#!/bin/sh # Shell Script to run the Java(tm) Plug-in control panel. # Parse the command-line options # -r means make associate with the container (i.e browser) # -u means remove the association with the container # -c provides the location of the container install # -j provides the location of the jre install # if neither -r or -u are specified, run the ControlPanel UI USAGE='usage: ControlPanel [ (-u scheme | -r scheme) -c cpath -j jrepath ]' JLERROR='ControlPanel: Error: Invalid JRE location: ' CLERROR='ControlPanel: Error: Invalid container location: ' IPERROR='ControlPanel: Error: Insufficient permission' ISERROR='ControlPanel: Error: Invalid scheme: ' check_container_dir() { if [ ! -d ${1} ]; then echo "${CLERROR}${2}" exit 1 fi if [ ! -w ${1} ]; then echo "${IPERROR}" exit 1 fi } link_logic() { if [ ${mode} = "reg" ]; then ln -s ${1} ${2} else rm -f ${2} fi } while getopts ":r:u:c:j:" opt; do case $opt in r ) mode="reg";no_ui="true";scheme=${OPTARG} ;; u ) mode="unreg";no_ui="true";scheme=${OPTARG} ;; c ) container_home=${OPTARG} ;; j ) java_home=${OPTARG} ;; : ) echo ${USAGE} exit 1 ;; \? ) echo ${USAGE} exit 1 ;; esac done if [ ${mode} ]; then if [ -z "${java_home}" -o -z "${container_home}" ]; then echo ${USAGE} exit 1 fi else if [ -n "${java_home}" -o -n "${container_home}" ]; then echo ${USAGE} exit 1 fi fi PRG=$0 progname=`basename $0` os=`uname -s` PLUGIN_VERSION=1.4.2_11 PLUGIN_NODOTVERSION=142_11 if [ "${os}" = "Linux" ]; then case "`uname -m`" in i[3-9]86 | ia32 | ia64 | x86_64 ) proc=i386 ;; sparc*) proc=sparc ;; *) proc="`uname -m`" ;; esac linktest="-L" else proc=`uname -p` linktest="-h" fi # Resolve symlinks. See 4152645. while [ "${linktest}" "${PRG}" ]; do ls=`/usr/bin/ls -ld "${PRG}"` link=`/usr/bin/expr "${ls}" : '^.*-> \(.*\)$'` if /usr/bin/expr "${link}" : '^/' > /dev/null; then PRG="${link}" else PRG="`dirname ${PRG}`/${link}" fi done APPHOME=`dirname "${PRG}"`/.. JREHOME=${APPHOME}/jre export APPHOME JREHOME # Where is JRE? unset jre if [ -f "${JREHOME}/lib/${proc}/libjava.so" ]; then jre="${JREHOME}" fi if [ -f "${APPHOME}/lib/${proc}/libjava.so" ]; then jre="${APPHOME}" fi if [ "x${jre}" = "x" ]; then echo "Error: can't find libjava.so." exit 1 fi if [ "${os}" = "Linux" ]; then P=`pwd` cd ${jre} jre=`pwd` cd ${P} fi if [ -n "${no_ui}" ]; then # Do the "right" thing based on the provided scheme. plugin_stem=${java_home}/plugin/${proc} if [ ! -d ${plugin_stem} ]; then echo "${JLERROR}${java_home}" exit 1 fi case ${scheme} in ns4 | ns4E ) plugin_location="${plugin_stem}/ns4" if [ ${mode} = "reg" ]; then echo "${plugin_location}" fi ;; ns4L ) plugin_location="${plugin_stem}/ns4" filename=`ls ${plugin_location}` container_target="${container_home}/plugins" check_container_dir ${container_target} ${container_home} link_logic ${plugin_location}/${filename} ${container_target}/${filename} ;; ns610 | ns610L ) plugin_location="${plugin_stem}/ns610" filename=`ls ${plugin_location}` container_target="${container_home}/plugins" check_container_dir ${container_target} ${container_home} link_logic ${plugin_location}/${filename} ${container_target}/${filename} ;; * ) echo ${ISERROR}${scheme} exit 1 esac else ${APPHOME}/bin/java -Djavaplugin.user.profile=${USER_JPI_PROFILE} -Djavaplugin.version=${PLUGIN_VERSION} -Djavaplugin.nodotversion=${PLUGIN_NODOTVERSION} -classpath ${jre}/lib/plugin.jar:${jre}/lib/javaplugin_l10n.jar sun.plugin.panel.ControlPanel fi