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RVM: Recoverable Virtual Memory, Release 1.3

Henry M. Mashburn, Mahadev Satyanarayanan, David Steere, Yui W. Lee,
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Thanks "This research was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Avionics Lab, Wright Research and Development Center, Aeronautical Systems Division (AFSC), U.S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 45433-6543 under Contract F33615-90-C-1465, ARPA Order No. 7597). The views and conclusions in this document are those of the authors and do not represent the official policies of the funding agency or Carnegie Mellon University."17 September 1997

"RVM provides an unstructured recoverable virtual memory. The recoverable storage is represented by Unix files or disk partitions that applications can map at page granularity into the address space of a process. Simple, non-nested atomic transactions guarantee permanence of changes to recoverable storage across system crashes. Applications can schedule transaction logging actions to enhance performance. The design stresses simplicity, ease of use, and high performance. Unix compatibility is standard, while optional Mach-specific extensions are supported for additional flexibility and performance. RVM has been extensively used in the clients and servers of the Coda File System, and in the Venari system.",

1. Introduction

2. The RVM Design

3. RVM Library Specifications

4. Library Functions

5. RVM Segment Loader

6. RDS, A Dynamic Heap Allocator for RVM

7. RVM Internals

8. rvmutl, the RVM Maintenance Utility


9. RVM Import and Installation Instructions

10. C Declaration for RVM

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