment (object Compartment Parent_View @4 location (130, 102) icon_style "Icon" fill_color 16777215 anchor 2 nlines 2 max_width 213) width 268 height 168 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::StatLogger" @5 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1395, 240) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @5 location (1162, 10) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 466 justify 0 label "StatLogger") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7AE2D02B1" compartment (object Compartment Parent_View @5 location (1162, 65) icon_style "Icon" fill_color 13434879 anchor 2 nlines 9 max_width 470) width 484 height 482 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Tracer" @6 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1710, 1620) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @6 location (1497, 1525) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 426 justify 0 label "Tracer") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7AED5021C" compartment (object Compartment Parent_View @6 location (1497, 1580) icon_style "Icon" fill_color 13434879 anchor 2 nlines 3 max_width 430) width 444 height 212 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object UsesView "Stat Logging" @7 label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @7 location (1072, 569) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 228 justify 0 label "Stat Logging") stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BBA00258" client @3 supplier @5 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Server" @8 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (2040, 900) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @8 location (1842, 625) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 396 justify 0 label "Server") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7031901B3" compartment (object Compartment Parent_View @8 location (1842, 680) icon_style "Icon" fill_color 13434879 anchor 2 nlines 11 max_width 387) width 414 height 572 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object UsesView "" @9 stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BBD20119" client @8 supplier @5 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Director" @10 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (1440, 870) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @10 location (1174, 617) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 532 justify 0 label "Director") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7030B0343" compartment (object Compartment Parent_View @10 location (1174, 672) icon_style "Icon" fill_color 13434879 anchor 2 nlines 10 max_width 526) width 550 height 528 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object UsesView "LogStats" @11 label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @11 location (1415, 543) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 156 justify 0 label "LogStats") stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BBCE0182" client @10 supplier @5 line_style 0) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Client" @12 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (225, 810) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @12 location (37, 647) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 376 justify 0 label "Client") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E70235006B" compartment (object Compartment Parent_View @12 location (37, 702) icon_style "Icon" fill_color 13434879 anchor 2 nlines 6 max_width 380) width 394 height 348 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Request" @13 ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE IncludeAttribute TRUE IncludeOperation TRUE location (2010, 210) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @13 location (1810, 92) fill_color 13434879 nlines 1 max_width 400 justify 0 label "Request") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7ACDC020C" compartment (object Compartment Parent_View @13 location (1810, 147) icon_style "Icon" fill_color 13434879 anchor 2 nlines 4 max_width 405) width 418 height 258 annotation 8 autoResize TRUE) (object UsesView "Trace/Debug" @14 label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @14 location (1832, 1350) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 228 justify 0 label "Trace/Debug") stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BD5E02BD" client @8 supplier @6 line_style 0) (object UsesView "Trace/Debug" @15 label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @15 location (1602, 1323) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 228 justify 0 label "Trace/Debug") stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BD6201A0" client @10 supplier @6 line_style 0) (object UsesView "Trace/Debug" @16 label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @16 location (1299, 1237) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 228 justify 0 label "Trace/Debug") stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BD680091" client @3 supplier @6 line_style 0) (object UsesView "Stat Logging" @17 label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @17 location (787, 534) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 228 justify 0 label "Stat Logging") stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BB430344" client @12 supplier @5 line_style 0) (object UsesView "Traffic Generation" @18 label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @18 location (241, 420) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 312 justify 0 label "Traffic Generation") stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BC4D01D4" client @12 supplier @4 line_style 0) (object UsesView "Trace/Debug" @19 label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @19 location (969, 1215) anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 228 justify 0 label "Trace/Debug") stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38E7BD6A02CE" client @12 supplier @6 line_style 0) (object UsesView "" @20 stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38EBBEAD015C" client @12 supplier @2 line_style 0) (object UsesView "" @21 stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38EBBEB20240" client @3 supplier @2 line_style 0) (object UsesView "" @22 stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38EBBEB90344" client @10 supplier @2 line_style 0) (object UsesView "" @23 stereotype TRUE line_color 3342489 quidu "38EBBEC7036D" client @8 supplier @2 line_style 0))) (object InteractionDiagram "Cl-Nw-Dr-Sr-Nw-Cl" mechanism_ref @1 quid "38E7B33C01D7" title "Cl-Nw-Dr-Sr-Nw-Cl" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list (object InterObjView "Client" @24 location (750, 225) font (object Font underline TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @24 location (750, 225) fill_color 13434879 anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "Client") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7B34500DF" width 300 height 1935 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @25 location (750, 270) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @24 height 480 y_coord 420 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @26 location (750, 1860) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @24 height 150 y_coord 90 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "Network" @27 location (1110, 225) font (object Font underline TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @27 location (1110, 225) fill_color 13434879 anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "Network") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7B35E01B8" width 300 height 1935 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @28 location (1110, 480) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @27 height 450 y_coord 390 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @29 location (1110, 1545) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @27 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @30 location (1110, 1605) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @27 height 465 y_coord 405 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "Director" @31 location (1485, 225) font (object Font underline TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @31 location (1485, 225) fill_color 13434879 anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "Director") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7B39902CB" width 300 height 1935 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @32 location (1485, 690) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @31 height 600 y_coord 540 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "Server" @33 location (1905, 225) font (object Font underline TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @33 location (1905, 225) fill_color 13434879 anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "Server") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7B4D10374" width 300 height 1935 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @34 location (1905, 975) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @33 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @35 location (1905, 1320) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @33 height 210 y_coord 150 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @36 location (1905, 1485) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @33 height 180 y_coord 120 Nested FALSE)) (object InterObjView "StatLogger" @37 location (420, 225) font (object Font underline TRUE) label (object ItemLabel Parent_View @37 location (420, 225) fill_color 13434879 anchor_loc 1 nlines 2 max_width 282 justify 0 label "StatLogger") icon_style "Icon" line_color 3342489 fill_color 13434879 quidu "38E7B4EA0012" width 300 height 1935 icon_height 0 icon_width 0 annotation 1 Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @38 location (420, 630) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @37 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @39 location (420, 810) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @37 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @40 location (420, 1170) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @37 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @41 location (420, 1410) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @37 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @42 location (420, 1755) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @37 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE) Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @43 location (420, 1890) line_color 3342489 InterObjView @37 height 60 y_coord 0 Nested FALSE)) (object InterMessView "" @44 location (0, 480) label (object SegLabel @45 Parent_View @44 location (912, 450) quidu "38E7B3700290" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 267 justify 0 label "RecvRequest( )" pctDist 0.445122 height 31 orientation 0) line_color 3342489 client @24 supplier @27 Focus_Src @25 Focus_Entry @28 origin (766, 480) terminus (1094, 480) ordinal 1) (object InterMessView "" @46 location (0, 690) label (object SegLabel @47 Parent_View @46 location (1296, 664) quidu "38E7B3A802AF" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 267 justify 0 label "RecvRequest( )" pctDist 0.498542 height 27 orientation 0) line_color 3342489 client @27 supplier @31 Focus_Src @28 Focus_Entry @32 origin (1126, 690) terminus (1469, 690) ordinal 5) (object SelfMessView "" @48 location (0, 345) label (object SegLabel @49 Parent_View @48 location (986, 376) quidu "38E7B3BA0085" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 272 justify 0 label "SendRequest( )" pctDist 1.466667 height 31 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @24 supplier @24 Focus_Src @25 origin (766, 345) terminus (916, 345) ordinal 0) (object SelfMessView "" @50 location (0, 720) label (object SegLabel @51 Parent_View @50 location (1709, 737) quidu "38E7B3DF00A6" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 342 justify 0 label "GetEligibleServer( )" pctDist 1.386667 height 17 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @31 supplier @31 Focus_Src @32 origin (1501, 720) terminus (1651, 720) ordinal 6) (object SelfMessView "" @52 location (0, 510) label (object SegLabel @53 Parent_View @52 location (1291, 542) quidu "38E7B4380343" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 272 justify 0 label "SendRequest( )" pctDist 1.100000 height 32 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @27 supplier @27 Focus_Src @28 origin (1126, 510) terminus (1276, 510) ordinal 2) (object SelfMessView "" @54 location (0, 555) label (object SegLabel @55 Parent_View @54 location (916, 587) quidu "38E7B45F0334" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 192 justify 0 label "LogStats( )" pctDist 1.000000 height 32 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @24 supplier @24 Focus_Src @25 origin (766, 555) terminus (916, 555) ordinal 3) (object SelfMessView "" @56 location (0, 750) label (object SegLabel @57 Parent_View @56 location (1260, 781) quidu "38E7B4A001C5" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 192 justify 0 label "LogStats( )" pctDist 0.900000 height 31 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @27 supplier @27 Focus_Src @28 origin (1126, 750) terminus (1276, 750) ordinal 7) (object InterMessView "" @58 location (0, 975) label (object SegLabel @59 Parent_View @58 location (1695, 944) quidu "38E7B5090235" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 267 justify 0 label "RecvRequest( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 32 orientation 0) line_color 3342489 client @31 supplier @33 Focus_Src @32 Focus_Entry @34 origin (1501, 975) terminus (1889, 975) ordinal 10) (object SelfMessView "" @60 location (0, 825) label (object SegLabel @61 Parent_View @60 location (1681, 856) quidu "38E7B5300027" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 272 justify 0 label "SendRequest( )" pctDist 1.200000 height 31 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @31 supplier @31 Focus_Src @32 origin (1501, 825) terminus (1651, 825) ordinal 9) (object InterMessView "" @62 location (0, 630) label (object SegLabel @63 Parent_View @62 location (585, 602) quidu "38E7B54E034C" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 307 justify 0 label "UpdtClientStats( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 29 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @24 supplier @37 Focus_Src @25 Focus_Entry @38 origin (734, 630) terminus (436, 630) ordinal 4) (object InterMessView "" @64 location (0, 810) label (object SegLabel @65 Parent_View @64 location (767, 782) quidu "38E7B55F0170" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 350 justify 0 label "UpdtNetworkStats( )" pctDist 0.498480 height 29 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @27 supplier @37 Focus_Src @28 Focus_Entry @39 origin (1094, 810) terminus (436, 810) ordinal 8) (object SelfMessView "" @66 location (0, 1035) label (object SegLabel @67 Parent_View @66 location (1646, 1053) quidu "38E7B59300AC" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 192 justify 0 label "LogStats( )" pctDist 0.973333 height 18 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @31 supplier @31 Focus_Src @32 origin (1501, 1035) terminus (1651, 1035) ordinal 11) (object InterMessView "" @68 location (0, 1170) label (object SegLabel @69 Parent_View @68 location (953, 1126) quidu "38E7B5A50081" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 347 justify 0 label "UpdtDirectorStats( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @31 supplier @37 Focus_Src @32 Focus_Entry @40 origin (1469, 1170) terminus (436, 1170) ordinal 12) (object InterMessView "" @70 location (0, 1545) label (object SegLabel @71 Parent_View @70 location (1508, 1501) quidu "38E7B8740048" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 267 justify 0 label "RecvRequest( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @33 supplier @27 Focus_Src @36 Focus_Entry @29 origin (1889, 1545) terminus (1126, 1545) ordinal 15) (object SelfMessView "" @72 location (0, 1320) label (object SegLabel @73 Parent_View @72 location (2086, 1351) quidu "38E7B88B0164" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 272 justify 0 label "SendRequest( )" pctDist 1.100000 height 31 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @33 supplier @33 Focus_Src @35 origin (1921, 1320) terminus (2071, 1320) ordinal 13) (object SelfMessView "" @74 location (0, 1620) label (object SegLabel @75 Parent_View @74 location (1320, 1651) quidu "38E7B8B301E3" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 272 justify 0 label "SendRequest( )" pctDist 1.300000 height 31 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @27 supplier @27 Focus_Src @30 origin (1126, 1620) terminus (1276, 1620) ordinal 16) (object InterMessView "" @76 location (0, 1860) label (object SegLabel @77 Parent_View @76 location (930, 1817) quidu "38E7B8D901A1" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 267 justify 0 label "RecvRequest( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 44 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @27 supplier @24 Focus_Src @30 Focus_Entry @26 origin (1094, 1860) terminus (766, 1860) ordinal 18) (object InterMessView "" @78 location (0, 1755) label (object SegLabel @79 Parent_View @78 location (767, 1712) quidu "38E7B90E01B1" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 350 justify 0 label "UpdtNetworkStats( )" pctDist 0.498480 height 44 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @27 supplier @37 Focus_Src @30 Focus_Entry @42 origin (1094, 1755) terminus (436, 1755) ordinal 17) (object InterMessView "" @80 location (0, 1890) label (object SegLabel @81 Parent_View @80 location (585, 1846) quidu "38E7B9380252" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 307 justify 0 label "UpdtClientStats( )" pctDist 0.500000 height 45 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @24 supplier @37 Focus_Src @26 Focus_Entry @43 origin (734, 1890) terminus (436, 1890) ordinal 19) (object InterMessView "" @82 location (0, 1410) label (object SegLabel @83 Parent_View @82 location (1163, 1382) quidu "38E7B957017B" anchor_loc 1 nlines 1 max_width 322 justify 0 label "UpdtServerStats( )" pctDist 0.499656 height 29 orientation 1) line_color 3342489 client @33 supplier @37 Focus_Src @35 Focus_Entry @41 origin (1889, 1410) terminus (436, 1410) ordinal 14))))) root_subsystem (object SubSystem "Component View" quid "38E702180344" physical_models (list unit_reference_list) physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list (object Module_Diagram "Main" quid "38E7021B0027" title "Main" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list)))) process_structure (object Processes quid "38E702180345" ProcsNDevs (list (object Process_Diagram "Deployment View" quid "38E702180347" title "Deployment View" zoom 100 max_height 28350 max_width 21600 origin_x 0 origin_y 0 items (list diagram_item_list)))) properties (object Properties attributes (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "propertyId" value "809135966") (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "default__Project" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "DataBase" value ("DataBaseSet" 800)) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "DataBaseSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "ANSI" value 800) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "Oracle" value 801) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "SQLServer" value 802) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "Sybase" value 803) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "Watcom" value 804))) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "PrimaryKeyColumnName" value "Id") (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "PrimaryKeyColumnType" value "NUMBER(5)") (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "ViewName" value "V_") (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "TableName" value "T_") (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "InheritSuffix" value "_V") (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "DropClause" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "BaseViews" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "DDLScriptFilename" value "DDL1.SQL"))) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "ColumnType" value "VARCHAR") (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "Length" value "") (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "NullsOK" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "PrimaryKey" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "Unique" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "CompositeUnique" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "CheckConstraint" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "DDL" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "propertyId" value "809135966") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Project" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "CreateMissingDirectories" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "StopOnError" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Directory" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GeneratePreserveRegions" value TRUE))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "ImplementationType" value "") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "ConstValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GenerateDefaultSpecifier" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "DefaultSpecifier" value "") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IDLElement" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IDLSpecificationType" value ("IDLSpecSet" 22)) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IDLSpecSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Interface" value 22) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Typedef" value 54) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Enumeration" value 8) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Const" value 71) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Exception" value 61) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Struct" value 51) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Union" value 81))))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "CmIdentification" value (value Text " %X% %Q% %Z% %W%")) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "CopyrightNotice" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "FileName" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GenerateIDLModule" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "InclusionProtectionSymbol" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "AdditionalIncludes" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IncludeBySimpleName" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Module-Body" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "CmIdentification" value (value Text " %X% %Q% %Z% %W%")) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "CopyrightNotice" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "FileName" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "AdditionalIncludes" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IncludeBySimpleName" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "OperationIsOneWay" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Context" value "") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Raises" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "CaseSpecifier" value "") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "DataMemberName" value "$relationship") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IsReadOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IsConst" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "ConstValue" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Has" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "the_$supplier") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "DataMemberName" value "$relationship") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GenerateForwardReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IsReadOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "BoundedHasRelType" value ("HasRelTypeSet" 47)) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "HasRelTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Array" value 24) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Sequence" value 47))))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "the_$supplier") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "DataMemberName" value "$relationship") (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GenerateForwardReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "IsReadOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "BoundedRoleType" value ("AssocTypeSet" 47)) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "AssocTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Array" value 24) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Sequence" value 47))))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Uses" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "GenerateForwardReference" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "default__Subsystem" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "Directory" value "AUTO GENERATE"))) (object Attribute tool "IDL" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "propertyId" value "809135966") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Project" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UseMSVC" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "HeaderFileExtension" value "h") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "HeaderFileBackupExtension" value "h~") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "HeaderFileTemporaryExtension" value "h#") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeFileExtension" value "cpp") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeFileBackupExtension" value "cp~") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeFileTemporaryExtension" value "cp#") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CreateMissingDirectories" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "StopOnError" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ErrorLimit" value 30) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Directory" value "$ROSECPP_SOURCE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "PathSeparator" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FileNameFormat" value "128vx_b") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BooleanType" value "int") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AllowTemplates" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AllowProtectedInheritance" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CommentWidth" value 60) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OneByValueContainer" value "$targetClass") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OneByReferenceContainer" value "$targetClass *") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OptionalByValueContainer" value "OptionalByValue<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OptionalByReferenceContainer" value "$targetClass *") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FixedByValueContainer" value "$targetClass[$limit]") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedFixedByValueContainer" value "$targetClass[$limit]") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FixedByReferenceContainer" value "$targetClass *[$limit]") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedFixedByReferenceContainer" value "$targetClass *[$limit]") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BoundedByValueContainer" value "BoundedListByValue<$targetClass,$limit>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedBoundedByValueContainer" value "BoundedSetByValue<$targetClass,$limit>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BoundedByReferenceContainer" value "BoundedListByReference<$targetClass,$limit>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedBoundedByReferenceContainer" value "BoundedSetByReference<$targetClass,$limit>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnboundedByValueContainer" value "UnboundedListByValue<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedUnboundedByValueContainer" value "UnboundedSetByValue<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnboundedByReferenceContainer" value "UnboundedListByReference<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedUnboundedByReferenceContainer" value "UnboundedSetByReference<$targetClass>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedByValueContainer" value "AssociationByValue<$qualtype, $qualcont>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedQualifiedByValueContainer" value "DictionaryByValue<$qualtype, $qualcont>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedByReferenceContainer" value "AssociationByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "UnorderedQualifiedByReferenceContainer" value "DictionaryByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GeneratePreserveRegions" value TRUE))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ImplementationType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ClassKey" value "class") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "PutBodiesInSpec" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDefaultConstructor" value ("GenerateSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DefaultConstructorVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineDefaultConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ExplicitDefaultConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateCopyConstructor" value ("GenerateSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CopyConstructorVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineCopyConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ExplicitCopyConstructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDestructor" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DestructorVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DestructorKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineDestructor" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAssignmentOperation" value ("GenerateSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssignmentVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssignmentKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineAssignmentOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEqualityOperations" value ("GenerateSet" 199)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "EqualityVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "EqualityKind" value ("FriendKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineEqualityOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateRelationalOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "RelationalVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "RelationalKind" value ("FriendKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineRelationalOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateStorageMgmtOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "StorageMgmtVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineStorageMgmtOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSubscriptOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SubscriptVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SubscriptKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SubscriptResultType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineSubscriptOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDereferenceOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DereferenceVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DereferenceKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DereferenceResultType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineDereferenceOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateIndirectionOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IndirectionVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IndirectionKind" value ("ThreeKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IndirectionResultType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineIndirectionOperation" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateStreamOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "StreamVisibility" value ("VisibilitySet" 45)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineStreamOperations" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ThreeKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "KindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FriendKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DeclareAndDefine" value 199) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DeclareOnly" value 205) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DoNotDeclare" value 206))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "VisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ConstValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDefaultSpecifier" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DefaultSpecifier" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CmIdentification" value (value Text " %X% %Q% %Z% %W%")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CopyrightNotice" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FileName" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AllowExtensionlessFileName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InclusionProtectionSymbol" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeFormat" value (value Text |// $package |#include "$file" | )) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeBySimpleName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludePrecompiledHeader" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeOrder" value "AMIR") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AdditionalIncludes" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InliningStyle" value ("InliningStyleSet" 207)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InliningStyleSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InClassDeclaration" value 208) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FollowingClassDeclaration" value 207))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "TypesDefined" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeClosure" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Module-Body" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Generate" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CmIdentification" value (value Text " %X% %Q% %Z% %W%")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CopyrightNotice" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FileName" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AllowExtensionlessFileName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeFormat" value (value Text |// $package |#include "$file" | )) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeBySimpleName" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludePrecompiledHeader" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeOrder" value "AMIR") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AdditionalIncludes" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InliningStyle" value ("InliningStyleSet" 207)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InliningStyleSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InClassDeclaration" value 208) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "FollowingClassDeclaration" value 207))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "TypesDefined" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IncludeClosure" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationKind" value ("OperationKindSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationKindSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationIsConst" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationIsExplicit" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Inline" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "EntryCode" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ExitCode" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BodyAnnotations" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "OperationIsOneWay" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Context" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Raises" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Has" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Ordered" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "the_$supplier") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberName" value "$relationship") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibility" value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AtRelationshipVisibility" value 210))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutability" value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutabilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unrestricted" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Mutable" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Const" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberIsVolatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberFieldSize" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InitialValue" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetName" value "get_$relationship") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetName" value "set_$relationship") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKinds" value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKindsSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ContainerClass" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SelectorName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SelectorType" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConstSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "False" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "True" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Same_As_Function" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetByReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ForwardReferenceOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateForwardReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IsReadOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BoundedHasRelType" value ("HasRelTypeSet" 47)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "HasRelTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Array" value 24) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Sequence" value 47))))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Association" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "the_$targetClass"))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Inherit" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InstanceArguments" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ForwardReferenceOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "NameIfUnlabeled" value "the_$targetClass") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberName" value "$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibility" value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AtRelationshipVisibility" value 210))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutability" value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutabilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unrestricted" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Mutable" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Const" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberIsVolatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberFieldSize" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InitialValue" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ContainerClass" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ContainerGet" value "$data.get($keys)") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ContainerSet" value "$data.set($keys,$value)") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedContainer" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassContainer" value "$supplier *") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassInitialValue" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKinds" value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKindsSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetByReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetName" value "get_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConstSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "False" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "True" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Same_As_Function" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetName" value "set_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetSetByReference" value ("QualifiedGetSetByReferenceSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetSetByReferenceSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "False" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "True" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Same_As_GetSetByReference" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateQualifiedGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetName" value "get_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedGetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineQualifiedGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateQualifiedSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedSetName" value "set_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "QualifiedSetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineQualifiedSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAssocClassDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassDataMemberName" value "$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassDataMemberVisibility" value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AtRelationshipVisibility" value 210))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassDataMemberMutability" value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutabilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unrestricted" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Mutable" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Const" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassDataMemberIsVolatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassGetSetKinds" value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAssocClassGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassGetName" value "get_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassGetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassGetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineAssocClassGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateAssocClassSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassSetName" value "set_$target") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassSetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineAssocClassSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocClassForwardReferenceOnly" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateForwardReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IsReadOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BoundedRoleType" value ("AssocTypeSet" 47)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AssocTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Array" value 24) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Sequence" value 47))))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateDataMember" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberName" value "$attribute") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibility" value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberVisibilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Public" value 45) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Protected" value 44) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Private" value 43) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Implementation" value 14) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "AtAttributeVisibility" value 211))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutability" value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberMutabilitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unrestricted" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Mutable" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Const" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberIsVolatile" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DataMemberFieldSize" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateGetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateSetOperation" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetName" value "get_$attribute") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetName" value "set_$attribute") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKinds" value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetKindsSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Common" value 200) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Virtual" value 201) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Abstract" value 202) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Static" value 203) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Friend" value 204))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetIsConst" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConst" value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetResultIsConstSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "False" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "True" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Same_As_Function" value 2))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GetSetByReference" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineGet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "SetReturnsValue" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "InlineSet" value TRUE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CaseSpecifier" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IsReadOnly" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Uses" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "ForwardReferenceOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "BodyReferenceOnly" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateForwardReference" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Subsystem" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Directory" value "AUTO GENERATE") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "DirectoryIsOnSearchList" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "PrecompiledHeader" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "default__Category" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "IsNamespace" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Indent" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "CodeName" value "") (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegions" value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3)) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "GenerateEmptyRegionSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "cg" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Preserved" value 1) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "Unpreserved" value 2) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "All" value 3))))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "propertyId" value "809135966") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Project" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Version" value "5.0"))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Class" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCClassTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCClassTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Interface_Part" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Connection_Part" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Class_Factory" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CObjectFunctionality" value ("CObjectFunctionalitySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CObjectFunctionalitySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dynamic" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dyncreate" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Serial" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateOverrideGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateDataGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DATA_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateFieldGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_FIELD_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateMessageGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateMessageMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_MSG_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MESSAGE_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEFactory" value ("OLEFactorySet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEFactorySet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "None" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Built_in" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Simple" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Licensed" value 3))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEName" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEClassID" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateOLECtlType" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLECtlType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateOLETypeLib" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLETypeLibID" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLETypeLibMajor" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLETypeLibMinor" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GeneratePropPageIDs" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLEPropPageIDs" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateDispatchMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockProperties" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockFunctions" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DispatchDefValue" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateDispIdEnum" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISP_ID_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateInterfaceMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "INTERFACE_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "InitInterface" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateEventMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENT_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "EVENT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockEvents" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateEventSinkMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENTSINK_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENTSINK_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "EVENTSINK_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PropNotifySinks" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateConnectionMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CONNECTION_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "ConnectionPointIID" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "InheritanceType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "OLECommands" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MFCDeclares" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MFCImplements" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "ATL_Declares" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateCOMMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "COM_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateConnectionPointMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CONNECTION_POINT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateMsgMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSG_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GeneratePropertyMap" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PROPERTY_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Operation" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCOperationTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCOperationTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Virtual_Override" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Message_Handler" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dispatch_Handler" value 3) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Event_Firing_Function" value 4) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Event_Sink_Handler" value 5) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Std_OLE_Method" value 6) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Command_Parser" value 7) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Property_Get_Function" value 8) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Property_Set_Function" value 9) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Property_Notify_Function" value 10) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Macro_Generated_Function" value 11))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_MSG_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MESSAGE_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "EVENT_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_EVENTSINK_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "EVENTSINK_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CallType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "BodyImage" value (value Text "")))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Role" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCAttributeTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCAttributeTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Member_Property" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Get_Set_Property" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dialog_Data" value 3) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Field_Data" value 4) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Stock_Property" value 5))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PointerBase" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CallType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockPropertyImplementation" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Has" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCAttributeTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCAttributeTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Member_Property" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Get_Set_Property" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dialog_Data" value 3) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Field_Data" value 4) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Stock_Property" value 5))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PointerBase" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CallType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockPropertyImplementation" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Attribute" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Type" value ("MSVCAttributeTypeSet" 0)) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "MSVCAttributeTypeSet" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Normal" value 0) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Member_Property" value 1) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Get_Set_Property" value 2) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Dialog_Data" value 3) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Field_Data" value 4) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "Stock_Property" value 5))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "DeclSpec" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "PointerBase" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "CallType" value "") (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "StockPropertyImplementation" value ""))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Module-Spec" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateIncludesGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_INCLUDES_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateInsertLocation" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "default__Module-Body" value (list Attribute_Set (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateIncludesGroup" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "AFX_INCLUDES_Entries" value (value Text "")) (object Attribute tool "MSVC" name "GenerateInsertLocation" value FALSE))) (object Attribute tool "cg" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE) (object Attribute tool "SCC" name "HiddenTool" value FALSE)) quid "38E702180346"))